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Allison Cotton - Navigating Business with Human Design
Episode 24428th February 2024 • The You World Order Showcase Podcast • Jill
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In this enlightening episode, Allison Cotton explores the transformative power of human design for women in business, emphasizing intuition for wealth creation. She discusses shifts in energies, introduces the Higher Guidance Meditation for connecting with the higher self, and concludes with a focus on embracing individuality and contributing authentically to the collective.

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Hi and welcome to the.


You World Order Showcase Podcast today we are speaking with Allison Cotton. Allison is a soul connector who teaches women's women in business to harness their intuition.


For wealth all about that.


Welcome to the show, Allison. It's so.


Good to have you here.


Thank you, Jill. Thank you for having me. I'm so excited to have this conversation today.


Really, really excited too. You were talking a little bit about human design, so let's first give you the opportunity to tell us how you got into all of this and then we'll look at that and.


Alright, so much going on. I'm so excited.


All right. I'll start from the beginning. So back in 2012, my marriage broke down.


And I was suddenly becoming a single mom with two small children and went. Holy crap. What am I going to do? How am I going to manage this? You.


Know single income etcetera.


Etcetera. So had a mini panic.


Attack, then the universe said chill.


We got this, we got you.


Found human design at that time too. And as we were talking earlier, I looked at my human design and went ohh no this is.


A bit too much now. I'll put it aside.


And didn't come back to it for.


About 12 months.


I think I just needed to settle in for the single mum life with the two kids and get.


Organized that way.


I then jumped it back on the human design bandwagon and went ohh. This resonates a lot. This sounds like me. This sounds like my children holy crackers and so I just started experimenting and that's a beautiful thing about human design it it's an experiment.


With all the complexity that it has, this to me was something that I could play with. It was tangible because it gave me information that I went Oh yeah, that makes sense to me. And I moved with that energy and I'm naturally intuitive. So I kind of.


Just went with the flow.


11 years later, 2023, I'm teaching women in business to harness their intuition.


And create more wealth in their business by using that as a tool to help them quantum leap.


You know it's powerful.


How does that mean?


How does?


That work that the quantum maybe.


I I'm so.


Oh, uninformed when it comes to human design. I know I've had people on who've talked about it before, but it just like I know there's different categories and I kind of know.


So there's five types, yes. OK. So out of those five types, you are either a generator.


Manifesting generator, projector, reflector, or manifester.


Now there's components of that make up the part. The portion of you know, the 8 billion people that.


We have in the world.


So for the most of it, 70% of the population are generators or manifesting generators. That's me included on the generator. Around 20% of the population are projectors, about 9% are manifestors, and then you have the reflectors, which are only 1%.


Which I think is increasing as we start to.


Sort of become more.


5D, spiritually minded, more awake in the world as such, because I think the stats now are about one in 100 will be a reflector, so it's kind of a little bit more than that 1%.


So things are shifting.


When it comes to, you know, new babies being born and it's not so many generators anymore, there's more of this or more that. So it's really interesting.


To see that shift.


Really interesting. I wonder if it has something to do with the more.


Consciousness aware people are the more.


Absolutely. But there's more, there's.


There's a bigger plan, right? The universe is coming to, you know, cycles. We're cycling people, right. The world is coming to a cyclic ending.


You know by human design in 2027, we're going to be moving out of, you know, this particular thing and into this particular thing. And it's just it's not, it's not going to be like an overnight thing where suddenly we're just going to wake up tomorrow and it's all going to be this thing. Now it's like the age of Aquarius when we moved into.


Into that, you know, it happened in December, but we're kind of still flowing through it, still learning the ropes and understanding.


How this works?


You know it it'll be the same for that. That quantum leap that's happening in in 2027 with the human design.


Right. You know, we move into the sleeping Phoenix, which is a completely different way of being. And as you said earlier, like the world is awakening, we're becoming more conscious every single day. I think I also heard that there's about 1,000,000 people per day waking up to spirituality.


Like becoming awake.


Like having their spiritual awakening and it's crazy.


You know.


