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Deadpool and Wolverine Review aka "Angelina Jolene"
Episode 2831st July 2024 • Films in Black and White • Doug Wagner, Marcus Destin, and Bryan Roush
00:00:00 01:43:56

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We'll do it live!


We'll do it live!


There we go.


There we go.


That's my Bill O'Reilly for ya.




DJ, spin that shit.


Alright, let's see what we got.


... ...


Black and white, everybody.


How are you all feeling?


Y'all, we got a big one.


As Brian put it,


we got a monster of an episode.


A chunker, if you will.


Because there is a lot to unpack.


Chunker feels weird.






A big hefty double dose of


films in black and white for you.




You didn't like that?






What was wrong with it?


I don't like the way you


said it in my ear.


Oh, okay, okay.


Cool, cool, cool.


But we are going to get into


Deadpool and Wolverine.


That's the main attraction, right?


Everybody got the tickets


for our Deadpool and Wolverine review.


But we also have...


San Diego Comic Con also happened.


And y'all,


we got some shit to unpack with that.


So you might have got your


ticket for Deadpool Wolverine,


but you're also getting an


extra special treat.


Welcome to the show, boys and ladies.


But in order to do this right,


in order to do it well,


I need to tell you all,


spoiler alert for Deadman.


Really quick.


If you haven't seen it, skip this.


Run away.


We're going to spoil a lot of it.


We will give you one more.


We'll give you one more spoiler warning,




yeah it's the first one um


but in all seriousness and


all in order to do it well


in order to do it right I


am going to kick it on over


to marcus j destin aka


blade bitch uh how are you


feeling sir feeling good


it's good to be here with


my guys beginning of the


week for us if you're


listening on a wednesday


this is wednesday ignore


the movie magic um


There's a lot of Comic-Con,


a lot of stuff to consume.


It was a crazy, crazy,


crazy nerdy weekend.


It was a lot.


And I'm here for all of it.


I'm here for all of it.


But I'm just happy to be


here and share it with my guys, you know?




Yeah, well, we're glad you're here.


You and I had a very special


treat for seeing this.


I'm excited to get into it.




But Brian Roush, a.k.a.


Dance Pool.


That's me.


Brian, how are you feeling, sir?




I'm feeling great.


I'm feeling... It's the


bye-bye-bye vibes for me.


That's how I'm feeling.


This movie... It put me in


such a good mood.


And I'm just trying to ride


that for as long as I can.


And it's just... It's good.


I'll talk more about it.


But man...


this movie,


it hit on a lot of things that


of my childhood, but also like,


it also felt like it was


speaking to me as like a


critic for films in black and white,


which we'll get into.


But man, like just this whole weekend,




it was like a Marvel Palooza and it


made me really happy.


It just, I don't know.


It just, it feels good.


The vibe feels different


about the MCU so that it just,


it feels good.


And I'm also super pumped


that you both got a private


showing in this movie.


Like that,


that has got to be one of the


high points.


It was wild.


Like the fact that it was wild as hell.


Uh, it was really cool.


So yeah,


we'll talk more about that here in


a second, but that was really,


really cool.




I too am also disappointed that Brian


was not announced as Dr.


Doom this weekend.


Um, so Brian, uh,


If you're disappointed,


we support you in that disappointment.


When people thought about


the Doctor Doom castings,


when people listed it out online,


they said Ben Mendelsohn,


the Skrull from Captain Marvel, they said


Mads Mikkelsen,


Giancarlo Esposito of Breaking Bad,


Brian Rauch.


The name was just in there


when you think of these actors.


I agree.


People are like,


I got to see this Rauch


everybody's talking about.


That handsome motherfucker


should have been new.




Can you believe this Roush?


That's what happened.


We weren't there to buzz you


up around the water cooler.


That's what happened.


It's all right.


It's all right.


We'll talk more about it.


And you got to go back a few


podcasts because at one


point I got so frustrated


with Dr. Doom casting news


that I was like, it's me.


Just shut up.


It's me.


Everybody, everyone be quiet.


Which also I'm very excited


to talk about because like


nobody got this right.


Nobody had the link.


Nobody had the exclusive.


all that BS from like,


I won't name the sites right now,


but a lot of the sites that are like,


we have inside information.


Like, no, you don't shut up.


Clearly you didn't stop it.


I'm so sorry that Brian


Roush was the impetus for


all not being got to do


terrible things that happened.


oh okay flooded basement


sucks I've I've been there


that is not I have to it's


not fun but I will say to


anybody going through it


like it's it's a one day at


a time situation it's don't


don't try to take it all at


once you'll yeah burn


yourself out so I hope I


I'm sending good vibes I


hope we can put on a good


show for you tonight


because I want to take at


least a little bit of that


a little bit of that away


at least hopefully we can do that


At least your third thing is


Brian not being Dr. Doom.




I appreciate that as a rule of three.


There's two things there.


I'm really happy that Brian


not being Dr. Doom is the third thing.


Thanks, Doug.


Well, just of the things that could happen,


there are worse third things.


I worked hard by doing zero


effort to get that role, okay?


Well, and it shows, Brian.


Yeah, it does.


Sometimes nepotism should kick in harder,


even though there's no nepotism.


Even though Brian's not related to anyone.


There's no nepotism.


Yeah, no, yeah.


But it should just kick in.


My grandpa, way back when,


when he worked on the railroad,


he tried to make a go of it in Hollywood.


Burned out.


He came back.


My dad's dad is from Latveria,


so I don't understand the problem here.


What did Remy Lebeau say?


Remember it.


That's all they need to do.


Remember it.


Who are you?


Who are you?


Doug, how are you, Doug?


Who the fuck?




Paul Cerrone?


Doug Paul Cerrone.


How are you doing?


I'm doing real great because


I watched Jon Voight clips


from Anaconda today.


Oh, man.


They've made me so happy.


Angelina Jolie's dad.


Angelina Jolie's dad did a


really bad Hispanic accent


for a whole movie.


No, he didn't.


It's Angelina Jolie.


No, he said Angelina.


I'm going to run this back


because sometimes y'all be


telling me I'm wrong and


I'll run it back on the pot


day and I'll be very right sometimes.


He said Angelina Jolie.


Angelina Jolie.


I mean, Angelina.


So I didn't give it the Joe


that the French.


What is it, Brian?


What's her name?


Angelina Jolie.


I felt like he said it right.


Okay, wait a minute.


Am I wrong?


I thought her name was Angelina Jolene.


Oh, no.


It's not Jolene.


No, it's Jolie.


Is it Jolie?




Angelina Jolie.


I've never said Jolie.


I don't know why I thought


that that was it.


Angelina Jolie.


Okay, my bad.


I was wrong.


What you talking about, Marcus?


I don't know.


But anyway,


this man did a whole-ass


Hispanic accent for an entire movie.


And then he looked at people like this.




his character is supposed to be a


Latino heritage?


My AKA is his character's


name for this whole movie.




You tell me.


Does that name sound like


you think you're in trouble?


Do you think that's... It's


been a long time.


It's like Tropic Thunder.


It's all over the place.


With less believability, basically.


It is shocking.


I bet Jennifer Lopez had no


problem with that.


I heard Ice Cube were like,


this motherfucker?


They had to be that way this whole movie.




I am flabbergasted that you have not


seen that movie.


I would have thought of all


people on this podcast.


Yeah, that did shock me.


You would have seen it.


We got to add it to the you


haven't seen what list.


To be honest,


I don't want to put Brian on Front Street,


but to hear he hadn't seen


Sister Egg 1 and 2 and


Anaconda in the same week.


Why you got to do me like this?


That put you on the Doug


level of I can't believe


you a little bit.


My list is like 20 long.


Brian's was three until this


weekend where he crossed two of them off.


Let's not let me escape criticism here.


Doug is still Doug.


He's still the highest on


the motherfucker who should


see movies as a movie podcaster.


Yeah, he has not.


Brian was just more shocking like, oh,


Brian, come on, man.


I know.


Well, I mean, look,


I grew up in like some of


the whitest of the whitest suburbs.


And the only time I was


exposed to Sister Act was


like the movie poster in


the in the video in the video store.


And I was like,


that's Whoopi Goldberg as a nun anyway.


So when I said this,


because Maggie watched both


of the Deadpool movies with


me and it came out,


I hadn't seen Sister Act.


She was like after Deadpool,


like you get that Deadpool one and two.


But after that.


sister act and I was like


that's so maggie held my


hand and we went on a


sister act voyage and uh


yeah honestly great


wholesome movies like on


like I just I feel like our


world is so cynical now


that like if you made a


movie like that people


would be like this is so


cheesy and like like it's


way too earnest but like


man it's just so wholesome


because like whoopi


goldberg just wants to help


these people and she like


doesn't want to but then


she does I don't know it's


nice that's nice and


there's some singing I love


singing as we know from our


in the heights review um


which go check that out if


you want a good time yeah I


hear about antonio bandera


isn't it I'm so sorry I


didn't think that'd come up


You know what?


I'm more proud of it because


it was so wild that it's


like I have no choice but


to just wear it as a badge of honor.


Such a wild episode.


All right.


Yeah, for sure.


Also, Brian, to your credit,


Brittany has not seen Anaconda.


And when I showed her picture,


when I showed her clips of


Jon Voight's voice, she made this face.


She made the stink face and then she goes,


turn it off.


Just get it out of here.


I can't.


I'm going to make her watch


that and say it's because


you haven't seen it.


The hatred of Brian picks continue.






Roman Meyer is one of my


grandma's favorite movies.


Anaconda or?


I know, right?




Oddly enough, it's Anaconda.




so we have the chat going for those


that are listening to us on


our audio adventure.


You'll hear us reading


random comments that these


are our live viewers,


as you can join us live


every Monday at 8 p.m.


when we record on all of our socials,


including Instagram now.


And you can join the conversation there.


You can also join in the


conversation and get some


private perks by joining


our Patreon family, our Patty family.


I'll give you advice on flooded basements.


That's when I knew to get a new sump pump.


So welcome to sump pumps in


black and white.


Sump pump it up.


Home ownership in black and white.


I'm sorry Roman has had a rough 24 hours.


That's a rough go, man.


That's tough, man.


That is rough.


Well, gentlemen,


we have a whole ass podcast to get to.


We got a lot of ground to cover.


So I'm going to pivot on us on over,


excuse me,


to... Do not get your weekly


therapy from us.


