New value based reimbursement formulas create a new form of conflict of interest that put doctors like us in the same ethical dilemma as insurance companies. It's a whole new form of ethical compromise you must be aware of ... because Luigi Mangioni and his millions of fans are watching us.
Physicians have long been respected as trusted professionals, but the evolution of healthcare payment models is creating new ethical tensions.
Traditionally, conflicts of interest came from performing procedures for financial gain. But now, under capitation and full-risk contracts, a different kind of conflict is emerging—one that pressures doctors to withhold necessary care.
This episode unpacks how these financial incentives can put providers at odds with their own patients’ best interests in a whole new way.
In this episode you will discover:
~~ How to recognize the hidden conflicts of interest that have always existed in medicine.
~~ How value-based care models introduce new ethical dilemmas for providers.
~~ A simple, powerful way to address these concerns with your leadership—without putting your career at risk.
Press play now to uncover the unseen financial forces shaping modern healthcare—and how to navigate them without compromising your integrity.
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