Meet My Police Officer Husband
In this episode, Andi and his husband dive into what life is really like for a Police Family and how the past 3 years has pushed him in ways that the other years of his career did not and how he has stayed good through it all.
What You'll Learn:
➡️What is it like to be living in a first responder family
➡️How important it is to learn the tool on how to support each other to stay strong for the job
➡️And a lot more!
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I'm Andy Clark, mom and wife of an officer I've been reversing and preventing
Andi:burnout and first responders since 2018.
Andi:Welcome to the 911 Shift Ready podcast where we will dive into sleep, anger,
Andi:energy, hypervigilance, anxiety, and other burnout symptoms in order
Andi:to arm you with the knowledge, understanding, and tools beyond exercise
Andi:and nutrition to be 911 shift ready.
Andi:So you can thrive not only for the remainder of your career but
Andi:also at home in your family life.
Andi:And then bring those tools back to your service.
Andi:So the compound effect can take place and together we can decrease burnout
Andi:in the 911 lifestyle community.
Andi:Welcome to episode 15 of the 911 Shift Ready Podcast.
Andi:Before we dive in today's episode, I would like to acknowledge that this
Andi:podcast will be airing on September 11th.
Andi:We would like to pay our respects
Kevin:and to give our thanks and our support to anybody who this particular
Kevin:date has significance to them.
Kevin:So thank you.
Kevin:And we certainly support you.
Andi:I definitely remember exactly where I was on September 11th.
Andi:All right.
Andi:So diving into today's episode, this is my husband for any of you that are
Andi:actually watching this on YouTube.
Andi:He is the big supporter behind the scenes.
Andi:Today, we are going to do a different episode.
Andi:We're going to do an interview together where we are asking each other some tough
Andi:questions as being a first responder couple, family and both of us working
Andi:in the world with first responders.
Andi:So the first question that we came up with,
Kevin:so we actually just wrote a bunch of questions on a piece of paper.
Kevin:So kind of here it is.
Kevin:So we're just going to fly by the seat of our pants on this one.
Andi:So let's talk about our conversation when I actually first thought about
Andi:working with first responders.
Andi:What did that mean for our family safety, for the bubble that we had built around
Andi:our family and actually for both of us as well being immersed now in a 911 life?
Andi:Both of us.
Andi:So I'll let you start.
Andi:Do you remember that conversation?
Kevin:I mean, I've been an officer for about eight years and I know in that time.
Kevin:You know, even before we had kids, we always had this bubble that we
Kevin:would try to protect ourselves in terms of, I wouldn't really tell
Kevin:many people about what I did.
Kevin:And I know most of you out there are kind of in the same situation where,
Kevin:you know what you just kind of keep to yourself or not really share what
Kevin:you do not because you're afraid of other people's opinions but everybody
Kevin:seems to have an opinion about, you know, this particular profession.
Kevin:You know, any of the 911 services.
Kevin:So, it's because if people see them on an everyday basis, hear the
Kevin:sirens, they can relate to it somehow.
Kevin:And seem to have something to say about 911 responders.
Kevin:So I know that we always had this kind of bubble that we didn't
Kevin:really say much about what we did.
Kevin:In fact, even, you know, my neighbor until he actually moved, didn't know what I did.
Kevin:And you know, it was something that we just really just kept to our self.
Kevin:And it was for many reasons.
Kevin:Some of us and you can relate is some of us just personal safety.
Kevin:It's not something that we, you know, really want to share
Kevin:about what we do as profession.
Kevin:You know, for protection of ourselves and our families.
Kevin:So that was certainly one thing.
Kevin:And the other, part of it was sometimes just to kind of turn things off.
Kevin:So, you know, it's where I would go to work and then at some point I'd like
Kevin:to be able to kind of switch gears and become, you know, from officer
Kevin:of the day so to speak and then when I'm off, then you know, I can often
Kevin:switch to family guy, so to speak.
Andi:And so it was a big decision because me going into this, I
Andi:needed to be on social media.
Andi:And then I actually was asked to be on national TV on the news channel.
Andi:That we both did an interview.
Andi:You had to get it cleared by your service.
Kevin:So really that was a huge step.
Kevin:Because I think you were barely six months into to starting things.
Kevin:And, you know, we were asked to speak on national television live.
Kevin:Not just, you know, national television recording.
Kevin:It was something that was live.
Kevin:So it was quite the experience or you know of almost like a real
Kevin:coming out into the world on this.
Kevin:So that was quite an experience.
Andi:It was.
Andi:And the thing is, is that did mean something to our family safety.
Andi:I mean, we don't even have our cars registered to our house.
Andi:Everything's registered to the police station.
Andi:We're in a large city, so my husband's never worked in our areas.
Andi:Never come to and from in your uniform.
Andi:Odd time, you forgot something and I have to meet you like down the alley,
Andi:back in the street and bring it to you so that nobody sees you in a uniform
Andi:or anything if you're even in the area.
Andi:So we did make a decision then that if I was able to save a life, I'm going to cry.
Andi:If I was able to save a life by doing this then it was worth us lifting that bubble
Andi:and the risk to our family's safety.
Kevin:And to you know, share the good things that you know can be learned to the
Kevin:world of a 911 responders, to be honest.
Andi:Yeah, absolutely.
Andi:Which speaking about all of the bubble, when black lives matters
Andi:happened, there was a lot of hate.
Andi:And we had neighbors posting some horrific things and then 30 minutes
Andi:later, walking by us on the streets going, "Hey, how you doing?"
Andi:As if not connecting cause by then they did know that you were an officer.
Andi:They did know that I worked with officers not connecting any of that.
Andi:I was shunned by I was in a lot of mom entrepreneur groups where
Andi:we're all supposed to help each other and support one another.
Andi:And they did support me in working with first responders until
Andi:black lives matters happened.
Andi:People that I was looking for some help to come on board with me and they're
Andi:like, oh, I'll help post your jobs.
Andi:I'll do this for you.
Andi:I can help you with this.
Andi:I can get the word out about that.
Andi:And as soon as black lives matters happened, they're
Andi:like, Nope, won't help you.
Andi:I'm taking this down.
Andi:And they pretty much shunned me.
Andi:And I never, ever experienced that before.
Kevin:And this was in pretty much just a couple of months or a month
Kevin:or so after real with COVID shutdown.
