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054 Become The $10 Million Version Of Yourself Right Here, Right Now (3 Step Process)
Episode 54 โ€ข 18th July 2024 โ€ข A Changed Mind | Mindset That Matters โ€ข David Bayer
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In this episode, we discuss the transformative concept called "Identity Shifting". We take a look at the three-step process on how to get absolute clarity on your future vision: identify who you need to be within that vision, audit your current thoughts and behaviors, and implement a daily practice to reinforce your future self now.

Join us in this episode to learn how to shift your identity and discover how to be present and enjoy the each moment, despite external setbacks life sends your way.


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What We Explored This Episode

00:02:32: Mental Frameworks

00:03:33: Identity Shifting Process

00:08:38: Mental Frameworks

00:15:45: Identity Shifting for Accelerating Potential

00:20:22: Identity Shifting for Personal Growth

00:25:10: Mental Framework for Achieving Goals

00:40:15: Mental Framework for Success

00:45:00: Identity Shifting and Future Self

Memorable Quotes

"Worry is a habit. No matter how much money you have, you're going to always worry about financial insecurity until you develop a new habit of feeling financially secure."
"We think that we're going to arrive at some future destination where we've just become King David or Queen Carol or the best version of yourself. But the way that actually happens is to practice that now."
"If you practice being that future version of you now, it accelerates your ability to tap into those thoughts, those emotions, those actions, those ideas, and to create those synchronicities."๏ปฟ

