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12. (S1E12) Keep Saying Yes with Heidi Thompson
Episode 1215th July 2021 • FINE is a 4-Letter Word • Lori Saitz
00:00:00 00:39:56

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Heidi Thompson introduces herself as a Washing-Flori-Virgi-Texa-Cali-Zonian, because she’s lived all over the country.   

As a former counselor and educator turned attorney, Heidi specializes in conflict avoidance, by helping families with wills and trusts. 

She’s a published author, engaging presenter, and talented performer. Her karaoke go-to is “Love Takes Time” by Mariah Carey. She spent a few years in Hollywood momaging my son’s career and got to do some of her own acting and extras work, including in the very unlikely movie “Straight Outta Compton.”   

A mom and grandmom who’s been married for 29 years, she’s known her husband since she was 11 and their moms did aerobics together when they were in middle school.  

Fun facts about Heidi, she’s ridden about 90% of all the roller coasters in America and at the time of our conversation, she was days away from embarking on her latest adrenaline rush of jumping out of an airplane.  

I’m eager for you to hear Heidi’s unusual philosophy on life, which has contributed to her actually never having had the experience of being stuck at fine.  

Heidi's hype song she shared for this episode was Roar by Katy Perry

You can get a free copy of Heidi’s book, Lifeguard Your Legacy, which provides an easy blog-style read of what every person should know about estate planning at

Find out more about Heidi here: 

Come join us in the Fine is a 4-Letter Word Facebook group.

This episode is sponsored by Zen Rabbit. When you’re asking yourself “what’s next for me? Who am I now, in this next season of life? And where do I even start figuring out my purpose?” the F*ck Being Fine Experience is here for you. Go to to learn more or to schedule a complimentary call.


Lori Saitz (:

Heidi Thompson. Welcome to Fine is a 4-Letter Word.

Heidi Thompson (:

Oh, I'm so glad to be here, Lori. Thanks for having me on the show. My pleasure.

Lori Saitz (:

I know we have a really interesting topic today. It's a little bit different than what I've talked to about with some of my other guests. I will start with the question though, that I start with a lot of the interviews and that is, I'm just curious. What kind of beliefs were you raised with? Good, bad. However you want to label them. What, what were the beliefs that were really instilled in you?

Heidi Thompson (:

So, you know, I was, I was adopted as an infant by parents who really wanted a child and they, you know, they only had high school educations. They weren't, you know, super high achievers or anything like that. And they just kind of raised me with a belief, I guess you can do anything. But yet there was no real expectation that I had to live up to. You know, a lot of parents who raise high achievers, they just, they have all these hard expectations to meet. I don't ever remember them saying, well, why didn't you get an a on the spelling test generally I did,

Heidi Thompson (:

But there just wasn't, there was never any expectation

Heidi Thompson (:

Of that. And, um, so it was, it was just a fun way to be raised instead, they just gave me these opportunities. So if I said, Ooh, I want to try a dance class. Next thing I knew I was enrolled in tap. Now I wasn't allowed to quit till that season was over. There was the, the, the, you don't get to quit. You made a commitment for a season, but I never had to sign up for it again. So I had to finish out a season of whatever I signed up for, but I mean, I did Baton twirling, gymnastics, cheerleading, volleyball. I mean, you name it. If I signed up, I got to play the season and what a great way to be raised, where you had just exposure to anything you showed an interest in without any real expectation of what you had to be. Right, right.

Lori Saitz (:

It allowed you to explore who you want to do and

Heidi Thompson (:

To achieve, and the things that made sense, you know, I stuck with piano a lot more than a season, but, you know, um, it just, it, that, that idea that you had really limitless opportunity, but no expectation you had to live up to, I think is the best way to describe the way my parents raised me. And you know, that, I think the other thing on their side as a parent, it makes you proud of anything the child does stick with and do without feeling like they let you down too. All it is, it's unusual. I can't say I lived up to it as a parent. Right.