Kevin:So, you know, people were locked up in their homes with nothing
Kevin:to do or they weren't allowed to do, you know, didn't feel like
Kevin:they were allowed to do anything.
Kevin:And they had a lot of time to pay attention to social media.
Andi:They did.
Andi:And then I was also because I'm so emotion in this world and that's the
Andi:interesting thing too is I sometimes see a lot more of what's going on
Andi:because you know what's going on in your service and in this area per se but
Andi:I'm hearing everything in the states.
Andi:I'm hearing all of Canada.
Andi:I'm hearing like the UK.
Andi:I'm hearing of officers just going to fake calls and they knock
Andi:on the door and they're shot.
Andi:Or just the homicides of officers was huge.
Andi:And I was struggling.
Andi:I was really struggling.
Andi:And I remember the day when it was actually, it was the day
Andi:that one of our neighbors posted something horrific in my opinion.
Andi:And I looked at you and I said, why are you not bothered by this?
Andi:I said, why is not all this made affecting you like it's affecting me?
Andi:Do you remember what you said?
Kevin:It was probably something simple, like I'm just used to it.
Kevin:And it's a really bad thing to say but I know a lot of us can agree that this
Kevin:is not stuff that is normally seen by civilians out there in the world,
Kevin:but it's something that we deal with.
Kevin:You know law enforcement, especially that we see from people is the dislike
Kevin:or the hatred or you know just people that just don't like the uniform.
Andi:I remember what you said.
Andi:You said yes.
Andi:Exactly what you did just say, but then when I asked what do you mean
Andi:you added to that saying that since I started on this job, nobody wants me
Andi:at a call because it's rare that I'm at a call where somebody wants me there.
Andi:He goes, I get spit on.
Andi:I get disrespected.
Andi:People wanna hit me, fight me.
Andi:He's like, that has been the same since day one on the job.
Andi:And you said, how is this any different?
Kevin:And I mean, there's people that they're just dying to do something
Kevin:to you or get you into trouble or find ways to take us down.
Kevin:And that's how it feels a lot.
Andi:And I knew that, but I didn't understand what that was
Andi:like until it happened to me.
Andi:I think that that was a huge pivotal change for me.
Andi:And I really tried to deal with it for a while.
Andi:And it got to the point where I was struggling a lot with
Andi:the hate, with wondering, am I the right person to do this?
Andi:There was also other stuff happening as well, where I was getting hate because of
Andi:helping responders and I was getting hate from inside as well, because what I do
Andi:is work on physical symptoms of stress.
Andi:I don't work on the therapy that people, instead of getting curious,
Andi:and instead of finding out what it is that I do and asking what I do
Andi:instead they just totally badmouthed me or even flat out to my face things
Andi:that had been said to me hit me hard.
Andi:That I was wondering, it took me, there was a while where I was wondering,
Andi:I actually paused the business.
Andi:It was October of 21 that I paused the business.
Andi:I think it was in October in 2021.
Andi:I actually paused the business because of the hate, because of the
Andi:backlash on either side, I needed to figure out a lot of my own shit.
Andi:I had struggles as well from growing up about my worth because of how I
Andi:had been talked down to and dealt with a lot in my own personal life.
Andi:That I didn't realize that when the hate was hitting me, that that
Andi:was coming back from my childhood.
Andi:So I had to actually stop and take the time to really figure out how can I
Andi:handle doing this while I'm learning about like, so I hear so much about the
Andi:traumas that happen even though I'm not the mental side, I'm not the PTSD side.
Andi:I hear it.
Andi:And the responders, they open up to me about a lot of this and there is a link
Andi:to a lot of this to physical symptoms.
Andi:So when I'm asking them about their sleep and I'm asking them about their
Andi:guts, and I'm asking them about moods and all of this and then I ask them
Andi:what happened six months before that, what happened a year before that.
Andi:Quite often there is a trauma or there is something that happened frequently.
Andi:And I hear so many of them whereas for you, you know your traumas.
Andi:And there hasn't been as many calls, like I was getting multiples per week
Andi:and you don't get a trauma every week.
Andi:So I was getting hit with a lot without I'm not therapy.
Andi:And I had to learn then skills myself on, okay how can I work with this and use this
Andi:and continue to be strong myself for this.
Andi:How can I keep hearing about all of these shootings and line of duty deaths
Andi:and suicides that are astronomical in number and still be okay with my
Andi:husband going out on the job every day?
Andi:Like, how can I be okay with that?
Andi:So I had to work through that.
Kevin:Because it's just a quick term that I've learned and it's
Kevin:something they call vicarious trauma.
Kevin:Which is where somebody takes in and they listen to other people's traumas
Kevin:or events and they absorb it themselves.
Kevin:And it does have an effect on them.
Andi:And you get like the compassion, fatigue, the injury, all of these things that
Andi:I've learned about, because I didn't know the mental side when I came into this.
Andi:Everything that I do is physical but the link between the two which I see why
Andi:some people were upset when I'm saying certain things about the physical because
Andi:those symptoms do arise as well from the mental and both pieces are important.
Andi:Both are very, very important.
Andi:And so I had to learn how to communicate what I do in a way for people to
Andi:understand what it is that I do and how it's different from the mental side, the
Andi:therapy side, the PTSD side is separate from that I had to get my own shit
Andi:together and I had to get the tools in order to be able to understand what I
Andi:needed as a coach in order to be able to help you through everything that you have
Andi:experienced and you have gone through.
Andi:And understand how to physically get your body strong from everything
Andi:that has happened on the job.
Kevin:One of the questions I had, a different part of the personal especially
Kevin:in the last few years and working through some of this, like how do you feel like
Kevin:you have evolved or how have you grown personally and in your business especially
Kevin:through working with first responders.
Andi:I don't even know where to start.
Kevin:Like in the beginning a lot of things came really fast.
Kevin:You know, the national TV live appearance or your speaking gigs,
Kevin:you know for different services.
Kevin:And how do you feel like you've grown from that point then to where
Kevin:you are now and where you're headed?
Andi:I remember early on, I was asked to speak at a national conference with higher ups.
Andi:I'm not going to say anymore cause it was completely confidential.
Andi:Like I had to go through so many so much paperwork just to even get there.
Andi:To get into the building and all of that.
Andi:This was with like high ups nationally.
Andi:And to speak, I was so freaking intimidated.
Andi:I remember I was, I practiced for months on what I was going to say everything.
