Healing Hearts
Cyndy Bartelli
When someone becomes “born again,” it is natural to wonder, “Am I really forgiven?” The memories of some of the things we did continue to haunt us and it just makes us “wonder.” I know I can’t be the only one that has had those thoughts. Amen!
Our guest today is Cyndy Bartelli. She was on previously and we discussed her book, “The Heart Healer: God’s Response to Personal Prayer in a Hurting World.” This book has helped many people to bring a new level of Hope into their lives. She also published a study guide that goes along with the book.
If you missed our prior interview, go back to the archives and look up her name or just go to episode 1336 and get caught up! Amen!
Because today, I invited her back on the program so we can talk some more about this great book, instead of just a summary, I thought we could do sort of a “deep dive” into some of things she shared. Amen!
Help me welcome back to the program, Cyndy Bartelli! Cyndy, it’s so good to have you back on the show today!
For those that may have missed our prior episode, can you share with us, in your own words, “Who is Cyndy Bartelli?”
You first published this book back in 2017. What inspired you to write this book and what was your intent in publishing it at that time?
Since publishing your book, “The Heart Healer,” what kind of feedback have you received on the lives it has touched?
I know you are touching people’s hearts and lives all of the time. This book has helped you to bring healing to so many people. What makes you continue to “keep on keeping on” in this area of ministry?
I know you have some stories from the testimonials you have received. Can you share a few of those stories with us? Leaving out personal identifiable information of course…
Share with us about Vertical Hearts, your non-profit…
I understand you have a special announcement on sharing more stories about heart healing… what would you like to share?
How can someone obtain a copy of your book, “The Heart Healer: God’s Response to Personal Prayer in a Hurting World?” Is it on Amazon?
If someone wanted to reach out to you with a question or to obtain more information on this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, it is so hard to do things by yourself. We were never meant to “go it alone.” That’s one reason why we have the Holy Spirit present in our lives. So we are never alone. We are always connected to God. We have Jesus in our hearts and the Holy Spirit with us. Amen!
That takes care of our Spiritual awareness… but sometimes, as I started the broadcast today, we just keep dredging up past memories. Those memories try to hold us back.
Cyndy Bartelli has made it her life mission to help YOU break those bonds that are holding you back, with the help of the Lord, of course! You need to check out her non-profit, Vertical Hearts and help in this great cause, too!
Whether you are the one struggling or you know of someone, a family member, spouse, friend, etc… you need to get a copy of her book, if you have not done so already! Amen!
I urge you to drop down into the show notes below and click the links right there. Get in touch with Cyndy. Get the information on joining her non-profit, Vertical Hearts. Order her book, “The Heart Healer: God’s Response to Personal Prayer in a Hurting World.” Do it right now, while you’re thinking about it. Amen!

Email: info@cyndybartelli.com
Website: https://thehearthealer.org/hello
Book: “The Heart Healer” – on Amazon
Study Guide: “The Heart Healer Study Guide” – on Amazon
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