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GS1 RFID in Food with Jonathan Gregory (Part 2)
Episode 1015th May 2024 • Supply Chain LEAD Podcast • Supply Chain LEAD Podcast
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Host Michael Graen is joined by Jonathan Gregory from GS1 to discuss RFID Technology in the food sector. This part 2 episode includes talking points on:

RFID tags and their capabilities for inventory management.

The role of RFID for loss prevention in retail.

Industry standards and best practices for RFID adoption.


Mike Graen:

But back to your point, you need some additional

Mike Graen:

information in the food part of the business like date. So walk

Mike Graen:

us through, how does that change when you move from this for

Mike Graen:

predominantly general merchandise and apparel to look,

Mike Graen:

he's got a slide that describes it.

Jonathan Gregory:

I didn't know how technical we wanted to go.

Jonathan Gregory:

So I'm gonna I'm gonna jump right in here, Mike. So you open

Jonathan Gregory:

the door. Great. Come on walk in. All right, man. So so the

Jonathan Gregory:

DSG10+, that is the encoding scheme, instead of that SG1096.

Jonathan Gregory:

That is the encoding scheme for food space. Right? So so this is

Jonathan Gregory:

two examples of two different tags using this DSG10+ encoding?

Jonathan Gregory:

I'll walk us through this, right. So this is the nerdy

Jonathan Gregory:

stuff, right? So I'm just gonna back up a tiny bit. And RFID tag

Jonathan Gregory:

is basically sending you a signal, like you say, hey, tag,

Jonathan Gregory:

tell me who you are in the tag says 'Okay,' and it gives you a

Jonathan Gregory:

Amplitude Modulated signal back, so you get a big wave for one

Jonathan Gregory:

and a little wave for zero, right? And so each one in zeros

Jonathan Gregory:

big and little waves that come back. And a readers use just one

Jonathan Gregory:

standards to interpret those ones and zeros and make sense of

Jonathan Gregory:

them. And here is the gory details of exactly what that is

Jonathan Gregory:

my first eight bits, my first eight ones or zeros, tell me Ah,

Jonathan Gregory:

this is a DSG10+ encoded tag. I know what to expect next. Right.

Jonathan Gregory:

So I know it's a product. And I know this is the format. The

Jonathan Gregory:

next bit here says, Am I giving you extra information beyond the

Jonathan Gregory:

core information that's required? In this top example?

Jonathan Gregory:

No, there's a zero here. In the bottom example, yes, there is

Jonathan Gregory:

extra information. The next value is a filter, which in this

Jonathan Gregory:

case is indicating a case. But you could have a point of sale

Jonathan Gregory:

item, filter value or a unit load or pallet or what have you.

Jonathan Gregory:

So the filter allows me to have a distinction to be able to say,

Jonathan Gregory:

Hey, I'm only looking for point of sale items here. Don't give

Jonathan Gregory:

me the other information or vice versa. The next two, because

Jonathan Gregory:

it's a DSG10+, then I have to have a date. And so I'm saying

Jonathan Gregory:

well, what kind of date? Is that a production date? Is it an

Jonathan Gregory:

expiry date, Best Buy date, right, those types of that that

Jonathan Gregory:

choice of what kind of date is indicated here by this date

Jonathan Gregory:

indicator followed by the actual date value? Why why mmdd? You

Jonathan Gregory:

know, right year, month day format, followed by the G10. So

Jonathan Gregory:

just like the SG1096, except it's formatted a little more

Jonathan Gregory:

simply, right? It's it's, it's in one string instead of having

Jonathan Gregory:

to use like an algorithm to put it together. But I have my

Jonathan Gregory:

product identifier here. And then following that is a

Jonathan Gregory:

encoding indicator in length indicator, which is really

Jonathan Gregory:

describing the serial number that's to come. And so I'm

Jonathan Gregory:

saying I'm about to give you an uppercase hex a decimal value.

