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Productivity, Growth Hacks, and Real Entrepreneurship With Connor Steinbrook of Investor Army
Episode 1222nd February 2022 • Real Estate Marketing Implementation Podcast (The REmarketing Podcast) • Jerome "Mr. Implementation" Lewis
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Productivity, Growth Hacks, and Real Entrepreneurship With Connor Steinbrook of Investor Army (Part 2)

Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels when it comes to productivity and growth? Connor Steinbrook of Investor Army is here to show you how real entrepreneurs get things done. In this episode, Connor will teach you the fundamentals of productivity and growth hacking, so that you can start making progress on your goals. You'll also learn what it takes to be an entrepreneur, and find out whether or not entrepreneurship is right for you. Don't miss this valuable advice from a successful investor!




Connor Steinbrook: You know, like, for example, like when I started to play online poker back in the day.



Connor Steinbrook: Everybody around me is like you can't make money playing online poker you know I don't believe in you, essentially, is when they're telling that's essentially how I felt it is when they tell me I can't do something, or you can't do something.



Connor Steinbrook: Whether it's nobody can make money playing poker or you can't do it, I take it as an insult, but you know i'm.



Connor Steinbrook: really what they're saying is they don't believe they could do it in their minds, so therefore they don't believe you could do it.



Connor Steinbrook: And so, like when I started playing poker like everybody around me told me you can't make money you're going to lose everything and guess what I didn't it was the exact opposite and then they all wanted to pay me to teach them how.



Connor Steinbrook: To do it, I was doing or play their money, and then, when I had online poker go out.



Connor Steinbrook: very similar thing to happen was you know I went into real estate investing and guess what happened.



Connor Steinbrook: everybody's like you can't do that you're a poker player, all you know how to play poker and i'm like okay well.



Connor Steinbrook: guess what I didn't know how to play poker either.



Connor Steinbrook: And I became a got to the top of the industry so i'm going to do the same thing in this industry and I don't care what you say, or who you think I am or what you believe about me i'm going to do it and i'm going to do it right in your face and you're going to do this.



Connor Steinbrook: You know you're going to watch me do it and I went and did it again, I became one less successful real estate investors in the country and along the way.



Connor Steinbrook: What happened was I went on to YouTube similar thing.



Connor Steinbrook: everybody's talking, you know you can't do that, why are you going on YouTube, why are you wasting your time filling these videos it's never going to work.



Connor Steinbrook: And it's just doubting once again I just completely bypassed everybody's doubt in in their own opinions and I went through and I built one largest education real estate YouTube channels and country, then when I started ESP.



Connor Steinbrook: you're a real estate investor you're a youtuber you're, not even a real estate agent what makes you think you're going to go get your real estate agent or get your license and then compete in a different industry, essentially, even though worth I mean a different.



Connor Steinbrook: model, I guess, in the same industry, so the point i'm saying is.



Connor Steinbrook: It does not matter who's around you and what they're telling you and sometimes the most vicious type of advice is coming from the closest around us, like our parents and our boyfriends and girlfriends or children, and things like this.



Connor Steinbrook: You need to focus on what you want to do with your life don't let the noise around you.



Connor Steinbrook: distract you, you can become anything you want to be, if you really want it bad enough, and everybody else around you doesn't want you to become that because it makes it look bad upon them with why they're failing in their own life.



Connor Steinbrook: And so I think those would be probably the criticisms or insults would just like, but if your meat right because I just like I like to prove people wrong.



Connor Steinbrook: And that was the the gas in my gas tank was the self doubt or the doubt that was created myself out there was almost.



Connor Steinbrook: Too much because of the doubt of everybody around me so if your self doubt is influenced because of doubt from the external world once again talking about do you control your future does the external world control your future.



Connor Steinbrook: You need to guard these thoughts and so yeah there's a lot of that type of stuff that was probably more than just like insults and then obviously like being on YouTube go through my comments section I probably got a billion.



Connor Steinbrook: Yes, it's.



Connor Steinbrook: it's tough but I don't I don't really look at that because it's like if you guys are going on YouTube and someone's hating on you.



Connor Steinbrook: it's kind of like, why does somebody who i've never meet who lives in somewhere else so upset that i'm giving free information on the Internet it's not an issue with me it's an issue with them and their own in their own life and they're just angry.