Heidi Thompson (:

Lori Saitz (:

Okay. Yeah. I mean, because you hear these stories of most people were raised with expect some kind of expectation of being, uh, of, of achieving that, put pressure on them as children, and then played out in some weird way as they got older.

Heidi Thompson (:

Right. And so, you know, with that kind of an opportunity, it left me having desires to achieve things that I was interested in achieving for reasons that were entirely mine. And I mean, my dad beams so big when I graduated law school, he goes around places and says, if they say something silly, I don't know. I might have to tell my lawyer about that. The dad jokes, you know, it's, uh, it's pretty great

Lori Saitz (:

Gave you the belief that you could try out anything and nothing bad, like quote unquote bad or horrible would happen from taking those chances. Right.

Heidi Thompson (:

Because anything was going to be for a season. And if I, it, wasn't what I wanted. I can do the next thing for the next season. And that has played out as a theme just of our entire lives. I may have been married to my husband 29 years. He is not a season is the one I think, permanently from the beginning. But,

Um, I mean, apart from that, our, our jobs, our states, the things we've w the things we've done, they've been seasons and things weren't necessarily meeting up to an expectation at some time or another. And that's okay. You turn the corner, you go into the next season.

Lori Saitz (:

Yeah. Did he have the same beliefs as you when you got together? Or is that something that he's learned from you?

Heidi Thompson (:

You know, I think his parents were very much the same. We were both first children. Um, his dad did some schooling and, um, he worked in an engineering type role, which is a high achiever role, but without a degree back in the day when you could do it by skill and training. Right. Um, and so I don't think his parents put a lot of high, super high expectations, but he was an achiever as well. So very self-driven. And so we, you know, when we met up our compatibility, even the decision of our marriage, I mean, I've known him forever. I'd known him since I was 11 years old in middle school when our mothers did aerobics together. Um, but, but I think, um, when we came back into each other's lives as early twenties, we really more decided because of our compatibility, that we should pursue a relationship and get married with very little, um, emotion and love that usually starts out most relationships. It's not that the kissing is bad, but it's, it was, it was really far less on the emotion side than it was on the compatibility of the way we believed in the way we saw life.

Lori Saitz (:

That's interesting. Yeah. That's really interesting. And yet it's worked out

Heidi Thompson (:

Oh, absolutely. Like it

Lori Saitz (:

Almost, as you're saying that I'm thinking of those arranged marriages that were like a business decision where people grew to love each other.

Heidi Thompson (:

Yeah. Well, and, and I'm not saying there wasn't any attraction, I'm not saying there wasn't interest. I'm not saying that those things weren't present, but it wasn't that madly head over heels. I'm so emotional, falling in love thing. We had both done that before. Um, but I think we had, I mean, even in our early twenties had grown enough to recognize that's not the good basis for a good, long relationship compatibility is, is the thing that makes it last. So while I never did the online dating, when E harmony came out years later, I said, yeah, that one would probably work because that's based on those measures of, of compatibility. That just makes sense because you know, when you're married any length of time, you know, it's a roller coaster that emotion side you fall in and out of love with your spouse in all different seasons of your life. But if you're really compatible, ultimately you're still making decisions the same way. Ultimately you're still heading the same direction and you always end up pulling it back together. And, and so I, I, I get that. That makes sense to me. Yes.

Lori Saitz (:

I was listening to a podcast. I can't remember the guy's name who was talking. And he was saying that true relationships, relationships that work for the long-term have a connection. It's not just, uh, it, it is a compatibility then there's also that deeper connection. That is more than just a, like you said, like more than an attraction. Yes. It's a, it's a connect.

Heidi Thompson (:

I, I totally agree. A hundred percent and it doesn't hurt that his parents and my parents have both stayed married 52 years. And so there's a certain longevity already and stability in both our lives that, you know, we didn't, we weren't raised with the drama that a lot of other kids have that creates some uncertainty and questioning around relationships. We didn't really great.