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Hey, it's David. Welcome to A Changed Mind, A Sanctuary for Your Spirit, a place where each and every episode I will remind you of the certainty of the goodness of the future. I am your friend, your host, your guide, David Bayer. I am really excited about this episode. In today's episode, I'm going to talk to you about how to collapse the gap between where you are today and the future that you envision. The wealth, the health, the material things, the clarity, the fastest way to accelerate your potential. And it's called identity shift. And I just taught this process to my 100K private clients, and I'm going to give you this step-by-step process, so stay until the end, take notes if you can, because this is really powerful and it has four parts. The first part is getting absolute clarity and defining what you want your future vision to look like. The next step is to identify who you would need to be within that vision. The third piece is to audit your current thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. And the fourth is a simple daily practice that I'm going to give you in order to start reinforcing your future self now. Now this is one of the tools that I use to go from broke and really unclear about what I wanted to do in the world and in my life to creating a $30 million coaching company with the woman of my dreams, helping millions of people, and feeling really good about myself and my life. So if you've been in personal growth for a while, you understand this idea that your thoughts are creating your reality. And that if you want to, for example, get out of financial insecurity, you have to have thoughts and feelings like you're wealthy now. Or if you're struggling in your health or you have chronic pain or a chronic health condition, the key to materializing wellness is to have thoughts and feelings that right here, right now, you are healthy and then you'll manifest health for yourself. But the challenge is how do we do that? How can you think and feel a certain way consistently and long enough to change your reality when your reality is right in front of you as evidence of the fact that you don't have enough money or you aren't healthy or you are alone or your relationship isn't working. So I'm going to give you this four-step process, super powerful, it's called Identity Shifting, and it's going to allow you to shift your thoughts and shift your emotions right here, right now, so that you can bring your future self into the present moment and start accelerating the change that you're looking for. I'm going to start by sharing with you how I discovered this process. And it was during Christmas, I was running an online challenge and I had some goals in terms of how that challenge was going to form and enroll people into some of our courses and our programs. And I put a lot of energy and a lot of effort into it. I applied the best scientific marketing principles I could. It was phenomenal content. And I had run this online marketing campaign before, so I knew how it had performed in the past. I had about 100 people enroll into the program. My new goal was 200 people. I ran a series of webinars, put a lot of energy and effort into it, and 20 people enrolled. And it was really confusing. Frankly, it felt devastating. It didn't make any sense. And I had just finished what's called the cart close, where we closed the program, and it was around December 22nd. And I came down into the living room. And in the living room, everything was set up for this beautiful Christmas. It was the first Christmas we were having in our new home in Puerto Rico. It was really the first Christmas for my son, Gabriel, because in his first Christmas, he was like four months old. Now he was conscious and aware. There's Christmas carols playing. My wife and my mother-in-law, her mother, are putting presents under the Christmas tree. And everybody's having a great time. And I realized I'm really stuck in my head. I was like, why didn't this thing work out for me? And what is this going to mean for our business? And how is this going to impact us financially? Because it was during a period of contraction in our business, and I started worrying about money. And I started questioning, what did I do wrong? You know, the common thoughts and patterns that so many of us are living in on a daily basis. And I had this thought, which was, well, if I had another $10 million in the bank, I wouldn't even be worried about it. And then there was sort of this inner voice that said, really? This worry is a habit. No matter how much money you have, you're going to always worry about financial insecurity until you develop a new habit of feeling financially secure. And so in this inner conversation I was having, I was like, okay, well, if I was confident, let's say I was $10 million Dave, so that whatever happened in this marketing campaign really had no material impact on me. How would $10 million Dave be thinking, feeling, and doing right now in the living room just before Christmas with his son and the Christmas carols playing in a beautiful tree and his wife and his mother-in-law? And I realized that this identity, $10 million Dave, was a confident Dave. It was a secure Dave. It was a David who would have experienced that missed expectation around the marketing campaign and said, oh, that's really no big deal. What can I learn? And that David would be enjoying the time with his son. That David would be appreciating the Christmas carol. That David would say to his wife and his mother-in-law, wow, you've done such an amazing job decorating Christmas. This is such an incredible experience that we're going to have, really, this first Christmas with our son. And so I actually did those. I stopped worrying about what I did wrong. I stopped questioning whether or not this was going to have a financial impact on me. I stopped all of the worry, and I started, in that moment, being $10 million. And $10 million Dave wasn't someone who was on a private jet or buying a big yacht. $10 million Dave was a guy who was present to his family in this beautiful experience in our living room just before Christmas. So in that moment, I started to identify. I started being $10 million Dave now. So I want you to start thinking about what you want in your future. I'm sure that you want more financial abundance. I'm sure that you have goals and dreams. You want your business to grow. You want to start your own business. You want your relationship to be amazing with your partner. This is the first part of this four-step process. I want you to list out, whether you're listening and you make mental note, or you're actually writing this down, I want you to list out your goals. It might be to be a best-selling author. It might be to run big events. It might be to elevate yourself in your career and become a senior vice president within your organization. It might