Connor Steinbrook: And when they reach out and say something bad about you for that moment of time they feel like they're the big man and they're in control it before they go back to their small life essentially.



Connor Steinbrook: Inside if you guys are on YouTube you're going to get a lot of that everybody does it's just part of it don't let it get to you it's nothing to do with you.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Absolutely, and so my next question is like the question I want, I want to get a quote from you around like marketing so.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: question is like what's one piece of advice around marketing, for you know people in our industry real estate entrepreneurs agents investors what's one piece of advice you would give them about marketing.



Connor Steinbrook: yeah I don't think people think of marketing like they do as a business, and so I want you to think about your marketing, as you do.



Connor Steinbrook: income streams so think about like three different ways to create income, you have active income.



Connor Steinbrook: Which is a direct time being traded create that income stream and then you have the two income streams that create wealth which are equity models and passive income models and so.



Connor Steinbrook: Active income would be like selling houses flipping houses, you know working a job, once you trade your time and stop trading your time I mean.



Connor Steinbrook: Your income completely stops stop trying to flip houses your income stops so equity grows without.



Connor Steinbrook: Your time allocated grow it so if you buy a stock it's going to expand the growth triples let's say you bought a rental property, the market went up so that's why you can create you grow.



Connor Steinbrook: Your network with equity miles, because they expand with that time into it, but passive income is really what I want to talk about here.



Connor Steinbrook: In comparison to mark and to compare in comparison to marketing, which is residual income as an income stream you trade your time to create one time that comes in, over and over and over like rental income or espn revenue share model.



Connor Steinbrook: So the first thing is when it comes to marketing, if you have one way of generating business, you have one income stream and then what happened to me was why I went such so deep into a.



Connor Steinbrook: debt and all that that was struggling at that time was I had one income stream and when it disappear, which was online poker even though, is a great way to create a living.



Connor Steinbrook: I had no income stream and it destroyed my life So the first thing is, you need multiple streams of income and how many do you need.



Connor Steinbrook: I believe you need a minimum of three as many as you can get because if you have two and you lose one you're right back to that same risky position, so if you have three and you lose one you have to, and you have time to get back to that third one.



Connor Steinbrook: Now what you need to think about is when it comes to marketing, you need multiple marketing channels, so, for example, I knew a lot of people that were making millions of dollars.



Connor Steinbrook: Or you heard about all these people back during like the last crash buying out an auction sites are.



Connor Steinbrook: From auction companies like in Arizona, and things like that well guess what happened when those auctions dried up.



Connor Steinbrook: Those investors that were making millions was like me as an online poker player at one way of generating business and when that one marketing challenge disappeared.



Connor Steinbrook: My income stopped, so you need to have three different ways to generate business and you think of it that way is for protecting your business, so if your number one ways direct mail.



Connor Steinbrook: And you don't have anything else going on, well, what happens if direct mail stops or goes away or can't convert it the way that you're thinking.



Connor Steinbrook: What if you're One way is video marketing, what if you're One way is network marketing and building referrals so start thinking of how to have multiple streams of marketing.



Connor Steinbrook: To protect yourself if one doesn't work, as well as you thought it would or it goes away and then think about how passive income verse residual or passive and converse active income works.



Connor Steinbrook: what's the difference between active income and passive income well, if you look at verse marketing active marketing would be me door knocking door me cold calling someone.



Connor Steinbrook: let's say I spend 15 minutes to go knock on door or cold call someone right and have that conversation with the client potential client.



Connor Steinbrook: that's 15 minutes for one client trading their time unit for potential conversion to me, whereas I have 15 minutes to be traded to them.



Connor Steinbrook: that's an active income component and if I don't knock on another door and I don't make another phone call, I have no more business potential coming in.



Connor Steinbrook: What if we thought about our marketing residual Lee or reactive Lee.



Connor Steinbrook: Was we took the same time, we were using the cold call people are door knock and we use this to create videos or put things out there they're reactionary like billboards.



Connor Steinbrook: or things are on the side of the road things that will be out there in front of the consumer.



Connor Steinbrook: With a reactionary approach, meaning they're out there in front of people, they can contact you today, tomorrow in the future and it's not a one to one time relationship, which is where most people struggle to build a business.