Jonathan Gregory:

That's eight characters long. And here it is, right. And so

Jonathan Gregory:

what I've done is I've captured this information that really

Jonathan Gregory:

that it's a product that I have a particular date, G10, and

Jonathan Gregory:

serial number. And I've done that in 128 bits. And let me

Jonathan Gregory:

just say why that why I call that out 120 bit tags are very

Jonathan Gregory:

widely available. Once you get over 128 bit tags, at least as

Jonathan Gregory:

of the time of this recording, then you don't have as many

Jonathan Gregory:

chips available. They're definitely available. They're

Jonathan Gregory:

definitely out there. But you're outside of what I would

Jonathan Gregory:

typically call like a commodity space. And so that's your

Jonathan Gregory:

business decision is you can add more data, but then there might

Jonathan Gregory:

be an cost associated with that. So just to round this up, so the

Jonathan Gregory:

first tag I've gone through, right, so 128 bits, my G10, my

Jonathan Gregory:

date and my serial. The second tag here also includes a

Jonathan Gregory:

Bachelot. And so we can see the same data structure is just that

Jonathan Gregory:

the AI DC indicator says yes, I have more data. And then this

Jonathan Gregory:

next line showing I have application identifier 10 which

Jonathan Gregory:

is a Bachelot and again, a coding and linked indicator

Jonathan Gregory:

saying I'm giving you a numeric value that six characters long,

Jonathan Gregory:

and here it is. Um, so that's the gory details of how that's

Jonathan Gregory:

done. But really that's so important to the industry to be

Jonathan Gregory:

able to encode this data and this is the this is part of the

Jonathan Gregory:

tag data standard 2.0 which was released in August of 2022,

Jonathan Gregory:

which is really the most substantial change to the to the

Jonathan Gregory:

tag data standard in over a dozen years. So some major

Jonathan Gregory:

effort, a major focus within industry really focused on

Jonathan Gregory:

India. nibbling food to to build interoperable and future proof

Jonathan Gregory:

solutions that will really, truly scale globally instead of

Jonathan Gregory:

being kind of confined based on a limited data that's available.

Mike Graen:

So so give me three different tags. I've got a piece

Mike Graen:

of apparel that's just a regular SG10. It's a 96 bit SG10. Then

Mike Graen:

I've got a tag 1 that you've got here, which has extended

Mike Graen:

attributes, that's 128. And then I've got a tag 2 the bigger,

Mike Graen:

which is 164. Do I, as a retailer have to have different

Mike Graen:

hardware and software capabilities to read this in? Do

Mike Graen:

I have to convert everything over to this new format? Are we

Mike Graen:

backwardly compatible? Help help me think through that as a

Mike Graen:


Jonathan Gregory:

Yep. So the same hardware, same hardware to

Jonathan Gregory:

read the tags, because the SG1096 isn't the only encoding

Jonathan Gregory:

scheme, there are other higher memory encoding schemes that

Jonathan Gregory:

exist and the same hardware that supports this, 1096 supports

Jonathan Gregory:

those other higher memory, so you're not limited in any way

Jonathan Gregory:

the system of standards, and the air protocol are all such that

Jonathan Gregory:

there's no impact to your physical hardware, it's simply

Jonathan Gregory:

when you get the bitstream back, it's your software that

Jonathan Gregory:

interprets the bitstream. That software has to be upgraded. But

Jonathan Gregory:

the cool thing is, this is a standard is a global standard.

Jonathan Gregory:

So you're not making something that's proprietary that's going

Jonathan Gregory:

to kind of expire and you have to maintain and enter in your

Jonathan Gregory:

trade partner doesn't know what you're doing. You're simply

Jonathan Gregory:

upgrading this interpretive framework to the newest

Jonathan Gregory:

standard, and so that the entire industry is going to have that

Jonathan Gregory:

capability. So that's something that GS1 Global Office provides

Jonathan Gregory:

actually a software library that can be used within IT systems to

Jonathan Gregory:

do that conversion as well. And so it makes the lift a lot

Jonathan Gregory:


Mike Graen:

Alright, for those of the audience that are about

Mike Graen:

to check out, because we're all talking bits and bytes thing,

Mike Graen:

let me let me take it back up to the business level. So if I'm a

Mike Graen:

major, a major retailers, let's leave the quick service

Mike Graen:

restaurant for just a minute, because this is really about on

Mike Graen:

shelf availability. I can think of two different kinds of use

Mike Graen:

cases, one of them where you manufacture the product in a

Mike Graen:

store, maybe it's a bakery, hey, I'm baking bread. Right? Okay,

Mike Graen:

so what exactly, let's talk about that specific example.

Mike Graen:

That would be a retailer that's putting a tag on that bread?

Mike Graen:

What are the kinds of things that they could do with that,

Mike Graen:

obviously, we know the on hand accuracy adjustments, but what

Mike Graen:

are the other things that gives that this new capability that

Mike Graen:

allows you to do?

