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Repurposing Your Way to Success - How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Content with Hannah McCormick
Episode 4424th May 2023 • Podcasting 101 with Rachael • Rachael Botfield
00:00:00 00:33:23

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In this week's episode, I welcome back Hannah McCormick from Showing Up Solo.

We talk about how to repurpose your podcast so that you can get the most possible out of the content you've created.

Hannah shares her Full Circle Content method with us, which is all about breaking down your content into manageable bite-sized chunks to be used across all social media and email marketing platforms.

Some of the social media scheduling platforms we mention in the episode are:

  • Meet Edgar
  • Buffer
  • Later
  • And the gamechanger that is being able to schedule directly in the LinkedIn platform 🎉

Hannah shares that her favourite site to help with content ideas is

Hannah's final tip is to make sure that when you answer your audience's questions, don't assume they know as much as you.

Break down that explanation fully.

Hannah's Full Circle Content is FREE for you to download! it includes 3 hours of video training. You can get that here.

About Hannah:

Showing Up Solo started as a way to make marketing more accessible to solopreneurs. Along with business bestie, Nicole, I launched our video podcast in January 2022. Now over 30 episodes in, I'm taking it to the next level by offering 1:1 marketing coaching!

If you're an online service provider (or want to be one!) but... you're not sure how to find clients online, don't feel quite ready to hit "publish" on your website or don't have a clue where to begin with making a content plan... I can help! 

My Set Up For Success program covers all the elements of a comprehensive marketing plan and can be taken as one 6-month intensive or broken up into smaller, self-paced chunks. Head to to learn more.

You can find out more about Hannah and Showing Up Solo on their website.

If you have any questions or would like some help with your podcast, book a podcast enquiry call.

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Rachael Botfield:

Hi, and welcome to Podcasting 1 0 1 with Rachel.

Rachael Botfield:

This podcast is for busy female entrepreneurs who run their own

Rachael Botfield:

businesses and want to start podcast or who may already have a podcast.

Rachael Botfield:

I want to share practical information and tips on how you can get your podcast

Rachael Botfield:

started and managing it along the way.

Rachael Botfield:

I'll also be interviewing other female podcast host.

Rachael Botfield:

Give you real insight into what it's like having your own podcast.

Rachael Botfield:

Hi everyone, and welcome to this week's episode.

Rachael Botfield:

I am very happy to, um, have Hannah back on the show.

Rachael Botfield:

Hannah is the host of one of the hosts of the Showing Up solo podcast.

Rachael Botfield:

Um, it's great to have you here again, Hannah.

Hannah McCormick:

Oh, thanks so much for having me again, Rachel.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, I think this was my third time being your podcast

Rachael Botfield:


Rachael Botfield:

Oh, yes, yes, because, um, the Virtual Inspire podcast and then.

Rachael Botfield:

This podcast.

Rachael Botfield:

Um, and then, yeah, the third time.

Rachael Botfield:

Yeah, cuz it was, you and Nicole came on last time.

Hannah McCormick:

You've also been my guest.

Hannah McCormick:

It's, it's always just a pleasure to talk to you, Rachel.

Rachael Botfield:

Yeah, I, well I just love talking to you and,

Rachael Botfield:

and especially about the subject that we're gonna talk about today.

Rachael Botfield:

So Hannah is, if you don't know, Hannah is a marketing ex.

Rachael Botfield:

Expert and is now a coach as well, and we can talk a little bit about that later.

Rachael Botfield:

But she has been helping me massively with my copy for my website and an

Rachael Botfield:

email sequence, uh, for a lead magnet that I'm creating for my business.

Rachael Botfield:

But today we'd like to talk to you about content and repurposing your podcast, uh,

Rachael Botfield:

in the best way possible, working smarter, smarter, not harder, as we like to say.

Rachael Botfield:

Hannah, why don't you tell us about, um, what your tips and advice are around

Rachael Botfield:

creating content from your podcast and the way to work smarter, not harder?

Hannah McCormick:

Yeah, absolutely.

Hannah McCormick:

Well, just to give some context, um, So, as you said, I have, I'm, uh, one

Hannah McCormick:

of the hosts of Showing Up Solo, which is a video podcast, and that actually

Hannah McCormick:

came out of, in, um, the summer of 2021, Instagram announced on, we're

Hannah McCormick:

not a photo sharing platform anymore, we're a video sharing platform.

Hannah McCormick:

And everyone was like, oh my God.

Hannah McCormick:

Now we really can't avoid video content anymore.

Hannah McCormick:

And I had started showing up, I started doing lives regularly.

Hannah McCormick:

But the problem is an Instagram live is stuck on Instagram.

Hannah McCormick:

And I teamed up with fellow solo printer Nicole.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, and we decided like, we have really great conversations.

Hannah McCormick:

Let's just record those and we can put them on YouTube, we can

Hannah McCormick:

put them on Instagram, and we know a very good podcast manager who

Hannah McCormick:

can convert them into a podcast.

Hannah McCormick:

Insert Rachel here.

Rachael Botfield:

Thank you.