It is and the number of people leaving religion is like.


Oh yeah.


Like. It's like the like, the scales fell off their eyes and they're just.


Like crap.


I don't have to stay in this little box where I'm controlled, I can.


That's why I'm on.


I can be this being I was created to be.


And the powerful thing is that of that right, because I grew up in a religious household where we all went to church on Sundays, etcetera.


Etcetera. But I can still have I still take on a religion of some sort, but it's not one particular divinity, divinity or, you know, it's not just Catholic. It's not just Anglican, whatever it may be.


I believe that there is a higher power. There is a spiritual being out there that is looking after me.


Right. If you want to put the word God to it, then you put the word God to.


It I don't. I put the word universe I.


Put the word source I put myself.


It's my own religion of some sort.


I put that more in the Awakening category though, that the possibilities are endless. You're not tied to one set of dogma and in tying yourself to one set of dogma, I found that everybody's.


Tied to a different dogma.


They don't. They don't even actually realize it, that nobody has the same nobody believes exactly the same, even if they think they do.


Even if it was in the box, they still don't believe the same thing because everyone has a different perception.


Just like little holes in the box or the little containers inside the box.


And they're containers, but they're all still in the box.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Yeah. So tell me about this, this new thing that's coming the new.


The return.


The new paradigm.


The new the.


Well, I think we're already going through it, right. It's been taught. It's been spoken about. I mean, people use the words new Earth people use the words 5D.


It's just an evolutionary process that we're going through to make it a tangible aspect. We make it sound like it's a new Earth. We make it sound.


Like it's a 5D.


Right. But it is just so many people waking up to their own power, realising that the world is not a box that we can be put into.


And we are just evolving, you know, and it to me the word 5D, the word, you know, new Earth is really just a better place to live.


You know are more congruent, harmonious.


Earth that we are shifting into and it might not feel like that right now. I'm sure. I'm sure the listeners here are going to be kidding me. Like everything's crazy. Have you seen this? Have you seen that?


But I truly believe that if we.


Harness our own intuition.


Our own inner guidance from source from.


God, wherever it comes.


From and we are authentic in our expression of that.


You know.


Harmony will come, you know, and that's where we're moving into.


Right. It's an evolutionary process that we're going into.


And we all create our own realities no matter what and.


100% our thoughts are our reality, whether we like them or not.


Yes, you may as well you know.


Think of better things.


We'll make it good.


Of it.


Yes, and it's quite funny because I mean, I have three dogs here and one of my dogs is called Ubuntu.


And he gave me that name. And we'll go into a little bit of an esoteric moment here, but when we first got him, he was a native Australian animal.


And he was given to us by the Graces of God, by the grace.


Of the universe.


And he told me his name was Ubuntu.


And when I looked it up, I found that it was as it was African. It was an African philosophy.


And it states that Ubuntu is means I am because you are.


Meaning that we are all connected in this world.


Through spirit.


And that I am who I am because of you. And because of you and because of everyone that we are.


So I kind of get that reminder here at.


Me every day.


Yeah, yeah, I do too. I and I love that, though, because if we're all connected and we are, and then we're all responsible for each other, there's not like one is better than the other. We don't have to compete for things because there's plenty to go around.


And each of us is.


Unique. How can you compete with somebody who's different from you? It's like an apple saying I want to be an orange. Well, you're an apple. And you have beautiful qualities for being an apple. Why would you want to be an orange? Can't you just appreciate the orange for being the orange?


And this this supply.


How many times as a teenager did you want curly hair cause you had straight hair or you wanted straight hair cause you had curly hair?


Yeah, but we don't have to be like that anymore. We can just appreciate the fact that we either have straight hair and if somebody does have curly hair, you can admire that feature on them.


And recognize that, you know it's a.


Challenge for them too.


Everything comes with its own package of, you know, blessings and challenges.


There's not like the perfect thing.




Yeah. And I think too if we can go into a more accepting state of being.


Things will shift quite quickly.


And people being more.


