Could your everyday toothpaste be having unexpected effects on your health and performance?
In this podcast episode, we uncover a surprising connection between toothpaste and vital aspects of your well-being. I'll be sharing essential tips and alternatives to enhance your lifestyle. Learn how small changes to your daily routine could make a big difference in your overall health and confidence.
Don’t miss out on this eye-opening discussion—tune in now and take charge of your health before it’s too late!
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This podcast is for you the modern man. I'm Dr Anne Truong,
Speaker:your host. I'm an intimate health medical doctor and best
Speaker:selling author of the book erectile dysfunction fix. I'll
Speaker:do a deep dive into sexual health and performance and how
Speaker:it affects men of all ages and backgrounds. So let's get
Speaker:started, and be sure to visit my website at for more information and
Speaker:resources from the show. See you on the inside.
Speaker:Hello there, Modern Man. In today's episode, we're going to
Speaker:talk about toothpaste and how toothpaste can affect your
Speaker:erection. Because I am so surprised how something that we
Speaker:use every day of our life, as always we can brush our teeth,
Speaker:or our parents brush our teeth, can really negatively affect our
Speaker:health. Stay tuned to find out how does fluoride toothpaste
Speaker:affect your health and your sex life.
Speaker:Fluoride, is what's in toothpaste, right? It kills the
Speaker:bacteria in our mouth, and therefore it helped with
Speaker:preserving our teeth and also help with cleaner breath. But do
Speaker:you know that fluoride can disrupt the microbiome, which is
Speaker:all the bacteria that we need to survive, that it kills the good
Speaker:bacteria in our mouth? The good bacteria in our mouth is needed
Speaker:for us to make nitric oxide. Nitric oxide increase blood
Speaker:flow. Then blood flow makes erection better. Blood flow is
Speaker:good for everything. Also fluoride can disrupt the
Speaker:synthesis or how nitric oxide is being made in the human cells.
Speaker:So it has three ways where you can disrupt it. It kills the
Speaker:good bacteria in your mouth, what you need to make nitric
Speaker:oxide. And then, number two, it disrupts how nitric oxide is
Speaker:made in the cell. And number three, it interferes with the
Speaker:nitric oxide enzyme, which then interferes with the production
Speaker:of nitric oxide. So it really is bad. Also, do you know that
Speaker:fluoride exposure can lead to reduced expression of the enzyme
Speaker:which then make your nitric oxide in the blood vessels of
Speaker:your whole entire body? So what does this really mean? What it
Speaker:means is that reduced nitric oxide level can increase your
Speaker:blood pressure and produce poor blood flow. So another bad thing
Speaker:is that by the time you're 40 years old, 50% actually of your
Speaker:nitric oxide production is decreased due to age. So you
Speaker:need to do everything you can to optimize your body to make and
Speaker:convert nitric oxide, because nitric oxide is pivotal to your
Speaker:heart health, blood pressure, and it's pivotal to your
Speaker:erection. It will also impair sleep, because nitric oxide
Speaker:production helps make melatonin, and melatonin helps with sleep.
Speaker:And sleep, you need sleep so your body can make testosterone,
Speaker:and you need sleep to heal physically and mentally.
Speaker:So what can you do? Well, you gotta brush your teeth, right?
Speaker:Well, luckily, there are fluoride free alternatives such
Speaker:as Tom's toothpaste that I have a link down below, right here.
Speaker:Check down here for the fluoride-free toothpaste that
Speaker:you can use that doesn't have any fluoride, which then
Speaker:maintain the healthy oral microbiome, or meaning all the
Speaker:bacteria in your mouth. And you can make nitric oxide again,
Speaker:too. And if you're a naturalist, you can use coconut oil, oregano
Speaker:oil, which should also help with cleaning your teeth, but also
Speaker:not disrupting the nitric oxide production. So while fluoride
Speaker:does prevent cavity, it's important to weigh against the
Speaker:potential impact of nitric oxide production. Sometimes just
Speaker:rinsing your mouth with salt water is also helpful. I want to
Speaker:mention also that not only is fluoride toothpaste can be
Speaker:harmful, but taking fluoride mouthwash. Fluoride mouthwash
Speaker:also does the same thing. It also kills your bacteria, and
Speaker:therefore will affect blood flow, and therefore will affect
Speaker:not only your health, your blood pressure, but also blood flow as
Speaker:well, and therefore your sex life. So try to use fluoride
Speaker:free toothpaste, fluoride free mouthwash.