Rachael Botfield:


Rachael Botfield:

So, um,

Hannah McCormick:

that's really what happened is our

Hannah McCormick:

podcast came out of a need.

Hannah McCormick:

For marketing content, for social media content.

Hannah McCormick:

And, um, sometimes I think that's, that's one cause.

Hannah McCormick:

But I think most people who, um, have a podcast don't tend

Hannah McCormick:

to come to it from that angle.

Hannah McCormick:

They sort of, I'm on a podcast authority building, but they don't really

Hannah McCormick:

think too much about marketing it.

Hannah McCormick:

I've, I've worked with a lot of, um, a lot of, uh, online service providers who.

Hannah McCormick:

They're either guests on podcasts regularly or they have their own podcast

Hannah McCormick:

and they'll promote their episode.

Hannah McCormick:

They'll do one audiogram and they'll do one newsletter, and then

Hannah McCormick:

that's all we hear of that content.

Hannah McCormick:

And that's what really inspired me to come up with my, my full circle content

Hannah McCormick:

method because it's such a waste.

Hannah McCormick:

You put all this wonderful energy into this podcast episode and you

Hannah McCormick:

have this amazing episode anywhere from 20 to 20 minutes to an hour long.

Hannah McCormick:

Full of juicy content, uh, full of great information, and you put like

Hannah McCormick:

a 62nd audiogram on Instagram, and then that's all we hear about it.

Hannah McCormick:

And um, it can just go so much, so much further.

Hannah McCormick:

So, um, the full circle content method, um, is kind of like our little

Hannah McCormick:

term for where, where it's about taking this one piece of long form

Hannah McCormick:

content, whether that is a podcast.

Hannah McCormick:

A blog post or a video and then turning it into as many little

Hannah McCormick:

pieces of content as you can.

Hannah McCormick:

So I'll use, I'll use showing up solo our, our series as an example.

Hannah McCormick:

So we record one video.

Hannah McCormick:

That video goes onto YouTube.

Hannah McCormick:

We post the whole video on Instagram as well.

Hannah McCormick:

We put it on our website as a post, like as a blog post, um, which helps boost our.

Hannah McCormick:

Our search engine optimization.

Hannah McCormick:

We get hands off to Rachel who turns it into, we hand it off to you,

Hannah McCormick:

Rachel, you turn it into, um, a podcast which then goes on Apple Podcasts,

Hannah McCormick:

Spotify, um, I'm forgetting one.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, Google Podcasts.

Hannah McCormick:

Google Podcasts, yes.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, so this is, this is why you're in my life.

Rachael Botfield:

I think there's Stitcher as well.

Rachael Botfield:

There are quite a few kind of like.

Rachael Botfield:

Indie, uh, distributors, I'd say.

Rachael Botfield:

But I think the bi those are the biggest ones that you mentioned that

Rachael Botfield:

are the most important to be on.

Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:

So that content's going out on those channels then as well.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, and, and then, um, we have plans later to, um, convert the

Hannah McCormick:

episodes into actual blog posts.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, I wanna see if I can work in some AI to, to make that process a lot quicker.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, But we trans, we take the trans transcripts, um, from those episodes,

Hannah McCormick:

and the plan is to convert those into blog posts eventually, but they also come

Hannah McCormick:

in very handy for creating show notes.

Hannah McCormick:

And now we have three pieces of long form content already on tons of platforms.

Hannah McCormick:

Then we can take those and, um, chop them up.

Hannah McCormick:

So I, for example, would take an episode of showing of solo

Hannah McCormick:

and I would find all the really good juicy nuggets that fit into.

Hannah McCormick:

20 to 20 seconds to a minute and cut them using a software called Cap Cut

Hannah McCormick:

and make them into reels content or YouTube shorts content or TikTok content.

Hannah McCormick:

And then I can pop pop 'em in my social media schedule or just

Hannah McCormick:

have them going out on autopilot.

Hannah McCormick:

I can write little post.

Hannah McCormick:

Pointing it out, like saying, oh, check out this, or we expand

Hannah McCormick:

on this point in this episode, I turn it into newsletter content.

Hannah McCormick:

I, um, you can make carousel posts.

Hannah McCormick:

That's the one with the multiple images.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, Audiograms obviously are great and audiograms count as video content.

Hannah McCormick:

So if you're someone who doesn't like showing up on camera or your

Hannah McCormick:

podcast is audio only, you can still make an audiogram in reel's format.

Hannah McCormick:

Kava is great for that by the way, but also headliner and um, and then

Hannah McCormick:

you're still accessing that video content avenue without having to

Hannah McCormick:

put your face or front of a camera.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, and I think that's just even scratching the surface that doesn't even.

Hannah McCormick:

You can tweet about your content, you can use Pinterest.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, and so basically we like harvest our episodes for every little ounce of,

Hannah McCormick:

of information and put it out there.

Hannah McCormick:

And a lot of this can be just done in the background today.

Hannah McCormick:

I got a little notification on my phone.

Hannah McCormick:

Oh, your video's ready for you to post in TikTok.

Hannah McCormick:

Hit publish, boom.