Lori Saitz (:

And you had good role models, role models. I mean, that's what, w in anything, when you talk about people who are, are born in certain neighborhoods or circumstances, again, it's about having role models. One of my passions is, you know, being a good, like, I've, there's an organization. I was just talking to this week that works with young girls, tend to 17 teaching them how to be responsible, basically like how to adult, you know, learning the life skills that they may or may not be getting at home. And so exposing them to new ideas and new opportunities like to see, to be a role model. Cause when you don't have role models, how do you know what's possible?

Heidi Thompson (:

I very much believed because I spent years in school counseling working with teenage girls, particularly, I mean girls and boys, but I really did do a lot with the teenage girls. And a lot of them exactly, like you say, really didn't have good role models. And I, I really developed the idea that if I invested into their lives and really became that voice in their head, that someone would do that for my kids as well. That, you know, if you plant that seed, there would be other people doing to my kids as well. And I found that to bear out in so many ways, there were so many other wonderful adults that spoke life into my kids the same way I try to into those. So yeah, I totally believe in the role model philosophy.

Lori Saitz (:

And sometimes it gets into their, their minds a little deeper if it's not coming from the parents.

Heidi Thompson (:

Exactly. Yeah. As long as they're the right messages

Heidi Thompson (:

And they were so correct.

Lori Saitz (:

Well, it goes both ways. So even if they're not, yeah, you got it. Right, right. Yeah. So talk a little bit about the, you mentioned your school counselor journey, and then you also mentioned having a law degree and I know that you are not doing, uh, that, that you're doing something different now. Yeah. So then, then the counseling. So talk about that journey because I want to also the pieces that we were talking about earlier about not being afraid to try new slay

Heidi Thompson (:

Right. In it's it's that same theme. It just bears out that things are for a season and you're willing to try the next thing. And that's, that is absolutely our story. So if you'd have asked me in eighth grade what I was going to be, I was going to be a lawyer. I love to argue my teachers. And I always felt like I was right. And you should, of course you work because you know, of course, and I mean, I even had one teacher who put me in charge of the class because she felt like I did understand English better than she did.

Heidi Thompson (:

So I kind of taught the class. I Know, I know that it's sad, but eighth grade was a weird year. What can I say? It is for everyone? Really? So anyway, grew up kind of questioning arguing. I'm not going to say non-compliant, I wasn't a real rule breaker, but I definitely had a reason to question that and it had to make sense. And so law was a natural fit when you're tearing apart and questioning why doesn't this make sense? And so there really wasn't another idea going through high school of what I was going to be. But when you get to college, you have to major in something and you don't get to major right. In law, you pick something as an undergrad major. Well, I had enjoyed psychology as an elective in high school, and it's not a bad elective for understanding people, which is good for law. So I thought, okay, I'll, I'll major in psych.

Heidi Thompson (:

So I get to my childhood development class with Bev Lowery and she's just, she was just a wonderful, wonderful professor. And she's talking as a mother about children and the joy of children. And of course that doesn't fit very well with the whole idea of being a lawyer. You can't be a lawyer and be a mom that doesn't, and I don't know what she did, but I mean, I must've been 19, not even 20. And all of a sudden my biological clock is going, oh, you need to have a child going. Um, so I decided, you know what, I need to get my ring by spring or my money back guarantee here at my college. And I start looking for,

Heidi Thompson (:

I really want that Mrs. Degree. And,

Heidi Thompson (:

Uh, not too far down the line, my husband came back into my life and we pointed at each other and said, um, yeah, let's make a run of this. We did, I, I, we both left college and got married, started our jobs and then finished school at night. So we wow. Is really unusual. Yeah, we did what we had to do. I mean, we both knew what it was still on the plate, but we wanted to do that together now and not a part. And we weren't near each other, so it wouldn't have worked the other way. And so that's what we decided. And so anyway, so we went through that season, um, and I finished my degree in January, got pregnant in February and yeah, a month later. And then, um, nine months later, just as I'm wrapping up, I'm still working in, in contracts for a department of energy thing.