Go to a certified therapist, please.


BetterHelp doesn't sponsor us.


We cannot help you.


They are so much better at this.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


But we are going to play a


little game we like to play.


Catch that quotable.


Gentlemen, give me a minute.


This quote is a full-on paragraph.


I'm not kidding.


I'm going to start reading


this and then set the timer


because it's going to be a lot.


Is everybody ready to give


me their attention for the


paragraph that is this quote?


Hit me!


Hit me.


It is strange to think,


I haven't seen you since a month.


Thank you.


i next compete in the city


of paris I will find it


empty in the winter if you


are not there hope guides


me that is what gets me


through the day and


especially the night the


hope that after you're gone


from my sight it will not


be the last time that I


look upon you okay the only


detail someone's competing


in paris this is a rom-com


this is a love letter what


rom-coms have a competition in paris


Y'all, I think I know what this is.


You have to read it again.


I don't know what it is.


I will read it again,


but I think I know what this is.


Doug, read me your beautiful poetry.


It is strange to think I


haven't seen you since a month.


I have seen the new moon.


Oh, I know what this is.


I have seen sunsets and sunrises.


Nothing of your beautiful face.


The pieces of my broken


heart are so small they


could be passed through the


eye of a needle.


I miss you like the sun misses the flower,


like the sun misses the


flower in the depths of winter.


Instead of beauty to direct its light to,


the heart hardens like the


frozen world your absence


has banished me to.


I next compete in the city of Paris.


I will find it empty in the


winter if you are not there.


Hope guides me.


That is what gets me through


the day and especially the night.


The hope that after you're


gone from my sight,


it will not be the last


time that I look upon you.


I know what this is.


Do you want me to read it in


a southern accent?


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,


no, no.


I have seen the new moon, but not you.


I have seen the sunsets and sunrises,


but nothing of your beautiful face.


That's disgusting.


That changed the whole vibe of the quote.


I'm going to put the timer on.


Pieces of my broken heart


are so tall they could be


passed through the avenue.


This feels like Tow Mater


doing this right now.




Oh, God.


And Paris works because there's a Paris,




Yeah, go ahead.


Start that timer.


I already started it when


you were on your... I don't


know what this is.


This is a Knight's Tale, right?




Maggie's going to be so mad when she




Okay, that's one of her favorite movies.


This is a knight's tale.


We're just riding with it?


No, it's definitely a knight's tale.


It's definitely a knight's tale.


Funny enough,


when you did read it the second time,


so the first time when Doug read it,


he was reading it because


he didn't know what he was reading.


The second time he read it,


he read it with more confidence,


and then I felt it was the...


it's, it's that it's lovey dovey flowery,


like that kind of poetry language.








Paul Bettany writes the


letter that William sends.




That's right.


Vision writes the letter


that the Joker sends.


Yes, that's true.


Yes, that's right.


Almost every actor that a kid will know,


I was thinking about it


when Brian said that


trailer of Hugh Jackman.


um everybody in that trailer


has been in a comic book


movie so they will be


forever associated with oh


that's who plays amanda


waller yeah first uh road


and you know I mean like


that's what kids will


always associate people


with when they go back to


the classics now yep I


agree kind of crazy I'm not


gonna say it from jersey


shore because I've done


enough done enough accents


one accent pod for us yeah yeah


Well, there we go.


We got it, y'all.


How much money did we get now?


Where are we at?


I don't know.


We'll find out when he decides.


He must have left.


Unless he's withholding the


dollar amount until I say


it like I'm from a Jersey car.


No, he didn't.


We're at 90 whole dollars, baby.


Join us next week where we


will maybe hit the... I mean,


I won't be here, so maybe... I mean,


I didn't provide anything this week.




What are we going to do?


I'm not going to be here either.


I'm boycotting.


You're boycotting.


You all don't want a Doug only episode.


Just turn into Larry King really quickly.




Midnight Suns issue.


I'll be smoking a cigarette


for some reason.


Have you ever thought about


how the world always gets


older and older but you don't?


Oh my god.


Yep, it's an hour and a half of that.


So strap in.




there is a little festival that


we like to call...


Comic Con.


I love that festival.


Favorite comic festival.


Favorite comic festival full


with balloons and clowns and rides.


But gentlemen,


we have San Diego Comic Con


took place over the weekend.


There were some large announcements.


So I'm going to actually


turn it over to Marcus because Marcus,


I think,


is the person who probably paid


the most attention out of


the three of us.


And so, hey,


Marcus, take it away.


Yeah, Brian, what's up?


I just want to say, before Marcus goes on,


we do have someone in the


chat that says if we could


get Doug to pre-record two


videos and interact with them for the pod,


we'll get a $100 donation.


90-minute monster and all.


What the fuck do you think of that?


Don't attack me like that.


I don't deserve this bullshit.


I'm just saying that is


something in the chat that


we can decide on at another point.


I think I'd decide yes.


Marcus, take it away.


Live from SDCC coverage.


Live from the San Diego Comic Festival.


I did a little bit of paying


attention because I was


interested to see what was


going to happen.


Marvel was back at Hall H


for their bigger reveals


and they really focused on


what seemed to be three movies,


four movies.




Three movies.


I'd say three.


Three movies at this time.


Really making some official,


official announcements.


Also, DC Comic Con was there,


so I'm going to just roll


through some of the things that we saw.


We got a lot of


announcements about the Fantastic Four,


which changed or added to their name.


It's called Fantastic Four First Steps,


and that's going to be


hitting theaters July 25th, 2025.


I do believe that it's a


double entendre for them getting their...


The director already said


that this movie is not going to pick up.


It's not going to show them


going to space and getting their powers.


It's going to show them like, yeah,


no origin story for us.


It's going to show them like


a little bit already


established and already


having their powers and


going from there a little bit.


And there was the trailer


did also leak online.


So you can go find that the


footage that they showed at


the Comic-Con of the Fantastic Four.


I did watch it and it looks really,


really good.


It does look very good.


It looks good, but like most, I mean,


I wasn't able to find like a clean cut.


So if like you're someone that's like,


I want the official thing.


This is not for you.


This is like smuggled,


smuggled point of view footage.


And it looked fine from what I saw.


But I definitely, I mean,


they've only been filming for a month.


So I was surprised they had


this much footage.




I mean, they showed a lot in the footage.


You get to see clear shots,


as clear as you can from a


phone to a screen.


But like clear shots of the Fantastic Four,


clear shots.


You get like a shadowy image


of what the thing kind of


will look like or resemble a little bit.


And it's like a lot of fun stuff there.


So they showed some of that.


They talked a little bit


about the cast on stage.


That was what that was.


Then they also got into a


little bit of the Thunderbolts,


kind of explaining what the


Thunderbolts story will be.


sebastian stan really took


the lead on that um you


kind of see he is going to


be the leader of the


thunderbolt it was


confirmed that he that


winter soldier is the


leader of the thunderbolts


according to one of the


trades I i think it was


variety but I was surprised


that they made such a


declaration about that yeah


yeah it was I and he went


on to say how like how


fantastic the cast is like


he's all like you know like


they're supposed to but yeah um


That movie is going to be coming soon.


I'm trying to see when the


date was for... I mean,


Thunderbolts is May.


May 5th, 2025.


It's less than a year, which is wild.


So it says it's supposed to


be like Yelena is depressed


and sad and that they all


basically get...


since on the same mission


but they don't know it and


so then they run into each


other and then they become


oh my gosh that sounds like


so much fun yeah yeah it's


like hunger games but like


oops you didn't know you


were competing oh my gosh


that sounds like so much fun yeah


And then one of the biggest


things that happened that


night was Robert Downey Jr.


made a guest appearance.


Well, first, before we even got there,


the Russo brothers who


directed Avengers Endgame


and Infinity War are back officially.


So they will be directing


what is now going to be


Avengers Doomsday and


Avengers Secret Wars.


And for Avengers Doomsday,


you guessed it's going to


be about Dr. Doom, I'm guessing,


or the introduction of Dr. Doom.


I did see another report


that said Doomsday will also wrap up


Kang storyline too as well.




And so you'll have those two


movies directed by the Russo brothers.


We're just going to open up


with a shot of Jonathan Majors in jail.


Look, we wrapped it up.


Oh my god.




Go ahead.


No, I...




I've been wondering how Marvel's


going to do this, and it makes me laugh,


because, like,


I don't think they can be mean about it.


I just don't feel like


that's what the MCU could do,


but also at the same time,


you gave me this mental picture of, like,


before they do, like, the big, you know,


triumphant opening music, it's just like,


okay, we know.


It's just Kevin Feige.


It's like Kevin Feige going, like,


Yeah, it's just like the deep breath.


well, there's the movie.


He doesn't say anything.


He just goes.


There's a scroll at the


bottom that says Kevin


Feige speaks about Jonathan Majors.


You can kind of put it together,


but nothing official.


It's weird because it's going to say,


it usually says,


you'll see this hero again


in the Avengers Infinity War.


It doesn't want to say,


Jonathan Majors is not coming back.


That's it.


No one has seen it since.


But, yeah,


so then it was announced that the big bad,


the biggest bad that we've


all been waiting for,


who's going to play Dr. Doom,


is going to be played by


none other than Robert Downey Jr.,


who's going to be making


his triumphant return where he said,


new mask, same task.


And so, yeah, he back.


He won all his awards and


then bought his ass right back.


I think the funniest part


about this is Gwyneth Paltrow,


who tweeted underneath like


a post of his making the announcements,


was like, I don't get it.


Are you a baddie now?




So, yeah, that was pretty cool.


That's definitely on par for


Gwyneth Paltrow.




she doesn't know what's going on in




Avengers Doomsday will come out May 2026.


Avengers Secret War will


come out May 2027.


So that's it for the Avengers stuff,


and then I can kind of get into...


Well, why don't we take a pit stop here?


Because I feel like Rousseau


is coming back for Secret


Wars and Doomsday.


And to clarify,


Secret Wars is now the


sixth Avengers movie.


It was the fifth.


It's now the sixth.


And now Doomsday is taking


that Secret Wars spot,


if I'm understanding it correctly,


which was previously Kang's dynasty.




The other thing that is


obviously we have Robert Downey Jr.


And then Stephen McFeely was


announced that he will be


writing Secret Wars and Doomsday.


Oh, yeah.


And he wrote Infinity War and Game.