Hannah McCormick:

And there's another 200 views for me today.

Hannah McCormick:

For, um, the, the episode that, um, that clip came from was

Hannah McCormick:

for like, from June last year.

Hannah McCormick:

So like, I'm promoting an episode from a year ago and it's still gonna get

Hannah McCormick:

like 200 views today because most people haven't seen the old episodes yet.

Rachael Botfield:

Yeah, I think the.

Rachael Botfield:

We do forget that not everybody sees the episode or the content, whatever content

Rachael Botfield:

you've created for the episode, when you send it out there, like for example, if

Rachael Botfield:

you put it out as an Instagram post, I mean, if no one's seen it within a few

Rachael Botfield:

days, I mean no one's ever gonna see it again unless someone's specifically

Rachael Botfield:

gone to your grid and like literally look through all your posts, which I

Rachael Botfield:

mean is amazing if someone does that.

Rachael Botfield:

But I mean, potentially a rarity if someone's going to do something like that.

Rachael Botfield:

But what you just talked through is, Just so many ways in which you can get

Rachael Botfield:

that, what you've already created in whatever long form content that it is to

Rachael Botfield:

get all those pieces out there to make your marketing easier and evergreen as

Rachael Botfield:

well, because, like you say, reusing your previous episodes, they're still.

Rachael Botfield:

Relevant, I would say 99% of everybody's episodes, unless it's like a, you know, a

Rachael Botfield:

Christmas special or something like that.

Rachael Botfield:

But even then, you can create all that content to come out seasonally.

Rachael Botfield:

If, if it is a season, you know, type of content, depending on

Rachael Botfield:

what you are talking about.

Rachael Botfield:

But I would say most 99% a podcast, you can have them going out all the time.

Rachael Botfield:

And that is what I love about what you do, breaking down those little pieces

Rachael Botfield:

into all the different forms and then, um, you know, Scheduling them to go out.

Rachael Botfield:

Um, you've used a, or you use Meet Edgar, don't you, for

Rachael Botfield:

scheduling some of your content.

Rachael Botfield:

Now, um, for those of you that dunno what Meet Edgar is, it's a scheduling platform,

Rachael Botfield:

um, that you can plug all your things in and then you can kind of hit shuffle.

Rachael Botfield:

Is that, is that how it works?

Hannah McCormick:

Yeah, so Meet Edgar.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, I really like, it's not an inexpensive social media, uh, scheduler.

Hannah McCormick:

It's, it's, uh, I think it currently is around, uh, 50 US dollars

Hannah McCormick:

a month, which is not cheap.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, there's lots of free options out there, but what I like about me, Edgar,

Hannah McCormick:

is you can do so many different platforms.

Hannah McCormick:

You can do PIN Trust, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, Like, I think you can even do YouTube, but I'm not a hundred percent sure about

Hannah McCormick:

that one, so don't quote me on that.

Hannah McCormick:

But you can do so many different platforms and they have this really great tool

Hannah McCormick:

where when you go to add new content, if you just paste a URL into the caption and

Hannah McCormick:

then hit suggests variations, it'll come up with different posts for you, just

Hannah McCormick:

auto generates a bunch based on whatever information is on that webpage already.

Hannah McCormick:

So if you do tweets, for example, it's basically written for you.

Hannah McCormick:

It's so easy.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, so I like it for that if you're like stumped.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, but then the other thing I like is you can, you can have categories.

Hannah McCormick:

So I have like categories on like episode clips or I might

Hannah McCormick:

have, um, like for a while we had informational reels and fun reels.

Hannah McCormick:

Uh, so that I would be like, I want fun stuff to come out on

Hannah McCormick:

Fridays and I want informational stuff to come out on Wednesdays.

Hannah McCormick:

And you can put the content in these categories, you can hit

Hannah McCormick:

shuffle, and it just mixes them all around and then sends them out.

Hannah McCormick:

Some platforms, you get a little nudge saying you actually

Hannah McCormick:

have to post other platforms.

Hannah McCormick:

It just doesn't.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, and I actually offer that service for a lot of clients too.

Hannah McCormick:

We, um, we've been doing a lot of content banks, um, which is, is just

Hannah McCormick:

a fancy way of saying, We create a great big Google Doc and we write

Hannah McCormick:

down a whole bunch of captions.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, so for like one client, they had just a ton of really great blog

Hannah McCormick:

posts that they weren't sharing with the world after it had been posted.

Hannah McCormick:

So we created three captions for each of those blog posts

Hannah McCormick:

and ended up with 52 posts.

Hannah McCormick:

Like that's, that's a year's worth of content from work they had already done.

Hannah McCormick:

And that's all being plugged into this, into Meet Edgar hit Shuffle and then

Hannah McCormick:

that's going out once a week and they look like they're super active, like they're

Hannah McCormick:

super on top of it and it's all work.

Hannah McCormick:

They already did.

Rachael Botfield:


Rachael Botfield:

That is.

