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Ep. 21 - Seasonal sickness- Fall
Episode 2127th September 2023 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
00:00:00 01:09:06

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While most people deal with this totally uncomfortable situation, I will help you understand how and why it happens. The season is so beautiful in so many ways and yet we get hit with the most "really!?" situation...

It happens to the best of us. Even you.

There is no way to stop it. Some people get hit harder than others. Some people never feel it.

Maybe this episode will help you understand why...and then how to help it along...

I give some practical solutions and maybe some solutions you have never considered or heard of.

Thanks for joining me today!

My recommended echinacea :

The best RED LIGHT THERAPY devices: I make no money off these. But Leanne makes the best you can buy...


Ep. 21 - It’s that time…


Erik: Welcome friends. I thought this would be a really good episode for you starting at this time of the year. Because basically we're all thinking about it right now. Aren't we.

Yes. We are there at that point. The leaves are changing.

Kids have gone back to school. The nights are getting cool.

Erik: I didn't. I try and make that rhyme. It just happened that way.

And we all know what's coming.

The dreaded flu season. Yep. It's almost here. It's basically here. And of course. Nowadays, whenever this time hits. Things get a little weird. In the news. You know what I mean? Well, we're going to talk about old school cold and flu is cause that's basically what it is.

his is not going to be fully [:

Actually, it's not your fault. It's just. Something that happens inside of you that you have no control over. Well, [00:02:00] whatever let's, let's just get to the topic. Shall we?

This time of the year when we deal with getting a cold or flu. It's actually more of a body cleanse. Okay. So let's think of it in a different way. It's not necessarily that you touched a handle or something like that, or someone sneezed in a room.

es do we get wind? It starts [:

Because the sun isn't out as much. It's going down. We're about to hit daylight savings time. Well, that's going to change things too. Because when you have all these changes going on with the weather. That then changes the EMF of the earth. So you could say . You're getting sick based on outside influences. From the earth from the sun. From the weather. From the temperature. All of these things, we're going to get into some more. So check this out.

Because we have less light. What are you going to do? You're going to go inside. It's too cold or too cool for you. You're going to go inside. When you go inside, this changes your EMF.

is. In comparison, polluted. [:

Air quality is only one thing. There's lots of factors.

ree to four hour window. Like:

In the cold months, it's only about an hour. Mid day. And that's even if you can get some sun. You still get sun through the clouds. It's not as much as you can straight sun. .

You can actually see this in the food that you grow in your garden. So we start to eat more local, fresh that's in season.

But we still eat food, not grown in our season.

hen we're eating the food in [:

So it's fall. You want to eat corn, but then you're also having strawberries. Which. You shouldn't have strawberries when corn is in season, you see. Or you're eating corn from here, but then you're eating cucumbers or avocados that came from south America.

The foods you eat and where they were grown. And what season they are actually do matter to your body, especially if you live in that climate. You're at. Let's say or I'm at Michigan. We get seasons. And those are distinct if you've been in Michigan. Or let's just see even Florida. For a very long time, you become acclimated that acclimation will affect how food will affect you.

think there's nothing there [:

Then, once you go inside, what do you do? You turn on the heat. Oh, that's all artificial heat. Any heat you have in your house is artificial. We made it some way or another. Then it's dry or moldy. If you're using humidifier, are you treating the water you're putting in the air? From your humidifier.

bottled water. Put a shower [:

Humidifier is running straight, tap water in, and then it gets all moldy in there. And you're blowing that mold through the entire house. That can cause you to have a cleansing reaction as well.

How was your heat created? Well, it has its own EMF field. There is no good source of heat that you can put in your house. There really isn't. If you could mimic the sun as he, then that would be much better off something like a full infrared light. Bulb system. All over your house. Like if you have housing with the bulbs in the ceiling, all those were infrared a and you could just use that on a dimmer to create. You know, hotter mid day and cooler at the beginning and the end of the day to mimic the sun being overhead. That would be awesome. But everything would be red and it would feel really weird.

home. Everything has its bad [:

Plus the air quality is poor in the house than does outside. So even though it's cold outside, Getting air from the outdoors is still better. So when I grew up. My parents used to have.

described become a problem. [:

So now we go through all these changes and then what. All of a sudden you start feeling it that little bit in your nostrils. The back of your throat, maybe a little bit of tired, whatever it is, whatever it is for you. Everyone's a little different. You start getting that? Oh no, I think I'm getting sick thing. Now. Your mind just turned that on. That's all whole other episode in and of itself right there. But. The fact is you're going to get sick. That is a detox. Your body is cleansing itself. It wants to clean itself. Why Eric would it want to clean itself? Hmm, because we have so many toxins in us. And then what is [00:10:00] going to happen after the fall? You're going to go into hibernation. That's the winter. Your body knows you're about to get cold. What does it do when it gets this cold? It has to reserve all its energy to stay warm. It's got to get through the winter. In nor to get through the winter, it asked to clean itself out so he can function. At its optimal. Then in the spring. When you come out. Of winter. Your body wants to clean all of that stuff that cumulated all winter and get it out so that you can thrive and grow. And heal and do everything in the spring and summer, just like plants grow, just like the trees do their thing.

So when the trees go into hibernation, They're not dead. They just slow it down. Like you and I do. And they lose their leaves. Well, we detox.

se. In your body. Let's talk [:

When you start cleansing out of all of your tissues. And not just Oregon's and everything. Cause you've got. Like 144 different types of cells. So you have a lot of different areas. You're cleansing.

When you start cleansing these toxins of all kinds, heavy metals to everything we talked about in episode three.

Bacteria that live in your body.

Eat. All of those toxins. Yes, they feed on those bacteria is not bad. Bacteria is good for you. The lymphatic starts pumping. Oregon start producing soldiers and tanks and jet fighters and nuclear bombs. It's just a total. All out military assault on your body because.

ng comes to the battle. It's [:

Now here's one way to know if you actually have a real infection or if it's just cleansing. If you have a fever. Uh, that's a bigger indication of an infection. That's different.

Just because the mucus is changing colors though. Doesn't mean necessarily you have an infection, low water content. In your mucus will make your mucus look colored. Okay. The proteins collapse.

The protein start coagulating because the water has been leaving. Through your breath and urine. So in through your skin as well by sweating, if you're sweating. As you lose that water mucus gets thicker and it's harder to move. This is why fluids are important.


Just because there's bacteria in your mucus doesn't mean you actually have an infection by the way.

n out there putting the fire [:

There are bad. Just because they're, there doesn't mean they're the ones that's causing the problem.

Bacteria. Absolutely. Can be your friend and there's more good than there are bad. Your body will help keep those bad ones in check. But when you have good bacteria doing their job, they clean up all of this nonsense that you've got in your body for all this time. Remember gladiator the movie.

Yeah. The fly larvae eight, the infection. Who knew. Oh, they did back then because they didn't have Sudafed. And antibiotics, they had to figure it out. Right.

show up to eat the garbage. [:

No one has ever seen a virus cause any ill health. Never. Not once. Viruses are not alive.

So viruses are not alive. Why does the doctor give you an antibiotic? When he says. You have a viral infection.

I'm sorry. I thought you said antibiotic. All I did. Oh, doc, I thought you said I had a viral infection. Why are you giving me an antibiotic? Well, let's see, that's the typical protocol because. You know, we're not sure if you have a viral infection or not. So we'll just cover our basis.

Okay. I'll tell you why.

get a further problem. Why. [:

And now they get stronger. And there are more of them. Because the bacteria are dead. So all the food sitting there is, guess what? For who.

It's for all the other parasites, which are way worse.

So I say deal with a little discomfort now, instead of more later. Like toxic health problems. Cause you never detox. There's so much I can say on that topic right there. If you don't detox. In your body's natural way. I'm not talking about going on a detox. Protocol. We could talk about those, if you want to, I'm not a big fan of those, unless you absolutely know what you're doing. Cause I'll tell you, get yourself in a world of hurt. I said that a little bit ago in other episodes, but.

Erik: [:

If you just eat. And do as much in your life to get rid of toxins that you can. That you comfortably can, that you can forward to so on and so forth. You're going to bring down your toxic load, something fierce. I mean, it's going to be awesome. You're going to say, wow. I feel better. And if you were to go get blood tests, you'd be like, well, those things I've been doing actually are working. I can see my blood work getting better. Now, the deep stuff that stuck in there, that's different. But in your day to day, much, much better. Then when you go on a protocol with somebody knows what they're doing to help you, they can manage that. I do it slowly. So you don't feel like literal death and you want to, you know, what take care of yourself. Now. When the bacteria eat. What do they do? Ah, they do the same thing you and I do. They poop.

erything. Including all the. [:

They're like garbage men. They're like maids and street sweepers and power washers.

The lymph is basically doing everything it can to help you.