Jonathan Gregory:

Yeah, so by encoding that data into the RFID

Jonathan Gregory:

tag, you can also have a 2D barcode, I can say a QR code,

Jonathan Gregory:

that you read at point of sale as well, which is really a

Jonathan Gregory:

powerful synergy between the two. First talking about in the

Jonathan Gregory:

store, and then beyond that, so for in the store, I can say,

Jonathan Gregory:

hey, I'm now searching for items in my store that are going to

Jonathan Gregory:

expire tomorrow, right or have already expired. And I can do

Jonathan Gregory:

that very efficiently. Because the something I haven't

Jonathan Gregory:

mentioned, because I don't want to go too nerdy on you. But the

Jonathan Gregory:

over the air protocol, the way that readers to tags communicate

Jonathan Gregory:

has also been updated. Now you don't have to implement that

Jonathan Gregory:

update. But then latest version of that protocol allows you to

Jonathan Gregory:

say, hey, tags, only, only you guys, only the guys that are

Jonathan Gregory:

expiring tomorrow, just just respond to me and no other types

Jonathan Gregory:

are responding to you think about how efficient that is,

Jonathan Gregory:

when you're surrounded by RFID tagged items, to only have the

Jonathan Gregory:

tags that you're looking for, respond and identify themselves

Jonathan Gregory:

is a really powerful kind of infrastructure advancement

Jonathan Gregory:

there. So you have the in store visibility, if you will, and

Jonathan Gregory:

capability and this could be both from a handheld

Jonathan Gregory:

perspective, or from a gateway perspective, but also the point

Jonathan Gregory:

of sale. So now, I don't have to have an RFID reader at point of

Jonathan Gregory:

sale. I just scan that 2d barcode, and I'm able to say,

Jonathan Gregory:

Oh, this item, this specific item with this date information

Jonathan Gregory:

has been sold. Great. Like I've now decremented my inventory in

Jonathan Gregory:

a precise way. If I have even if I'm cycle counting, and I know

Jonathan Gregory:

we'll have some items over in this part of the store and other

Jonathan Gregory:

items when that part, I know well, I pulled this item that

Jonathan Gregory:

was over in that part of the store, and I might replenish to

Jonathan Gregory:

it or have that more specific location awareness based on that

Jonathan Gregory:

serialization. But you go beyond the point of sale. Now the

Jonathan Gregory:

consumer and consumer could do it before or after point of sale

Jonathan Gregory:

to point their phone at the QR code. And you can tell them a

Jonathan Gregory:

story. Or you can engage the consumer in a certain way, in a

Jonathan Gregory:

variety of ways. And so the consumer can can learn more

Jonathan Gregory:

about maybe somebody wants to check for an allergen after the

Jonathan Gregory:

fact or or order another one or what have you. Right. Or, heaven

Jonathan Gregory:

forbid there's a recall or something like that. There's

Jonathan Gregory:

that capability built into that platform that digitally enabled

Jonathan Gregory:

platform that's there.

Mike Graen:

So let me let me make sure I got this right,

Mike Graen:

because I think I'm tracking with you. So scenario one in the

Mike Graen:

grocery store, I bake a loaf of bread, I slap just a regular

Mike Graen:

label on it. And I put it out there for customer to buy it.

Mike Graen:

Every morning, I gotta go through and look at every single

Mike Graen:

date in every single boat love for Brad to go is that has to

Mike Graen:

get marked down because they usually mark it down before they

Mike Graen:

toss it. But there's a marked down process marked down for a

Mike Graen:

reduced sale, they usually say I beg too much. So here's an

Mike Graen:

opportunity. But however they want to market that. And then

Mike Graen:

the second one is okay, that's now out of date, it's expired, I

Mike Graen:

have to toss it. That's today's manual process, what you're

Mike Graen:

saying with this, is I put an RFID tag in that label. So

Mike Graen:

there's no additional work by the store, they're still putting

Mike Graen:

a label on, it just has to be RFID, they can use the cycle

Mike Graen:

counting to literally find that and adjust on hand. So it has

Mike Graen:

the same level of accuracy that we're seeing in apparel and

Mike Graen:

general merchandise. But I can also use it to go, hey, there

Mike Graen:

are three loaves of bread that need to be marked down. And

Mike Graen:

here's where they are just talked to me three loaves of

Mike Graen:

bread that need to be marked down instead of all of you

Mike Graen:

talking. Is that all?