Rachael Botfield:

I mean, even if you don't use something like me, Edgar, you would just, you know,

Rachael Botfield:

if you allocate yourself a certain amount of time, um, to create this content, your

Rachael Botfield:

content bank, which is something that, um, I took part in Hannah's, um, setup

Rachael Botfield:

for success course, which was amazing.

Rachael Botfield:

And in one of the mod the last module there was looking at the content bank.

Rachael Botfield:

So when we were discussing that, Um, you just kind of open

Rachael Botfield:

my eyes into look at, right?

Rachael Botfield:

Like you were just talking about take this and do this and this and this and

Rachael Botfield:

this, and you think actually that is, and when you put it in terms of that's

Rachael Botfield:

three months worth of content or that's a year's worth of content actually makes

Rachael Botfield:

you think, well actually then I could just spend a bit of time plugging it

Rachael Botfield:

into whatever mix may of social media schedules you've got, depending on what

Rachael Botfield:

your, you know, what investment you can make into those kind of things.

Rachael Botfield:

You know, maybe between Canva, I use Buffer sometimes as a, you can

Rachael Botfield:

connect three different, um, channels

Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:

Later has the, like later.

Hannah McCormick:

I know you can do multiple platforms.

Hannah McCormick:

I mean, they're all evolving.

Hannah McCormick:

Give it a year and every platform's gonna be available on every scheduler.

Rachael Botfield:

They are also getting Mina on the what's

Rachael Botfield:

available, on the free options.

Rachael Botfield:

I've noticed, I've had a couple of emails about things, cause I used to

Rachael Botfield:

use Hootsuite when I first started two years ago, but then they like, Massively

Rachael Botfield:

changed rejigged, how you could do stuff.

Hannah McCormick:

But a lot of the other platforms are actually, like, for

Hannah McCormick:

example, with YouTube, sorry, I didn't mean to out there, but like with YouTube.

Hannah McCormick:

No, no, it's fine.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, you know, cuz you go in there when you, uh, schedule our episodes.

Hannah McCormick:

I've, I've scheduled short YouTube shorts to come out every

Hannah McCormick:

Tuesday and Thursday until August.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, yeah.

Hannah McCormick:

So I don't have to, well I discovered

Rachael Botfield:

that a few months ago.

Rachael Botfield:

I was like, oh my god.

Rachael Botfield:


Hannah McCormick:

been busy.

Hannah McCormick:

I know, and and this was all content we'd already made.

Hannah McCormick:

I just chopped up the episodes.

Hannah McCormick:

I got like maybe three or four clips from every episode.

Hannah McCormick:

So we had like 26 episodes.

Hannah McCormick:

I think it was something around that.

Hannah McCormick:

It was like 25, 26 episodes, and I made like three clips from

Hannah McCormick:

each, 6 75 videos that I've made from content we already have.

Hannah McCormick:

I haven't even had to touch the latest episodes of this year.

Hannah McCormick:

I haven't even had to go in and shop those up yet.

Hannah McCormick:

Because I haven't run out of content yet.

Hannah McCormick:

And um, and I just put them in, in, um, YouTube and schedule.

Hannah McCormick:

You can schedule them in YouTube.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, you can, uh, with.

Hannah McCormick:

Uh, Facebook, you can schedule 'em ahead of time.

Hannah McCormick:

LinkedIn, you can schedule ahead of time on the platform.

Hannah McCormick:

Uh, reels.

Rachael Botfield:

I love that new feature.

Hannah McCormick:

Me Too Reels is because

Rachael Botfield:

you can do the mention, sorry to interrupt.

Rachael Botfield:


Rachael Botfield:

You can do the mentions, which is the one that was my one bug bear

Rachael Botfield:

about using a different, a third party platform, I guess to Yeah.

Rachael Botfield:

Schedule into LinkedIn if you, especially when you're doing interview.

Rachael Botfield:

Uh, podcast episodes is like I most of mine are now and unlike yourself

Rachael Botfield:

do, and if you have to go back in and edit, I've heard it can really

Rachael Botfield:

affect your performance cuz you've had to go back in and edit the

Rachael Botfield:

episode and all those kind of things.

Rachael Botfield:

So actually being able to schedule it straight in the platform, you

Rachael Botfield:

can mention them, then schedule it.

Rachael Botfield:

I think that's just like,

Hannah McCormick:

yeah, that's, and that's a game changer.

Hannah McCormick:

And, and, and if you still need like the shuffle feature, um, like you can always.

Hannah McCormick:

Put it in a thing that does, that has a shuffle option, and then set it as

Hannah McCormick:

a notification and then you can put it over on the platform and then post it

Hannah McCormick:

manually so you can get the tagging in.

Hannah McCormick:

But yeah, like so many platforms allow you to schedule it ahead of time too.

Hannah McCormick:

So it's just getting easier and easier.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, if you know how to make the most of your work, and this is

Hannah McCormick:

where, what we're talking about, working smarter, not harder.

Hannah McCormick:

Don't, you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time you post content.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, and, and, um, like you said, like 90% of people's content, whether it's a

Hannah McCormick:

podcast episode, a blog post, a video, it doesn't go out of date immediately.