The body uses the kidneys. The skin. The lungs. Urination. And dedication to get out all the mess. You can see how much is going on here. Oh,

the way, the kidneys filter.:


1,800 courts. Of milk. A day. It just wants you to envision that in your mind. That's what your kidneys are doing on a daily basis.

arn. And say, wait a minute. [:

If your lymphatic system stopped working, you would die in literally 24 to 48 hours. It keeps you alive, just like everything else does. And that's why water is so good for you because without water, you don't conduct a light. Energy electricity and lymphatic system stops. That means the sewage system of your body has halted. And at that sewage system halts. Oh, boy, you are toxic.

That lymphatic system is so responsible. For your health. Most people have no clue. It's literally doing basically everything.

wice the size of your cardio [:

The gut is lined with millions of lymphatic vessels. They're called lacteals.

They absorb the fats and fatty acids that we ingest and transport directly, by the way, to the heart. Where the enter the circulatory system is fuel. Oh, wait a minute. That's it. Where did I hear that? Before? That?

Saturated fat from animals. Keeps me alive and cholesterol makes me healthy . I think someone said that about 10 times already.

So they tell you. That they don't want you to have fat or cholesterol. And yet the lymphatic system transports fat. Into your bloodstream for you ingest. Where. In your heart.

Did that sink in because it did for me.

feel it. Let's describe that [:

You're going to get body aches. That's the number one thing you're going to get from lymphatic.

Some people only have body aches when they actually have an infection. So you need to learn if you're one of those people.

Fever and body aches for sure.

But no fever than you're just cleansing.

So essentially. If you have a fever, then you're infected. No fever. You're just cleansing. Very very few people are going to have a fever and body aches. I think that's really few and far between, I'm sure it happens. Some people may need that in their body, but. You don't need to increase your immune system, the heat, which is your EMF field, that high, unless there's actually an infection.

So to recap. This is an important one is why I'm hitting this. . Body aches with no. Fever.

Just cleansing. Fever and body aches you're infected. That's a different protocol.

hen people say, oh, I got an [:

They're always going to be in your body. How are they going to get out?

. This is.:

When you get this cleanse twice a year, it's going to [00:23:00] use some body resources. So I want you to hear me out on some of these cars. I think these are really interesting. And I think you may say, oh yeah, I know. I felt that before I have that, or I don't have that. This should help you through it. After that. I'm going to just go right into it. What to do. Okay. But let's start off with just your body resources. What is your body going to consume in order to make this whole system work? Let's think about it for a second.

What's the basis. Of your body. It's water. Right? We all know you're 60 to 70% water, probably closer to 70. That means. Your lymphatic, because it's moving all the time has to be water, which it is. It's also full of a lot of proteins and a lot of stuff.

As you.

Deal with this cleanse every single day. You are losing.

On average four to eight pints. Of fluid a day.

That may not seem like much, [:

And I'm not just talking about your physical. I feel great. Getting up. I can go run for a mile energy. I'm talking about your EMF field. I'm talking about cellular energy mitochondria. I'm talking about the basis of your life in your brain. [00:25:00] Everything. Comes down because where's the energy going. It has to go. To the detoxification organs. Mainly your lymphatic system.

Then you're going to lose all your minerals. And I mean, most of them really quickly. Some minerals you hold for years, it's really difficult to get rid of a lot of these. But for the most part, you're going to use up a lot of them. And you all know what the main ones are, especially the number one you hear every day of your life, which is zinc. I'll get into that later. But minerals as a whole come down, especially trace minerals because the fluids are coming down. All this stuff gets flushed out of the body because your body is trying to cleanse. It's like, oh, we got stuff. Get everything out. We'll worry about bringing in new stuff later. It's just throw everything out and start over. The mineral that is probably the most essential.

Of. Cleansing.[:

I don't know if you're familiar with sulfur and how important it is to the body. I personally believe that Donald Lapore who's a. Naturopathic doctor and nutritionist and helped design. Uh, muscle testing and, uh, many other things, absolutely extraordinary individual. We will talk about him in the future. He says sodium potassium and sulfur are the three main components of the human body.

Minerals of the human body. Possibly the three most important things to get every single day.

And he says. The throat. Is ruled by sulfur. So when you get a sore throat, That is sulfur.

go away. So we take them out [:

Which means of course eat a whole bunch of eggs.

Who doesn't like some scrambled days when you don't feel well. It's just like one of those things mom used to make for you when you didn't feel good. Or you can eat any other sulfur rich foods, look them up online in a book. You, you can see a whole bunch of them, then you can decide what you want to eat later. I'm going to talk about food. And you'll see which foods you should and shouldn't eat, which might have sulfur or not.