Jonathan Gregory:

Right. Absolutely, yeah, and I can ...

Jonathan Gregory:

go ahead Mike.

Mike Graen:

You linked it in to 2027. So let's take that a

Mike Graen:

little bit farther. We don't have RFID readers at most point

Mike Graen:

of sale. Right. So So what did you What were you talking about

Mike Graen:

the 2D barcode at point of sale that could actually help that

Mike Graen:

process as well?

Jonathan Gregory:

Yeah, great question. So Sunrise 2027 is a

Jonathan Gregory:

GS1 US initiative to enable the 2D barcode scanning at point of

Jonathan Gregory:

sale across the entirety of the country. And so this is a major

Jonathan Gregory:

effort were engaged with lab testing, and with the hardware

Jonathan Gregory:

manufacturers, and it is a core focus of the organization to

Jonathan Gregory:

enable that to happen. And this is what industry needs and

Jonathan Gregory:

demands. out of out of this forward progress is we need more

Jonathan Gregory:

information or product information encoded into the

Jonathan Gregory:

barcodes. We also have like, you know, our products are kind of

Jonathan Gregory:

like race cars, they're covered in logos and barcodes, right and

Jonathan Gregory:

identifiers. And this this intent here is to simulate that

Jonathan Gregory:

bring that down into one identifier. The power of it with

Jonathan Gregory:

something called GS one digital link enables that one barcode to

Jonathan Gregory:

not only have a rich set of data, like the expiration date,

Jonathan Gregory:

or Bachelot or that type of information above and beyond the

Jonathan Gregory:

product identifier. But it also allows a web resolvable address,

Jonathan Gregory:

so allows you to provide product information and engage consumers

Jonathan Gregory:

in a direct way. So it's more than just the point of sale, but

Jonathan Gregory:

sunrise 2027, strictly focused, strictly defined, is really

Jonathan Gregory:

about the point of sale, and that capability to read. Now

Jonathan Gregory:

it's not sunset 2027 You can still read a barcode UPC one

Jonathan Gregory:

dimensional barcode, but the intent is to phase away from

Jonathan Gregory:

that. And so it starts by turning on the capability to

Jonathan Gregory:

read those 2d barcodes.

Mike Graen:

Alright, so let's let's play that part out, in

Mike Graen:

addition to knowing what I have at a high level of accuracy, and

Mike Graen:

when I leave for my first shift at 4:30, I know there are three

Mike Graen:

loaves of bread that right now tomorrow morning have to be

Mike Graen:

marked down. What you're saying is while I'm spending time with

Mike Graen:

my family, those particular loaves of bread could be bought

Mike Graen:

at the register. That unique UPC, G10 and serial number is

Mike Graen:

now left the building. When I come in, I may not have anything

Mike Graen:

to mark down because I know specifically, the three loaves

Mike Graen:

of bread that need to be marked down tomorrow are no longer in

Mike Graen:

the building they were sold.

Jonathan Gregory:

That's true. Yeah, that's true. As well as,

Jonathan Gregory:

let's say, let's say you miss it. Let's say you have a

Jonathan Gregory:

markdown or you have a expired loaf of bread, and consumer

Jonathan Gregory:

picks it up. Right and they go to the point of sale, the point

Jonathan Gregory:

of sale is gonna say, Sorry, buddy, I can't sell this to you

Jonathan Gregory:

that's expired. Why? So it puts that intelligence or the

Jonathan Gregory:

consumer could use their own phone natively, right, just use

Jonathan Gregory:

the camera app, just like we use with other QR codes. And it can

Jonathan Gregory:

give them the same information. So if they take, I don't think

Jonathan Gregory:

you know, bread necessarily gets recalled. Maybe it doesn't, you

Jonathan Gregory:

know, like bakery bread, but but in certain cases, maybe. But you

Jonathan Gregory:

know, somebody hears about a recall and go to their

Jonathan Gregory:

refrigerator and point their phone at the QR code and the

Jonathan Gregory:

products in the refrigerator to say okay, has anything here been

Jonathan Gregory:

recalled as well. So allows that ongoing interactivity like let's

Jonathan Gregory:

say, a regulation comes into play, or I need to provide more

Jonathan Gregory:

information about a certain element of a certain product,

Jonathan Gregory:

right. In that regulation, I can conform to that regularly

Jonathan Gregory:

through that digital platform without having to change my

Jonathan Gregory:

product packaging as well. It's really powerful. Yeah.