be for you to be flexible and healthy and feel great in your body, because right now that's not your experience. What is your dream vision look like? And this is part one. And if you are writing this out, I basically create three columns on a page. And in the first column, I write down what all of my future goals and dreams are. Then I want you to assume that these goals and dreams are already complete. And in column two, I want you to write down how you would be feeling, what you would be thinking and what you would be doing, knowing that everything that you set out to achieve was already accomplished. And so, for example, you wouldn't be worrying about your finances. You would feel financially secure. You would be generous with your money. You'd probably be donating more and be giving philanthropy or starting another business. If you were feeling healthy and vibrant, you would be exercising. You would be moving. You would be appreciating your body. You wouldn't be spending time worrying about whether this chronic health condition was ever going to go away. If, for example, you want to have an extraordinary relationship, whether you're in a relationship right now that's not extraordinary or you're not in your soulmate relationship, if you were in your soulmate relationship because that were part of your vision, that was one of your goals in column one, then what would you be thinking, feeling, and doing differently as a result of that already having been accomplished? You'd be relaxed in the relationship realm of your life. You wouldn't be on dating apps. You wouldn't be worried that you'd be alone for the rest of your life. You would be confident and secure knowing that you had finally met your soulmate. And this has a ripple effect. You can write down some other qualities of this future version of yourself. You might be more peaceful overall. You might be more calm. You might be more compassionate. You might be more present in the present moment. For me, again, in that moment, if I was my future self, what I would be doing was listening and appreciating the beautiful music, paying attention to the lights and the ornaments on the tree. And I could describe that as being present for the beautiful experiences of my life. So that's in column two. And at the top of column two, I want you to name this future version, right? Maybe it's Confident Chris. Maybe it's Peaceful Patty, right? For me, it was $10 million David or King David, right? When I'm showing up as King David, or you're showing up as Queen Carol, right? Or you're showing up as Princess Samantha, right? Or Prince Jonathan, you know, how are you showing up at your best? What is the name that you give that version? As you know that everything that you've ever set out to achieve is already complete. Because so much of the friction that we experience in our lives is this gap between where we want to be and where we are. That's the friction. That's where our limiting beliefs and our traumas insert themselves. The feeling like we're not good enough, comparing us to other people. If you had already accomplished everything you set out to accomplish, would you be comparing yourself to other people in your Facebook or Instagram or social media newsfeed? No, of course you wouldn't. So when you think about how King You or Queen You would be showing up, you'd be utilizing social media to share the joys of your life and to appreciate what other people are sharing and achieving. That's how you'd be using social media, as King or Queen You. The third column is who you're being today. And really, who you're being at what I would call like your lesser self. Who you're being in your limiting belief. Who you're being in your fear. What are the limiting beliefs, the thoughts, the feelings, action that you're engaging in? Because you actually have a fear that you're never going to accomplish this full potential. This experience of financial insecurity, procrastination, self-sabotage, indecision, comparing yourself to other people, worrying that you don't have enough, worrying that you're not good enough, codependent, people please. These are all the defense mechanisms that we're using as the current version of ourself that don't serve us. They reveal what in recovery we call our character defect or our character flaws. And it's important for you to audit our inventory. So this is what I would put in a third column. These are all the ways that you're being right now. Actually thinking that this is the way to achieve your goals. So just notice this. These are, and I make a sports analogy, these are the plays that you're running. Actually thinking that you're going to achieve your goals this way. You think that worrying about money is going to help you achieve the financial abundance that is part of your vision or your future. You think that worrying at an unconscious level, that worrying that you're not good enough or that you're not doing good enough is going to help you achieve your goal. You're believing that hustle and grind and controlling your circumstances and responding out of anger is a way to actually achieve your goals and your vision. This is what we do. At an unconscious level, we're running these really bad plays, thinking they're going to take us to the promised land, when in reality, these are exactly the plays that will keep us where we are. The plays that you want to be running, again, if you make a sports analogy like a basketball team or a football team, they run plays on the field or plays on the court. The plays that you want to be running are the psychological, emotional, and action-taking plays that are in your set call that you already complete. Whatever future self now already realized would be doing in the present moment. Those are the plays that if you run them consistently over time, will actually produce outcomes of the dreams you have in column one. As you do this now, I want you to name that lesser, less mature, it's not the higher self version of you, character that you're being today. For me, it's worrisome day, David the worrier, overwhelmed day. Now you're very clear on these two versions of yourself, who you're being right now that isn't conducive to actually producing the vision you have for your life. Overwhelmed Dave, not good enough Dave, controlling David, and you're clear on the thoughtsthoughts, the actions, and the emotions that that version of you is taking on a daily basis. Plays that you're currently running. The bad plays. You're also clear on the future version of yourself that has accomplished all of these things. How you would be thinking, how you would be feeling, and what you would be doing. Broadly speaking. And you've named it. King Dave. Queen Carol. So this is the three-step process that then allows us or creates the awareness to be in the practice on a daily moment-by-moment basis. And this is the important part to get into a practice of it. Now that you have an