Heidi Thompson (:

I guess that's a related law job, but it was the most boring job in the world. It was literally cutting and pasting text from DOE regulations into things for contractors and sending out letters saying, are you in compliance? And then putting in a database, how they're in compliance. It was the most boring job in the whole wide world, but it paid well. I mean, for, for, you know, just barely getting out of college. So anyway, so I was doing that, went out on maternity leave. And while I'm on maternity leave, I get this letter in the mail that says we're doing a voluntary reduction in force while I was the last hired, you know, who's going to be in voluntarily had, yeah, that would have been me. And they said, but if you take advantage of this voluntary thing, we will pay for this much towards schooling.

Heidi Thompson (:

And I thought, huh, that's interesting. So I could stay home and go get a master's degree in something. And, and I kid you not, it must have been that week. One of my best friends, I grew up with called me and said, you know, they're doing a master's in school counseling right now. I was thinking about enrolling. I said, you've gotta be kidding. So I enrolled in the master's in school counselors program and I go and get my master's. We moved to Florida because you'd have to, someone would have to die in Washington to get a counseling job. The people stay there till the 89. Um, so I, we moved to Florida for my husband to go work at Disney world. I'm able on our house hunting trip to job at landed job as a school counselor with that master's degree in pocket. And now two kids, because you know, that's what you do is have another kid while you're getting a master's degree. Sure. Of course.

Lori Saitz (:

Um, not a surprise to me at all. For you though, you are clearly a higher achiever.

Heidi Thompson (:

It's, it's a silly, it's a silly world. Yeah. For, for, for our family. But so anyway, we're, we're, we get to raise our kids now around Disney world. And we were there for six years from the time they were, they were two and three to the time they were eight and nine, having all their birthday parties at Disney. I mean that didn't, that's not too shabby. Really. When you grow up, where do you go on vacation when you live there and go there five times a week, you know,

Lori Saitz (:

We'll have to go on, you don't have to go anywhere. So you save money on vacations.

Heidi Thompson (:

Maybe that's what we should've done. Um, that might've been more fiscally responsible looking back anyway, you make those mistakes for sure. So I'm working as a school counselor. My kids are growing up, things are working great. And I step up to a point where I lead the school counseling department, 13 counselors, we're growing to the point of 5,000 students when it's time for the new school to be built. I go over to the new school. I'm part of a team of four that opens a high school with 2,500 kids, grades nine through 12. Um, most schools that opened we'll start with ninth and 10th. We decided, Hey, let's just go for it. Let's just take them all. And, and so we did a crazy thing and opened a school school. That was great. Fun. Bout that time. I'm getting a little burned out. I kind of done what you can do with school counseling.

Heidi Thompson (:

I know it sounds weird, but you know, I tried it and I get this letter in the mail. That seems to be a theme in my life. I get a letter in the mail, a letter in the mail. And it said that the place where I did my undergrad schooling, Liberty university in Lynchburg, Virginia was starting a law school and that they were opening up scholarships to the first inaugural class that went through there. So I show this to my husband and I say, Hey, look, they're opening a law school. What do you think? And he says to me, well, you'd be an idiot not to apply for that. I said, yeah, but we'd have to uproot our family. Moved to Virginia. I'd have to leave your job at Disney. He goes, yeah. And you'd get a law degree. I mean, just like that, like it was not even a big consideration for him. How great, how great is this?

Lori Saitz (:

That is great. And how old were you at that time? I

Heidi Thompson (:

Was, let's see that would've made me 29 years old.