Mike Graen:

Wow, yeah, I can, I can imagine, you know, having

Mike Graen:

having the fortune to both be on the manufacturer side with

Mike Graen:

Procter and Gamble, and then the Walmart side, I can imagine

Mike Graen:

product recalls are usually taken off the shelf, I don't

Mike Graen:

care where it came from, take every little bit of it, because

Mike Graen:

we don't want the risk. When in reality, there was just one lot

Mike Graen:

that was bad, but we ended up pulling it all off. And, and,

Mike Graen:

you know, probably throwing it away, because we just don't want

Mike Graen:

to take the risk. But we literally could potentially go,

Mike Graen:

just this lot number needs to come off the shelf. Everything

Mike Graen:

else. Okay. That's fast.

Jonathan Gregory:

The cost of recall is huge. It has a big

Jonathan Gregory:

impact on brand erosion on the even viability of some

Jonathan Gregory:

businesses or markets. And knowing where did these, where

Jonathan Gregory:

did these items go? So a quick serve restaurant operator shared

Jonathan Gregory:

with me that, you know, they have a recall? Well, in certain

Jonathan Gregory:

cases, they have a large list of potential destinations,

Jonathan Gregory:

potential stores that this recalled, these recalled items

Jonathan Gregory:

went to but they don't they don't have without RFID, they

Jonathan Gregory:

don't have the precision to understand which stores now they

Jonathan Gregory:

have to literally visit each store, save 75 stores, instead

Jonathan Gregory:

of the three stores that actually received these items,

Jonathan Gregory:

they have to physically go visit. Or sometimes they even

Jonathan Gregory:

have to shut down the registers to say this is serious enough.

Jonathan Gregory:

We can't allow any sales until this has occurred. So it's

Jonathan Gregory:

incredibly inefficient to deal with that. So you have a

Jonathan Gregory:

precision recall has a huge business benefit.

Mike Graen:

Wow. Well, here's here's another use case, and is

Mike Graen:

not a food related use case. But the other part of that is

Mike Graen:

there's a lot of retailers out there. And I'm just gonna call

Mike Graen:

out Macy's, Joe Cole, great work he's doing in the asset

Mike Graen:

protection space. And what they're trying to do is compare

Mike Graen:

what left the store versus went through what went through a

Mike Graen:

register. Today, it's I sold these G10s, so the UPCs. And I'm

Mike Graen:

trying to match those against what serialized items left the

Mike Graen:

store. So you sort of got a one to many kind of thing. Now in

Mike Graen:

the future, we get this 2d barcode, which has to be

Mike Graen:

serialized on a package, that gives us the ability to say that

Mike Graen:

item without trying to use point of sale at registers, because

Mike Graen:

that that has challenges which ovaries and under reads and

Mike Graen:

stuff like that. And just more hardware at the at the register

Mike Graen:

that's going to cost the retailer money, we can actually

Mike Graen:

read the serialized item that was sold, versus the serialized

Mike Graen:

items that are leaving the store and take whatever action they

Mike Graen:

choose choose from them, including if somebody does take

Mike Graen:

something like that and just track this through, and then

Mike Graen:

they return it the next day and say, I want my money back, we

Mike Graen:

happen to know that that particular item never went

Mike Graen:

through a register and I left the store. They may be a

Mike Graen:

different conversation with the customer than Here's your money.

Jonathan Gregory:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah, loss

Jonathan Gregory:

prevention has been. It's grown a lot in the last couple of

Jonathan Gregory:

years and the focus within the industry, especially because

Jonathan Gregory:

we've seen loss prevention, or organized retail crime at work,

Jonathan Gregory:

and may be less organized as well. What's interesting is also

Jonathan Gregory:

the I totally agree with what you're saying. And that that's a

Jonathan Gregory:

very powerful thing that the power of sterilization, how does

Jonathan Gregory:

that apply to loss prevention? Right? And so being able to see,

Jonathan Gregory:

what did I sell, like you said, be able to say, Okay, no, I

Jonathan Gregory:

never sold this item, right? I have a mistake proof process in

Jonathan Gregory:

place where I have to barcodes can a 2D barcode in order to,

Jonathan Gregory:

you know, I have to sterilize it. So it's a power of

Jonathan Gregory:

sterilization. But we think about the supply chain for a

Jonathan Gregory:

second. So claims compliance as one element. So I'm in a

Jonathan Gregory:

factory, and I'm scanning items as I pack these items, put them

Jonathan Gregory:

into a case, right? Well, that 2d barcode is, can relate to. So

Jonathan Gregory:

I don't need an RFID reader there in order to get the

Jonathan Gregory:

serialization. But I might be reading the content of that case

Jonathan Gregory:

without having to open the case, through the supply chain as

Jonathan Gregory:

well. So I have these different layers of visibility in these

Jonathan Gregory:

really complementary data carriers be 2D and RFID. But one

Jonathan Gregory:

more thing is that I think one of the things that we we kind of

Jonathan Gregory:

forget about or don't note is in transit theft. So we look at

Jonathan Gregory:

like theft coming out of stores. Yeah, but New York Times had an

Jonathan Gregory:

article a couple months ago, showcasing train theft, that the

Jonathan Gregory:

theft of people helping themselves to the content of the

Jonathan Gregory:

rail cars, and what is really substantial. It is greater than

Jonathan Gregory:

the theft of items coming out of stores. And we tend to not think

Jonathan Gregory:

of that because we're like, well, we're focused on the store

Jonathan Gregory:

environment. But when we lock down when we have visibility of

Jonathan Gregory:

serialized data, going from factory to all the way through

Jonathan Gregory:

the supply chain. Well now we can say 'Aha, I see that this

Jonathan Gregory:

item was on a on a train through shipment by never sold it. In

Jonathan Gregory:

fact, it came from this factory.' And now I see it

Jonathan Gregory:

entering into a secondary market or what have you, and you give

Jonathan Gregory:

consumers the power to detect this, a consumer can point their

Jonathan Gregory:

phone at an item. And that item could potentially say, you know

Jonathan Gregory:

that that resolver could say, I'm not sure this was ever sold.

Jonathan Gregory:

I'm not sure this is a legit item, I think you might be

Jonathan Gregory:

buying something that's stolen. And by the way, when that phone

Jonathan Gregory:

is reading that QR code, the brand owner can say, 'somebody

Jonathan Gregory:

just interrogated this, this tag.' That's interesting to me,

Jonathan Gregory:

too. So it's, it's kind of a scary little bit, but exciting

Jonathan Gregory:

as far as: how would this be applied? But the power of

Jonathan Gregory:

sterilization and the power of consumers being able to access

Jonathan Gregory:

that sterilization and interact with it is, is a multiplying

Jonathan Gregory:

effect, I think.

Mike Graen:

Yeah, that's huge. That's huge. Yeah. Which we, as

Mike Graen:

a practical example, from a family standpoint, you have

Mike Graen:

capability with your phones right now to go, where's my

Mike Graen:

family? I know where they are at all times. Obviously, they have

Mike Graen:

to share that information with you. And it can be used for

Mike Graen:

detriment or it can be used for harm. But for sure, those kinds

Mike Graen:

of use cases, hey, I retailer, I'm looking for 100 pairs of

Mike Graen:

jeans, I supplier put 100 pairs of jeans on the truck, here's

Mike Graen:

all the serialized items. And if you receive them, and you didn't

Mike Graen:

get all 100, either you didn't scan a ride, or somebody in the

Mike Graen:

middle took it with me. That's that's the basis of the Auburn

Mike Graen:

chip project, right that we worked on for years ago. And we

Mike Graen:

still, we still want to get to that pose that is the future of

Mike Graen:

leveraging, since we're asking for, for the most part suppliers

Mike Graen:

to put things on RFID tags at source leveraging the with a

Mike Graen:

supply chain. It's just really, really hard to do. But but it's

Mike Graen:

but it's definitely, I think the biggest opportunity. From an

Mike Graen:

RFID perspective. Now we've gotten the value proposition in

Mike Graen:

the store, for the most part, at least got examples where it

Mike Graen:

works. But that supply chain, I know you're passionate about

Mike Graen:

that as well, still seems like we're we're lagging in where we

Mike Graen:

could do from an innovation standpoint, and I'm so excited

Mike Graen:

to be part of it.

Jonathan Gregory:

Me too. Me too. There's a lot of exciting

Jonathan Gregory:

things. We're just talking about the conferences, the last couple

Jonathan Gregory:

of weeks that we've been to and, and exciting developments to see

Jonathan Gregory:

what's happening to see, for example, major carriers,

Jonathan Gregory:

deploying RFID and having continuous visibility throughout

Jonathan Gregory:

their supply chain, or their value chain or movement chain.