Hannah McCormick:

It's one thing if you're like, John Oliver on last week, tonight, and you know,

Hannah McCormick:

the whole point of the show is that it's talking about the events of the past week.

Hannah McCormick:

Okay, so his content, yeah, he's not gonna be able to repurpose,

Hannah McCormick:

but that's a totally different.

Hannah McCormick:

But for, for the rest of us, like my marketing stuff, some of the social media

Hannah McCormick:

information will, will change and update.

Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:

But the marketing principles, the strategy behind things, that doesn't change.

Hannah McCormick:

Everyone still needs to know who their ideal client is.

Hannah McCormick:

Everyone still needs to have long form content and short form content.

Hannah McCormick:

Everyone still needs to have email marketing and a website.

Hannah McCormick:

So all that information is still very useful and very powerful.

Hannah McCormick:

And, um, one thing that I've started doing this year, um, because I'm

Hannah McCormick:

guilty is so many other printers are of, of neglecting the email list.

Hannah McCormick:

So I just created a template in my email marketing software flow desk.

Hannah McCormick:

And I, I just had this like something, something old, something new,

Hannah McCormick:

something borrowed something for you.

Rachael Botfield:

I love that.

Rachael Botfield:

I love that.

Hannah McCormick:

I was, I was very proud of myself when I came up with that.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, and so now every time a new episode comes out, I'm gonna send

Hannah McCormick:

out a newsletter and all I have to do is plug in a different old

Hannah McCormick:

episode in, into something old.

Hannah McCormick:

And that's, that's literally just the case of like putting a link in there.

Hannah McCormick:

Plug the new episode in there.

Hannah McCormick:

And then borrowed is usually something from my guest's content, or if it's

Hannah McCormick:

not a guest, just someone like a piece of interesting information that

Hannah McCormick:

I've read or listened to or watched.

Hannah McCormick:

And then there's something for you is where I drop in a little promo thing,

Hannah McCormick:

whether it's a free resource or a special offer or just a highlight on a

Hannah McCormick:

package, but it's just plugging it in.

Hannah McCormick:

It takes 10 minutes tops and um, and maybe writing a little

Hannah McCormick:

bit at the top, um, which.

Hannah McCormick:

Here's a secret.

Hannah McCormick:

You can just repurpose captions from other social media content as your

Hannah McCormick:

newsletter content and vice versa.

Hannah McCormick:

But then it just goes out and um, it just takes like no time because I've

Hannah McCormick:

done all the prep work behind the scenes.

Rachael Botfield:

Yeah, I, I think that prep work is the most important, um, the

Rachael Botfield:

most important thing to do behind all of, to make the rest of everything flow.

Rachael Botfield:

So, I mean, like, like yourself.

Rachael Botfield:

So with my podcast, I write my show notes and then I use the show notes for

Rachael Botfield:

my email marketing, and I use that for.

Rachael Botfield:

Posting on social or I, I tend to just do LinkedIn at the moment, so I will then,

Rachael Botfield:

um, do a similar post on LinkedIn and then I try to pick out a few clips, different

Rachael Botfield:

clips for, um, and then I'll use one to promote it and then I'll save the other

Rachael Botfield:

ones as a promoter, as an evergreen thing.

Rachael Botfield:

And then I'll keep trying reusing those clips and repro

Rachael Botfield:

promoting the posts as well.

Rachael Botfield:

And I think also kind of, you can go back and look at some stuff that maybe

Rachael Botfield:

if you've done like the evergreen stuff.

Rachael Botfield:

You know, what captions do you use?

Rachael Botfield:

You can go back and use those again, or if you want to tweak

Rachael Botfield:

them again, those kind of things.

Rachael Botfield:

Cause like you say, not everybody sees them.

Rachael Botfield:

Um, The first time around and like I know how much you post, so I don't always

Rachael Botfield:

catch yours the first time when I go on my Instagram because of the way the clearly

Rachael Botfield:

of the way the algorithm works as well.

Rachael Botfield:

So, um, it just depends,

Hannah McCormick:

especially with the, the, the rise in video content.

Hannah McCormick:

People are reading captions less than less.

Hannah McCormick:

Captions are still super important, but, um, When people are watching

Hannah McCormick:

reading captions less and less, they're not gonna notice if it's verbatim

Hannah McCormick:

something that you've posted before.

Hannah McCormick:

Honestly, they do not notice.

Hannah McCormick:

Uh, if they do, no one said anything to me.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, and it hasn't affected my results.

Hannah McCormick:

So you can, you can just use the same captions and then change the

Hannah McCormick:

graphic or the video attached to it.

Hannah McCormick:

Maybe use a trending real idea to go with the caption to get

Hannah McCormick:

people to read the caption.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, I also just wanted to touch on, um, and I'm going off on a little

Hannah McCormick:

tangent, but here, but how to come up with ideas for content because I know

Hannah McCormick:

that that is a real difficult part.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, whether it's coming up with ideas for your podcast episodes or your, um,

Hannah McCormick:

blog posts, and, uh, Nicole and I always recommend going to answer the

Hannah McCormick:

It's a great website.