Connor Steinbrook: So you need multiple ways of generating leads, because if you only have one that goes where your businesses done.



Connor Steinbrook: you're going to panic at that moment, and then you need to start thinking about how to generate.



Connor Steinbrook: leads through reactionary or passive type of marketing, which would be you know videos on the Internet billboards outdoor advertising things that are out there that can be reacted to to contact you that are out there, giving you more time conversion.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Thank you kind of appreciate that and i've I was thinking so.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: I want to quote and I knew, you would that's why I appreciate you like you would go into detail, so I actually think that's probably gonna be like a.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: BONUS chapter and will expand on it and i'll put that in the book i'll keep you updated but that's like a full chapter and it's very we're in.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: We have like very similar concepts around marketing people think you do this thing one time you go through the one tick tock.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: or the one video, and then you stop and it's like oh i'm not kidding well you gotta be you gotta treat it like a business, think about it.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: in other ways, so I appreciate that, and you always make the same comparison like door knocking cold calling do you got the digital stuff that you do that.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: goes constantly so I appreciate you saying that we're going to move on to the closing questions and I have three closing questions and then we can get out of here, so the first question is pretty easy.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: What are three books, what are three books that you recommend to the audience and why.



Connor Steinbrook: mean I know you guys, I know you got a lot yeah yeah no I cannot this let but.



Connor Steinbrook: Now, so I mean like the guaranteed ones that, like most every entrepreneur should read are obviously thinking grow rich rich dad poor dad.



Connor Steinbrook: If you're a believer I would say the Bible, a lot of people don't understand that it's probably the best business books ever written and must be going to think about that how to influence how to win friends and influence people.



Connor Steinbrook: Power positive thinking by Norman Vincent peel and then you go and then you've got just like.



Connor Steinbrook: You know.



Connor Steinbrook: All sorts of different like efficiency books by Brian Tracy out there, but there's a book called the power of the subconscious mind I believe it's by john Murphy or john Murray that's a good book.



Connor Steinbrook: Joseph Joseph Murphy just Murphy good.



Connor Steinbrook: Bob proctor's book was called born to be sold or some I can.



Connor Steinbrook: i've read so many there in the past but i've probably read anybody any books by Napoleon hill Bob proctor Brian Tracy les brown six john Maxwell a john actual for leadership books are incredibly incredibly Scott, a lot of them.



Connor Steinbrook: let's see what else would be books that people should focus on.



Connor Steinbrook: mean there's a lot of them I don't want to give them too many to go down the rabbit hole.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: yeah that's that's.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: yeah that's great right there, give them more than enough usually people give three, so I think that's excellent you also mentioned, like the Bible I got like my bookshelf behind me.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: And I keep that Bible right there that's one of those books, like, I have every author that you named as well and I touched just about each of those books, with the exception of power of positive thinking so i'm writing that down and we'll get that on my list as well.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: So next question is very similar.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: yeah go for it.



Connor Steinbrook: yeah just elaborate on that so like going back if I go back into every skill set that should be built in order, the first one and there's a book called influenced by Robert seal Dini ci.



Connor Steinbrook: l da da ni or something like that it's called influence he's written a couple other books, the number one thing you need to learn about.



Connor Steinbrook: And as far as skill sets not how to raise money not how to do marketing know how to do accounting not how to do payment processing and all this stuff.



Connor Steinbrook: learn how to communicate, because that drives every other thing in your business So if you can communicate well, and you have the ability to influence because life is about of communication influence.



Connor Steinbrook: Right now i'm trying to influence you in some way you know your partners are going to influence us your girlfriend is going to influence us your parents are going to influence you everybody's in a battle of influence.



Connor Steinbrook: And, especially in business, so the number one skill set you guys should be working on the beginning of your businesses, how to learn how to communicate well.



Connor Steinbrook: How to convert through communication how to learn how tempo pauses of how to use colors and images and shapes.



Connor Steinbrook: And how to understand to control conversations to questions and how to understand tempo pauses and how to exit and start conversations.



Connor Steinbrook: These are going to be the number one this is gonna be the number one set of skill sets to focus on and there's a book called how to talk to anyone in like 92 little tricks it's like a big yellow book.