Andi:And when I got there, it was a three day conference with
Andi:higher ups, with specialized people from all over the world.
Andi:Were there a lot from Europe, North America, it was fascinating.
Andi:And I got to sit in on some phenomenal speakers speaking.
Andi:And I really got to see and hear more like the more conferences that
Andi:I actually have been able to speak at the more I'm able to get more of an
Andi:inside view too as to what you do cause they'll have specialized projects.
Andi:Somebody will come in.
Andi:Sometimes speak about a specialized project that were on.
Andi:The more responders that I meet and I see and I talk to, I learn more about
Andi:how many different specializations there are in all different services
Andi:and all different kinds of policing.
Andi:And I was so intimidated then with the level of seniority
Andi:as to who I was speaking to.
Andi:And I came out of there going, "Oh my God, these are just like
Andi:the other guys in my program.
Andi:They're struggling with their sleep.
Andi:They've got brain fog.
Andi:Their guts are messes.
Andi:They've got families, they've got kids, they're people They're human beings.
Andi:And I have stopped looking at rank now.
Andi:And I look at them more as to like, well, how many years have you been on service?
Andi:Because your stress system does different things at different
Andi:stages, different years on service.
Andi:And the more that they are in service, the longer I realize
Andi:their bodies are more stressed.
Andi:They're probably struggling more than many that are, you know,
Andi:haven't been in service that long.
Andi:So I don't go in as intimidated anymore.
Andi:Their people, they have their specializations every time I'm at
Andi:a different conference or listening to any of them in my program and
Andi:speaking about their specialties.
Andi:They're so good at what they do and so good at their specialties.
Andi:And then I have to take that step back and think, well so am I.
Andi:You know, I live, sleep, eat and breathe.
Andi:Like literally stress.
Andi:Stress management system.
Andi:Managing our stress management systems is what I do which I got into because of our
Andi:son like it is a big part of our life.
Andi:That's how and why I got into this.
Andi:So understanding that there is a human behind whatever specialty,
Andi:whatever rank they are, there is a human, I'm a human, and we all have
Andi:our own specialties and that's okay.
Andi:I will say too, that when I was speaking before too, I was more talking at them.
Andi:Whereas now I've learned a lot more of how to connect more and
Andi:to be able, I've worked hard.
Andi:I've done so many courses.
Andi:I'm constantly learning and doing courses on how to connect,
Andi:how to break down walls.
Andi:How can I be better?
Andi:I'm constantly taking where you can attest.
Andi:I'm always taking courses.
Andi:I'm always learning how to break down walls.
Andi:How can I connect?
Andi:How can I communicate better?
Andi:So, yeah, my speaking now and I look at even like a year ago, like it's always
Andi:changing cause I'm always learning but I think it's just improved so much more.
Andi:Which interestingly because I've worked so hard on that, it's helped my
Andi:communication for us as a relationship.
Andi:It's helped our communication with the kids.
Andi:It's helped in like, it's fascinating when I hear my kids now breaking out in certain
Andi:language patterns in order to be able to get somebody to open up or get somebody to
Andi:do something that they wanna do with that person feeling like they're in control.
Andi:Hostage negotiation skill.
Andi:It's fascinating when I hear our kids using those now but it really
Andi:has changed the way that I now communicate with other people as well.
Andi:I've gotten so much better at communicating and I've dealt with
Andi:a lot of the shit from my past and realized that we all have shit.
Andi:I think the one thing as well is we all have a story.
Andi:And I used to, this is like before learned this really fast and working with first
Andi:responders is that everybody has a story.
Andi:And I don't judge anybody.
Andi:Anybody like any parent doing anything.
Andi:We don't ever know their history.
Andi:We don't know the child's history.
Andi:We don't know anything involved in any of that, that I have stopped making
Andi:up any stories about what's truly going on with somebody instead now
Andi:I get curious and I ask questions.
Kevin:You asked a lot of questions.
Andi:I ask a lot of questions.
Andi:I do.
Andi:Yes, absolutely.
Kevin:That kind of actually covers how some of your philosophy about
Kevin:being a police life or a family has kind of evolved from when I
Kevin:first applied for the job to now.
Kevin:So I think you spoke a lot to that and, and how things have changed to that
Kevin:point and how, I guess we've grown.
Andi:I was naive.
Kevin:I mean, I wrote down a quick point that neither of us had any exposure to
Kevin:a police or a law enforcement family.
Kevin:So it's not something where we had the opportunity to see the parents, cousins,
Kevin:uncles, aunts, anything like that really from the 911 world and to see what
Kevin:their lifestyle was really truly like.
Kevin:I mean, when I applied I was just looking for a job.
Kevin:I was looking for a full-time job.
Kevin:I'd been working like two or three different jobs all at once but
Kevin:none of them were really stuck.
Kevin:So first and foremost and some of you out there have been on for a short time.
Kevin:Some been on for a long time but some of you guys been on for a long time probably
Kevin:started at 18, 19 years old, and you were just looking for a job and here
Kevin:it came and the opportunity was there.
Kevin:So for me, I was just looking for a job and I guess I said enough of
Kevin:the right things to get the job.
Andi:Well, you also wanted to help people.
Andi:Thing though, is that we were naive about what the job entails.
Andi:Like when you started, I was like, "Whoa!
Andi:He gets to go to like police college for three months."
Andi:And you know, it was this exciting, naive.
Andi:And then when we got into the shift work and stuff, I'd work
Andi:shift works in the past myself.
Andi:I'm never in the box with all of that stuff.
Andi:So we were pretty good about I think working with that is it was more
Andi:dealing with family that was tough too.
Andi:In holidays, like I do recall as well Christmas once where one family
Andi:member, I sent them an email saying these are the weekends I think you had
Andi:two out of every five weekends off.
Andi:So I gave them the two out of the five weekends off that he had in December.
Andi:And I said, these are the weekends we've got off.
Andi:This is what we have free.
Andi:What works for you?
Andi:And they blasted me.
Andi:Blasted me saying like I was putting them last and I wasn't respecting
Andi:the holidays and all of this stuff.
Andi:And I'm thinking "holy shit!
Andi:He only has two out of five weekends off.
Andi:I gave you his only time that we have off."
Andi:Like, so it's been an adjustment for family in order to be able
Andi:to work around our schedules with holidays and all of those things
Andi:that I think has been pretty tough.