Curious than dogmatic about what they want and what they how they believe things are it. If somebody comes to you and says something that you are like you absolutely don't agree with, but you don't really understand either. If you can just.


Reserve judgment and just be.


About it.


And rest.


With the idea that you don't actually have to form an opinion about it.


It can just be it can just be whatever it is, whatever they said.


Doesn't have to be your reality.


That you can respect theirs so.


That's alright.


I feel that's coming more.


It is very much. There's a lot of that within.


The global.


Collectiveness right now, like you know, you see all these people that are expressing themselves and their authenticity. And we have so much judgment on it.


Yeah, but you don't have to have a judgement judgment when you judge somebody else. It puts all the onus on you. The only person that really is harmed by judging someone else's yourself because that other person.


That's not.


It's a.


Part of you that you don't want to see.


Yeah, yeah.


The other person is like they're doing whatever they're doing. It's none of your business really.


If you don't like it, look away.


That's right.


Yeah, you have free will to do whatever you're going to do for yourself.


I know you have this.


Higher guidance meditation and I want to talk to you a little bit about this. I did get it and I.


Told you earlier.


I'm it's on my agenda for tonight.


Before I go to sleep.


She's looking forward to it.


I am really looking forward to it and tell.


Me about it.


Tell me how you how you decided to do it and how it connects with what you're doing and.


But I'm going to walk away with.


I have. I got this. I channeled this meditation because I believe that every woman should be wildly successful in whatever.


They choose to do.


And if you can connect and harness your intuition.


Which is part of.


That meditation is connecting to your higher self.


Making a relationship with her or him.


In whatever capacity that is for you, that will make you trust.


That will make you believe that.


It's totally possible for you.


And so the meditation is.


Just really guiding you to that.


Relationship with yourself once again.


Connecting in with your higher self.


I like that and.


It is so true that if.


If you can't love yourself and understand.


Who you are.


Like nobody else is going to.


Nobody else is going to get it. You're just going to repel people because.


If you don't love yourself, why should they?


Love you.


That's a big part of it, isn't it?


You know this whole self love putting yourself first. It used to be called being.


Selfish. But I think.


People need to be selfish because the more selfish you are and the more you try to understand who you are and you have, you know, healthy boundaries in your life, the more you can contribute to the community.


At A at as a.


Whole because you yourself are in alignment with who you're supposed to be.


And you can present.


That you can present yourself in the way that you're supposed to be presented versus trying to fit in and pretend that you're something else. It's like, you know, the apple trying to pretend that they're the orange, even though they're clearly an apple. And so they're trying to, like, be attractive to people that like oranges.


That they're not an orange. So they're, you know.


That's exactly right. And we all have our own core frequency and I suppose this meditation is to really connect to that core frequency, like who, who am I on that level and how can I express myself because our human experience is a physical and emotional one.


Right. We come in with a soul.


Human design shows us, and I thoroughly I firmly believe that in human design there's two aspects to us. We have a subconscious and a conscious which is shown on your blueprint.


That subconscious energy arrives in your body in your physical body, in your mother's womb, 88 days before you were born.


So 88 days before you were.


Physically born as per human design.


You your soul enters a physical body for an experience you've chosen that soul you've chosen that experience.


And then everything from there, we have to remember our soul. We have to remember the purpose that we're here for.


Right. And so uncovering that.


Is just a beautiful expression of who we are.


And everyone goes through trauma. No one gets through childhood without experience and trauma because trauma is what we have chosen in order to be the Crucible that allows us to emerge being the.




The human that we're supposed to be, that we're here to be and.


If you can get.


And The thing is, their lessons.


Past the stuck.


Yeah. And the trauma are lessons, too. Like our soul came here for a reason. Like, why did our soul choose? Now, there is a reason why our soul chose now into this 2023.


Right. Our sole chose a reason to come here. What is that reason?


When you connect to your source, when you connect to your higher self, you find that reason.


It's called your sole purpose.


That's why you're here doing this beautiful podcast.


Yeah, it is. It's like one of those things that it finally connected and clicked with me that this was what I needed to do.


Yeah, for sure.


In order to.