Connor Steinbrook: that's a good book on that talks a lot about that body language and then i'll be focusing on body language and tells and things like that So those are some things i'll be focusing on and some different books as well.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: You always over deliver I appreciate that.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: The next question is very similar we just switching the media right so it's like what are some and i'm not even gonna say three right so number is usually three but podcast what are some podcasts that you recommend to the audience and why.



Connor Steinbrook: Well, I don't really watch too many podcasts anymore.



Connor Steinbrook: I mean, I like had my last podcast or like.



Connor Steinbrook: The episodes at my let does.



Connor Steinbrook: Like.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: What about cliffs he just was there, this is good.



Connor Steinbrook: Oh yeah yeah I mean.



Connor Steinbrook: yeah this is good podcast yeah click freeman's got to go one there's a lot of people there i'm really thinking like huge.



Connor Steinbrook: You know cliff massive in the real estate space, but i'm thinking more like you know global big name entrepreneur that's like you know traveling the planet, you know speaking big events type of people.



Connor Steinbrook: Closer to be he's he's he's good at what he does, but um yeah I mean I like watch Patrick but david's podcast I did.



Connor Steinbrook: A little bit.



Connor Steinbrook: I don't know if i've watched like specific podcast as much as I.



Connor Steinbrook: watched a specific people you know, like like if I find someone that I, like all start googling them and then i'll.



Connor Steinbrook: Find every podcast that they've done if I if I come across somebody new like, for example, like some of you guys are going to come across this, you may not know know who I am.



Connor Steinbrook: You might want to go over and start going down the rabbit hole my YouTube channel and start to follow me if that makes sense and so like what I do is instead of watching podcasts.



Connor Steinbrook: Like a find a person that I like.



Connor Steinbrook: And i'll go to their YouTube channel and i'll sort it by oldest to newest and i'll start watching their oldest videos first which are usually their best videos and the reason why I think old videos on YouTube channels have been around for four to six years.



Connor Steinbrook: Or the best is because think about how hard it is to keep coming up with new content and usually, when people start the Channel they're given out the form.



Connor Steinbrook: And they're given the best that they can, if that makes sense they're giving it all out because they're trying to do the best I can to build a channel, so I like to start from people's the bottom.



Connor Steinbrook: And i'll just start from right to left and i'll go through every line, and it may take a month, it may take two weeks may take couple months but i'll go through every single video that that person has on their channel and then I now I take notes and I make little audio.



Connor Steinbrook: Like let's say it's like 30 minute video and like page or page, but like minutes 1732 1902 is there, like a really good little.



Connor Steinbrook: conversational talking point or something like that i'll put into excel i'll put the YouTube link and i'll put that like section there, so I don't have to go back and watch the whole thing.



Connor Steinbrook: Now, what does that equivalent to it's kind of like if you guys read a book and you're highlighting paragraphs in the book if that makes sense, but i'm doing this with video so book is a.



Connor Steinbrook: Video is a book just spoken, an audio on camera if that makes sense, but they're trading information.



Connor Steinbrook: So i'll track them and then i'll and i'll make notes of any like really important like thought processes or one liners are quotes that I think are important.



Connor Steinbrook: And then, and then, when i'm done with that channel I try to stay up with the new videos if I still think it's relevant unless they're just regurgitating same stuff over and over.



Connor Steinbrook: And then i'll go find somebody new and start consuming their entire content package I guess that's kind of how I go about it.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Thanks, I appreciate that, in that, which you mentioned, like starting from old to new and then going through all the videos i've been.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Through that process or your channel and a couple other people so yeah I agree, and I remember you were doing a presentation here in philly and you talk about the I think is the abercrombie that's your most popular video right.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Right yeah.



Connor Steinbrook: I mean.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: What yes it's like why what happened here so.



Connor Steinbrook: yeah.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: I was going through your town or today gathering just some information and some talking points and I remember seeing that video second want to bring that up during the interview that that was our like yeah.



Connor Steinbrook: You want to tell.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: So I tell that story, yes, so.



Connor Steinbrook: This is why you just get content out there, because you never know what's gonna stick, so I put this one video out and.



