Ever felt uncertain about your future? Have you wondered what your purpose is? God has an amazing plan for you! Through ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ Jesus taught us how God gives us purpose through His plan. Pastor Joshua O’Sullivan speaks on how God reveals this special purpose to each of us, equips us to grow and blesses our lives as we connect with and follow Him.
是否曾經對自己的未來感到不確定?有沒有想過人生的目的是甚麼?神有一個美好的計劃要給你! 透過《主禱文》,耶穌教導我們神如何透過他的計劃給我們人生目標。Joshua O’Sullivan 牧師講述了神如何向我們每個人揭示這個特殊的目的,裝備我們成長,並在我們與他聯繫和跟隨他時祝福我們的生命。