I mean, he did Captain America Civil War.


He's done Winter Soldier.


He's done quite a bit of Marvel.


Let's just leave it at that.


So let's take a pit stop.


How do we feel about all this?


Uh, I feel... Okay, here's my thing.


I was kind of defending it last night,


playing devil's advocate.


I see why this makes sense


to bring our DJ back into


this world and into this role.


I think that there is very...


split reviews but I can see


how this could be very


successful it's a cheat


code to go with the Russo


brothers plus Robert Downey Jr.


because we saw the successes


of the Russo brothers and


Robert Downey Jr.


the first time and it seems


like that's what Marvel is


trying to get back to


I don't think that they


needed this if they would


have just done Fantastic Four, right?




You could have found somebody else.


What I hope,


and then I'm going to pass the mic,


is that Robert Downey Jr.


variant dies.


He does his thing, does his big work.


He dies,


and they introduce a Doom that is




that thinks he was smarter than


Tony and Reed,


and it's the actual Doom variant.


victor von doom of this


universe but you gotta you


gotta have this inspiration


first that then takes over


the technology and makes it


his own like that kind of


realm that's what I hope


right doug go ahead no doug


go um brian no I i haven't


oh look I'll say this I have an open mind


There is,


this is classic Marvel where


they'll drop a bombshell,


but there are no context clues.


It's just like, here's who's playing them.




Like that's literally all this was.


There was no like,


and here's a little bit of the story.


Or if you're curious,


read fantastic for six 37.


Like there was none of that.




So because there is no additional context,




I have to say that I am a


little disappointed by the announcement.


And I'm a little... Not


because I don't feel like


Robert Downey Jr.


is good for the MCU.


I would say not that I don't


think the Russo brothers


are good for the MCU.


I mean, they obviously have this...


piece of it,


like they have this corner


that's carved out for them


where they did such a great job.


My concern is


What new things can we


expect them to give us?




Good question.


Great question.


All I have is questions.


Did you know he was supposed


to play Dr. Doom in the


2005 Fantastic Four?


Was he really?


Robert Downey Jr.


was almost played Dr. Doom in that.


I can tell you the route


that I want this to go that


would make me happy is that


he is not a Tony variant.


And that we actually never


see his face and that this


is literally he is playing


a Victor Von Doom,


but because he can do the voice well,


he can do the mannerisms well,


he can capture that sort of


like gravitas that I would


expect Victor Von Doom to have.


If he is a Tony variant,


then I am with Marcus.


If they do not kill him off,


I'm not going to be happy


with this choice overall.


Oh, man.






And he has to die.


I'm sorry.


He has to.


You cannot keep RDJ around


to just be this ever living.




thing because Tony died


either way you take away


from the sacrifice that was


made if he lives you ruin


the fact that oh fuck


that's our hero walking


around as a villain now and


if he dies I don't like he


has to die there is no other option


I don't know what else there is.




I honestly, this is a decision that like,


I, I said this in our chat,


but this is this type of casting decision,


this type of idea of casting a,


one of your most well-known


protagonists for 10, 10 movies.


as the major villain this is


it it's a do or die moment


for marvel and I'm not


trying to be like I'm not


trying to exaggerate or be


hyperbolic but I think I do


think um they listen to our


podcast I'm kidding I do


think they know I do think they do what i


I feel like the MCU knows or


the folks that are involved


with it know the audience


feedback and they


understand that people have


not really enjoyed the


multiverse saga because


it's felt very disconnected.


And if you're looking for


something to make a splash


and like regain some of that viewership,


I understand why you choose


Robert Downey Jr.


Oh, for sure.


Like, I get it.


It's a name we all know who are fans,


but you risk alienating


this group of people kind


of like us who are like,


we've been here the whole time,


and you're bringing back somebody...


Who had probably one of the


most perfect send-offs in a


movie franchise ever.


Like a full circle moment.


He ends his first movie that


kicks off the whole fucking


thing with I Am Iron Man.


And he finishes it right


before he snaps his fingers


with the same line.




And it's perfect.


It's perfect.


And it was sad and and and painful.


But it was it was perfect.


So I think you have a huge task.


Like it's a double edged sword.




you get all these people that are


hyped about Robert Downey Jr.,


myself included.


But how you make a


performance and a story to


make people not bring all


that baggage to doom.


It's hard.


You fight with one hand behind your back.




is a gargantuan task and


look robert downey jr I'm


not gonna bet against him


because this man was like


I'm gonna put the whole mcu


on my back and I'm gonna


make it work for 10 years


and he did and then he said


I'm done I'm gonna go get


an oscar and he did and he


did and so now he's back


and he's saying he also did


dr do little in that time


he had time to talk to


animals oh yeah for sure


I'm not going to bet against him.


No, no, no, no.


You can't bet against him.


Go ahead, Marcus.


No, no, go ahead.


You can't bet against him.


but I think we're all one of


the constant problems of that.


We've heard time and time


again from some corners of


folks who have tried to


watch pieces of the multiverse saga.


And that's the best way to


put it is this is confusing.


Is that the person I know?


Is that a different person?


And my fear,


my knee-jerk reaction worry is


what better way than to


more thoroughly confuse


those folks than to say,


here's Robert Downey Jr.


Because if you see his face,


I can see it now.


There are going to be wives


and girlfriends who go to


these movies for the first time.


And they're going to go,


we watched this yesterday.


Didn't he die?


And they're going to be like, no, no, no,


no, no.


That's a different person.


That's a conversation that's coming.




That is going to be a post


dinner pre movie conversation.




Repeated millions of times.


That is a driving back from


a car and you are like, oh man,


it was so good, babe.


What did you think about it?


And she goes, oh yeah, it was fun.


but I thought Robert Downey Jr.




Then they're going to be


doing dishes a week later.


And they're going to be like,


but how can he come back


and play the same person?


Because it's not like, that's,


this is what's happening.


No, it doesn't happen.




I'm going to play devil's advocate.


Oh, great.


To what though?


To what?


I only got little pieces


because I ain't got much


because I'm in full


agreeance with what y'all saying.


I'm going to say this is not


the devil's advocate part.


I like this.


I understand it.


business wise strictly


business wise you're right


brian is absolutely correct


this is do or fucking die


that's it that's the bottom


line yeah what do you do


when it's do or fucking die


you go back to your bread


and butter baby yeah I mean


whose hands do you put it


in to win the championship


you put it in kobe's hands


you like that you put it in


the here's the thing here's


my advocacy you put it in


the all right doug wagner


you are kevin feige


You need to make a move that


Marvel has been slipping


because in the chat, Brian Roush,


didn't we make the list of


Phase 5 movies that on


paper look like they should have hit


But it really was like


throwing bullshit at a wall.


Is that correct?


That is the vibe of Phase 5.


It should have worked, and it didn't.


Yes, it should have worked, but it didn't.


Now, Doug,


you know your Phase 5 in the


midst of all the Disney bullshit,


Disney fighting Florida,


Disney fighting Chapstick,


Disney just doing too


goddamn much at once.


you know it's do or die


everybody's saying the


public's saying Marvel is


dead these motherfuckers


done fell off this is


before Deadpool and


Wolverine because these


talks have been in they've


been in talks for a while


they've been in discussions


to make this comeback for a


while because the rumors


were always there we just


didn't think he was coming


back literally actually two


weeks before this


announcement I dropped it


in the chat and Brian said


this is so comic booky I


don't think that they could


do it it's true




It seems like a lot.


I'm going to go down this list.


Thank you, Brian.


Ant-Man and the Wasp, Quantumania,


February 17, 2023.


Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 3,


May 5th,




The Marvels, November 10th, 2023.


Deadpool and Wolverine, July 26th, 2024.


Captain America Brave New World,


February 14th, 2025.


And Thunderbolts, May 2nd, 2025.


That is your Phase 5.


With your first three movies,


the best of the three is


the one that's most


disconnected from them all,


which is Guardians of the Galaxy,


Volume 3.


Is everybody with me still?


I'm with you.


It's a business decision.


So I understand a business


decision of being like, listen,


like Doug said,


who hand do you put it in


when it's time to go to the fucking ring?


I'm going Braun, Braun.




I'm going Braun.


Now, who else's hands do you put it in?


Braun with a championship ring.




With an Oscar.


He doesn't have many of those.




What the fuck?


What the fuck?


Oh, wow.


Why would you toss a hand


grenade into a situation like this?


Because I'm here for chaos, baby!


What the fuck?


It ain't me you gotta see.


It's LeBron James.


Yeah, that's fine.


He doesn't have a bag of


weights he can bring.


Yeah, bring your basketballs.


He don't.


He's just gonna dunk on your


punk ass in your parking


lot in your driveway.


What if I don't stand there?


So you're going to give it


to LeBron fucking James.


Oscar winning RDJ who just


was in fucking I don't know.


Or his performance in Space Jam 2.


But you're going to give it to him


Because now he's got some


dirt on his name to be


Oscar winning RDJ coming


back to Marvel to play Dr. Doom.


Is it my first choice?




but I can see the direction because the


stories you can tell from that alone.


First of all, Pedro Pascal.


And RDJ on screen together.




That's got to happen.


Spider-Man, Tom Holland,


facing the face of his mentor,


his father figure.


Now a villain and a baddie.


That's got to happen.


All of the former Avengers


having to face the smartest


fucking man on the planet.




you got to face that now in the face of


a villain who knows the ins and outs,


who knows he can use that against you.


You got to go to dinner that evening like,


oh, yeah,


I hate to punch Tony in the face.


But what else are we going to do?


This motherfucker is causing


like wreaking havoc.


I get it.


I get the business decision.


I see where you could go with the stories.


Is it my favorite?




Go ahead, Doug.


I have nothing.


It's I you're not I mean,


you're not wrong.


I see the business decision.


And I guess I shouldn't be


surprised that Disney's


making a financial choice


because Disney is still Disney.


Disney's still dizzy.


They still need to.


There has still been increased pressure,


especially since new Bob


took over for all of this


to sort of the days of


putting it out fast,


the days of doing it.


quickly without any care.


Like all of that are the days gone by.


Also not surprising that we


see Robert Downey Jr.


Back in the saddle with a


Bob Iger in charge.


Great point.


Surprising there.


So this is, this is everybody.


This is, this is every,


this is the Rolling Stones.


Playing their classic hits.


I have another point.




To that point.