Andi:And then having kids and working around your schedule that
Andi:was definitely interesting.
Andi:But when I got into working with first responders, I thought I knew what you did.
Andi:I knew the shifts.
Andi:I knew like the overtime I knew I always had to have a plan B.
Andi:So once I really got into the world, once I started going to conferences
Andi:where I was asked to speak and listening to all of the other stuff that goes on
Andi:once I was listening to the responders and explaining to me was going on and
Andi:happening in their shifts and all that.
Andi:Cause you are pretty quiet in everything.
Andi:You're pretty quiet.
Andi:I talk, you listen a lot.
Andi:We've been working in our marriage of me listening better and you talking more.
Andi:So I am learning more about what you do on the job now.
Andi:But at the beginning, I didn't know what you did cause you
Andi:were very quiet about it.
Andi:And I believe as well that now that I do what I do too, we can have
Andi:more conversations because I'm even more aware of what's happening.
Andi:I'm aware of what happens in services all over North America in the UK.
Andi:I'm aware of what's happening in like with the public with a lot of the changes
Andi:in public, like all kinds of stuff.
Andi:Where training is so different in different services.
Andi:Like even police training in different services, rural city, especially in the
Andi:states is very different from Canada.
Andi:All the structures, all of those things.
Andi:So I'm able to speak a lot more of that with you.
Andi:And I was very, very, very naive as a wife.
Andi:I actually didn't know about all of the departments, all of the different
Andi:things that do go on in policing.
Andi:And that's where too, like neighbors, they just think you're
Andi:on the streets going to calls.
Andi:They don't really understand all the deep stuff that really does happen
Andi:behind the scenes that you guys do.
Andi:All right.
Andi:So question for you, what's it like to live with me?
Andi:When like from when we were first married to now, as far as the health
Andi:perspective goes or me with like stress with me being like, well, I guess it used
Andi:to be me being stressed and burnt out to learning about it, to teaching it.
Kevin:The health side, I certainly was not having the healthiest habits
Kevin:when we first met I mean, I was
Andi:You call it the dark side
Kevin:Kind of.
Kevin:But like, I mean, I was relatively like active and thought I was
Kevin:healthy and I mean I've been lucky that I didn't have any major health
Kevin:concerns or anything like that.
Kevin:So on an appearance level, a surface level, I seem like a healthy person.
Kevin:But as I started working shift work, I realized what a toll it took.
Kevin:And this is before you and I had kids and just trying to sort things
Kevin:out as an individual just to figure out what end is up sometimes.
Kevin:And you start the job and you got full of vim and vigor and all that and your
Kevin:energy but then after I started I went to unit that basically day after day you
Kevin:would talk to gang bangers and basically harass the bad guys on a day to day basis.
Kevin:And that became exhausting.
Kevin:Trying to do that for a long period of time and try to keep up healthy
Kevin:habits wasn't exactly the best.
Kevin:I know my eating wasn't the best.
Kevin:It was part of the upbringing.
Kevin:It's just ate all kinds of junk and that's I mean you know, I don't have
Kevin:a halo above my head but just in being with you in through your influence
Kevin:it's been reduced like huge huge.
Andi:You used to do fast food pretty much every single day.
Kevin:Maybe not every single day but I would say a few times a week.
Kevin:And that's just, I mean, some of that was just being like a single guy.
Kevin:You know, you're younger and anything you eat may not have that effect on you,
Kevin:but yeah, I was eating a lot of crap.
Kevin:Drinking a lot of sodas and sugary drinks and things like that.
Kevin:But just over time and it wasn't an overnight thing.
Kevin:But just over time, just small, healthier habits is the huge
Kevin:influence that you've had.
Kevin:And I've never felt guilty or anything if I fell off the track so to speak,
Kevin:I would just, you know, get back on.
Kevin:And because I learned it over time and it wasn't an overnight thing, it
Kevin:was easy to just get back on track because it's something I had done
Kevin:for a period of time to practice.
Andi:So if I'm hearing this correct,
Andi:I didn't push you into it really fast you got to come into it on your own.
Andi:All right.
Andi:Actually, I didn't know how you were going to answer this question.
Andi:I didn't know because I mean, it's been kind of like a push pull.
Andi:Like I know there's been times in our relationship where I'm like, "Oh
Andi:my God, we're eating too unhealthy.
Andi:I can't do this."
Andi:And we would have to, I kept saying, we go back to the dark side and the
Andi:light side, and it was a big balance when we got together to figure out how
Andi:to balance our eating styles together.
Kevin:It's a lighter shade of gray side now.
Andi:It is.
Andi:It's a lighter shade of gray and that's the thing we're not perfect
Andi:in how we eat and how we do things.
Andi:But I do remember like, just going back to that, even before we had kids.
Andi:When we would visit my parents, my mom would always complain
Andi:about how much you slept.
Andi:Cause you were always like you were, I know, like when I'm working with
Andi:responders, there's some that like four to six hours it's all they can
Andi:sleep or like forever to get to sleep, always waking up in their sleep.
Andi:You would fall asleep fast, but like 12, 15 hours later, if I didn't wake
Andi:you up, you pretty much didn't get up.
Andi:And you took forever to actually like wake up.
Andi:I would wake you up and it'd be like an hour before I'd see you downstairs.
Andi:And that's changed.
Andi:I mean that's one of the things I teach.
Kevin:I didn't know that.
Andi:You didn't know that my mom complained about it all the time?
Kevin:I must have been sleeping.
Andi:You must have been sleeping that's right.
Andi:But that was, it I'd be like, "Mom, he works shifts."
Andi:Like she didn't get his life but also that's when we were working
Andi:more and learning more of the things.
Andi:I was like, "Okay, I know all this stuff.
Andi:How can I start adopting it for your shifts?
Andi:How can I start getting it to help you?"
Andi:And it's once I started getting into like getting myself out of burnout and then
Andi:we started adapting it to it that you started only needing eight hours of sleep.
Andi:I mean, now you wake up, you're downstairs eight
Andi:in the morning, ready to go.
Andi:You know, like on a day off, like there's sometimes too
Andi:you're even like seven o'clock.
Andi:Or my time is until seven.
Andi:My kids are not allowed downstairs until seven.
Andi:And sometimes he comes down before seven now.
Andi:I'm like, this is my time.
Andi:I'm like, this is my only space where it's me in the house.