Lori Saitz (:

Okay. So not that old, but still older than a typical law student. And I, you know, a lot of times people are like, well, I'm too old to do whatever. Go to law school, get that master's degree, whatever it is, there is no time limit on it. We're

Heidi Thompson (:

Most certainly is not. In fact there was one man that was near 50. When he started law school with me, he actually had professional degrees decided on law school. So yeah, there's, it's, there's, it's never too late to take the next step, if that makes sense for your next season. Right. And it's never too late to turn around. If you decide it doesn't make sense for that season. Right.

Lori Saitz (:

And you want to go back to doing the thing that you were doing before, which if that feels like the right thing to do. Right,

Heidi Thompson (:

Exactly. Yeah. Which leads right into the next part of the story. So I finished my law school. I fully planned to move back to Florida, which I love. I've always loved Florida. It's a magic place for me. So I passed the bar in Florida believing, okay, now it's just time for Eric and I, Eric, to find a job on me to open a practice, let's go 2007. Guess what was happening to the economy in 2007? Yeah, it was on its way down. It was on its way down in Florida had already been one of the first to go. It was, there were just no jobs. My husband applied for everything for probably nine months. And there was just nothing in Florida. Fortunately he was still employed. So it's not like he was without a job. He was able to provide, but I'm just kind of in a holding pattern because what do I wear, what am I doing next? He learns that Houston's economy hasn't really tanked yet. And that there were opportunities with GE and Houston where he could have a pretty easy in. And I said, Houston, really? You want to move to Texas? That's not Florida.

Heidi Thompson (:

I wasn't too sure with you on

Heidi Thompson (:

That. You sure about that? And uh, I started researching and said, you know what? It's still better than where we are in Virginia. And I think I could learn to like it there besides they have good food and lots of meat. And that works for me. So, so that does not work for me, but

Heidi Thompson (:

I'm sorry. It's all good.

Heidi Thompson (:

Red meat, chocolate wine. Yes. Staples to my diet. Yes. Yes. Um, anyway, so we, we moved to Houston. Well, I had missed the window to take the bar there. So I, wasn't going to sit around for a year and wait and prep for another bar. I think I'm just going to go back into school counseling for a year, take the bar next summer. And then I'll, then I'll start my practice and we'll move forward with that next step. Well, the problem was, I really liked what I was doing then in school counseling, after the push push push of law school and the bar exam, I was actually the demands at those schools were see kids solve problems, make families happy. It turned into a great job. I really liked what I was doing. I was speaking life into people. And my kids at that point were getting to the point where they were going to be at my high school with me.

Heidi Thompson (:

And so it was so that makes convenient. Yeah. And, and I loved having teenage kids. Lots of other people love little kids. I I'm okay with little kids. I loved being around my teenage kids. And so that was just a really special season of my life to be there with my kids. And, and so I'm loving my life. We have a beautiful home. We have great friends at church. We're eating well. I love my job. My kids are there with me. And my son starts to develop into something a little different. We start to see him finding his niche in the things that he's been trying. And we realized that he's got a really, really outstanding talent in singing, dance and acting. So we take him to a national competition in New York city and they say he needs to be in LA.

Lori Saitz (:

So did you immediately pack up the car

Heidi Thompson (:

And pretty right. Pretty

Heidi Thompson (:

Close, pretty close to that. So my husband and I say, okay, if that's the next chapter for us, my husband needs a job there. We never move without a job. We're not that foolish. But if there's a job, we'll go wherever the job is. My husband finds a job with GE in California. It takes about a year before we get that job in LA and we move out there. Well,

Lori Saitz (:

You go out before him now, or you wouldn't have done that.

Heidi Thompson (:

I did not do that.No, our family does better as an intact unit. We function well together. I might have done a month before something as we needed to, but that's not the way we decided to do it. So I ended up finishing out my school year contract and we moved in the summer and that worked out beautifully for both of us. Those kinds of things just tend to work out. So here we are in California trying to make my son get started in Hollywood. Well, wouldn't, you know, it, when he did that competition, he won, he was the runner up in the 13 to 18 year old category when he was 14. And he, he looked 12. Right? Okay. Well, in that one year period, he grew eight inches and no longer looked 12.