What did Bob Iger say?


There was going to be a lot


more of when it came to


movies within Disney.


All sequels, baby.


Sequels and spin-offs.


So what is this then?


What do you call this?


This is a glorified fucking sequel.


I mean, it's a sequel performance.


Is that what you said?


It's a fucking encore


because Bob Iger wants to


make fucking money.






I don't, I don't disagree.


And I feel like this is, it's so,


it's so safe.


It's so safe.


And I'm not, I don't know.


I'm willing to give it a chance,


but I also understand the


criticism that I'm reading,


especially since we know Giancarlo,


or Giancarlo,


Giancarlo Esposito.


Thank you.


I was struggling with that.


We know he met with Marvel


and his team said that he


met about Dr. Doom.


Ben Mendelsohn said that he


would give his teeth to play Dr. Doom.


Those were the two confirmed


in interviews that we knew


had interest and at least


had a conversation with Marvel.


Everything else was just


totally up in the air.


So like, I just, I guess I want to,


the thing that I'm curious about,


obviously, RDJ is a business decision.


But how did they get there?


And I can't wait for that book.


That's what I want to know.




Like that won't come out for


another 10 years.


We're not going to know that


until the movie comes out.


Who talked to each other first?


Was it RDJ and the Russo


brothers or was it?


I mean,


what did Kevin Feige see that he's like,


we got to call him.


We got to call Tony.


Like, right.


Like, what did he see?


What did he see on the board


that he's like, we got to get RDJ back.


Like, was it a, was it an audition?


Was it a certain vibe?


Was it a creative decision?


Cause like something


happened and it's very hard


for me to believe they


didn't have enough talent.


Cause I bet a ton of people


would have loved a doctor


that I would have loved to see.


Try it.




But if this is the end of your, all right,


this is me, my theory.


And I know we got to move on.


This is the end of this


version and iteration of


the MCU before the mutants


come and take over everything.




Good point.


Do you want to start a new story, I guess,


with this new actor of a


familiar character?


Or is it better to just do


somebody you know?


Because we've already introduced variants.


We know that they exist.


We said this a long time ago.


Variants are a cop-out.


Whenever I'm ready to recast,


whenever I'm ready to pull


anybody else that I fucking


want to in because I can...


Marvel was the smartest by


introducing a variant and


everybody was like, yep.


Just like they did with nanotech.




Everybody was, they,


nobody questioned when the


actual costumes,


you pull a mask over and


nobody got to touch any,


like you had to pull it over.


Nobody said nothing.


When in infinity war, that motherfucker,


Tony touched his chest and


everything had to right back.


You know what I mean?


I feel like this is the end


of this certain iteration


of this 616 timeline.


And then when you get to


Secret Wars and Tony and


this Doctor Doom variant


style is the one that is


the final toe-to-toe


whatever the fuck it is.


And they reboot this motherfucker.




I think you don't want to do


nothing with nobody new.


You can introduce a new doom


on this earth because at a later point,


but I think that's maybe


that's what they saw.






That's right.


You asked me a pointed question.


Then we'll move on.


The question you asked was


if I'm Kevin Feige,


what decision am I making differently?


And I can tell you the chief among them,


the decision I'm making differently.


which is I am not treating


Dr. Doom like it was a


rushed homework assignment


that I woke up on Monday


morning and forgot about


when I had a whole fucking


weekend to figure it out.


I don't think that's fair, Doug,


and I don't think that's fair,


and I don't think that's true.


Let me tell you why it's not


fair and it's not true.


Because you're forgetting.


Okay, I would agree with you.


I'm an elephant.


On a homeboy level, I agree with you.




on a we work in systems and I hate to


do that.


There are more people that


are above you that Kevin


Feige ain't in all control


as we think he is.


So when the big,


big dog says we need to


make money and it better


knock it out the park.


What are you going to do?


I'm going to my bread and fucking butter.


And sometimes I don't have a


say so in that.


Bob Iger's the one that said


we're doing more sequels


and I thoroughly believe he


meant that shit by do what you know.


With his whole chest.


Do what you know.


We need to make it out of


the park and do what you know.


Here's the reason why I push back on that.


It's because we know the process.


We know because there was a


whole ass book written about it.


We know the process where


they sit there and they


don't plan out the next two.


They plan them in phases.




and so what I what I am


wondering is there are


times where we have talked


about it on this podcast


where we have said this is


a great chance for you to


just introduce that idea


and not to like pivot us


into the movie we're going


to talk about we thought it


was possible in Deadpool


and Wolverine we were like


maybe there are from the


footage we saw so there's a


part of me that's like you


could have teased this guy


being there somewhere right


And you didn't?


Not with Jonathan Majors.


I'm sorry.


And you're right.


You're absolutely right.


That is the stick in our bicycle tires.


It throws everybody off the ride.


It is what it is.


But that's kind of where I go,


what would I have done differently?


I don't know.


I guess...


laid the foundation a little bit more,


but that's,


that's if all things are perfect.


If I had,


and that's with hindsight being 2020,


I would have been like,


I would have laid the


foundation a bit more


because then we could maybe


see where you're going


because this is an abrupt announcement.


Like there are a lot of


people are excited about it.


There are some people who


are scratching their heads.


And there are some folks who are like,


what the fuck?


This is such a big thing.


Let's be honest.


It's a business decision and a Band-Aid.


Because Jonathan Majors,


you had to fix the Kang situation.




Because your Avengers movie


was called Avengers Kang Dynasty.


It was an entire movie about fucking Kang,


not Doom.


And I don't think Doom was


supposed to come until...


maybe the second Fantastic


Four film or Phase Six later on.


They had to expedite shit


and this was the band-aid of being like,


hey, hey, look at this.


You see that?






the fact that it's not in a


post-credits tease or it's


not in a cameo reveal,


I think it's also something


to take note of here.


They want people to know


this is coming and you


don't even have to go see a movie.


It's nothing like the Thanos reveal.


right and I feel like that's


also really telling and the


other the last thing I


think I'll say on this is


like what when I used to


watch professional


wrestling um this is going


somewhere I promise no no


uh yeah like basically if


there's a match canceled


for any reason and you


gotta you gotta book a new


match you that new match


has to have better talent right


Yes, it has on both sides.




Regardless of what the previous match was,


no matter how good it was,


the new match has to have


better talent because you


need to have people forget


what you were going to go


see and be more hyped about


what they're going to see


that they don't really care


that the match got canceled.


They get to see this.


And I feel like that is part


of the philosophy here,


because I'll be honest,


it worked on me in the


moment of just like, I don't care.


I don't care about Kang.


I don't care about majors.


I like RDJ is going to be Dr. Doom.


Like that's that's wild.




So it worked at least on me in the moment.


We'll see how it lasts and


how general audiences are OK with it.


Like I'm waiting for my mom


to be super confused.


She's going to hear RDJ is coming back,


but she does not follow the MCU at all.


But she sees the movies here and there.


I'm waiting for her to be like,


but he's Iron Man.


So fascinated to see how


this goes with general.






And, and who knows,


maybe this is their announcement, but,


telling us what we expect to


see when fantastic four


does come out next year.


Like this is them leaving,


leaving Reese's pieces to


get us to follow them to


where they want us to go.


I mean, that's a great point.




It's to me.




All right.




we do need to get into Deadpool and




There are a lot more


announcements from San Diego comic-con,




Marcus and I can break them down next


week a bit more.


Um, since that's like a news episode,


some of the DC stuff specifically.


So I don't want to, those who are DC fans,


I don't want to like short


change you cause there's a


lot to unpack there,


but we do have a whole ass


movie to get to.


So this is your second spoiler warning.


We are about to spoil the


fuck out of this.


So if you have not seen


Deadpool and Wolverine,


this is a great place to


pause and come back at a later date.




who would like to give us their


barbershop synopsis for


Deadpool and Wolverine?


Brian, you want to?


Yeah, I got it.


You know what?




I'll take my hand.


All right.


What had happened was that


Deadpool is now he doesn't


know what to do with his life.


He wants to matter.


And that's one of the main


things going on in this movie is


and uh all of a sudden one


day the tva picks him up


and they say hey we we need


your help we need your help


to to get you back in the


main in the main universe


but the only thing it's


going to cost you is all of


your friends and family


deadpool does not like that


so he then proceeds to


fight back against the tva


where he then ends up in


the void essentially where


aliath is where


where all the rejects are,


all rejects you could ever think of,


whether it's from Fox,


whether it's maybe it


wasn't even made yet.


Any characters you can


imagine are in the void and


Wolverine shows up


Because Deadpool is trying


to get Wolverine back to


his timeline because he's


technically an anchor being,


which might sound similar


to a Nexus being for any of


our comic readers.


That's why Deadpool's universe is dying.


His Wolverine died.


And because of that,


his universe will eventually collapse.


So this movie is then spent


trying to get Deadpool and


Wolverine back to their home universe.


And I'm going to say some hijinks ensue.


That's a great job.


You didn't bury the lead.


It was perfect.


Yeah, so well done.


That was great, Brian.


Good job.






you have the box office off the top


of your head, right?


And Brian,


can you also pull those numbers


of who was closest?




we're going to have to have a chat


because, yeah, let's see here.


Cause I was looking at it.


So I'm going to explain this


while Brian's looking that up.


So, so number one,


shout out to the Vermilion theater,


our local town.


They offered Doug and I, Brian too,


if he was here, but Doug and I got to see,


have a private showing with


the crew of the Vermilion theater,


the coyote twin right here.


um of Deadpool and the


Wolverine on Wednesday so


we were able to go in um


literally it was just us


and and the crew and we got


to you know get popcorn


like we normally would sit


in our in our infamous


seats that we're always


sitting in um and really


just laugh as loud as we


wanted to and they knew who


we were like they know who


we are we you know we work


with them we have some


exciting stuff coming yeah


I know right thank god


because any other theater


would have kicked our asses out


But they know we've got some


fun stuff planned with them


of an upcoming festival


we're going to be talking


about here on the podcast, too,


and things like that,


things of that nature.




soon we've got to write about Brian.


But we were able to watch the movie,


and it was like a little late midday,


late night showing.


We got out a little bit late,


and it was such a good time.