I'm sorry Allison had to get up.


For a second.


My dog was tapping.


At the door completely.


Matching average. So now I have the second one who wants to win. This is the joys of.


I have.


At home. Come on, Mr.


And working at home and having dogs. I have dogs and cats too and.


My puppy when he was really little, I would have him in here because I.


I didn't dare leave him.


Outside of my office unattended.


And he would.


He would.


Start barking random time these podcast interviews so there are a variety of.


Interviews earlier on.


That have a lot of little dog barking in it.


I look, I go live every single week and.


It's, you know, at the most untimely times, the dogs decide that even though there is no one here, they have decided that there is someone here and they're going to tell the world about it. So


I know all about that too.


Yeah, but you know it's.


And people are so great and accepting, it's fantastic.


I love I love the zoom and I love the working from home and I've worked from home for.


Maybe 25 years now, 26 years and.


And I've raised little kids and the thing.


That I love is that.


Kids are part of life and for the longest time we just wanted to shove them into daycare and pretend like eventually they were going to be adults and they we could put them in business and they could work. But really, you know, you have kids, they're supposed to be part of your life. I homeschooled the last three of my 5:00 and.


It was just.


So great to be able to interact with them.


Throughout the day and establish a connection with them and a rhythm, and if they came in while I was working, they came in while I was working. They were just going to be on the computer or they were going to be heard on the on.


The phone call.


It's OK and I like that. I've had guests who who've had their kids.


Have shown up and they're like, I'm so sorry and I'm, you know, it's life and it's great.


No more. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Like I don't know how many times my kids have stuck a hand in and just, you know, a little wave and.


Like show your face? Nope.


We need to normalize that. We need to normalize, you know.


Business and entrepreneurship as part of your life. It is not.


Absolutely. It's not separate. And this is where the relationship comes in.


Not separate.


Right. Your business has its own relationship energy to you. Your higher self has its own relationship energy to you.


Your physical human experience has its own relationship.


To your body.


Right, because your emotions may react differently to my emotions.


That's really interesting.


No, we're not all one size. Yeah. And we're not all one size like you might be size 10.


I might be size 12.


Like, we're not all identical.


And we're not supposed to be.


It goes back to that.


Just close.


That whole competition thing I I'm really. I'm all about competition.


I'm. I'm coining a new word.


You want to.


Say and I haven't heard that one before.


It's coopetition. It's where.


Where everybody comes together, they're being their best self. Like I'm going to be my best apple and you're going to be your best orange and I can appreciate your orange Ness. And you can appreciate me being an apple, but I don't have to be an orange and you don't have to be an apple. But together we make a great fruit.


Ohh yeah, and that reminds me of human design with those five types we mentioned earlier, all of us we might be segmented into a type per say, but we each have a unique gift that we bring to the table.


To make the fruit bowl, the.


Fruit platter, whatever it is.


Yeah, yeah.


And even though there's the five types, there's.


There's nuances in all of those types that are like.


My bottling to me but.


To go into the complexity.


Well, yes, as part of that, there's 64 gates that.


Sequence around our human design. Now we only.


Capture 32 of those so we only capture half of those.


Right. And not everyone has the same caption. Not everyone has the same photograph, like the same blueprint.


Right. There will be commonalities where we all might have the same gait on the same, you know.


In the same planet, for example, our Sun sign, most people who were born on a certain day will all have the same sun sign, but every other earth moon planet will be different.


Yeah, because it does relate to astrology, and astrology is like.


It does, yeah.


It depends on when you were born, what time you were born and where you were born, what the sky was doing, and where things were. Planets were in relation to stars and it's.


You know the difference of two hours? Two people born at the exact same spot on the exact same day. They're different and they're astrological. Descriptions are all different. It's.


That's right.


Yeah. And so we might be all areas or we might be all Scorpios you know, because we're born, we're born in a certain time period, but the reflection of that is completely different through experience, through emotion, through.


It's amazing.


Our awareness and our actions.


So I wonder if we don't even pick the exact moment that we're supposed to be born.