Connor Steinbrook: You know, like, I was trying to get enough outfits because, like you know, obviously, if you're going to film hundreds of videos like you don't want to be wearing like the same few 10 outfits over and over so I was like okay well.



Connor Steinbrook: I was pulling out all wardrobes and closets and like I was also trying to connect with my audience, who is like 18 to 25 at the time.



Connor Steinbrook: And I was like well what are like you know, I was asking someone's like what are these kids were these days and i'm like not thinking i'm like that old i'm like 29 or 30 or something that time.



Connor Steinbrook: And I was wearing like hollister and abercrombie shirts that's a disconnect I was from the world because I was living in a dungeon basically building my businesses for years and I didn't realize that.



Connor Steinbrook: Those are like high school, maybe college kids at best and.



Connor Steinbrook: And I just need a different outfits and like I pulled out some like old call it like high school college clothes.



Connor Steinbrook: And I was working out a little bit of time, so I could still fit fit in them and for all, for some reason, I had a video with a pink hollister shirt on.



Connor Steinbrook: And one of the algorithm triggers that pushes the promotion of a video is, if you have a strong comment thread, a lot of people are in the comment thread, and what happened was hater started bashing me.



Connor Steinbrook: and talking talking bad about my shirt and it created like a little section of thread and people went off on it and it triggered the algorithm and a lot of people bounced in and it drove that video viral actually became a number one most viewed video on Scott, I think.



Connor Steinbrook: Five 600,000 views on it right now, or something like that which is a huge amount of using comparison to like most of my videos that get a couple thousand views and so.



Connor Steinbrook: You know it's just sometimes like weird things happen, but you know you just have to be on YouTube and you know, keep on putting videos out, so I don't know why we got off on this tangent on on that video.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: yeah and what what was the video about.



Connor Steinbrook: That was on like nine types of houses to never buy and.



Connor Steinbrook: And yeah and then I just started out in a weird way like in the first like minute.



Connor Steinbrook: As like I get so frustrated people talking about comps right comparable properties and obviously comps are incredibly important.



Connor Steinbrook: But what I was trying to make a point and aggressive lives, and you know saying like COPs aren't shit right because they don't mean anything, for example.



Connor Steinbrook: You know, but by little rental property here it's live it's wedged in between a Main Street and literally right behind it it's wedge between a train track.



Connor Steinbrook: And so that House I can't compare that that sell value to.



Connor Steinbrook: You know houses two streets over there, a nice secluded subdivision with no noise and no free you know people coming by even though literally those neighborhoods or 800 yards away.



Connor Steinbrook: You know, for example, like you know if I have a House that backs up to an overpass.



Connor Steinbrook: But i'm running comps to that based off 1400 square feet, you know, the average price per square foot, but three houses, you know houses that are two streets over in the neighborhood don't back up to that you're not going to get the same price per square foot so comps are.



Connor Steinbrook: A very difficult thing to understand that takes time to do, and you learn this as you lose money on properties and you start to realize sometimes it's not always what it just says on surface and that and even though the numbers say that doesn't mean that's.



Connor Steinbrook: Exactly what the House will sell for that, so I was trying to get across in that video, and I said, like connoisseurship that we're getting into like an aggressive way and I guess like.



Connor Steinbrook: That set the tone for the video and people wanted to watch all the three to see what I was gonna say the rest of the video and it got like really high watch time and that's what pushed it, the combination of those things.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Nice, so we are, we are coming up on the end, I have one more question for you and then just one more question so where can listeners find out more about you online.



Connor Steinbrook: yeah I mean just probably investor army so that's the best way to come across me is you know hundreds of videos out there and then, if you just Google my name and podcast you'll find 10s of podcasts i've done out there have been on quite a few shows for other people.



Connor Steinbrook: But yeah I mean you can just reach out to me if you want to reach out to me my numbers 469-855-6963 and yeah that's my real number podcast all the time and I get text messages like Is this really Connor i'm like yep.



Connor Steinbrook: But um yeah I mean if you want to reach out to me potentially talk about you know anything we're doing with the xp or whatever.



Connor Steinbrook: You know my other businesses Internet marketing things like that just reach out to me and yeah.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: So I know I said that was the last question, I know.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: I said that was the last question, but we never like went into maybe we'll do in the future, but we never went into like a deep dive on xp and like how the team has grown so fast, so if you could.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: If you could attribute one thing to why the team has grown so fast, what would that be.