So just shout out to Shannon


Cole and that entire team


for just welcoming us with


open arms and rolling out


the red carpet for us.


yeah absolutely um brian got


that number and then I'll


do cast I sure do the total


domestically for deadpool


was 211 million if you


listen to the episode last


week we did a secret


envelope uh I wagered it


would make 160 million doug


wagered 286 million and


marcus wagered 290 million oh


So none of us were like super duper close.


The closest was me,


but I was under by like quite a bit.


Dog was almost there with 286.


So, so yeah, we were kind of,


we were kind of there.


We had a range.


we were in the neighborhood


like we weren't necessarily


at the house but we were in


the neighborhood so I'll


give it to us yeah um and


it made 444 million


worldwide so this is the


highest r-rated opening of


all time domestic and yeah jesus


So let's run down cast.


So Ryan Reynolds plays Wade Wilson.


Hugh Jackman plays Logan Wolverine.


Emma Corrin plays Cassandra Nova.


Matthew McFadden plays Mr. Paradox.


Daphne Keene reprises her


role as Laura or X-23.


Jon Favreau is Happy Hogan.


Morena Baccarin plays Vanessa.


Rob Delaney plays Peter.


Leslie Uggams plays Blind Al.


Jennifer Gardner is in this as Elektra.


Wesley Snipes is in this as Blade.


Channing Tatum comes in this as Gambit.


Chris Evans plays Johnny Storm.


Henry Cavill plays the Cavalry.


Is that what they have him listed as?






Wunni Mosaku plays B-15.


Aaron Stanford comes back and plays Pyro.


Tyler Main plays Sabretooth.


Karen Soni plays Dolpinder.


Brianna Hildebrand plays


Negasonic Teenage Warhead.


Shilohi Kutsana plays Yukio.


Stefan Kapek plays Colossus.


Randall Reeder plays Buck.


Louis Tan plays Shatterstar.


Who else is in this?


That's pretty much it.


Rob McElhaney plays a TVA soldier.


That's fun.


Peggy the dog plays dog pool.


Blake Lively does the voice


for Lady Deadpool.


Nathan Fillion does the


voice for head pool.


Matthew McConaughey played cowboy pool.


No fucking way.


He's listed in this.


Paul Mullen,


a forward for the Welsh football team,


Wrexham AFC, plays Welsh pool.


That's amazing.


And so, yeah, that's a cast.


So there you go.


And there are some other people in there,


too, where there are characters you see,


but they're not officially credited,


like Lady Deathstrike was in there.


Not as if there was no


official credit because


there were no speaking lines.


It was more of a cameo type of deal.




thoughts on Deadpool and Wolverine?


I mean, where do you want to start?


I think if you have a movie,


and we don't typically rate it,


I would say a 9 out of 10.




Easy 9 out of 10.


this okay this movie is a


lot of things and I also


feel like it was hyped as a


certain thing and I went


into this movie with the


expectation that it was


gonna like do some


janitorial work on the MCU


and it didn't and I am


actually very happy about


that this movie overall


like yeah there's an


emotional core to it but


I'm gonna be honest with


you it's probably the least


involved emotional core of


any Deadpool movie like


He feels like he wants to matter.


We go through the most basic


steps with that.


But then the TVA comes and


like everything goes to hell.


And that's fine.


I think the thing that this


movie does so well, though,


is acknowledging how much


fans love this stuff.


And I feel like that matters.


And it also acknowledges


this like super messy time.


that Fox had trying to make


superhero movies.


The good, the bad, the ugly,


and the ones that never got made.


And I wasn't expecting a movie like that.


And by the end of it, it just felt like...


I felt very seen as a comic


book fan because it just, it was like,




Other people remember that


like these movies,


these movies mattered a


while ago before the MCU,


like the MCU owes its creation.


I think in my opinion to a


lot of what Fox did.


And it was nice to see that


almost as like a love


letter and a thank you


letter to those movies in a


Deadpool movie.


And it was different than what I expected,


but I really enjoyed myself.


yeah well said I think this


movie this movie did I mean


you're right brian this


movie could have been like


he's running around taking


care of loose ends and it's


really he's working for


like he's working for


disney in the most like


fourth wall break meadow


way it could have been


But what I loved about this


is that this movie treated


so many of those characters


that we grew up with with


such a level of reverence


and care and tried to bring


them and lift them up as


much as possible that I


really was really happy


with how they did it.


I also think that this is...


This was a movie that I


don't think this was a


movie that necessarily


Disney wanted to make.


I think this was a movie that I agree.


Ryan Reynolds and Hugh


Jackman talked Kevin into and said,


we can do and we can do and levy.


We can do something really special here.




And there was enough of a


thread and enough of


something going on that they were like,


yeah, go for it.


Because this movie is.


vulgar which checks a box


for me this movie is


violent like it is like


this movie is a lot of


things there are some


parents that are about to


bring their kids to a


Marvel movie over the


course of the next two


weeks and they are gonna be


like driving home having to


do a lot of explaining um


and so I was just really


pleased with like how they


executed this because for


all intents and purpose


this could have gone off


the rails like this could


have like been yeah all


over the place but man it


was it was really really


well done and I a tip of


the hat to everybody


involved because I think


they they really they


pulled it off and they nailed it so yeah






I think I will add one more


V just because I'm a man of alliteration.


But it was it was vulgar.


It was violent,


but it was also vulnerable


because you have certain


scenes in there where it allows.


Thank you.


It allows you to analyze


these characters in all of


the ways that I think people,


including myself, were concerned.


it was so meta in itself.


It like in its layers of like,


how would you,


how could they bring back


Wolverine when he had a perfect ending,


kind of the same


conversation we just had


about RDJ a little bit.




Of how can you bring back


this character that meant so much to us?


Oh, easy.


He was the anchor for this universe and no,


he's really dead.


Like he's gone.




And this person is the opposite of that.


Oh, okay.


I see why they picked RDJ.


I see why they did it.


I think they picked it


because they saw it work in this movie.


Because Kevin Feige did have


an interview about bringing


back older characters only


if you can do it right.


And he said that.


And he said,


after seeing this movie and


what they did with Hugh Jackman,


They did it right,


which I am in full agreeance with.


I like how you tell this new story of like,




this isn't the Wolverine we know and


love this.


Excuse me.


This Wolverine went and


killed a bunch of humans


because the humans came to


their crib and killed all


of the all of the X-Men and


our famous X-Men that we know and love.


And he went on a fucking


rampage and killed them all.


Didn't stop the good,


the bad and the ugly.


That's what he said.




And he had to come with grips with that.


And he is known as the worst


version of the worst


Wolverine that there is in


all of the rain and all the multiverse.


And so I just think that, you know,


it allows you to also


analyze Deadpool to that extent, too,


because you have to have


the character like


Wolverine to set up this


goofy merch with a mouth


that has to face some serious shit.


And then you have Hugh,


who is playing this Wolverine,


who's a failure,


who has to face this goofy


motherfucker that won't shut the fuck up.


It's like two walls, like, you know,


two unstoppable forces


running into each other.


And they're and they're


perfect foils for each other.


And I think I want to do


linger on the moment of


like you using this


Deadpool lens on RDJ of like,


how is this going to work?


And like literally Hugh Jackman,


Hugh Jackman set up this


huge challenge for himself


to differentiate from the


Logan we knew for like 10 movies,


nine movies.


And he did it like and he


did it with such ferocity as well.


And he's such a good actor to do that.




I just need to commend him because...


there's this point and we


talked a little bit about it in the chat,


but there's this moment in


the car where he just like


goes in on Deadpool,


tells him how terrible he is.


He can't manage any relationships.


Of course, he's not going to matter.


He doesn't take anything seriously.


And the way that he delivers


that material is, is gut wrenching.


And if I was in that passenger seat,


I wouldn't have fought Hugh Jackman.


I just would have like cried


and just crawled out of the


car while it was moving.






it was phenomenally done and Hugh


Jackman brought that.


He brought all of that to


this movie when you thought,


what else are we going to


do with Wolverine?




what if Wolverine like wasn't around


when all the X-Men died?


Cause he got blackout drunk.




I want to know that Wolverine story.


And it, it, it was, I mean,


that was a great like yin


to the Deadpool Yang of


that emotional core,


which I think it works.


It connects with me.


I think the other thing that


this movie did well is it


shone a light on questions


that I think comic book fans,


it sought to answer


questions that we had kind


of forgotten about and


didn't know we needed.


And the best example of that is, well,


how come we never saw


Wolverine in his yellow suit?


And it is such a perfect answer.


that I didn't even question it.


It was just like a, oh, well,


they always wanted me to wear it,


but I didn't want to make


it seem like I was, if I wore it,


I wanted to seem like I was too cool.


And now I wear it because


I'm trying to pay something


back and trying to make up


for my mistake and be the


hero they would have wanted me to be.


Like that was such a well


done and to Marcus,


a vulnerable answer that I went, okay,


yeah, that makes a ton of sense.


So, yeah, there's just a lot of this.


It worked.


It's incredibly depressing


to think that he never


actually wore it in his


universe with that team.


And then it's literally the


only thing he carries


around with him because it


reminds him of the team.


It's basically this walking


scarlet letter of his entire failure,


which I didn't expect in a


Deadpool movie.


No, not at all.


Not at all.


And I think, you know,


one of the other words as we go into,


like, one of my next favorite pieces,


I think you picked the


right... In a movie filled with cameos,


number one was not


expecting fucking Chris


Evans to pop up and have as


many speaking parts as he did.


He had a lot of lines.


And even so much Deadpool


joked about it was like,


he's killing the fucking budget.


You know what I mean?


And so...


Number one, you picked really good cameos.


And Blade says something


when he's talking to


Elektra about them going to


go stand up against, what's her name?




Cassandra Nova.


I'm thinking Casanova.




So I feel like they have


this moment where they're


talking about legacy.


And all of this in the end,


you don't get this until the end montage,


the video montage while the


credits are rolling about


how all of this is about legacy.


You poke as much fun as Fox


as you want to.


And Ryan Reynolds is really good at it.


But in the in the base of it all,


there is something about an


homage and legacy.


And like all of these people we see now,


they paved the way and were


trailblazers for.


To the comic book movies


that we get today.


We always talk about Blade


being the one that saved


the MCU because the first


Blade movie was so fucking successful.


When they were about to sell


everything off,


it kickstarted what the MCU


would be today.


And you don't get that


unless you get the Fox movies,


unless you get that version of Blade,


etc., etc., etc., etc.


