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The David Spoon Experience 7-16-24 part 1
16th July 2024 • The David Spoon Experience • The David Spoon Experience
00:00:00 00:30:12

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A) In Matthew Chapter 18, Verse 12, Jesus narrates the parable of the lost sheep. In this parable, as well as the ones preceding and following it, sheep symbolize believers. The term “the little ones” refers not only to the innocent and childlike but also to young and new believers.

B) Jesus poses a question: If a shepherd has 100 sheep and one wanders away and becomes lost, what will the shepherd do? The narrative does not suggest that the sheep wanders away and returns on its own. Instead, it emphasizes that the sheep wanders away and becomes lost, indicating that momentarily straying is not the same as becoming lost.

C) The answer to Jesus’s question is straightforward. The shepherd will search for the lost sheep. He will leave the 99 unharmed and seek out the one that has strayed.

D) Upon finding the lost sheep, the shepherd rejoices more over it than over the 99 that did not wander. This does not imply that the shepherd loves the 99 any less. It merely highlights the momentary joy of bringing the lost one back into the fold, without diminishing the love for those who did not stray.

E) Before anyone can overlook the teaching, Jesus states that the same principle applies to His Heavenly Father. This implies that everything discussed in the parable holds true for each one of us. God, in His infinite love, does not wish for any of His “little ones” to perish.



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