Connor Steinbrook: I knew it would from day one, so I don't think a lot of people understand.



Connor Steinbrook: what's happening so like what you know so like I tried to tell my story.



Connor Steinbrook: and tell them all these different podcasts but like when online poker disappeared I joined a company called.



Connor Steinbrook: actually got my insurance license first I joined a company called w F G so talk about ED my lead some of you guys know that my lip he's at the top of ED.



Connor Steinbrook: w F G he built, one of the largest organizations there and they're built with a network and override team building models similar to how the xp and kW and other companies are.



Connor Steinbrook: And I started to build a team there and I learned from some of the top team builders and so when I saw what was happening with xp and I met rob flick and gene Frederick and all these top guys basically we're one of the biggest integral parts right, one of the most.



Connor Steinbrook: had a huge impact on building Keller Williams early on and i'm like well why are all these top top kW people leaving together small startup company I realized that he believed it was going to be the.



Connor Steinbrook: The the new reset so I need I was piggybacking off of what.



Connor Steinbrook: Their information was from decades in the business to make my decision easy and then I just knew with my work ethic, and how many businesses, I had struggled with and failed at this point I knew how to be successful at anything and everything I did.



Connor Steinbrook: In that and that'll make sense, once you guys are successful, you should be able to be dropped into any industry in the three to five years, be at the top of it once your skill sets are where they need to be.



Connor Steinbrook: And then I just knew that there was a huge runway to be built out and because I built my social media following.



Connor Steinbrook: I knew that I was going to be able to get enough in front of enough people, so I know that I was just going to sprint off day one never take the momentum off, and I was it was guaranteed in my mind.



Connor Steinbrook: To build this, and so, like the first year I recruited 40 people and it turned into over 150 the second year we turned in our.



Connor Steinbrook: wolfpack organization grew to over 300 and the third year over 600 and, last year we went to about 1600 agents last year, and so far in the first two months of this year.



Connor Steinbrook: we're already right at around 1800 agents right now and we're growing as fast as we have we've ever grown, and so my belief that this was going to work.



Connor Steinbrook: I knew it was going to work was, I believe, the reason why we're growing so quick is because my belief in this and then me, proving that it would work.



Connor Steinbrook: was pushed through as an energy into the organization that they could do it too.



Connor Steinbrook: And, and I work on building people's belief systems and self esteem, not on their skill sets once you build the person they'll build their own business, if that makes sense.



Connor Steinbrook: So I just kept you know pushing and pushing and pushing and trying to keep people focused in the future on a goal that they could achieve.



Connor Steinbrook: And and and I think that that belief from me translate it to the frontline leaders that I brought in, and build belief in them, and it created a duplication system and we just have a team that everybody's.



Connor Steinbrook: You know I guess been trained or had an opportunity to grow this business mall differently than what a lot of ESP teams are probably doing behind the scenes.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Thanks thanks Connor and.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Just you always again, you always over deliver and we didn't like deep dive into xp but you've been one thing I admire, is it like you've been consistently you provide leadership you lead by example.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: And you do we do that do that leadership call where you teach our team, and you do the presentation and we didn't talk about ESP So could you talk about that and could you talk about like you, you.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Mike you do like the social media like group still right, could you talk about those things, so people can know how to get access to those things if they're interested or.



Connor Steinbrook: yeah I mean, so I think xp is not understood by a lot of agents and I think a lot of agents don't understand how to create wealth.



Connor Steinbrook: They understand how to create an income, and so the thing about income is it's created by active income meaning you trade your time to create this.



Connor Steinbrook: We talked about what creates wealth, a little bit ago which is equity models and residual income models and so you can create a great income but it's almost impossible to create wealth quickly.



Connor Steinbrook: By trading your time one unit to one unit, which is what most sales agents do so they go to like flat fee shops or hundred percent shops and they're like i'm 100% i'm doing.



Connor Steinbrook: I get I keep all my Commission.



Connor Steinbrook: You can't keep your way to wealth you'll never keep your way to being successful and some of these you know, like the one out of 1000 people that actually does you know you'll hear that person, say, well, I did it.