And I feel like this is an


important point that Kevin Feige,


one of his first


professional jobs in movies


was associate producer on


the first X-Men movie.


And literally the only thing


he was there to do was


provide knowledge of the


Marvel Universe because the


production company was like,


we don't know what this X-Men thing is.


Can you just go there and


make sure everything's going fine?




And because Kevin Feige had


that experience on the X-Men set,


it sets off a domino effect


for like the next 20 years.


That's cool.


And that's why I think this


stuff is also really


important because he was there.


He was there when like the


first X-Men came out,


which is what kicked off a lot of this.




Now you can say what you, that's really,


Brian, that's a fucking, where else?


This is the only podcast you


can get some shit out of.


Here's the other thing, right?


I know that we had that


conversation earlier once again about RDJ,


but these two things are


tied in together.


Yes, Kevin Feige is a part of a system.




he's a part of responding to people


that are higher than him.


I do think Kevin Feige has


as much say-so as he would


like in the things that he


creates because he's done


it for over 10 years when


it comes to developing this universe.


He is somebody who cares


about... You have to care


so much that you allow Ryan


Reynolds and this Deadpool


character to come in and introduce...


this naughty world to this


clean Disney clean cut


thing that isn't really


connected to anything.


It brings in certain pieces


so that it all kind of makes sense.


The TVA was perfect.


Dr. Strange's like ring with


the reality stone and the,


and the time stone attached to it,


like smart as hell,


but to allow somebody to


come in and just say, yeah,


do your thing.


As long as it ties into this


and it doesn't really need


to lead into the next thing.


This is just a movie about friendship.


That's really what it was.






I mean,


I think it's a movie about these


two finding that they're


way more similar than they think.


And then also realizing like, you don't,




you can matter without doing these


big things.


You can matter by just


inviting someone to have


pizza at your apartment.






I feel like that was something else


this movie did.


Maybe it wasn't as eloquent


in its delivery,


but I also feel like that


was a message that resonated with me.






I want to talk a little bit


about the cameos,


because I think one thing


that can happen in this


movie really easily is I


feel like the cameos can


sort of start eating away


at your story a little bit.


And the movie becomes more


about the cameo than it


does necessarily about.


the um that the plot and I


think what this movie did


really well is it made


those fit in a way in which


that makes sense 100 they


made it fit in a way in


which that works like so so


well that I i was just


really happy with it so I i i


I want to run down all of


the different folks that are in this.


So first you get a bunch of


different comic book,


accurate versions of


Wolverine from various different pieces,


which I thought were awesome.


I thought that was so much fun.


yeah the short king


wolverine is in there now


wolverine is officially


listed on his like


membership of the avengers


at being 5 10 and so he was


much shorter in this


obviously but that was sort


of like the dig at his


actual height um that's


listed in the comic books


by the way nope not at all um


you got patch playing cards


and what we can only assume is magical.


Um, we got the, we got the,


we got the Brown suit from


when he's facing the Hulk,


even a shot of the Hulk


from like within his claws.


And then also the other way, um,


you got the Wolverine from


the age of apocalypse storyline,


which I thought was fucking


really good on screen.


Oh my God.


That looks really good.




um and then you got like the


most one of the most iconic


versions of wolverine which


is him crucified on like a


giant x um and just the


skivvies which was


incredible yeah a lot and


then last but not least you


got henry cavill as


wolverine which I thought


marcus was gonna like lose


his shit over like it


happened so quick it like


took him a minute


Because I like the way that


they introduced him.


It was the first shot of him


was just from behind.


And I was like, oh, who is that?


And they moved on.


And I was like, oh,


they're not going to go back to that.


Like, that feels weird.


Then I realized how they


were setting up the shots.


And then they did go back.


And it shocked the fuck out of me.


me too honestly I and that


feels like such an inside


joke because like I'm


really curious to talk to


people at work about this


because they're more like


folks who probably don't


follow casting news like we


do like we knew that that


was rumored for a while so


I would be so curious to be


like oh Henry Cavill what's


he doing here like oh no


people wanted and then the


John Krasinski one too like


yeah yeah yeah and then the


line will treat you so much


better than those fellows


across the street yeah


Yeah, I love that.


But here's the other thing


that I don't know if


anybody noticed that Henry Cavill did,


but he did his arm loading,


arm charge thing when he did his claws.


I missed that.


I saw that in a review, but I was like,




Like from Mission Impossible,


he did the arm thing.


Well, yeah, you got to load your arms.


Yeah, like the arm.


Yeah, you got to load them.




Other sort of cameos that we had.




Blade was in this.


Played by original Wesley Snipes.


And I saw an interview,


and it was actually Ryan


Reynolds that asked him to do it.


And the only reason why he


agreed was he agreed and he said, well,


I mean,


if you can actually get them to


agree to it,


I don't think that's going to happen.


But if you can get them to agree to it,


then yeah, that's fine.


I wonder what happened that made him...


I don't know what,


why he thought that they


wouldn't bring him back.


Like their exit must've been bad.


In the interview that he said,


he said it was that because they had,


he was like,


I don't know if they want to


go backwards and they


already have Marshala Ali.


Do they really want to


create this level of


confusion since they


already have a new blade?


And so that was what,


that was the short like


interview that I saw that


where he sort of answered that question,


but you're right.


It does make me wonder.


I mean,


so there's also been all these


rumors about Blade Trinity,


which I someone write a book, please.


Or if there is a book,


feel free to comment or yell at me.


Because the main rumors were


that basically Blade


Trinity was trying to be


this spinoff for Jessica


Biel and Ryan Reynolds.


And then Wesley Snipes was like, no,


don't do that.


And then they were like, too bad.


And so he tried to be as


difficult as possible.


And that's where we get the


story of him not opening his eyes.


And they have to blue screen him.


They have to CGI his eyes


opening because he was like


trying to protest what they


were trying to do to this movie.


So like...


that I feel like it was the


idea of like wesley snipes


and box marvel did not


leave on the best terms so


I'm wondering if maybe


that's where some of that


came from there were also


rumors that like ryan


reynolds and wesley snipes


didn't get along I don't


think that's the case at


this point it didn't seem


like it now I could see


that happening back then


young stood and you know I get it


So much so that Deadpool


makes a line in the movie,


which I thought was outstanding,


where he goes,


and we didn't necessarily


get along the last time.


So last time we worked together,


which I thought was incredible.


I lost my,


I just want to just put in the preference,


you know, put in perspective.


So when they do that whole


shot with the big cameo


scene with all the big dogs, right?


And we go and we see Wanda.


We see the Wanda on the wall.


What's that about?


What's that about?


It got to mean something


because nothing mean nothing.


So like we walk down and


this month they doing all


the introduction.


First of all, Elektra's there.




Come in.


spinning, you know what I mean?


She still looks good, too.


Elektra walks in.


They make a little Daredevil joke.


Daredevil's dead?


Oh, lord!


She's like, it's not that big of a deal.


It's fine.


Gambit walks in.


Motherfucking Channing Tatum


in his actual Gambit outfit,


which he looks kind of crazy in.


I'm not gonna lie.


It's always the head thing


for Gambit that never


translates to live action.


He's also big.




Well, that too.


It's also his accent, you guys.


I don't want to solidify


myself as the accent expert.


Jesus Christ.


But I feel like if you give


me two months with a dialect coach,


I can do much better than Channing Tatum.


I feel like that's the joke, though,




I think that's the joke.


Kate, looking back on it,


Channing Tatum had pushed to


get his own movie for such


a long time when he saw Gambit in,


what was it?




And he was very critical of


that character's Southern


accent and was outspoken and said, I can,


I am from Louisiana and can


do a better accent than that.


And so this,


it might be a little bit of a joke,


but it's him trying to like


really lean into it and


make them as Cajun as possible.






All I'm saying is, Marvel,


if you need another Gambit variant,


I will send you my resume.


I know.


Hey, you get one line.


No, no, no.


I couldn't.


We're already over time.


But when Blade popped up,


I lost my shit because I


didn't expect it.


I was hitting Doug the whole


time because I genuinely


did not expect Blade or


Wesley Snipes to walk from


around the corner.


Absolutely bottom of my list.


Bottom of my bottom of my list.


And the entrance was like


the music and what he was wearing,


how they styled him.


I thought it was perfect.


His little goatee that was white.


And then he had the little


white in his hair too.




Oh my gosh.


That entire sequence is just so...


perfect because I finally


got to see an x like


someone from the x-men talk


to someone from the


daredevil movies electra


electra jennifer garner


yeah and blade and then a


character we never saw plus


x23 yeah like that that is


something I wanted 20 years ago


And we finally got it in a Deadpool movie,


which I just think is the


most bonkers thing out of all of this.


Like all everything was there,


but it took Ryan Reynolds


and co to pull it all together,


which I just think is the


most wild thing about this.


Daphne Keene also has been


in I didn't realize this


she played Laura in X-23


she's 19 years old played


Laura in X-23 and then went


and played Jackie in


fucking Star Wars Acolyte I


can't get any of these


names right tonight I just


didn't know that that's all I got yeah


other folks that were in I


mean we had so we talked


about Christopher Evans


like I had to give him his


fucking legal name but like


some other folks that were


in it that you got to see


like glimpses of but maybe


didn't have speaking lines


I mean obviously Pyro's in


this Sabretooth is in this


oh my gosh Blob Toad maybe


Psylocke Psylocke


um lady deathstroke


juggernaut uh strike yeah


lady deathstrike sorry um


lady deathstroke that's a


different that's a no I


like it I like it but yeah


and then all the other sort


of like nods to different


things like different


vehicles so we saw red


skull's car they had a they


had a fantastic car so they


had like the fantastic that


was catching these shits


quick as hell because I


could not be booked


There was a Guardians ship down there.


It looked like a variant of the Milano.


Somebody said a Pirates of


the Caribbean ship was there.


There was a Pirates of the


Caribbean ship behind.




so when Deadpool and Wolverine are


fighting in the desert,


if you look behind them at


the shot when they're like this,


there is a pirate ship sort


of off in the distance.






Florence Pugh made a post and I


couldn't resist but look at it.


I get it.


We all have our influencer.


It's very charming.


You both know mine.


That's where we're at.


We're going to leave it right there.




I didn't know yours.


I forgot.




I know Brian.


You and I know Brian.


Put it in the private chat.


Who's Brian?


I will put it in the private chat.


Put it in there right now.




you talk and he's going to type it


in the private chat.


