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Busy is a Choice with Amanda Hinman
Episode 6617th May 2017 • Plan Simple with Mia Moran • Mia Moran
00:00:00 00:53:41

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Are we giving ourselves permission to step back and say “But wait...what do we really want to be doing?”

– Amanda Hinman

On this episode of the Plan Simple Meals Podcast, I’m really excited to talk with Amanda Hinman, who helps moms get in touch with their intuition, improve communication, and finding time for yourself. Amanda’s life looks pretty amazing right now, but a few years back, her oldest daughter was struggling with seizures. Amanda’s husband’s anxiety was through the roof with a stressful job and the family health issues, and Amanda’s autoimmune condition was exacerbated. She felt guilty and helpless as a mom. Things shifted for Amanda when she started working on her own self-care. That had a ripple effect her whole family. She is the momma of four girls. Amanda says, that her life isn’t perfect now, but “It’s an ongoing journey of “let’s have fun together and let’s connect and let’s use our time in ways that we enjoy instead of feeling this obligation to-do list.”

Amanda and I talk about how we, as moms, are experts on our own kids—and we need to tap into our intuition. Amanda talks about listening to her own intuition in dealing with her daughter’s health and tells her clients: I’m not the expert on your child. You are the expert on your child. I’m going help you unpack those layers you need to tap into that intuition.

We agree that busy is a choice. Amanda shows us how to decide the way you want to live your life instead of feeling like you’re a victim of circumstances. If you have kids in lots of activities, you need to ask yourself: Are we giving ourselves permission to step back and say “But wait...what do we really want to be doing?” instead of doing what you feel like you should be doing.

We talk about:

  • the importance of down time

  • how to take baby steps toward the life you want to be living

  • what to do when you are already overscheduled

  • how to help your kids make healthy decisions about activities and downtime

  • how we make food choices that support the life we want and our own individual circumstances

  • how to communicate about all these things by starting from the same place.

Amanda runs the Hinman Holistic Health Institute and knows first hand how getting in touch with your intuition, improving communication, and finding time for yourself create ripples of change throughout your family and life.


Get in touch with Amanda or to get her free Vibrant Child Starter Kit

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Doable Changes from this episode:

  • Lean into your intuition. It may feel hard when you are in the doctor’s office, but the saying “mother knows best” is wise.

  • Prioritize dinner. This may mean saying no to a few things, but feel what shifts at home.

  • Look at your calendar with a lens of “Is this serving me?” Don’t quit everything today, but feel into where you can fit in more family downtime (hint: it could be dinner!).

REALLY getting healthy as a family can be a big lifestyle change. But no matter how insurmountable it may feel, focusing on one doable change at a time can help you take small steps toward your big goal.

A healthy lifestyle is really made of lots of little things that when repeated regularly and added together over time make a huge impact on your life.

Choose one Doable Change every Sunday night — one thing that you are willing to play with for the week. The key is to keep it doable and fun! Write that thing on a sticky note or your phone so you remember it. Then put 3 things on your calendar that support it.

Choose from the changes above or download a list of 101 Doable Changes we made for you.

If you are as psyched as I am to grow veggies on a patio this summer and indoors all winter, you are going to want to check this out! I have watched friends have these for years, and am so excited to have my own! (Psssst… There are amazing curriculums that have been created by the company, to make these a no brainer for schools too!) Read more here, or contact, to learn more, and set up a free 20 minute phone Q and A.






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