I don't think we do.


Do you did your children come on time? Did they come to the exact date that the doctor gave you?


It's interesting that if all of these things.


Explain stuff to you.


And if we decide beforehand that this is the experience we want to have.


I wonder if that isn't a possibility.


And no, my children all came.


When they decided it was time to.


Go well, that's right. And I mean.


Yeah, it's the universe is just always in flux.


It's always in motion. There's always moving. There's.


Always something happening.


It's the energy. This energy is what holds it all together and it flows through everything.


I don't think they.


Yeah. And I don't think any woman who hasn't predetermined their surgery for a baby. You know, your baby comes when your baby comes Sunday night at 7:00 or 2:00 AM on Friday morning.


Well, even if.


You prearranged your surgery and had a C-section.


I'm not so sure that the universe couldn't just.


Have decided to chat.


Oh, the universe can.


Change that on a whim, like suddenly you're not having pre surgery. You're having the baby now. Well, yeah.


That I think the universe has.


Has a grand plan and that.


Each piece fits in exactly as it's supposed to. Each person goes through life exactly as they're supposed to.


And we do have.


What might call free?


Will, but I think a lot of that is just.


The journey, it's the story unfolding for you. It's the lessons you're learning and what you're doing with the lessons and.


And it I don't believe that it ends when you pass, you're just passing and then you're gonna.


Have a different experience.


Yes, that's exactly right.


So interesting. Yeah, I.


I love this stuff so much.


So how do you?


Work with people. Is it one-on-one?


Is it group? Is it?


I have tried many things over the years and my intuition really, really guides me on how I work with people. So three years ago it was in person and then COVID hit so we couldn't really do.


Then I went online and I started doing.


One on ones.


And I tried the group thing but the group thing sort of never took off, even though my intuition was kind.


Of like, just give it a whirl.


And it didn't take off, so I stuck.


To the one on ones now.


In 2023 for well since the beginning of 2023, I've done group programs. I've done that four times and that.


Was highly successful.


And I was still getting one-on-one clients.


But there were less so. Instead of having, you know, 15 in a month, I would have.


Maybe 5:00, but that was also covered.


By the 10 that were inside my program. So essentially there were still 15, but just working in a different fashion.


So I really.


Follow my intuition and my guidance of when and where and what.


That looks like.


I love that. I love that.


And so how do people join your offers?


You can join my e-mail list.


Like you did by selecting your higher self meditation.


I also have a chakra balance.


I do offer mini 15 minute hot seats that will basically give you a brief overview of your human design.


And you know where a point at where we can start working.


Together with because there's a.


Different point for everybody. It might not be where I think it needs to be, and once I work intuitively and I channel, I mean I truly believe that we channel all the time, even when we're speaking now we're channeling.


Because you don't know what you're going to.


Say next until someone prompts you.


And unless you're actively.


Causing and thinking of the thought that you want.


To say you're literally just channeling.


Really interesting for a.


Thought of it that way.


But I'll have to ponder that.


Ponder that one, ponder that one. We're we are like I said earlier, we have a core frequency and that core frequency is like a radio. It tunes in to all the different things.


Right. And if you're listening, if you're really, really listening, if you're pausing, if you're slowing down.


You will hear what it's telling you.


Fascinating. So how can people get in touch with you?


You're welcome to contact me on Facebook, on Instagram, via my e-mail.


They're the major places.


That I hang out. I also hang out on TikTok. Now there's.


That seems to be the groovy thing to do.


And I love TikTok, I really do. But I haven't. I haven't intuitive like I'm getting that nudge to go down that route, but I haven't quite.


Taken all of that in yet it's kind of.


Like, how does that look like? What does that look like?


Yeah, and each platform has its own nuances and different things that they want from you.


Yeah, that's right. But my main part for me is Facebook. I go live every single week there on my Facebook page. I actually go live every week and we follow the solar transit of the human design mandala. So for 365 days.


Out of those 64 gates, they transit through the sun's energy, so the masculine energy the moon is the feminine.


So when we follow the moon and the.