The other thing that.

opinion. Could he be right. [:

This is. The way to create.

Osmotic drive between the outside of your cell and the inside of yourself to let good fluids in and bad fluids out.

xhaust system. That's in and [:

You are severely depleted in sodium and potassium during this process. The question is which one or both? You can test this. You can actually figure this out. You could do muscle testing for sodium and potassium. Go online. Go to your favorite video channel. And look up how to test for salt and potassium. Through muscle testing. Try it. What can it hurt? It's not magic. It's not. Woo. It actually works. Then you could decide what you need. The other way to do it. Is juicing. Carrot and celery juice. When you give yourself both at the same time, they will balance. But it's better to test first because once you know what it is, You could actually. Just be salt deficient. That's why you're [00:30:00] in a cleanse. You could be potassium heavy, which is wet and cooling, which is causing you to feel this way. So one of the things you can do is help to counteract the way you feel in this cleanse. This is awesome. Uh, by either increasing salt. Or increasing potassium or leveling them off. That's amazing. I have personally witnessed this in my life. Many times I was told this by one of my mentors and I've seen it. I'll tell you a quick story. So I was in this health food store.

. I said, okay. Done. Go buy [:

But in your head it's opposite. Since your heart. Runs on potassium. It's on the salt side. Why would you say it's on the salt side? That's because if you put up potassium. Ruled Oregon in a salt solution. It doesn't become over saturated with potassium. So if potassium is this electrified fire, it's kind of like it's spark. [00:32:00] You'd have too much spark. So it's balanced. Like good design would be.

That story I've told to many people, but I've also told that story to people who tried it and said that works amazing. I feel great. Now, if it's on the potassium side, That's not good. Don't. Don't take potassium straight because you're going to make yourself worse. It's only works with salt.

Okay. Now. Let's get into. The worst thing you can do if you're feeling like this.

Absolutely without a doubt. I 100% will tell you. The worst thing that you can do. Is consume. Sugar. Or carbs of any kind. While you're cleansing. Or you are infected with whatever you possibly could have.

mune system. And the future, [:

We'll see.

Sugar and carbs. Will increase the stress of your body through insulin. And many other factors.

you can't see or feel. It's [:

I'm serious.

You've also heard so much about vitamin C when you're sick. Well, you should be taking that now. Starting in September small amounts, you don't need a lot. All the way through to spring late spring, even.

itamin C works by acidifying [:

Acidification of the blood. Can help your body process. A lot of the junk it's trying to deal with. That's why vitamin C works through acidification. It's fantastic. But sugar. Stops it.

ly bad. It was, I want to say:

And I thought, oh, you gotta be kidding me. . I acquired these vegetables and that's all I ate. No ranch dressing. No olive oil and salt, nothing just. Man. It was, it was torture. But guess what? By day three, I was totally normal. Totally normal. I have other stories like that, that I'll give you in the future. Not always immediate instantaneous change, but at least it's, you know, it's something that you can grasp onto and see the actual concept.

I'm going to give you another one of those coming up a little while you might like that.

So, what do you do?

h a little bit as if you are [:

T's. And they should only be herbal. Absolutely no black tea whatsoever. Black tea is terrible for your health. Now coffee. You shouldn't be doing it when you're sick, but I understand if you need to, for the caffeine hit. Or just comfort. I get it. Maybe cut down a little bit. Maybe thin it out with some more water, just to not make it so powerful, but coffee doesn't increase your immune system and the ability to cleanse it actually interferes with cleansing. So you want to limit that. If you're able to give it up, give it up. If you get a headache. I get it.

Herbs. Tons. Of Herb's work. I mean, Herbs are.

dart at an herbal chart. And [:

Through at least May 1st. This is your first defense. Against having to clean. Why you see Eric? Well that's because Cleans your blood. And if you clean your blood and the body can clean itself. So basically you just went on a cleansing program using one herb for six months. That's amazing. And I love it. Nine months. Eight months, whatever it is. September 1st two. May 1st.