Andi:And I'm almost upset if he's actually up early
Kevin:invading your time.
Andi:He's invading my time.
Andi:But that's changed huge.
Andi:You used to sleep tons.
Andi:Tons and never ever, ever feel like you recovered.
Andi:Okay, let's talk about the trucker rally.
Andi:Well, let's talk about this year.
Andi:Let's talk about, I don't know, the last three years.
Andi:So the trucker rally.
Andi:You did 33 days straight.
Kevin:I did I call it 33 and 33 cause I did 33 days in a row.
Kevin:And my longest shift was 33 hours out of that.
Kevin:I did a 26 and a bunch of 18's along the way.
Kevin:So it was long and I think the longest part was because we didn't
Kevin:know if there was an end to it.
Kevin:So that was the hardest part of knowing that and this was just coming off of
Kevin:something else we were doing out of town,.
Kevin:But in what we were doing this was before the start of the busy time of my
Kevin:particular job function for the year.
Kevin:So this was not something that we necessarily planned for but
Kevin:it's something that we had to put together really quickly.
Kevin:And you know, get operational.
Kevin:So there was a lot of stress in putting together from a planning phase.
Kevin:And also once we were actually operational in motion, there
Kevin:was a lot of long, long hours.
Kevin:And again, it was something that we didn't know what.
Kevin:It just became day after day after day of a bunch of unknowns and being ready to go.
Kevin:And some of you'll know this, you spend a lot of time, getting ready to get ready.
Kevin:And that's a lot of time stressed.
Kevin:It's not necessarily mental focus on it but when it eats a lot of your time
Kevin:and sometimes you just sit watching the clock and hoping for the day to finish
Kevin:or somebody else to take over and we're running 24 hours a day and it was long.
Kevin:And this is something where I certainly had not prepared for up to
Kevin:this point or up to that point in my policing career because I was used
Kevin:to working a set amount of days and then having a set amount of days off.
Kevin:So I was in a position where, "Okay, I know these."
Kevin:I'm going to have these days off, as long as I can get to day number
Kevin:seven or day number eight, as long as I can get through to that.
Kevin:Whereas I had no idea what was happening and on top of that, there
Kevin:were other things that were starting to creep up closer in the calendar
Kevin:where I knew I've gotta get some of other things started for planned
Kevin:things that I needed to get to.
Kevin:And so losing that time to prep for some of these projects was quite stressful.
Kevin:And to add to that too, the boys weren't seeing you because of the hours
Kevin:you were working, you were sleeping while they were either sleeping and
Kevin:you were gone or you were sleeping while they were at school and they
Kevin:didn't see you for two, three weeks.
Kevin:It was kind of one of those lesser of two evils where I picked a work nights so I
Kevin:could at least see them at some point.
Kevin:During the day.
Andi:And that's because they were crying.
Andi:They boys were crying cause they hadn't seen, they hadn't even seen his
Andi:face in person for like three weeks.
Andi:And it was so hard putting them to bed and they would just cry.
Andi:And so you switched.
Andi:You weren't able to switch to a night shift schedule so you could come home
Andi:early and maybe see them if they were awake, go to bed and be awake for a couple
Andi:of hours once they got outta school before you had to go back in on shift.
Andi:That's how we did that.
Andi:But how about your body?
Andi:How did you manage?
Andi:Because you did go from that trucker rally into two months.
Kevin:It wasn't two months but it was a quick turnaround to start
Kevin:dealing with sports playoffs.
Kevin:So hockey and basketball.
Andi:Two of our teams made the playoffs.
Andi:I've never, ever, ever in my entire life knowing you had
Andi:you ever wish our team to lose.
Andi:Your such of sports fan.
Andi:And he was like, the boys, we were all every day after the game
Andi:would happen the next morning, they'd be like, "Did they lose?
Andi:Did they lose?"
Andi:We're like, "No, they won."
Andi:They're like, "Ugh."
Andi:And then they're like, it got to the playoffs and I'm like, "Oh, okay.
Andi:Maybe they'll only make it one round."
Andi:That we just, we missed you so much and you missed us.
Andi:And playoffs the amount of time that went into planning everything for
Andi:every single playoff game was like astronomical on top of you having to be
Andi:at every playoff game for crazy amounts of hours before and after the games.
Kevin:So it just went from one large thing to the next.
Andi:So how did you do it?
Andi:Like, I guess the question is had we not brought into our
Andi:life the stuff that I teach?
Kevin:I'd be a mess because again that long of a stretch to work before
Kevin:I'd really even mentally prepared for the things I was supposed to
Kevin:do for the year just added so much like the physical, the time of it.
Kevin:And it was just for so long and so early in the year that I would've been
Kevin:burnt out had I not implemented some basic things as part of your program.
Kevin:Like learning through and going through the program helped me to
Andi:cause you did go through my program.
Andi:Like he went through my program and that is kind of the thing is
Andi:there's certain things that we have always adapted into our life
Andi:and we've done and all of that.
Andi:But there are things that I teach in the program that as a wife, it
Andi:was best for you to probably learn from the program versus me teaching.
Andi:I think some of the things like when I'm teaching certain habits in order to really
Andi:get to sleep, you need to choose which habits you want and all of that stuff.
Andi:And our life is about being parents to our kids and having
Andi:that time together as a couple.
Andi:That that's so limited that for me to stop and teach that you
Andi:actually went through my program.
Kevin:No, I did.
Kevin:I did.
Kevin:And there was so many things that I could utilize and in different ways, different
Kevin:days that I could implement and use to get through like working not just the total
Kevin:33 days but even like each day at a time.
Kevin:And trying to figure out because I could see not just for myself but somebody
Kevin:who's working like that kind of stretch
Andi:you weren't alone.
Kevin:I wasn't just me.
Kevin:And I know some of you there are doing those stretches.
Kevin:Whether you choose to do it on your own or it's put upon you to do it.
Kevin:And quote unquote not a choice to but had I not had some of the skills and
Kevin:the things that I could implement, I might be one of those who at the end of
Kevin:the 33 days might be one to say, "You know what, I'm taking some stress leave.
Kevin:I'm out.
Kevin:Like I'm burnt out or I've had enough.
Kevin:And being so early in the year that would've put all of my other things
Kevin:on ice just walking away and putting that additional pressure and stress
Kevin:on my coworkers to pick up the slack.
