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Morning Routines for Podcasters
Episode 9011th April 2023 • Podcasting for Business • Lynsay Anne
00:00:00 00:24:04

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Today we're talking about morning routines for podcasters. 

Why are we talking about this?

There's something about Spring that makes it easier to set up and maintain new routines.

Having a good morning routine can help with focus, productivity, and your mental health.

But I don't want this episode to be a huge stick to beat yourself up with. 

I'm a massive believer in adapting your routines to suit you.

So, join me today as I bring you tips to establish and maintain a simple morning routine. 

Here are the highlights: 

(1:55) It’s important

(4:04) Your non-negotiables

(6:46) Self-care

(12:32) Podcast routines

(16:47) 10 minutes to just ‘be’

(20:39) Why stay the same?

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You can find out more about Alix and her podcast HERE.

You can find this week's Sound Celebration - Tracy’s website and podcast HERE.





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