Are you ready to think beyond the massage table? Then get ready to dive into fascia and structural integration! I sat down with Lauren Keller, a trusted referral partner and expert in structural integration, to explore this unique treatment approach.
Lauren brings over seven years of experience in practicing Structural Integration. She first discovered Structural Integration in undergrad at Adelphi University where she got her degree in Psychology. She was studying Somatic Psychology when she was asked to write a research paper about an alternative treatment modality and this is where she fell in love with the work and set the path to her becoming a skilled practitioner.
If you are ready to discover the potential of structural integration and how it can contribute to your overall health, then this is the episode for you! We explore what structural integration is and how it is different from regular massage therapy, how you can utilize structural integration and we also cover the most common complaints that bring people into this modality. Plus, Lauren will give us an insider's view of what an appointment with her looks like guiding us from start to finish. Let’s dive in!
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