Hannah McCormick:

You just type in a few keywords and it'll tell you all the questions that people

Hannah McCormick:

are asking around that subject matter.

Hannah McCormick:

And then you can, then what we recommend you do is pick a couple,

Hannah McCormick:

like pick, actually just select all the ones that you know you can answer,

Hannah McCormick:

and then take one of those and write down the key points that you need

Hannah McCormick:

to cover to effectively answer that.

Hannah McCormick:

And then you can take each of those key points and turn that into a post.

Hannah McCormick:

And now suddenly you've got like, You know, anywhere from three to 10, like

Hannah McCormick:

pieces of content from one question.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, and that question is something you can answer in an episode, or maybe you break

Hannah McCormick:

it down and you answer the three things in the episode, like one per episode.

Hannah McCormick:

Uh, and when you start to think of things in terms of this like, um, cascading

Hannah McCormick:

effect, you know, it's almost like a.

Hannah McCormick:

Uh, multi-layered marketing scheme for your own marketing pyramid scheme.

Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:

It's like pyramid marketing.

Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:

That's why we went full circle cuz we wanted to uh, yeah.

Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:

Cuz our idea with the full circle content was that you take one idea and you make

Hannah McCormick:

a long form and then you break it into smaller forms and then you take one

Hannah McCormick:

of those smaller forms and you expand on it in another long form, which then

Hannah McCormick:

becomes more like, so it just keeps going long form to short form, to long

Hannah McCormick:

form, to short form, to long form and.

Hannah McCormick:

Round and round and round and, um, it can go on as long as you want

Rachael Botfield:

it to.

Rachael Botfield:

Yeah, I, I've used Answer the Public as well and I really, that's really

Rachael Botfield:

helped me, I think when I was first starting this podcast, um, I kind

Rachael Botfield:

of wrote down like every question I think somebody might be asking me if

Rachael Botfield:

they would want to start a podcast.

Rachael Botfield:

And then I did look on Answer the Public as well.

Rachael Botfield:

Um, and that helped me with framing.

Rachael Botfield:

What topics I wanted to cover, what topics I felt like my ideal

Rachael Botfield:

listener would want to hear from me from a podcast to help them.

Rachael Botfield:

So what would be your biggest, or what would be your advice around

Rachael Botfield:

kind of getting started in terms of, um, so I've got my podcast,

Rachael Botfield:

I've done my podcast episode.

Rachael Botfield:

Like what do I do now?

Rachael Botfield:


Rachael Botfield:

What would be like your biggest knocking the desk there?

Rachael Botfield:

Uh, biggest tip around somebody getting started with doing that,

Rachael Botfield:

with batching and things like that.

Rachael Botfield:


Hannah McCormick:

So I like to work in threes.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, don't, it doesn't have to be threes, it's just, uh, for me it's always three.

Hannah McCormick:

So let's say you've got a podcast series that you've been doing.

Hannah McCormick:

You've got 10 episodes.

Hannah McCormick:

Just for easy numbers.

Hannah McCormick:

Take each episode.

Hannah McCormick:

And write three captions that will promote that whole episode in its entirety.

Hannah McCormick:

So, um, like basic, that's more like a, a wide, like a, you

Hannah McCormick:

know, like the long view, right?

Hannah McCormick:

Like, this is what we're gonna cover, here's a couple points.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, here's who is on it.

Hannah McCormick:

And so now write just three variations.

Hannah McCormick:

They don't have to be completely different and unique.

Hannah McCormick:

It's just a slightly different way.

Hannah McCormick:

Like maybe one has bullet points, maybe one has more of

Hannah McCormick:

a, a story form, maybe one has.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, pulls out a key piece of information and says, listen for more.

Hannah McCormick:

And, um, that now you've got three, three captions for each of those episodes.

Hannah McCormick:

So now you're up to like 30 captions, right?

Hannah McCormick:

If you've got the 10 episodes, now you've got 30 captions, um, to go with that.

Hannah McCormick:

You can, um, if you have a video with your podcast, awesome.

Hannah McCormick:

Publish the video.

Hannah McCormick:

If you don't, you can always use Headliner to create a video for the entire podcast

Hannah McCormick:

episode, and it's just an audiogram.

Hannah McCormick:

But it's for the whole episode.

Hannah McCormick:

And so you've got that to publish, right?

Hannah McCormick:

Or you can just do a little graphic that says, check out this episode, Lincoln Bio.

Hannah McCormick:

Then you're gonna take your podcast episodes one by one, and

Hannah McCormick:

you're gonna list all the really good nuggets of information.

Hannah McCormick:

Maybe you made a really good metaphor, or you told a really good

Hannah McCormick:

anecdote that's relevant to your audience, or you, um, expanded on one

Hannah McCormick:

particular point really concisely.

Hannah McCormick:

Final, those little juicy bits and create a short piece of content for them, like

Hannah McCormick:

a short video, whether it's a video or an audiogram, but a little nugget of

Hannah McCormick:

like 20 to 60 seconds of information.

Hannah McCormick:

And then write a caption to go with each of those.