Lori Saitz (:

You're not the same child that they had put in awarded that, that position.

Heidi Thompson (:

You got it. So now he's looking like a 16 year old at 14, instead of, I mean, at 15, when he looked like a 12 year old at 14, well, they can use 18 year olds and not have to pay for set people and not have to have all this expense to play 16 year olds. They don't need a 14 year old to play a 15 year old to play a 16 year old. So now he's not that

Lori Saitz (:

He's not, it's not that employable. He's not that employable or that attractive as an employee, as a, as an actor.

Heidi Thompson (:

Yeah. Right. So, so a lot of the push to get there was now a little bit in vain. He did get in mid year into orange county school of the arts, which is quite an honor. It's one of the top 10 arts schools in the country for high school. Um, he was offered mid-year admission, which they never do. They just liked him and offered a mid-year admission. He was applying for the next fall. They let him in mid year, they offered him either musical theater or dance, their musical theater program. Then didn't have dance now they've integrated better. And I'm glad of that. But at the time it was one or the other. And so he ended up going dance. He definitely excelled in that arena. And we stayed out there until a year after his high school, he landed some fun gigs. He got to be some movies, some TV of boy band. There were, there were some fun gigs, but nothing ever made enough money that it made sense to rent the sunshine in California.

Heidi Thompson (:

Okay. Okay. The whole

Lori Saitz (:

Theme of life is jump and jump again and jump again and just keep going. Like there was that book about always saying yes, whatever the opportunity is that comes up say yes.

Heidi Thompson (:

So I know Loral Langemeier wrote yes. Energy, which is based on that idea. I don't know if that's the one you're talking about, but the idea is certainly the same idea. It's when opportunities arise, you're better off to say yes. And then figure out how then to say no and let them pass by

Lori Saitz (:

Shonda Rhimes. Oh, okay. Has a book called my year of saying yes to it.

Heidi Thompson (:

Oh, that's even better. Shonda Rhimes is just, yes, yes, please. How much, how much success has she seen? Holy cow. I think I've watched everything she's ever done.

Lori Saitz (:

Yeah. So that whole idea of saying yes and not being afraid, which is pretty unusual because most people are, they're evaluating all of the things that could go wrong. Well, what if this, what if that, and you turn that around and say, what if these amazing things happen? What if this?

Heidi Thompson (:

Or, or even what's the worst thing that could go wrong? Could I live with it? Okay. Then it's worth trying. Your

Lori Saitz (:

Method of evaluation seems so much different from so many people and in a, in a good way, because you're living a more adventurous life.

Heidi Thompson (:

Absolutely. Absolutely. And it has, it's been one adventure after the other. So from there, um, California came to a close. My son went off to college and my husband and I moved back to Washington state where we could save some money where my family is. I, uh, he was able to, at that point work remotely so we could live anywhere. I moved to where my family was. I got a job in a school district, the school counseling jobs, incidentally, weren't open we're back to the area where people live, you know, stayed in those jobs. So they were 90. Right. And we talked about that.

Heidi Thompson (:

But at that point I had had so much experience all over the country that I had worked in developing behavior systems that they were interested in, that this school district didn't have. So they hired me as a district level person to bring in positive behavior into the schools. And so I got to create those programs. District-wide pre-K to 12, for 17,000 kids. I got to do teacher seminars and coach teachers on how to deal with behavior, coach counselors on how to deal with difficulties and behavior. Bring in some social, emotional learning work with community schools to bring people into the schools that can handle physical needs. I mean, it was just a cool job. I loved what I was doing there, but then my husband's ability to work remotely ended and they announced to him, you need to go find a GE office somewhere. Okay.

