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Rose Pruning Tips
28th February 2020 • Ask Dill's Greenhouse • Dill's Greenhouse
00:00:00 00:02:32

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Kevin: So now that we're into April, any of you guys that were late getting things cleaned up, April is definitely the month you kind of want to have that checked off your list. It's time to really take a thorough walk through the yard.

Examine anything that needs cleaned up. Whether it be old hostas, or maybe you've got just some old perennials, day lilies or asters, or something like that, that just the tops need cleaned off. You definitely want to get that done.

It'd be the time of year that you could do some pruning on your roses. Roses would be a plant that you'd want to go ahead and clean up. First examine your rose. Take out any decaying tissue, any brown tissue, that would be the first thing is get all that old wood out of there. And then take whatever top growth you have, depending on the type of rose. But for the most part, it's safe to probably safely take off half of whatever growth you have there.

Now if it's a climber that might be an exception, but most of the teas and shrubs, that would be a safe assumption.

When it comes to shrubs, is it going to be a spring flowering shrub or summer or even late summer or fall? And the answer is if it's a spring flowering shrub, you're going to want to wait till after that shrub is flowered, that coming spring. Even if it's just unruly, and it's just encroaching on your patio or sidewalk. If you want that color, you're just going to have to be patient and wait till after the flower.

Once flowering is done, you can go ahead and trim that back. Just note it in your garden notes that would be something that you trim in the summer going into fall. You could most likely still trim it in fall and still get that spring color for most of those shrubs.

Each week we're going to answer some of the more asked questions we get from our customers at Dill's Greenhouse, as well as on our Facebook page. 

From plants to products. We'll be covering quite a number of gardening questions this year. 

If you have a gardening question you'd like us to answer, don't hesitate to shoot us an email at 

We may answer the question in a future Ask Dill's Greenhouse episode, or spotlight your question on our Facebook page.





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