Is a really good way to go.

is a [:

Don't mess around with anything from a regular store. Uh, Costco, CVS, all of them don't even think about it. You want something that's in a, well, I'll say it. No health food store.

ardized. Herbal extracts are [:

But they make children's echinacea that is flavored. You know, grape, strawberry, this kind of thing, but it is so good for kids. You put your kid on echinacea, uh, from now. Through the spring. I am willing to tell you that it's pretty rare for a kid to ever get sick. I've dealt with this product for 30 years and kids just don't get sick when they take echinacea regularly. People say you should. Even cycle it. Well, There's evidence showing now that you don't really need to, but if you want to make it a Monday through Friday thing, And, uh, take the weekends off like we do with everything else. You need to start echinacea. Now don't wait. I'm telling you.

. So powerful again, another [:

olive leaf. Extract. Wonderful. All of leaf is really good. If you can't stand oregano, then just do olive leaf extract.

Garlic. Use as much as you can. I mean, let's be real. Just use it every way you can chew it. Powder on your food. Cut it up. Throw it in your food, throw it in your smoothie. . Anyway and get garlic. The better.

And my personal favorite. Is ginger.

ood thing. When you're sick. [:

That will. Kill that sore throat for at least. Uh, enough time to have some kind of relief. Usually can be up to a half an hour, could be longer. But if you have the sore throat, that is absolutely. Just. This is one of the best things you can do. The [00:45:00] pineapple also has bromelain in it, not a lot, but it's got some and that enzyme helps the throat.

And then light. Is your. Savior. Okay. Get outside. If it's warm enough. So if it's an early. Cold or flu, you go sit outside. It's not that bad. I

wrap up in a blanket. You know, expose much of your skin as possible. Just kinda like do the best you can outside. The skin receiving sunlight is so beneficial to cleanse your body and to charge you. And make you feel better. Why would you want to sit in the house? When you could just sit in the sun and feel better.

And then of course you could do red light therapy as a light source. If you have one of the panels or if you're lucky and you have a lot of panels. Red light therapy. Work's not as good as the sunlight, but it's still very, very good. And we'll get you over the hump.

Now. [:

By the way copper on its own kills bacteria, just bad bacteria.



ymes to go do their job. And [:

They are like the engineers. And the.

Mechanic all at the same time, they are phenomenal. Empower those guys. You're going to recover. Well, you're going to feel better.

Moving on.

All right. So your food.

meat. Fish. We'll help you, [:

So you have. Glycine and minerals. Glycine is fantastic for your immune system and [00:50:00] many, many other things. And then all the minerals from the bones. From the bone marrow that was in there, you're getting all of that.

But you should avoid. Like too many potatoes and definitely do not put pasta or rice in it. Absolutely not. And if you're a vegan, just eat some beef, you'll feel better.

I'm pickin on ya, I'm sorry.

The sleep is a good one because. You need to do everything you can to sleep. I don't even care what it is. Sleep should be. One of the top things, if you don't feel well. Because while you're sleeping, you're repairing. You are in, . autophagy mode autophagy just means that you were repairing.

Sleep is your best friend. When you're. Going through a cleanse. Or even infection. But in this case, we're talking about cleanse.

Now. You want. A dark room.

No EMF in the [:

I mean. Just. Set it up for you. It's all about you. You're the one that's sick. Now if the whole family is sick, that's a different story. Maybe take everybody to Disney world.

for you, that's even better. [:

But if you're not technically feeling what you need to feel from them, just use a mini way because they're doing other things in your body that you don't even realize. First thing is, uh, never use it after you've used mint. You got to give yourself at least a half an hour or food. And don't touch the pellets or tablets always poured into the cap, then put it under your tongue. I use them all the time. Uh, the best one for your throat and generally feeling better. Like we were talking about the mineral sulfur earlier, it's known as a, as a homeopathic salt. Called sulfur, even though it's a mineral. Uh, and you use the one X that means only to bend diluted one time. And that's for your throat in general, other stuff. These can be super powerful. These, I mean, The homeopathy, which we'll have an episode [00:53:00] on if some of the most powerful medicine that you can use in your body, and there's a reason why the medical profession has. Uh, tried to stop it because let me tell you, you, you, this is no joke. This stuff is super strong.

The one you've probably seen in all the stores that you've been into CVS and any place with a pharmacy or this kind of thing is a product called a Osciliccocinum. That really long word you see on that white box got orange and blue writing on it. It's been like that literally forever.

It's only really one ingredient. it's duck ass.

Yeah. You heard me right. It's literally duck ass. There's glands in the Duck's ass.

ls that are in that box. Uh, [:

If you have to use drugs. Then I suggest. Musinex.

And sparingly any other meds? Now. Fenugreek is the herbal equivalent. To Musinex. That's where they got it from actually. So you can get any kind of fenugreek, herbal extract and teas and this kind of stuff. Val breaks up music mucus and takes it out of the lungs.

g. I get it. By the way. The [:

The cooph.

