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Speaking Skills
Episode 2821st June 2022 • Activity Coaching Conversations • Heather Price and Sabine Robinson
00:00:00 00:20:53

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Polish your communication skills with Heather and Sabine as they share some key speaking tips that will help you get your point across in any situation. As a coach, you are always communicating both one-on-one and in group settings. Whether you’re terrified of public speaking or can’t wait to hit the stage, the speaking skills in this episode will help you deliver a more powerful message that hits the mark regardless of the situation.


03:36 The more clearly you enunciate, actually, the better impression you give to your listener and the easier it is for them to focus on your message, not on the method of delivery. 

06:10 A great thing to try is to have someone literally count your fillers the next time you’re talking. 

09:32 For listeners, the people that you’re trying to convey your message to, there’s two parts of the listening process. There’s physically hearing what is said and then the second part is translating that into some kind of meaning.  

12:02 They might be using all the right words but if they are not conveying themselves appropriately, it's hindering the sales process. It's hindering them from the next step.

15:08 Set the stage for active listening by facing the speaker, leaning in, making eye contact, so the speaker really feels listened to. 


Heather Price Consulting




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