Kevin:And I'm certainly glad for that reason alone was enough to be
Kevin:thankful that I could implement and use some of the things to keep me
Kevin:going and not feel like I was dying.
Andi:You rarely had eight hours of sleep.
Andi:You rarely by the time you got home and you showered and ate and got yourself in
Andi:a bed, you barely had eight hours sleep.
Andi:And I mean, I was making a lot of meals.
Andi:Normally I don't do the cooking.
Andi:He does.
Andi:So I was making the meals.
Andi:I was like doing as much as I could for you so that when you came home,
Andi:if you had five hours to be in bed, you could try to sleep for five hours.
Andi:Like I was trying as best as I could as well but if you weren't
Andi:implementing the right tools that five hours, you wouldn't have been
Andi:able to have a good quality sleep.
Andi:That got you into that deep, that healed your body and the REM that helped your
Andi:brain to problem solve all of that.
Andi:So you were able to get in good sleeps cause you would wake up from five
Andi:hours feeling refreshed quite often.
Andi:Near the end there were some times in there where you were tired but
Andi:you were able to then be like, "Okay, what other tools do we need?
Andi:What has slipped?
Andi:How can I help?
Andi:What can we do?"
Andi:We pulled out every tool then.
Andi:We had every tool going I think in order to get you through that.
Andi:And then get you through the playoffs.
Andi:And then get you through to your next project where you just, like,
Andi:the only reason we're able to record this is you're on vacation right now.
Andi:And you've just got a break.
Andi:Like this is your first break this year and we're in August right now but yeah.
Kevin:It's been quite a year.
Andi:It has been.
Andi:And I mean, COVID itself.
Andi:I mean, all the stuff you were doing for COVID and
Kevin:I mean, I think that's had an effect on everybody, so not just me.
Kevin:So, I mean, just again, this year alone has been quite a challenge
Kevin:For most people, but I'm super thankful and we've
Kevin:got through to this point.
Kevin:I mean, I know it's not done yet, but
Andi:You know if we think about it, you went this trucker rally
Andi:though, but you were refreshed when you went into the trucker rally.
Andi:Before that you had COVID like the two years not that you had actual COVID.
Andi:COVID was here for the two years before.
Andi:And when you were working COVID you were working some 15 hour days.
Andi:I know at the start of COVID Monday to Friday with your COVID logistics,
Andi:all of that stuff that you were doing for that first year of COVID.
Andi:And then weekends because you work a different unit, sometimes a specialized
Andi:unit, you had to go and do the duties that were called upon you for
Andi:that specialized unit on weekends.
Andi:So for COVID you were seven days a week, a lot.
Kevin:There were some long weeks, especially in the beginning cause then
Kevin:everybody was just trying to figure out, you know, how to do things, how
Kevin:to modify things, how to keep everybody safe and like where we going to get
Kevin:stuff, how are we going to get it.
Kevin:It's everybody to whatever scale that you know, you or your service, how
Kevin:to adjust or adapt to new things, new procedures, new processes.
Andi:But you work at one of the larger services in Canada.
Andi:So it's a huge service to be able to do all the COVID stuff for them.
Kevin:The larger the organization, the more that has to be done.
Andi:And the more complaints from everybody so that you have to keep
Andi:alternating and change things too.
Andi:But there was like you were getting two, three days off a month, I
Andi:think for the first year of COVID.
Kevin:It was.
Kevin:It was big.
Andi:And you were not burnt out though before you went into the trucker
Andi:rally but had you not had those tools then you probably would've been burnt
Andi:out going into the trucker rally.
Andi:All right.
Kevin:So one of the other questions I thought of is like what do we do in our,
Kevin:I guess our well current but also along the way what have we done to kind of
Kevin:teach and help our kids with some of the things that we've learned about stress
Kevin:systems and being in a police family?
Andi:Well for stress systems, that's our one son.
Andi:So I was in burnout when I was pregnant with our second child.
Andi:And I did not have the stress system resiliency or whatever
Andi:you wanna call it to support him and he came out in full burnout.
Andi:He has a lot of stress triggers.
Andi:We've also found out, I mean, just a whole skew of things about him as well that
Andi:make him such a phenomenal, amazing child but also huge anxiety and very sensitive
Andi:to things and stressors and stuff.
Andi:So our life is all about understanding your stress system, understanding
Andi:your stressors and living, eating, sleeping it like our kids, well the
Andi:one wears my Oura ring at night.
Andi:He tracks his deep and REM sleep.
Andi:He does these little experiments to figure out what helps him get a better
Andi:latency which is the time to fall asleep.
Andi:What things does he do before bed helps him get a better deep or
Andi:better REM or his HRV, his stress.
Andi:He does all like we have these conversations and
Andi:check our stats the next day.
Kevin:I dunno, what, what kids his age are doing these things.
Kevin:It's phenomenal.
Kevin:Like it's really neat to see.
Kevin:Certainly so many of the things that they're learning right now.
Kevin:So far in such a long way certainly way more than I was brought up with probably
Kevin:more than you were brought up with.
Kevin:And just, you know, understanding themselves and how to work with and
Kevin:regulate and take care of their own physical bodies way more than we
Kevin:were ever taught or experienced.
Kevin:For ourselves.
Andi:That's pretty cool.
Andi:They're pretty cool kids.
Andi:Yeah, it's fascinating.
Andi:And seeing them and then listening to the choices that they make,
Andi:as we said earlier too, the way that they speak now, too, like the
Andi:conversation styles is kind of funny.
Andi:But then I guess from the policing side, it's been interesting
Andi:because like we've always taught the kids that daddy helps people.
Andi:Daddy helps people that are struggling.
Andi:Daddy helps people that may have gotten into trouble.
Andi:Daddy's always helping people to keep them safe and to help them.
Andi:That's all how we've always explained your job.
Andi:But then like we'll have conversations like, well, last summer I know
Andi:my neighbors were really worrying about COVID and we're having a
Andi:conversation at our dinner table about you maybe having to go to a dump.
Andi:To go search for pieces of a body that you needed as evidence for a murder case.
Andi:And we're talking about the logistics, we're talking about
Andi:how cool our dump system is.
Andi:How they know exactly where our garbage goes in our dump and then where that
Andi:pile goes in the dump where they brought it to so that they knew exactly where
Andi:in the pile to even start looking based on the dumpster or something
Andi:or wherever it had been dumped.
Andi:Like it was fascinating.