Heidi Thompson (:

Well, there we go. Um, one of the places that was hiring was in Scottsdale, Arizona and incidentally, my son had chosen to go to GCU right here in Phoenix. And so it was like, okay, well then let's go live in the sunshine again. We hated the winter up in Washington. And that was a bad one. The last one was a really bad one. So they didn't have to twist my arm all that hard, but we moved here without job without my job and just him again. And I, and I'm on a contract still with my school district, still helping the new person they hired to get on board, do some consulting for the school district part-time and I was figuring out, well, what do I do next? So I enrolled in a doctorate program thinking, well, maybe I'll move into something in the superintendent realm. I don't know, took that first class did fine. Went back to a 10 year law school reunion just to see the people, no interest in doing law. I had been too far out of that world at this point, 11 years out of that world. Right. Right.

Lori Saitz (:

And I was going to ask you if, if during that time you had regrets about getting your law degree because you weren't using it. Yes.

Heidi Thompson (:

I very often would tell people, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, that was a lot of work to go through. I'm happy to doing these other things. They're meaningful. Why would I go and do that? It, it would, you know, steal my soul. I said, all these horrible things during all those years about that. So I, but I go to this last,

Lori Saitz (:

You don't have to justify the fact that you weren't using it, maybe,

Heidi Thompson (:

Maybe, and also to justify it to my husband of the sacrifices he made so that I could get it. Yes. Probably

Heidi Thompson (:

Some of that. Yes. So you go to the class reunion,

Heidi Thompson (:

Which these are wonderful people. I love them to death and I couldn't wait to see them and hang out with these people. Well, one of the guys there, um, grabbed me by the arm. I mean, both hands around my arm and said, you need to be doing what I'm doing. And I said, what are you doing? What are you doing, Josh? What are you doing? And he says, I'm doing estate planning. And I said, that's funny. I'd have to take a bar in, in Arizona and, and, you know, study a whole new area. Yep. You're going to take the bar. You're going to come down to Florida. You're going to spend a week with me. You're going to go back and do this in Arizona. And he said, it just like that, like, he was so confident I was going to do this. And I thought this was the funniest thing he ever said. Unfortunately, he said it in front of my husband. So my husband is kind of poking at me. You know, Arizona is, are place for retirees. This would be a great place to do estate planning. Why don't you go do estate planning? So I decided to do some research. Well, as I do some research, what I realize is it's seminar work. It's teaching, it's coaching. It's working with people solving problems. It's counseling, it's all these things I've been doing all these years.

Heidi Thompson (:

It's interesting. Isn't it?

Lori Saitz (:

How sometimes people outside of yourself can see better. What you don't want to say, what you should be doing, but what you are suited for, then you can see for yourself. Yeah.

Heidi Thompson (:

I never would've picked it in a million years. Never would've picked it. But Josh has little conspiracy with my husband and me looking into this thing. And so I did just that while I was consulting for the school district up in Washington, I was prepping for the bar here, passed the bar. By the time that was done, I was ready to start opening a practice. And so that's what you do. You move to a new place where you don't know anybody to do something you've never done when you've never run a business before. It's a great business model. Absolutely. Doesn't surprise

Lori Saitz (:

Me at all. That that's what you would do based on all of these opportunities that you have said yes, to all the way along, even when you didn't know how it was going to work out, or you didn't have any guarantee or just, you're just going with the flow, which is amazing. It's, it's just crazy. Like, but, but

Heidi Thompson (:

You know what, going back again to that parent's philosophy. You can try anything you want. You're going to finish the season of it. You're going to have lots of opportunities, but there's no expectation you necessarily have to meet.

Lori Saitz (:

I Love that way of thinking, not just for raising children, but for living your life. As we've said, it just opens you up to so many more amazing experiences that you would not otherwise have. Right. And, and what did you tell me before we, we hit record? What are you doing next? The next big adventure. Oh my gosh.

Heidi Thompson (:

Yes. So my CPA friend, Anna and I are jumping out of a perfectly good airplane next Tuesday for the very first time tandem

Heidi Thompson (:

I want to. Right, right.