Speaker:Also, believe it or not, some of the antacids that you take, like
Speaker:Pepcid, Tagamet, Lexium, Protonix, and Zantac inhibit the
Speaker:acts of production in your stomach. You need the acid in
Speaker:your stomach to produce nitric oxide, so therefore you should
Speaker:stop taking antacid if you can. And how do you do that?
Speaker:Sometimes eating a Mediterranean diet or a healthy diet will
Speaker:actually prevent you from having reflux or gastritis. Changing
Speaker:your diet actually goes a long way in helping you get off of
Speaker:those medications as well too. So I know sometimes you need
Speaker:that medication, but sometimes you change your diet. Drinking
Speaker:less alcohol will also help as well. And eating more of a less
Speaker:fatty diet will also help with the reflux as well. So check out
Speaker:the Mediterranean diet down here below. I'm going to leave it
Speaker:here, and then also the link to the non-fluoride toothpaste and
Speaker:the non-fluoride mouthwash. This can be easily done. You use
Speaker:toothpaste anyway, so might as well use one that's non
Speaker:fluoride, that's good for nitric oxide production and
Speaker:non-fluoride mouthwash. I'm doing this now because I didn't
Speaker:know until I started learning about it, so I'm now using it
Speaker:daily as well. And I used to take Pepcid. I no longer take
Speaker:Pepcid anymore, and I don't need to if I eat a diet full of
Speaker:vegetables and salad, which is the Mediterranean diet.
Speaker:So having said that, I hope that you find this is useful, and no
Speaker:man that you do not have to figure it out yourself, and that
Speaker:there is alternative to ED and there are solutions you may not
Speaker:know about it. And that's why joining the Modern Man Club, a
Speaker:safe and discreet space where we together will work, will get
Speaker:your sexual confidence out of ED. Also, let's create a sexual
Speaker:revolution here. Out of ED is possible, and living a good sex
Speaker:life is definitely possible. And you can find out more at the
Speaker:Modern Man Club at I hope to see you in the next
Speaker:Modern Man, are you struggling and frustrating in finding a
Speaker:solution for ED? Well, I have just the thing for you. It's
Speaker:called The Modern Man Club led by yours truly, Dr. Anne.
Speaker:Together, we're redefining male sexuality and embracing a
Speaker:holistic approach to overcoming ED without medication or
Speaker:surgery. I will provide a protective environment for
Speaker:community and proven strategy to overcoming ED. It is a safe
Speaker:place, expert coaching by me and my team. We provide holistic
Speaker:approach to overcoming ED and an empowering community of men with
Speaker:ED supporting one another and lots and lots of educational
Speaker:resources. Visit, at the
Speaker:link here on my right, and connect with us and reclaim
Speaker:control over your sexual health. I'll see you there.
Speaker:Thanks for listening to the Sexual Health for Men Podcast.
Speaker:If you love this episode, then please take a screenshot on your
Speaker:phone and post it on Facebook, Instagram, or wherever you post,
Speaker:and be sure to tag me and let me know why you like this episode
Speaker:and what you like to hear in the future. That will help me know
Speaker:what's great for you and I would love to give you the most
Speaker:incredible free gift designed to help you improve performance
Speaker:quickly. Go to my website at to
Speaker:get the book, The Five Common Costly Mistakes Men Make When
Speaker:Facing ED. I would appreciate if you subscribe, leave a review on
Speaker:Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. And just know that you
Speaker:can have sexual vitality for life. I appreciate you until
Speaker:next time.