Andi:So we're having these conversations.
Kevin:A lot different conversations than most families and their kids have
Kevin:about garbage than where the end point is just getting it to the garbage
Kevin:can and picking it out to the street.
Andi:But like, but we have conversations about how, you know,
Andi:conversations with him about how there's all different types of people.
Andi:People struggle for different reasons.
Andi:And to understand that when people aren't helping themselves with their struggles,
Andi:when people are to be cautious of certain people, we do word it though, in a way
Andi:of like not that somebody is like good or bad or this or that but that we
Andi:always have to know our surroundings.
Andi:We always have to be cautious because people weren't always taught to be safe.
Andi:People weren't always taught to be nice to other people, stuff like that.
Andi:And some people have had things happen to them in their lives and they don't
Andi:know how to be good or to behave and we need to just be aware of them in
Andi:our surroundings and our society.
Kevin:And just for them to understand that, you know, again they're not good or bad.
Kevin:There's just some people that need more help.
Kevin:Just to look different levels of help and we do talk to them about
Kevin:alcohol and some of its effects.
Kevin:We do talk to them about mental disorders because these are
Kevin:real things that they see.
Andi:Well, we lived in the city.
Kevin:I mean, they don't necessarily see them physically, but
Andi:they're aware.
Kevin:They're aware.
Andi:You can see.
Andi:You walk down our streets and stuff like it's just we're in
Andi:the city and it's everywhere.
Andi:But sometimes we talk about what stories might be behind some of these people.
Andi:As I talked to before, we never know someone's story.
Andi:So that's where I get to them too.
Andi:I'm like, look, this is somebody we should be cautious of because they may
Andi:be on a drug or they may be in a mental health state right now that they're not
Andi:aware of their actions this might be why.
Andi:And we talk about a couple of different reasons as to why that
Andi:person might be the way that they are.
Andi:So they're still cautious and aware but they're not naive to that.
Andi:But they also may understand why somebody would get to that point and
Andi:how it can be to start getting them to understand more about the complexities
Andi:of people and where they are.
Andi:One thing though is when you were doing this is during COVID, you were doing so
Andi:many hours and we hadn't seen you we came and helped you at work one day set up.
Andi:And so we were grabbing all the equipment and the boys were
Andi:charging batteries of radios.
Andi:It was, they loved it.
Andi:And so somebody that one of your colleagues gave us a hat
Andi:of your service baseball hats.
Andi:And our boys really wanted to wear them.
Andi:And that was a big conversation between you and I.
Andi:I think on
Kevin:and with them.
Andi:And with them.
Andi:We did have a huge conversation with them before we let them wear
Andi:them in public because of all hate.
Andi:And so we prepared them with conversations if somebody said
Andi:something negative to them.
Andi:Helping them understand why somebody might say something negative.
Andi:Helping them understand how to have that conversation and
Andi:dialogue with them with curiosity.
Andi:And we prepared them.
Andi:And then they've been wearing those hats for a few years now.
Andi:And I don't think anybody has ever said anything negative to them.
Andi:And that's been a huge learning lesson for me because of social media.
Andi:Because I am immersed in this world that social media is actually
Andi:where I get most of the hate.
Andi:It's kind of interesting because our neighbors who know us are nice
Andi:to us and like us to our face.
Andi:But then they'll be saying things about officers on social media and
Andi:they're not connecting those dots.
Andi:So their impression of what police are is different than who we are as people.
Andi:And that's fascinating that it was a real good lesson for me because before
Andi:then I was thinking that everything that was happening on social media,
Andi:all the hate, all of the stuff going on there was also happening in real world.
Andi:And through the boys wearing those hats, I realized that I need to relax
Andi:a little bit more in what I'm going to assume that people are thinking out in
Andi:public about me, what I do, what you do.
Andi:I also need to be like, we work with the kids where it's like, they're
Andi:allowed, they're entitled to the opinion.
Andi:I can get curious and find out why if I want to and have the energy for
Andi:that conversation or I can just choose to go elsewhere and ignore them.
Andi:And that has been huge because when you do have so much hate every day when
Andi:you are seeing it, when it is so in front of you all the time, It's easy.
Andi:I fell into it to believe that everybody is thinking it and everybody is there.
Andi:That I was isolating myself from other people and having the boys
Andi:wear those hats actually helped me open up my bubble a little bit more.
Andi:And be like, okay, not, everybody's going to hate me.
Andi:Not everybody is going to make assumptions about me and just let them
Andi:actually get to know who I am first.
Andi:And then if they find out that I work for responders and they're going to choose
Andi:to not like me then that's on them.
Andi:That's their struggle, their issue, their story.
Andi:So I think that you're asking what we teach our kids but I think our
Andi:kids have possibly taught us more.
Andi:Then we may have taught them.
Kevin:Because what they do in their actions are often more natural and
Kevin:they're less calculated than ours.
Kevin:And I don't mean that in a negative way.
Kevin:It just, sometimes we overthink things and sometimes we can learn
Kevin:a lot from our kids or our pets about how simple things can be.
Andi:Her pets, you make us think we just have a rescue cat.
Andi:He's awesome.
Kevin:Which we're learning a lot.
Andi:We're learning a lot.
Andi:He's come a long way in like two and a half months.
Kevin:Amazing that you know about a cat stresses.
Andi:it is.
Andi:It's fascinating because we got a cat that fits in our family.
Andi:He has anxiety.
Andi:Like our son, very cautious about things.
Andi:His guts a mess.
Andi:I'm like sorting him all out.
Andi:He's been having good poo lately.
Andi:I'm like, yes, it's even working on a cat.
Andi:And this cat is so much calmer and more relaxed and a lot happier with us and
Andi:his anxiety's so gone down as well that I think this cat came into the right family.
Andi:It's been interesting.
Andi:All right.
Andi:So in closing, one more question.
Andi:Well, it's a twofold, but what would you tell somebody that's brand new
Andi:coming into being a first responder?
Andi:And as far as like being able to last their career, not burn out.
Andi:I mean, you have been a coach officer, you see how excited these rookies
Andi:are and all of that which is so cool.
Andi:What would you say then as well, to a seasoned responder?
Andi:So somebody 15, 30 years on the job that is just pushing through every day.
Kevin:Actually the funny thing is the message is probably very similar
Kevin:is to take care of yourself.
Andi:What does that mean?