awareness of what you want. Who you'd be once you have it. And who you're being now in the abs of it. You now have a choice on a day-to-day base. Choose who you want. Are you gonna be Overwhelmed David? Or are you gonna be King? Are you gonna be Controlling Susan? Or you're gonna be 10 million dollar Susan? And now the the art of this and the beauty of it is that choosing to be our king or queen selves in the present moment. And what that looks like really depends on how the present moment is showing up. So again going back to my story of just for Christmas. King David wasn't about beating his chest and you know being confident and making deals and you know wearing an expensive watch in the living room. That that's not what King David is. And this is why so many people are confused about how to be the future self now. King David is confident, calm, and relaxed. Rather than worried, overwhelmed, and comparing. And so in that environment what confident, calm, and relaxed looks like is not thinking about how the campaign that I just ran performed. But being present and appreciating people and appreciating them. That's what King David is. And so one of my clients for example, even though he has some level of financial prosperity and abundance in his life by any outside perspective, he still worries about money. So many of us worry about money. And so many of us think that once we have more money we'll stop worrying about it. There's some truth to that but there's a lot of falsehood to that. The habit of worrying about money is just a habit that we want to break regardless of how much money we have. And so what he realized with his version of 10 million dollar Jared, right, calm, confident, King Jared, kind, compassionate, loving, caring about others, not self-centered, not worried about himself. He would actually tip more at restaurants. So he started tipping more now. He started tipping more now because that's what King Jared would do. So how you be the king or queen or higher version of yourself is really dependent upon the situation or the circumstance. But the commitment is to start being in the practice of being your future self now. Why is that important? Well because if you had already accomplished all of these goals and dreams, you would know what you did to accomplish, wouldn't you? Think about it for a moment. I'm gonna repeat it. If you had already bought the yacht, built the business, found the love of your life, had the child that you desired, developed, created the spiritual development that you were looking for, an awakening that you were looking for, anything that's in your dreams or goals, lived in the place where you wanted to live, then you would know how that happened. And so what you're seeking right now are the thoughts, the ideas, and you're wanting to create the synchronicities and the coincidences that are gonna create that future version of you. If you practice being that future version of you now, it accelerates your ability to tap into those thoughts, those emotions, those actions, those ideas to create furnace. You start being your future self now because your future self has access to that information. And so if you be your future self now, you will access that information more rapidly. And so again, this is this is one of the key tools that I use to build a 30 million dollar coaching company where I have a podcast that has a million downloads a month and I have a live event that attracts over a thousand amazing people a year, is I started having to act the way that David would act even before I had my first, even before I wrote my book, even before I launched my podcast. I had to think about what are the psychological and emotional qualities of that David and can I start being that David now. As I started practicing that David, that's what gave me accelerated access to all the thoughts, the ideas, and the willingness to take the action and the ability to create the coincidences and the synchronicities that I look back on now that produced all the results. And just think about it for a moment. All you have is the present moment. So you have this present moment right now and then it's seemingly past. And then what's available to you right here right now is the next present moment. And so we think that we're gonna arrive at some future destination where we've just become King David or Queen Carol or the best version of yourself. But the way that actually happens is to practice that now. And if you practice that now, you're gonna think, feel, and do like that future version of yourself. And if you do that again in the next present moment and again in the next present moment and again in the next present moment, we would actually look at it and go, wow, you're being your future self now. And within a short period of time, your external circumstances have to reflect you being that person. In other words, you can't be acting like a millionaire consistently over a period of time and not become a millionaire because you're acting like a millionaire. So you're gonna have the thoughts, you're gonna have the feelings, you're gonna take the action that a millionaire would take. So given enough time, you're gonna become a millionaire. So you can't be thinking and feeling and doing like someone who's gonna fill a stadium full of people to hear your message and do that consistently and long enough and not have the external reality eventually match up and we're like, holy shit, there you are in a stadium sharing your message with thousands and thousands of people. So we hear these sayings a lot in personal development, right? It's this idea of like, act as if, you know, or just feel a certain way now. And I found that it was really difficult to do that until I had a framework or context for it. But for me, this makes a lot of sense. And you know, if you're joining me on YouTube and this makes a lot of sense to you, let me know in the comment box. And if you absolutely love this, then subscribe and hit the bell icon because these conversations are the most important conversations we could be having if we want to change our lives and if we want to change our world. So we need to start acting differently than our current environment would compel us at. We want to start thinking and feeling and behaving in such a way that we're being the future version of ourself right here, right now. And then our right here, right now must catch up, right? Your bank account must catch up. The cells of your body must catch up, right? The partner in your bed must catch up. All things must catch up. And neuroscience and behavioral psychology support everything that we're talking about here. Some people think this is like a woo-woo conversation or a new age conversation. Identity shifting, right? That we live in multiple dimensions. What we do right here, right now is the potential for you to be operating as $10 million you. You get to choose whether or not you're going