Connor Steinbrook: we're looking at like the mass amount of people that are going to do this so.



Connor Steinbrook: When I was you know when I saw ESP.



Connor Steinbrook: And I realized that they had an active sales model great CAP and split with the production model.



Connor Steinbrook: But then, they also had a publicly traded company with five different ways to acquire equity in the company doing the things we're already doing some house or building a team of agents to sell houses.



Connor Steinbrook: And then they had this massive residual income team building model called revenue sharing that people are making multiple six figures, a month doing.



Connor Steinbrook: I said, this is the first time that someone like myself as an investor can now be an agent and have both ways of creating.



Connor Steinbrook: Our have all three ways of creating income on both sides of business so as an investor understands how to create wealth that's why they own real estate for equity positions and residual income that's why investors get wealthy and agents.



Connor Steinbrook: You know struggle throughout their career to catch up, so I said well.



Connor Steinbrook: i'm active income through flipping houses, I have my residual income through ownership of real estate through rental income and notes and things like this and I have you know.



Connor Steinbrook: equity in the House that's right so active through flip and so i've always on one side, then I saw the xp as a filler because you now have active.



Connor Steinbrook: equity to stock awards and residual to the revenue shares on both sides of business, you have all through as you're creating income.



Connor Steinbrook: I just remember being like this means that any lead that I spend money marketing to generate regardless of the price point or what equity position it has i'm gonna have an exit strategy for it.



Connor Steinbrook: And then, what happened was I knew the revenue share model would be strong that started building it.



Connor Steinbrook: Which is a team building model guys it's similar to kind of how an override tiered structure residual income model would work.



Connor Steinbrook: And I didn't realize how fast it was going to grow and once I realized, it was going to grow as fast as it did I put more time into it and and it's the fastest way.



Connor Steinbrook: Ever built a residual income stream of any kind, with the lowest amount of risk.



Connor Steinbrook: And so you know, in comparison to building a rental portfolio i'm growing at about 25 to 30 times faster, is what I figured.



Connor Steinbrook: And in just a few years I built in residual income that's equivalent to pray over 500 rental houses eddie xp with the revenue share model so.



Connor Steinbrook: I think a lot of agents should sit down with someone who can really explain the profit centers and the value centers of the xp meaning.



Connor Steinbrook: You know risk mitigation time allocation exiting the business market share opportunities, you know things that they're not going to see.



Connor Steinbrook: From just like a generic 101 exp explain presentation, I think, once people get an explanation.



Connor Steinbrook: From like a higher level entrepreneurial mindset and have people break it down, where the money goes, where the time goes, where the energy and emotions go.



Connor Steinbrook: There never i've been trying to charge people for since i've been here show me a better business model and i'll move over there no one's ever even attempted to come close, so I think miss Informations out there.



Connor Steinbrook: So if you guys want to sit down with someone that can really talk about real numbers facts data logic business sense, you know not just emotions and just saying hey it's so great come over here without any reason why.



Connor Steinbrook: I can show you the reasons why and use a calculator do so and it's going to blow your mind but um yeah so ESP was.



Connor Steinbrook: The idea that you can build a residual income for six figures, a month with no debt.



Connor Steinbrook: No assets know tenants toilets or termites know back in management processing system is it's unbelievable it's never happened in business, like the way that we're doing it right now.



Connor Steinbrook: And then, on top of that, just like you know we've been operating through a cloud based operating system aka.



Connor Steinbrook: What people now know as the metaverse and we've been doing this for a decade and not only have we been doing this for almost a decade.



Connor Steinbrook: People were trashing us and making fun of it, and now we're the coolest team has ever had entrepreneurship, right now, and so Facebook is like.



Connor Steinbrook: Half a decade or more behind us and now once the launching of facebook's metaverse I think the whole world in every industry now realizes how dominant you xp is and how dominant we will be in that where the frontline runner.