Flow happens quite significantly quite quickly because we know by human design what gate we're going through this week, and you can navigate it.


So as an.


Example this week, as we're having this conversation on in December is we're going through gate 5, which is the gate of consistency. So if you can wrangle.


Gated consistency this week. How can I look at becoming more consistent?


And creating better habits for myself, right? We're just about to lead into.


A new year?


That's kind of the planning phase as a business owner, it's like how can I be more consistent in 2024? Well, this is that perfect week to have a look at that energy. It's flowing to us already. It's within us. It's like the moon when we do it.


In Scorpio, we all.


Know that it's going to be this type of moon and this.


Type of flow.


The sun can do.


The exact same thing for us.


On a weekly basis.


It's really interesting how that.




How that actually shows up in your life? Because there's times when I've done.


Projects and.


It's like I just. It was so hard.


And other times I'm doing the same project and it's like.


It's just so easy.


I think it's just the energy.


It would be really, really interesting to know what your human design is and then using like harnessing that.


As part of your.


Business and your energy flow.


Like for me, I know that I'm a generator, so that means that I have boundless and boundless amounts of energy. When I'm doing the right things. If I'm doing all the wrong things, I'm gonna.


Burn out pretty quick.


I think I'm a manifesting generator. I think that's what we decided when.


I had the little.


Thing done, but I don't have.


Little children.


Any idea about the gate?


It was as far as we go.


But that's OK, that can be just enough to know right? As I said earlier, with the five types, if you know your type.


You know how automatically your energy is flowing to the universe, so 70% of generators are manifesting generators are Energizer bunnies. They're very much working bees as the community.


Right. But we are also the other types are influenced by that energy.


Because we're such working bees and I was doing this with my son, like getting him.


Up to go to school.


He's not A5 ammer like I am.


Trying to get him out of bed was.


Just like a killer.


But once I understood how he managed his type, like how he how he energetically operated, it was like right. I can get my son into a easier routine where he will get up in.


The morning, especially when he was young.


You know, at the age of 7.


No kid wants to get up for school.


Yeah, no.


But if I could put him.


To bed early enough.


Because knowing that he needed more rest than I did.


If I could manage his sleep wait times, then his energy levels would be higher. His chance of waking up at 7:00 AM for the school bus would be higher.


And things would be easier.


And that was one of the things with homeschooling that I really appreciated was that I didn't have to wake kids up. And I really think that young kids should just be able to sleep until they're done sleeping, and they should be able to establish the circadian rhythm that they were born with because we all have a rhythm. That's.


All right.


That feels good for us like.


I can wake up at 5:00 in the morning.


And I just wake up.


It's like I'm awake. I'm ready to go. I've. I've got things to do and I'm excited for the day and I feel good.


But I know my husband. Man, if you wake him up before 8:00 in the morning and we both go to.


Bed at the same time.


That's my husband too.


He's just like.


Dragging all day.


That's my husband, too. Don't worry, we're in the.


Same boat.


I kind of like the morning hours, though. Sometimes he threatens to wake up early and I'm like.


No, no, it's all good.


I want those hours to myself.


That's the joy of being the 5:00 AM. Or is it? No, none of the world is awake yet.


You can do what you bloody please.


And yeah.


I love it. It's still.


Dark out and.


And all the stuff.


Winters can get hard though, yeah.


This has.


Been an absolute pleasure chatting with you, Allison. Is there one thing that you want to leave the audience with today that you hope they take away from our conversation?


I want you to believe in yourself.


Believe that this is possible for you, believing that the universe always has your back.


And that your intuition is on point, because that's the biggest hang up with women in business. They don't trust their intuition enough to follow the guidance, especially when it comes to their business, because they're stuck in that money.


I need money to get clients and need clients to get money. I need clients and need money. I need clients, need money.


You know, if they would just stop and listen to their intuition for 5 minutes.


It will be surprising where it takes them.


So trust yourself.


Trust yourself. We'll leave it with that. Thank you so much for joining me today, Allison.


Thank you for.


Having me, it's been an absolute pleasure.



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