Hannah McCormick:

And if you're like me, like I, I, again, just like maybe aim for three

Hannah McCormick:

for each episode, just try to, I'm wanna get three from every episode.

Hannah McCormick:

Because then that brings you up to, okay, now I have to do my math.

Hannah McCormick:

But you know, that's, we're at this point, we're getting, at this point,

Hannah McCormick:

we're getting like four pieces of content per episode, right?

Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:

Um, so that's, that's 40 pieces of content.

Hannah McCormick:

We're already getting pretty high up there in terms of h how far that can go.

Hannah McCormick:

And then you can take those points and you can think, how can I expand on this?

Hannah McCormick:

So I, I touched on this point, maybe then I'll write another piece of

Hannah McCormick:

content, um, that expands on it and says, if you wanna dig in more into

Hannah McCormick:

this topic, check out this episode.

Hannah McCormick:

So it's like separate content that refers back to the episode.

Hannah McCormick:

But that's how I like to see it is, is yeah, like you're gonna, you there's

Hannah McCormick:

promoting the episode in its entirety and then there's, then there's reusing.

Hannah McCormick:

The golden nuggets of information that are within that content.

Hannah McCormick:

And then creating visual assets and captions that can be used multiple ways.

Hannah McCormick:

The captions you use on Instagram can be used on LinkedIn, can be

Hannah McCormick:

used on Facebook, Twitter, it's like, it's like 240 characters.

Hannah McCormick:

So it's pretty succinct and you can pretty much, you have about the

Hannah McCormick:

same amount of space for a TikTok.

Hannah McCormick:

So if you write a tweet, you can pretty much use it as a TikTok caption.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, and.

Hannah McCormick:

Once you have those, like, so you just like find the variations

Hannah McCormick:

for each asset, and then you can create alternating visuals.

Hannah McCormick:

So for example, if you do have video content, create a little

Hannah McCormick:

video clip and make an audiogram and make a stationary graphic.

Hannah McCormick:

Now you have three different types of visuals per caption.

Hannah McCormick:

So suddenly one cap, like one post has become three posts.

Hannah McCormick:

So now we're talking about having 12 pieces of content.

Hannah McCormick:

From one episode.

Hannah McCormick:

So if you have 10 episodes, that's 120 pieces of content and, and start

Hannah McCormick:

working that way, like, what can I do that's, and think about reels, Instagram

Hannah McCormick:

reels, YouTube shorts, and TikTok.

Hannah McCormick:

Pretty much the same right now.

Hannah McCormick:

They all, um, the, in terms of timing, I think there's still some limits on

Hannah McCormick:

YouTube shorts, how long they can go.

Hannah McCormick:

But TikTok, you can have like up to 10 minutes now.

Hannah McCormick:

Instagram you can have as long as you want, so,

Rachael Botfield:

I've noticed that on Instagram, actually I hadn't

Rachael Botfield:

quite realized they'd gone that far.

Rachael Botfield:

Cause some of the reels, I was like, wow, this has Good.

Rachael Botfield:

Gone for ages.

Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:

Reels is they just, they just rebranded any video content on Instagram as reels.

Hannah McCormick:

So like, even if it's, even if it just has a gif on it, if

Hannah McCormick:

it's a mp4, it counts as a reel.

Hannah McCormick:

So, um, and there's platforms like cap cut is really handy.

Hannah McCormick:

That's what I use to create all my, um, All my shorter videos that I use on TikTok

Hannah McCormick:

and YouTube, my plan to use on Instagram too when I get round to scheduling it.

Hannah McCormick:

But, um, but yeah, if you, um, think about, okay, so whatever I create

Hannah McCormick:

for like whatever video I create, I can use it on reels, I can use it on

Hannah McCormick:

YouTube, but I can use it on TikTok.

Hannah McCormick:

But it's just the one video.

Hannah McCormick:

It's the same piece of work, but I've got three different platforms out of it.

Hannah McCormick:

And, um, and then on Instagram, I could, if I create a a, a graphic, I can use

Hannah McCormick:

that same graphic for LinkedIn and for Facebook, you know, and so it's just

Hannah McCormick:

about trying to think of how many, like how thin can you stretch everything?

Hannah McCormick:

How far can you go?

Hannah McCormick:

How many times can you reuse it?

Hannah McCormick:

Um, instead of focusing in narrowly on like, okay, I need Instagram content.

Hannah McCormick:

Think about what contents are.

Hannah McCormick:

Cohesive across all the platforms, which admittedly, if you're not in the

Hannah McCormick:

industry, can be a little overwhelming.

Hannah McCormick:

It's one of the reasons that, um, we created a guide to creating full circle

Hannah McCormick:

content that has a nice little table that shows you all the different options,

Hannah McCormick:

um, to make it really easy to follow.

Rachael Botfield:


Rachael Botfield:

But you have really broken it down.

Rachael Botfield:

And showed everybody how you can take that content and build on, build on

Rachael Botfield:

that for your, you know, you only have to if you don't, if you're not

Rachael Botfield:

on all the platforms, that's fine.

Rachael Botfield:

You are on one platform.

Rachael Botfield:

You can take all that content and use it for that one platform.