Brian, who is yours?


I don't know who yours is.


We don't need to worry about it right now.


I do want to get on the villain.


Talk a little bit about the


villain and how he felt about... Oh,




It is no secret.


I'm a fan of Elizabeth Olsen's character.


Alright, this is not a surprise.


She's very charming.


I'm in full agreement with you, bro.


I don't disagree.


And he's so respectful about it, too.


Yeah, and I'll say mine out loud.


Sydney Sweeney's mine.


Let's just get all of ours out there.


Let's just own our shit.


We all have our shit.


Is it mine?


But as a black man,


I do have my white women


that are on a good list.


And then I have my...




All right.


Cool, cool, cool.


I'm learning a lot tonight.


Which is fine.


I like to learn new things.


Zendaya is mine.


Oh, okay.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Is that who you thought it


was going to be?


Who did y'all think mine was?


I thought it was actively Florence Pugh,


so that's just where I left off.


Florence Pugh is like that, though.


You have a few.


You've got Florence Pugh.


You've got Zendaya.


You've got the lady who played Valkyrie.


Oh, Tessa Thompson.


Tessa Thompson.


Sure, sure.


Ooh, fuck, yeah, you're right.


Ooh, goddamn.


The Lord is good, man.




Jesus Christ.


Here's what I know.


I know that when Wolverine lost his shirt,


a lot of people in my


theater started paying attention,


including my wife, and that's fine.


It's fine.


here's what was surprising


though he didn't take his


shirt off sooner and that's


a big thing about being


Wolverine and I didn't


realize until that moment


of like oh and then he kept


the mask on so I was like


oh that threw me off like I


was like I was like yeah




No, we can go back to Cassandra Nova.


Let's talk about Cassandra Nova.


So first off,


I thought she was kind of one


of those... So she sort of


fell into this... Because


Deadpool and Wolverine command...


so much space.




She did feel like she got


lost a little bit.


Like, you know what I mean?


She did feel like she got


lost a little bit,


but I really appreciated like her,


her powers.


I thought the idea of


crawling into people's


heads with her hand, one comic book,




And two looked fucking sweet.


Like it was just such a cool concept.


It was disturbing.


It was.


And I applaud this movie.


More, please.


Like, it was straight up just disturbing.


It felt like Sam Raimi, like a little bit.


Yes, very Raimi-ish.


Like body horror type stuff.


Yeah, for sure.


Maggie and I squirmed when


she put her hand through


Succession Guy's head and


dragged him down the stairs.


Oh, my God.


That really bothered me.


And I know it was CGI, but I was like,


that woman...


grabbed his brain and is


dragging him by his brain.


That's disturbing.




And they let you sit in it.


I do agree.


I agree a little bit about


the villain of like,


she's sandwiched between


Paradox being villain 1A


and her being villain 1B.


And then the whole entire


Deadpool and Wolverine story.


I think there's a lot of


potential for her as an


actress or this character


to be a sole villain in some capacity,


maybe if they could adapt that storyline,


but that would take a lot


to kind of adapt that


storyline down the road, but


I enjoyed her purpose.


She was there to catapult


this story and be the exit


from the void or the


connection from the void to


the to the multiverse or to, you know,


to that world.


And I think that she did that well.


They wrote that character well to do that.


And I do I do want to give a


shout out to the actress


because I knew her from The Crown.


She is Princess Diana in The Crown.


And so I think that she's


got such range because I


saw her in that and then I


saw her in this and I'm like,


man, you're like two different people.


You're a comedian.


I love it.


So just, I want to give a bump.


I want to give a bump to


Emma Cora and I think she's


really talented.


I'm really excited to see


her in more stuff.




Cassandra Nova,


it felt a little one note E,


but also at the same time,


like I'm okay with that because I wanted,


I wanted the Deadpool Wolverine stuff.


Like it's fine.


Like she did exactly what


she needed to do.


I also think you could have,


and what I appreciate what they didn't do,


is they could have said,


because she's technically


Charles Xavier's sister,


they could have made this...


they could have really


leaned into how she's not Charles.


And they just didn't... They


left it alone.


They just sort of like, no, no, no,


she's her own thing.


Leave her right there.


And that's just fine.


And I was really pleased


with that decision because


my fear was they were going


to make this...


commentary on Charles and


misgivings and they only


brought it up once and it


was at the very end that


speech Wolverine gave to


her and I that was all they


needed to do and that was


perfect because they could


have done it could have


been extra about it and I'm


glad that they weren't


No, I agree.


And I think that this movie


knew its limits in being like,


we know we can do a


meditation on if Charles


Xavier is like a net benefit to mutants.


This isn't the movie to do it.




we're not going to do that right now.


We got this movie's about


this movie has Chris Evans


like basically having his


skin ripped off at one point.






Dealing with that, which, by the way,


I've seen a lot of stuff in movies,


but like even I was like, oh,


That got me.


That got me.


Well done, Marvel.


And the effects were pretty good.


It happened so good, so quick.


I don't know.


There's a lot of moments in this... Okay,


here's my downside to this movie.


I don't just want to kiss


this movie's ass.


Here's my downside.


There are certain moments where I wish...


the emotions were longer the


story is simple it's a very


simple story right and you


jam pack it with all the


things we know and love


around this story because


it is simply put a story


about friendship uh and


finding out what matters to


you which in the end is


having that friendship and


that other than somebody to


rely on that's what the


whole movie is about


absolutely and for deadpool


Sometimes I wish that there


weren't as many jokes like


that scene with Hugh


Jackman and Deadpool.


I'm glad that it happened,


because if you don't have


that moment where Deadpool


doesn't respond immediately


when Wolverine says something,


I think you lose the whole


kind of like the


vulnerability in this joint.




I agree.


And sometimes I wish they


kind of sat in that more.


I think it also felt like


paradox at some point was I


get why you introduced that


because you need the TVA.


Is there another way to


introduce or make that bad


feel a little bit more big, bad?




I guess a little bit because


they randomly bring in Deadpool.


They drop all these little seeds about,


yeah, somehow they, they,


the people up top got plans for you.


You're of some importance or


something on something you


got to come work for us and


I'm going to destroy your universe.


And that's kind of like, wait, why?


You know what I mean?


Like I,




Great question.




They never really talk as to like,


why does that, why does, what was it?


Earth one zero.


One thousand five.


One thousand five.


Triple zero five.






One thousand five.




You're right.


They never talk about like,


why does that need to be destroyed?




Well, wait, they do,


but they do talk about it,


but he talks about expediting it because,


well, okay.


They never talk about why it


needs to be expedited.


They say why it's dying,


but he never says like, well,


I'm trying to hurry it up.


Well, no, because they need a mercy, mercy,


merciless and swift response.


god or something like that


and that was him somebody


who's just willing to do


the dirty work I guess I


don't feel like they built


that up enough sorry brian


no you're fine I think this


is the part of the movie


where it's it's very much


like look this is what we


want to do we want to put


deadpool in these


situations this is the


mcguffin yeah just deal


with it we're moving on and


I'm fine with it, because I expected that.


I did not expect Deadpool to


get into the very specifics


of how all this science


fiction technology is working.


Paradox is just doing it for the fun.


For the funsies.


Shitting gigs.


And I appreciated a rogue TVA agent.


I doubt that they thought this far ahead,




when Loki takes over the TVA


at the end of the second season,


they're like, Oh,


like this is going to be


hard on some people like


this type of change.


Not everyone's going to go with it.


And implicitly you're seeing


that happen in Deadpool.


Do I think Marvel intended to do that?


I don't know.


In my head though,


it fits perfectly narrative


wise because the TVA knew


this was going to happen.


And with a change like this,


you're going to have a guy


like paradox who goes by the old ways.


So yeah,


I enjoyed it for that perspective.


Also, really quick,


we don't have to linger on this.


Never explained how Deadpool


gets to 616 for his Avengers interview.


How does he know about the Avengers?


Doesn't really matter.


How does he get back to 1005?


He had the time thing.




is the cable time thing how he got there?




I think because he thought he was


bought there or something


like that because of the


time cable jumping thing.


I think he still had it.




I think that's what I at least put


together in my head.


Because he said he destroyed it.


Did he destroy it after?


Yeah, so he goes in for the interview,


and then that's when you


see him at the car


dealership making fun of


Brian's current vehicle.


No, no, no, no, no.


He likes the Kia Carnival MPV.


Thank you.


And then he says right after that,


he gets pulled in by the TVA and he goes,


was that for all that time


jumping with Cable's watch?


Because I destroyed that.


I thought that was after Happy Hogan.


Me too.


Maybe it was.


He went to Happy Hogan to do


something that mattered


after he bought everybody back.


Went to see Happy.


Happy said no.


Then he destroyed it.


Then he stayed in the


timeline where he was.


That was the timeline I put


together in my head.


Pable's thing could make him


jump universes.


It's fine.


I'm going to go with it.


It's also Deadpool.


I think he needs the least explanation,


I guess.


He just shows up.


Because he knows who Thor is.


Yes, great point.


Which I'm pretty sure that's


repurposed footage from The Dark World.


It absolutely is.


I don't think any of that was there.


Do you know what the fun


idea that I heard the


original concept of this movie was?


They were going to do a


shot-by-shot Thor The Dark World


movie for Deadpool and then


at the end was going to revamp it.


There was several ideas that


went about how to go about this.


One was the road trip with


him and Wolverine.


One was a shot by shot Thor


the Dark World.


I got to find it.


I got to find it.


But that made all the sense


in the fucking world.


I also think that Thor shot


with him and him crying


will come back full circle


in Secret Wars.


I mean, I'll be honest.


I don't expect it.


If they make this happen, though,


I will applaud them because


that's a deep cut.


I love that.


Why am I still crying?


Why am I there?


I will say the director...


has said that this is not like,


this isn't setting any,


like this is not tied.








It's just its own box.


Which is fine.


Honestly, I think is good.


And like to get a little bit


more bird's eye.


I think Marvel really needed


this movie for a lot of reasons,


but I think one of the


other reasons is that they


got to do a Fox,


the 20th century Fox victory lap.


Thank you card.


So good.


While they figure their own mess out.






And maybe I shouldn't call it a mess,


but they're figuring out


the retooling of it.


We talked about it in the


fall that Marvel had this


big retreat of like how


they're going to course


correct everything.