Kevin:So, you know, for a new officer.
Kevin:They've got a lot of energy.
Kevin:I think I'm for the ones that have coached of, I've kind of more
Kevin:shown them of the things that I do.
Kevin:And a lot of it is learned through your program.
Kevin:It has nothing to do with policing.
Kevin:It's actually how I do things to take care of myself, to pace myself to get
Kevin:through a day and what I do to prepare myself for the everyday policing world.
Kevin:You know, to make sure I'm eating and drinking and taking the time to
Kevin:manage my own stress every single day but also what I do on my days off,
Kevin:what things are important to me, how I treat and how I talk to my family.
Kevin:You know, when they see me, if I make a phone call or if I talk to you guys you
Kevin:know, if I have a break to just say hi.
Kevin:It's everything that I do.
Kevin:I'm not a model but everything that somebody new sees is
Kevin:what they can absorb as well.
Kevin:So for me, I would certainly probably demonstrate and get them to have an
Kevin:awareness to what they're doing for their physical selves to take care
Kevin:of them you know, from the point that they're new because those things are
Kevin:going to the habits that they build as a new officer or a new person, a
Kevin:911 responder is going to pave the way or last them for their career.
Kevin:Somebody who's a seasoned officer or seasoned responder.
Kevin:I would say it's never really too late to start.
Kevin:To do the same things is to build and develop the habits that can take care of
Kevin:your physical self and your stress system.
Kevin:Because the people who are in that 15, 20, 25, 30 year service time level, a lot of
Kevin:them are basically just counting down to the number of years that they've got left.
Kevin:And what would be the point of doing the countdown if you're not taking
Kevin:care of your physical self that when you get to your goal of retirement,
Kevin:that you don't have any energy or motivation to live that kind of second
Kevin:life, so to speak after you retire.
Kevin:So it it's so important to at every stage to do something better than you did
Kevin:before to take care of yourself physically because nobody's going to do for you.
Kevin:It is a work in progress and it always will be but it is to be, do a little
Kevin:bit more better than you were before.
Kevin:And certainly whether you're new or whether you are a seasoned veteran
Kevin:is to do something that takes care of yourself and your physical self.
Kevin:Because you don't want to be just at that point where you all you're doing
Kevin:is just counting down to retirement to a point where once you get there,
Kevin:you don't have much to give yourself.
Andi:So when you're saying physical, what do you mean?
Kevin:Is to make sure that you get your proper rest.
Kevin:Sleep, hydration or know your physical signs of stress.
Kevin:Recognize them to know when to be able to push yourself and when not to do.
Andi:Which kind of segues into and I'm not.
Andi:I didn't even think I would do this in this episode but that segues
Andi:into that free training I created.
Andi:Cause that free training I created actually teaches you how to really
Andi:know where your stress levels are at, where your sleep is at,
Andi:where all of your numbers are at.
Andi:And then you can start figuring it in that training too.
Andi:With your shifts, you don't know what's going to happen on shift.
Andi:So you don't know if you're going to tax yourself tons or
Andi:it's going to be a slower day.
Andi:You never know.
Andi:So it teaches you how to know what your body needs each and every day, so
Andi:you're that there's a fine line between over training but you need to also
Andi:make sure that your body is strong.
Andi:So that training that I did create which I'm going to plug it right now is you
Andi:go to the website.
Andi:You will find it.
Andi:It is the coach yourself to stay strong, to stay 911 shift strong something
Andi:like that's health trackers, coach yourself to stay 911 shift strong.
Andi:That will be on our 911 Shift Ready website that is there.
Andi:And then September 11th when this is going out, we are likely just selling or just
Andi:finishing up either just about to sell or we're only opening up for a couple
Andi:of days where we're only going to be offering 10 spots into our beta testing.
Andi:I've had this program running since 2018.
Andi:The one that you went through was the older edition.
Andi:I am upgrading it a lot that's happened with COVID.
Andi:So I'm upgrading it with a lot of new research has been coming
Andi:out on burnout on stress systems.
Andi:I've incorporating that.
Andi:I've incorporated a lot of things.
Andi:We've had new tools we've had to pull in with COVID with a lot of
Andi:the stressors that have happened in the last three years for all of you.
Andi:So we have updated, upgraded the program and I'm working really hard on getting
Andi:all of these lessons recorded and getting them into a membership site for you.
Andi:So when this is going live, we probably be around where we're going
Andi:to actually only sell 10 seats.
Andi:Very discounted rate for 10 seats to the beta.
Andi:The beta will be 10 people coming in to make sure that cause
Andi:it's all videos and everything.
Andi:Everybody needs to go through it from the outside and make sure
Andi:that everything's running smoothly.
Andi:It's not our first rodeo, but just to make sure all the tech is working.
Andi:And to see how the lessons are working out for you guys.
Andi:And we're going to sell it for a very discounted price, just to 10 people
Andi:to help us test this version out.
Andi:And that should be going live around when this goes live.
Andi:So check that out as well.
Andi:You can find that out if you go to our 911 Shift Ready website,
Andi:there should be a work with us page and information will be on there.
Andi:We'll either have a wait list for getting into the program if we haven't opened
Andi:it up yet or the information will be there if we are currently selling it.
Andi:So go and check and see that and check
Andi:our work with us page for that.
Andi:All right.
Andi:Any closing?
Andi:Anything on closing that you would like to say to anybody, anyone in
Andi:here, anything for first responders?
Kevin:I mean, other than, you know, thank you guys for doing what you guys do.
Kevin:Other than that nothing.
Kevin:This has been fun.
Andi:You were nervous.
Andi:You're usually, not usually the one in front of like the camera
Andi:doing all this stuff, so it's cool.
Andi:So thank you very, very much for helping everybody see a little bit into our
Andi:life so you guys can get to know us.
Andi:All right.
Andi:That is it.
Andi:For this episode.
Andi:I hope that you enjoyed it.
Andi:Definitely give us a like, subscribe to us so that this
Andi:podcast can go out to more people.
Kevin:Be safe everyone.
Andi:I hope you have found value in today's episode.
Andi:Don't forget to like, and share this episode so it's shown to more first
Andi:responders and subscribe to this podcast so you don't miss future episodes.
Andi:Go to our website, if you would like to work with us,
Andi:learn more about our 911 Lifestyle Program, gain access to our free
Andi:training, join our mailing list or find our social media channels.