Jonathan Gregory:

And what are the implications of that? No greater and greater

Jonathan Gregory:

visibility. So it's a really exciting time for the industry,

Jonathan Gregory:

Auburn University shared that they had on boarded over 4,000

Jonathan Gregory:

suppliers in the last three years. It's amazing to think

Jonathan Gregory:

that much growth that many suppliers starting up and

Jonathan Gregory:

ramping up with RFID. It shows shows more and more of this this

Jonathan Gregory:

juggernaut, if you will. And I think it requires that we take a

Jonathan Gregory:

deeper look at 'okay, do we have this right?' What as this gets

Jonathan Gregory:

beyond just maybe 30% of the industry, as it gets to a larger

Jonathan Gregory:

and larger percentage of industry penetration -especially

Jonathan Gregory:

when we have 2D barcodes - how do we ensure that this

Jonathan Gregory:

serialization is really the quality controls and the global

Jonathan Gregory:

elements of this? And so those are really serious questions.

Jonathan Gregory:

Make sure we get it right as we as we truly scale up.

Mike Graen:

Wow. Exciting times to be in the industry. Every

Mike Graen:

time I think you got it all figured out. You figured out

Mike Graen:

there's five more ways to use this stuff, which is which is

Mike Graen:

pretty good. Jonathan, just as a wrap up, not only just RFID and

Mike Graen:

food and Sunrise 2027. What should I have asked you? What's

Mike Graen:

what's hot on your mind right now? We talked about the supply

Mike Graen:

chain, leveraging supply chain; are any of the big things that

Mike Graen:

we should have talked about and I didn't ask you about?

Jonathan Gregory:

I think he had all the big points. Mike, I

Jonathan Gregory:

would just share that we have a number... so this has been a

Jonathan Gregory:

major focus for the last several years. We've had workgroups

Jonathan Gregory:

producing guidelines, we've actually just released some

Jonathan Gregory:

YouTube based content, a four part video series that's focused

Jonathan Gregory:

on educating suppliers on how do I get started food service

Jonathan Gregory:

suppliers, how do I get started with RFID tagging? What date do

Jonathan Gregory:

I encode? Where do I put the tag? You know, one of the

Jonathan Gregory:

considerations from a, from a physics perspective or packaging

Jonathan Gregory:

perspective? How do I mark tags? Those kind of basic questions to

Jonathan Gregory:

try and go from, you know, a thick document, that's a

Jonathan Gregory:

standard to something that that industry can more easily use and

Jonathan Gregory:

and not have to, you know, go read, you know, a couple 100

Jonathan Gregory:

pages or whatever. And so we've been working hard to build out

Jonathan Gregory:

these resources as well as case studies and whatnot. I think the

Jonathan Gregory:

industry is there a whole lot of quick serve restaurants that are

Jonathan Gregory:

in pilot mode right now. And as well as we see a lot of action

Jonathan Gregory:

with retail grocery. And we want to provide those tools That's so

Jonathan Gregory:

that's something that I feel like we are. We're just about

Jonathan Gregory:

there. Like we're probably 90% of there with a full kit a full

Jonathan Gregory:

package. And we'll be 100% there in another two months or so I'd say.

Mike Graen:

You say in GS1 TikTok. Is that what you're saying?

Jonathan Gregory:

That has been stated, but I've never taken

Jonathan Gregory:

that one seriously.

Mike Graen:

You really want to watch get industry adoptions put

Mike Graen:

it on TikTok? Right?

Jonathan Gregory:

Oh, my goodness.

Mike Graen:

Well, Jonathan, I can't thank you enough, man.

Mike Graen:

This is this is not the first time we've had you on this

Mike Graen:

particular podcast, on Conversations on Retail and the

Mike Graen:

University of Arkansas. It won't be the last you always bring a

Mike Graen:

great industry perspective of this. And without standards and

Mike Graen:

real live use cases, this stuff is hard to really get great at

Mike Graen:

scale. So thank you personally for taking time out of your busy

Mike Graen:

schedule. But thank you for professionally to educate the

Mike Graen:

industry. I really do appreciate it.

Jonathan Gregory:

Thank you, Mike. Appreciate you too. It's

Jonathan Gregory:

great being here. Appreciate it.




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