And it would not surprise me


if they're like, yeah,


have the Deadpool movie,


do whatever you want,


because that gives us an


entire 18 months to figure


out what we do next.


And I feel like the result of that,


the Deadpool movie was


giving them time to figure out Doomsday.


because this is a fun treat


it doesn't really add


anything to the whole


multiverse maybe we'll see


something pop up from it


maybe like now there was an


interview asking directly


Hugh Jackman and Ryan


Reynolds like hey like what


does this look like for the


next Avengers movie are you


like is that even like a


consideration for you two


and it was like the classic


Marvel interview of like


they shuffled in their


seats and they hemmed and hawed so like


Hugh Jackman and Ryan


Reynolds are definitely


coming back at some point.


I mean, I would love it if they did, like,


a Wolverine and Xavier


school for gifted youngsters.


Like, he's the one leading it.


That'd be fucking sweet.


There's definitely some stuff cooking,


and I definitely think


Deadpool's showing up at some point.


Yeah, man.


Well, yeah,


Deadpool is... I think Deadpool


and Wolverine are... If the


rumors are true,


you're gonna get... Here's


what you're gonna get.


The money shot.




Wolverine, Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield,


and Blade, and new Blade.


You're going to get all


these motherfuckers in one movie.


Oh, I mean,


for all the cameos that we've


talked about, which Elektra,


Jennifer Garner,


I'm so glad you're a good sport,


and came back.


And not only...


came back for a cameo.


She did a full-on action scene,


which is great.


Thank you, Jennifer Garner.


I appreciate you.


As a fan of Alias, I appreciate that.


There were some very notable


absences from some X-Men members.


The fact that Colossus is


the only other X-Men


involved in this movie is


very... I don't see his face.


I think it's going to I think to me,


it's very telling that they


I feel like Marvel has some


plans of either bringing


them back in Secret Wars or


having them cameo in Secret Wars,


because I was like, man,


like if we're doing this


whole retrospective, I would expect like,


you know, James Marsden.


I would expect a $5 haircut.


Bring that motherfucker back.


I would expect Patrick Stewart something.


I did expect...


No haircut.


Oh, no haircut.




instead we got Chris Evans' Human Torch,


which I am 100% And Chris


Evans talking his shit on the back end,


which I really enjoyed.


I was like, yeah, perfect.


Johnny Storm don't care.


I do think you're right, Brian.


I mean,


I love the fact that, you know,


Deadpool brings up the


Avengers and Hugh Jackman's


response is fuck the Avengers.


That was incredible.


That I loved every second of that.


I would love a X-Men versus


the Avengers with that attitude.


That would be fantastic.


It's a lot, but I would love it.


Oh, yes.




But here we are.


Anything else that you have


on your list that you


absolutely got to talk about?


We didn't even talk about


the Deadpool core.


Blake Lively showed up.


Maybe it was Blake Lively.


She never took off the mask.


I think it might have been ADR'd.


I'm pretty sure Blake Lively


just showed up to the ADR


booth for 20 minutes.


I think she recorded it in their house.


I think that Ryan Reynolds


and their rich Hollywood actors,


I think that they have a


recording studio in their basement.


They definitely were like,


Yeah, let me just put this in the house.


I think that the mask,


although I wanted to see it more,


I think the way that we got


it for the rest of the movie was perfect.


The Wolverine mask, thank you.


I think the reveal was good,


and I think the line was like, hey,


do you use that thing often?


And he says, only for killing.


And I was like, yeah, for sure.


That is a fire-ass line, and then...


The Deadpool core are so disposable that,




you get a fight scene with a bunch


of Deadpool that nobody's really dying.


And Wolverine can still be Wolverine.


There's your scene for Secret Wars.


I mean, in Secret Wars,


the second iteration,


there's a whole fleet of


Thor battle world cops that go around.




You're going to see


something similar to that


at some point in time.


It's not going to be a one on one.


It's going to they're going


to build this shit out.


So, right.


I mean, it was.




I honestly at that point in the movie,


though, I was like, really,


we're doing this.


We're doing this like we


still have like the end of


the movie to do.


And then I was like, you know what?


I'm along for the ride.


And I didn't care as soon as


I saw the mask go on.


yeah and honestly I thought


the mask looked fine I did


see some comments like on


twitter and tiktok like oh


the mask like it doesn't


work that's why we don't


have the mask and I was


like this is the mask it


it's fine like I it I don't


know it's a wolverine mask


I got you bro yeah


Like, this is what it looks like,


and it looks good.


Brian, can you just start the sentence,


and I will end it.


So all I need you to say is, can you,


and then I will finish it.


Okay, can you... Shut the fuck up.


Nothing is good enough for you,




Just shut up.




you finally got this Wolverine


mask and all you do is complain.


That you've been whining


about for 20 years.


It looked good.


It was bright yellow, people.


It looked fine.


I kind of like the fact that


the eyes were similar to Deadpool's.


I kind of like that sort of


connective tissue a little bit.


I thought that was fine.


I did realize you cannot do


that with Batman because it


would look so weird in the


way that we get Batman.


Everybody wants the Batman white eyes,


the detective eyes.


Marvel has it down to a


science now where you can


do that and it is kind of


like second nature now.


DC has never set themselves


up to be able to get that, but whatever.


I also think it was a good


plan for them to do a blend


of CG and a real mask.


I'm really glad they didn't go the...


iron man route and they just


cg'd around robert downey


jr's face the whole time


like it was very clearly a


real mask with cg elements


which I think is the best


way to go agreed agreed all right


well uh I agree with marcus


he started this off with a


solid like eight out of ten


um I concur yeah a solid


eight nine out of ten this


was really good I enjoyed


it a lot it's a lot of fun


it's everything that I


wanted it to be um there


really wasn't I didn't walk


out of that theater saying


oh man I wish they would


have like I thought it was


there I mean for what I wanted so yeah


I mean, they even made a Punisher joke.


What was the joke?


I missed it.


The joke was she killed the


Punisher and Deadpool goes, which one?


There's like three of them.


Which one?


There's like three of them.


And they said like, oh, I can't remember.


Oh, God.


I mean,


also having Wesley Snipes being like,


there's only going to be


one blade and having Ryan


Reynolds look directly into the camera.


This movie's made


specifically for me because


I understand all of this.




i honestly like I just this


is how you do fan service


and however you feel about


fan service I don't really


care but like this is how


you do it it's substance


with these sprinkling of


cameos and honestly I'm


super happy for channing


tatum that he finally got


to be gambit in a live


action movie and it looked


sick as hell it looked amazing


Just needed to dial in that accent.


Here we go.


Gentlemen, yeah,


so definitely we recommend seeing it.


If you have a local theater


like Vermillion Theaters,


go see it there.


Absolutely go see it there.


But gentlemen,


what do you all have to plug?


Hey, folks, it's me, Brian,


to tell you about Color Me Confetti.


Head on over to and


type in Color Me Confetti.


All one word, you'll see my website.


I got distracted.


You can peruse her wares and


see all of the printable


party supplies she has for you on Etsy.


I didn't like the way you said where's.


I'm sorry.


I apologize, I guess.


I can do a better ad read if you want.


Brian, is the Love Nerds still a thing?


The Love Nerds is still a thing.


Head on over to

:: for all of


your recipes and different craft ideas.


All right.


Marcus, what do you got?


Make sure you follow the mantra,


never offended, always humble.


You know what I mean?


Noah for short.


I got new music on the way.


I'm back in my bag, baby.


So don't worry.


I'm going to feed you soon.


The streets will be fed.


Shout out to Soltie, S-O-U-L-T-Y-E.


He's got new music.


Shout out to Jarrell Patton.


He's mixing and mastering all my music.


Find clips on Instagram and


find clips on my Snapchat.


All at Marcus J. Destin.


Stay connected, but follow the mantra,


never offended, always humble, baby.


Those clips are fire.


Don't miss them.


Thank you.


This week,


I forget what I'm trying to say.


I got distracted.


Is the music too loud?


I don't know.


I got distracted.


I was trying to give a compliment.


Still thinking of the way Brian said,




So, anyway, here we go.


I want to plug this podcast.




if you enjoyed our hot debate about


Robert Downey Jr.,


if you enjoyed our


breakdown about Deadpool and Wolverine,


Share us with a friend or a family member.


The best way we get some


love and support is through


word of mouth.




if you are feeling generous and want


to go over and sign up for


one of our Patreon tiers,


join the Patty family by


going to slash


films in black and white.


and hop on this train.




we have a three-step process to success.


Brian, what is that first step?


Hey, folks.


I'm here to tell you to read a book.


And I'm just talking about any book.


Read a book.


You'll be well-read.


You'll know things.


You'll know all kinds of things.


Maybe things you don't want to know,


but you're glad you did.


Read a book.


There you go.


I'm going to tell you to drink some water.


Look, y'all,


it's supposed to be like 100


degrees here tomorrow.


You are doing yourself a


disservice if you do not stay hydrated.


So drink some water.


Take care of your body.


It'll take care of you.


But, yeah, drink some water.


You want to make sure for that number,


step three, you want to,


because Doug did not


introduce me for the final step.


He just let me have the job.


I just let you go.


You want to make sure you


wash your ass in this multiverse,


in the void, in Earth 1005, in Earth 616,


and right now,


make sure you wash your ass,


because guess what?


You can't do the nasty if


you don't wash your ass.


That's the rule.


No, you can't.


No, that's kind of a prerequisite.


Tell me I'm wrong.


I mean, you're not.


I can't.


I wish I could, but I can't.


And I shouldn't be irresponsible.


That does it for this week's


episode of Films of Black and White.


It'll be a Marcus and Doug original.


Tune in for the debate of the century.




We're going to just box.


We're going to put up a


camera and he and I are


going to box in a public place.


See who gets arrested first.




It's me because I'm black.


Yeah, Doug,


you walked right into that one.


Yeah, no, I did it on purpose.


But more importantly,


we'll be back next week as


Brian takes some much needed R&R.


So tune in next week.


We would love to see you.


But in the meantime and in


the between time, stay safe,


stay healthy.


We love y'all.


We appreciate y'all.


We'll catch y'all next week.


He figured he'd get on these


niggas good sides.


Free chicken.


Every time Anthony posted in line.


Two extra biscuits.


Anthony liked them and


didn't let them slide.


They didn't kill him.


In fact,


it looked like they were the last


to survive.


Pay attention.




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