Lori Saitz (:

I want to see pictures. That's something I've contemplated.

Heidi Thompson (:

[inaudible] $5. I mean, you know, if it's time to, I don't know that I want to go to the cheapest bidder on that. It

Heidi Thompson (:

Is it's the full scale, you know, skydiver, Moana. It's, it's a known group to do it. They've got a good safety rating, but, um, yeah, but it's not even a, I can't even say, well, it's too expensive. You know, it's, it's

Heidi Thompson (:

Quite no excuses, no excuses doing it. I'm doing it. So we

Lori Saitz (:

Will put in the show notes. Cause by the time we publish this, you will have already done it.

Heidi Thompson (:

And I will have video clip, but I am buying the video. So presuming there's no tech difficulties. I should have that for sure. Fantastic.

Lori Saitz (:

Fantastic. Well, I am so glad that you were able to come on and share your philosophy, which has seemed seemingly so different from a lot of people's of just keep doing the next right. Action. Keep taking the next right step. And if it doesn't turn out the way you expected, then you do something else. That's priceless, honestly, and frozen too.

Heidi Thompson (:

She does that whole song. Just, just

Heidi Thompson (:

Do the next right thing. I

Lori Saitz (:

Haven't seen it. So I didn't know God, I must be channeling her. Anyway. There you go. It sounded just like speaking of songs, what is your walk up? The song, your hype song, the song that gets you inspired. Okay. Well it's a little extra juice.

Heidi Thompson (:

It'll make total sense to you. It's Katy Perry's Roar. I got the eye of the tiger fighter, you know, and, and I'm a champion and you're going to hear me roar. It's just pure girl energy. Right? Right.

Lori Saitz (:

Love it. Strong women like Katie and you. Yes. How can my listeners get in touch with you if they wanted to learn more about your philosophy of life?

Heidi Thompson (:

Okay. Well, you can get in touch with me. If you go to www dot lifeguarding, That is my business website. You'll definitely learn about my business there up to the right. There'll also be a link for Sojourner a Z. That's not a primary business. In fact, I've done absolutely nothing with that business per se. But when you pull that one up, it'll have this like Renaissance woman next door, and a bunch of weird things that I can do for people that have nothing to do in some cases with law. Um, but it, it definitely, if you're looking for more life philosophy, you're going to see it permeate that place more than the lifeguarding legacies. As an attorney, people still have some expectations of what that should look like. Um, if they want to, another way they could learn actually some fun things about me and learn about that area is I'm happy to give a free copy of my ebook.

Heidi Thompson (:

This is lifeguard, your legacy. It's written in what I call sixth grade blog speak. It is not technical. It is not attorney legalees. It is blog related writing about the questions people have in estate planning and things even every 18 year old through every 97 year old should know about how the way this kind of stuff works so that you don't make some common mistakes. And you can get that by going to lifeguarding And, and if you give me your email and name, you'll be able to download a copy on the next screen. Fantastic.

Lori Saitz (:

We'll put that all in the show notes as well, so that those links will be there. And yeah, I, that is just so important because a lot of, again, a lot of my listeners are probably at the point where they maybe have a will or an estate plan and maybe they don't. I know my dad's been on me for a very long time and I'm finally getting it done, but I have been guilty of not having it done. So I can't imagine again, that I am the only one out there who doesn't. So if somebody can learn something from you,

Heidi Thompson (:

72% of people don't have a plan that worked for them now. So you're in way too many of that group.

Lori Saitz (:

Wow. I didn't realize that was so high. Yeah.

Heidi Thompson (:

It's so high. About 50% have done it at one time or another, but if the way it's written would not actually fit their current situation. So it's pretty low. It's pretty low. So yeah. So get that off the procrastination list and be part of the 27, 20 8%. Right. That's the part you want to be in. Excellent.

Lori Saitz (:

Thank you so much for joining me today. Heidi on Fine is a four letter word.




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