to operate that way. But in order for you to have choice, what I found is, well, then you must have awareness around what that $10 million version of you would be thinking, feeling, and doing. And you must also be aware of how the non $10 million version of you, the broke version of you, the financially insecure version of you, the chronic health condition version of you, is thinking, feeling, and doing. And now you've got a playbook. Now you've got a playbook and you've got choice. And you can get into the moments of your life and you can start being your future self now. And the beautiful thing is, while there's some period of time that must pass, not as long as you probably think, before your external circumstances materialize to reflect that future version of yourself and your goals and dreams, the beautiful thing is that you start enjoying your current experience so much more and realize that what's happening is the old version of us that's ready to retire, that we're ready to shed, like a caterpillar comes out of the cocoon or like a snake sheds its skin. It's ready to be shed, but it steals our present moment. Here I was in the midst of the most beautiful Christmas Eve period of time I could have ever potentially experienced and I was living in the failure of my marketing campaign. I brought the failure of my marketing campaign into present moment. And that's what we do. We bring this feeling that we don't have enough into the present moment. And so that becomes our present moment, not having enough. We bring the worry about never overcoming our chronic health condition into the present moment. And so that becomes our present moment stacked up over and over and over again. And so we never overcome our chronic health condition. We bring this idea of not good enough based on some experience that we had over the course of the day or the week into the present moment, beating ourselves up or now criticizing and judging the other person and making them wrong in order to feel good about ourselves. And so not good enough becomes our present moment on an ongoing basis and our external reality must reflect back who we're being. And instead in that moment I realized I can be whoever I want to be right here right now. And I chose to be the David who's accomplished all of his dreams right there right now. And so as a result of that I relaxed. I was calm. I came into the present moment. I was focused on other people. And I had the most beautiful Christmas Eve I've ever had. So the power of this teaching, I know that you want to create change in your life. And the change that you're looking for is a bigger house, more money in your bank account, more impact, you know, better relationships, better health. And that's great. That is an effect of you learning how to actually be that person now. And the benefit of that is that you get to enjoy your life right. You actually don't have to wait until your 10 million dollar day. Nothing changed for me in that moment in the living room, but everything changed for me in that moment in the living room. And so now this is the most important practice that I'm committed to. Do I do it perfectly? No. Some days I totally suck at it. But I literally have in my journal, I have who I've been being, my limiting beliefs, my childhood traumas, my worries, my concerns, my negative habits of emotion, of thoughts, of action. It's my personal audit of what again in recovery we call our character flaws or our character defects. That's not to be self-judgmental. It's just that these are old parts of us that just no longer serve. And I named it and it's in my journal. I have King David and I know what King David looks like. And I have my list of my goals and my dream that King David has already accomplished. And so I'm present as much as possible to playing this game no matter what shows up. I'm on stage at one of my events. Maybe I say something and all of a sudden the old David kicks in and I start to do the self-judgment. How would King David be with this right? King David allows himself to make mistakes because he knows that making mistakes or saying things that he might have wanted to say otherwise is the process towards mastery and helping even more people. So he's cool with it. Or you know I might be with my wife some and I noticed that I'm getting caught up in my head around some work activity or some overwhelm or some negative thought pattern. And I'm like okay how would King David be with this right now? King David would be focused on Carol. Complimenting her. Seeing if she needs anything. Making sure that the baby has what he needs and how I can help out so that you know my wife is not overburdened with taking care of our beautiful child. That's what King David. King David's working out at the gym and he pulls a muscle or twinges a muscle right? And then old David steps in. Oh my god what if this is serious? What if this is gonna affect my ability to work out moving forward? Or I have an ache and a pain or a flare-up of some old chronic condition that I was experiencing and I start to worry about this never going away. Well what would King David? How would King David react? Well King David it's already gone away for him. So King David would be like I know it's done. I'm not gonna worry about this. I'm not gonna bother with it. It's gonna pass. I'm gonna move on and focus on the beautiful things in my life. And if you can develop that as a habit, this identity shift, very very quickly your external reality has to catch up. And again the beauty is is that in the short time nothing's changed in your external experience but you've changed and so you're experiencing it different. One of my private clients said hey I've been applying the identity shifting process and it's been so powerful. He says in 90 days I'm the happiest I've ever been and nothing has changed in my life. Yet now everything has changed. So really powerful tool. If you have questions leave them in the comments. Again if you love this episode subscribe. Share it with somebody else. We're all on this journey together to better ourselves. We're all on this journey together to create a more extraordinary life. If we can all create the visions and dreams we have for our own lives, collectively we've created a whole new planet and a whole new world. And what's beautiful about this vergence now of neuroscience and psychology and spirituality and understanding how the brain works and how we create practically in our lives and how we create vibrationally in our lives is that we have the opportunity to create change. This channel is dedicated giving you that information in ways that are framework that are digestible that you can implement just by consuming this content and being a part of this community. So I love you very much. I'm here to support you and I'm excited to be on this journey with you. I will see you in the next




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