Connor Steinbrook: In every single industry on the planet, essentially doing this and we're leading the world and that's what's really happening right now.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Connor I appreciate you, and again I keep saying you always over deliver because we were going to do 30 minutes, but we were a little over and.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: What one of the things that you said, like we have sent like I saw ESP I was like you don't have to tell me, I understand, technology, so I was like don't you know convincing.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: But in addition to like me already seeing where it made sense it's like.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Sitting our leadership calls where you explain the model and show things that show things to people.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: In a way that makes business sense and business logic, because that's what I care about businesses logic facts data statistics that's what I care about.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Seeing that help me like deep in my steak into the company and i'm telling you, like so many companies reach out to me ah of Rome, especially ever since the book they're like what me like Superman like.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Nothing makes more sense.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: If you can show me that something that makes more sense i'd be happy to have a conversation with you, but nothing makes more sense, so I appreciate you sharing that and.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Can you tell like what's what's the best way for someone to so everybody's pretty sure if you're in the real estate industry, especially if you're an agent you've heard of the xp.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: So i've heard of the xp they've been pitching pitching pitching me how can I learn in a way that you're talking about the deck the data fast statistics or how can I learn from you Jerome you counter directly how do I get into or have a conversation or a zoom call with the two of you.



Connor Steinbrook: Yes, you want to sit down with Jerome and I and look at what we've created so one of the things we've done is we've created a massive system with our wolf pack organization, on top of what the next piece provided.



Connor Steinbrook: we've got investing coaching you know social media coaching and training systems, behind the scenes team building academies.



Connor Steinbrook: weekly reoccurring mastermind calls international webinar live call systems for you guys to invite agents to to get an explanation of the business model, so you don't have to send the videos.



Connor Steinbrook: And we built out just a massive system behind the scenes in that when people are finding out what we've created for our partners.



Connor Steinbrook: That they just can't simply find it other organizations that the xp the I think it was them and the they liked the idea of extra value, without having to pay for it, so everything we've created.



Connor Steinbrook: Is free for our partners and it's just a system that we created to help you guys be more successful over here.



Connor Steinbrook: It would take a little bit of time to show you guys all the different things that we created.



Connor Steinbrook: will pull up the screen behind the screen that there's no false promises will actually show you the courses, the academies and all this that we built out everything's physical everything's tangible and you can see it.



Connor Steinbrook: So we're not just sitting here, you know talking with strong words we're actually showing with our actions and what we've actually created.



Connor Steinbrook: So if you guys want sit down with us and kind of pull back the curtain you want us to run your numbers, which is, I think the number one reason probably a lot of agents don't join it don't join the xp is.



Connor Steinbrook: Nobody read their net net sheet and then, when we run people's numbers and they realized how much money they actually left on the table, or last last year that broker has there's currently that they would have had if they're expecting.



Connor Steinbrook: It changes the tool, so if you want us to run your numbers and let's say you're 100% sharp a top producer.



Connor Steinbrook: I think it may shock you because we CAP it such a little amount, whereas if you do a large volume you still keep closing transactions, you still keep keep paying a transactional feet.



Connor Steinbrook: I think a lot of people don't understand how the math breaks out.



Connor Steinbrook: And when they'd have someone do it for them, they go whoa.



Connor Steinbrook: If i'd known left $27,000 on the table, I probably have had another conversation with you sooner, if that makes sense, so we can do this for you just reach out to Jerome so you want to hop on a call with the two of us and we'll meet you guys on zoom.



Connor Steinbrook: And we can take a deep look at what you're doing with your business see if it's a fit to work with us we'll run your numbers go over the model.



Connor Steinbrook: And then, if it works it works, if not, we wish you the best and have a great career and, if not come over here and swing for the fences setting big goals and let's go kill it.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: yeah thanks Connor I really appreciate, you and I don't have any final questions do before we shut out do you have any closing statements.



Connor Steinbrook: yeah no guys just you know, like the number one thing and businesses it's not skill sets its consistency and resiliency and perseverance so like it doesn't matter.



Connor Steinbrook: In the number one thing is that you show up every day and keep going towards you towards your goals and you don't break momentum.



Connor Steinbrook: you'll build your skill sets over time, but if you break your consistency and perseverance in what you're doing you'll never get there, so focus on staying consistent.



Connor Steinbrook: day in, day out one step, a day gets you a long way, and you know just believe in yourself and you guys are going to do great and show up in the future and a better better destination.



Jerome Lewis - Text: 484-324-8680: Thank you, thank you Connor I really appreciate that and we are going to end the podcast.



Connor Steinbrook: sounds good thanks for having me.






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