Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun ea good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;
Paul. Php 1:6. Hi, it’s Nathan, and this is day 11 of 30 days of promise. Confident in the faithfulness of Jesus to finish what he starts. You may find yourself wrestling with worry about your salvation. Will you be one of those folks enjoying the exhilaration of eternity? Will you be privileged to chat with Jesus by a quiet stream or on a long walk in a warm, gently-lit mountain meadow? This Bible promise affirms that you and I can have deep confidence the faithfulness of Jesus to finish that work he’s started. Deep confidence that we will be one of those folks enjoying life as it was always meant to be—forever. If you and I are willing to rest in his faithfulness to us to finish his work in us, we will not be disappointed.