. So stretch your full body, [:

If you have the ability to have somebody give you a massage or a wave for you to massage yourself, you have enough energy work on your legs, go through massage techniques for your lymphatic system. There's lots of those online. There's really, really good ones.

do for massage will increase [:

Red light therapy. And the sun, as I was saying earlier, Is a unique thing that's free and. Boy, you can get massive benefit and it feels good. You just know when you're in the sun, like good things are happening. Am I right?

Taking baths.

You want to use Epson salts for sure. As your base because it's rich in magnesium. And then. And, and because it's so cheap and it's rich and magnesium, if you buy magnesium salts and that kind of stuff, they're going to charge you three times the amount. And then you can put oils in there if you want. The best to put in your bath is thieves oil. I talked about that originally. Now. Here's the key to this. If you want your bath to work at a higher level. And I'm serious about this. You need to turn off the lights. In that bathroom, close the door.

And light candles.

I'm serious. That blue [:

Essential oils are.

where to start on essential [:

Thieves oil. Smells amazing. Mostly cinnamon, but you can add anything that these oil to make it even better. So I would say at a Thieves oil. And add pine. To it. Pine can be. Anything from Juniper, any of the. Balsam, all of those other oils, you can add them to thieves oil, whatever you, whatever we want, whatever quantity you like. Remember. The episode, I talked about Pyne. And how, when you go forest bathing,[01:01:00] The trees will release. Volatile compounds into the air to kill. Bacteria. And pathogens that might harm them. When we walk in a. Forester woods. We breathed those in, they land on her skin. And they kill pathogens for us as well.

So, if you can add pine into the air or into the water. It's beneficial for you. And guess what. All the pine type oils. Are very affordable.

When you're ready to relax. Go to sleep. Lavender. Put some lavender on your face mask. Or.

il is absolutely phenomenal. [:

So I spoke about juicing earlier. Well, the only juice that you should be doing is carrot and celery. Nothing else do not juice. Anything else ever? And I mean, Ever. Carrot and celery at this point is not a daily beverage. It is. A remedy. It's medicine. We want. The potassium from the carrot and the sodium from the celery. By them organic. And if you're not feeling well by a bunch of it. Because it takes a bunch in order to make. Juice. But you're getting structured water. That's the first thing you're getting potassium and sodium. There's another thing. It's a [01:03:00] beverage, so it's easy to drink. Carrot is sweeter than celery. It balances it out. This is a fantastic way to make yourself feel better. Is carrot celery. I've. Red miracles of this stuff. My mentor spoke of it, constantly books that I read when I was very young learning about this stuff that I will never ever be able to seize books ever again.

They are.

Very low print. Very difficult to get ahold of. Um, and carrot. Celery is a miracle. But only during times of stress, not daily.

And probably. The last thing that I can. Tell you to do. Is get out of the blue light as much as possible when you're sick. Especially at night.

old, you can't go out there. [:

So you're inside all day. You're trying to do whatever you can to feel better. You don't have a lot of energy. But there's one thing you can do. And that's turn off the lights. Don't use electronics. If you do have the television on where your blue blockers as much as possible. Or turn on lights. Any of these CRI lights. That's C the letter C the letter R the letter. I. That you can control with your phone. And change.

ou will feel better. We know [:

The bass. We'll get that stuff out of your skin. And into the water. No longer in you. Food moves and along. Sleep moves it along light. Minerals do your herbs. You can do this.

I've seen many of these things work. I know all this stuff works. My entire life. I've seen these work. I've read countless testimonies, countless books.

I've heard countless [:

My mentors have taught me a lot of this.

This is also been used.

For generations. And millennia.

Just stopping your symptoms the way you feel just to feel better. Doesn't mean it's good for you. If you can go through it.

And handle your symptoms. That's even better. But if you hurt that bad. It's understandable. Then you can cleanse later. Slowly.

I know, feeling like garbage feels like garbage.

You're never going to be able to get rid of it in five minutes. That's a fact, but there's so many things you can do. Two. Shorten the duration and at least give you some comfort when you're going through it. I think the best way is to lower your stress. I think stress when you're sick. Is the worst thing it's torture. So lower the stress I gave you a whole bunch of ways to lower stress. Get that down. I guarantee you'll feel better.

I hope you [:

If you do. Go back. Listen to this again.

Thank you for listening. Take care of yourselves.






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