Rachael Botfield:

Uh, plug it into your scheduler or make a note to remind yourself to, to post it.

Rachael Botfield:

Um, but thanks Hannah, that, that has been really great.

Rachael Botfield:

I feel like you've really broken down.

Rachael Botfield:

What it takes to repurpose, um, your long form content into, to making

Rachael Botfield:

everything much more easy for yourself.

Rachael Botfield:

Have you got any last piece of, I mean, you given loads

Rachael Botfield:

of advice during this episode.

Rachael Botfield:

Have you got anything, anything else you'd like to add, um,

Rachael Botfield:

that we haven't touched on yet?

Hannah McCormick:

I mean, the major thing is think about what

Hannah McCormick:

your audience wants to know.

Hannah McCormick:

Answer the questions that they're asking and remember.

Hannah McCormick:

That they don't know as much as you do.

Hannah McCormick:

It can be very tempting.

Hannah McCormick:

I think I've slipped into it too, into slipping into jargon and

Hannah McCormick:

assuming people know all these things.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, so I always do the, the five year old rule.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, although my, my five year old's pretty sharp, but um, where you explain, you say

Hannah McCormick:

something and if they go, what's that?

Hannah McCormick:

You explain it and like, until you get to the point where there's no breaking

Hannah McCormick:

it down any further like that, is it.

Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:

So if you say like, oh, you need a lead magnet, what's a lead magnet?

Hannah McCormick:

It's a free resource in exchange for an email.

Hannah McCormick:

You know, why do I want an email marketing, you know, for this?

Hannah McCormick:

And, and if you think about everything like that, it'll really help you, um,

Hannah McCormick:

create your content because people need bite sized, easy to implement, easy

Hannah McCormick:

to absorb, easy to digest information.

Hannah McCormick:

So create these great pieces of long form that's like your whole meal, and then cut

Hannah McCormick:

it up into bite size chunks for everybody.

Rachael Botfield:

That is a great point about making sure that you are not

Rachael Botfield:

using too much jargon and it's, it's easy to do when you think when you are

Rachael Botfield:

at your level, um, that you are at.

Rachael Botfield:

But yeah, breaking it down into bite size chunks is, is a great, is a great tip.

Rachael Botfield:

Thank you Hannah.

Rachael Botfield:

Um, well thanks for coming on the show.

Rachael Botfield:

Good to let people know where they can find you if they're interested

Rachael Botfield:

in finding out more about you and showing up solo and the full circle

Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:

Um, so you can follow me.

Hannah McCormick:

At showing up solo on everything.

Hannah McCormick:

You know, you can find us on, um, LinkedIn, TikTok, uh, Instagram,

Hannah McCormick:

YouTube, um, also the website showing up where you can find the

Hannah McCormick:

backlog of all the previous episodes and any guest episodes we've done.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, this episode will be on there too.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, plus, uh, you can also see our coaching services.

Hannah McCormick:

Uh, we have a few packages.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, we're about to, um, or depend when this airs have, um, kind of retweak them

Hannah McCormick:

to turn that setup for success package.

Hannah McCormick:

That, that you got to do Rachel into more digestible, smaller chunks so that you can

Hannah McCormick:

kind of take it a, a section at a time.

Hannah McCormick:

And then we also have our free guide, two full circle content.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, I will get Rachel to leave a link in the show notes for you.

Hannah McCormick:

Um, it's, there's a really clear infographic.

Hannah McCormick:

We list some of our favorite tools and, um, we have added, um,

Hannah McCormick:

the, the trainings that we put.

Hannah McCormick:

We did a challenge, um, in the fall of 2022 and we've put, um,

Hannah McCormick:

those trainings up there too.

Hannah McCormick:

So there's actually.

Hannah McCormick:

Like three hours worth of videos that really go into detail on how to do this.

Hannah McCormick:

They're for you too, so you can like, it's a really great resource and it's.

Hannah McCormick:


Rachael Botfield:


Rachael Botfield:

Those tradings were brilliant.

Rachael Botfield:

They were really good because I did your challenge, uh, for Christmas.

Rachael Botfield:

So that was, that.

Rachael Botfield:

They're really good.

Rachael Botfield:

They, I would really recommend, um, everyone to go along

Rachael Botfield:

and take a look at that.

Rachael Botfield:

I will, of course, as Hannah said, link all the links in the show note

Rachael Botfield:

and put Hannah's details in there.

Rachael Botfield:

I would also link to some of the resources and, uh, platforms that we mentioned

Rachael Botfield:

throughout the episode so you guys can check those out for yourselves as well.

Rachael Botfield:

So thanks again, Hannah, for coming on, and we'll catch everyone soon.

Rachael Botfield:

Thanks for having

Hannah McCormick:


Hannah McCormick:


Rachael Botfield:

Thanks for listening to the show.

Rachael Botfield:

If you'd like to connect with me or get in touch, then head on over to my website.

Rachael Botfield:

If you like the episode, then I'd love it if you could leave me a

Rachael Botfield:

review in your chosen podcast app.

Rachael Botfield:

Your feedback is much appreciated.



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