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Procrastination is a Message!
Episode 2110th January 2023 • Unscripting Neurodiversity with Amelia Stewart • Amelia Stewart, Simplicity Specialist
00:00:00 00:04:24

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Procrastination is often seen as this terrible thing that needs fixing... but what if it isn't...

In this episode I explore the alternative, where we view procrastination as a message vs a "bad thing" we need to fix!

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A Note On Transcriptions - In the interest of simplicity, I'm using Descript* to make podcast publishing as easy as possible. This means that sometimes the transcript won't match what I'm saying and sometimes it'll be hilariously different (tag me on Twitter telling me the funniest transcription you've found).


Jonathan Stewart:

Procrastination is one of those things that we're

Jonathan Stewart:

told we need to overcome to fix.

Jonathan Stewart:

And to change it's viewed.

Jonathan Stewart:

As a sign that you're doing something wrong, you just need to be more

Jonathan Stewart:

organized, productive, better.

Jonathan Stewart:

etcetera etcetera.

Jonathan Stewart:

But this might not be entirely true, at least in my experience!

Jonathan Stewart:

For ease of understanding and so we're all on the same page.

Jonathan Stewart:

My definition of procrastination is not taking action on something

Jonathan Stewart:

I know I need or want to do.

Jonathan Stewart:

Now delightful productivity, advice and habit formation experts say, if you want

Jonathan Stewart:

to do something enough, you'll do it.

Jonathan Stewart:

And if you don't do it, you're just not trying hard enough

Jonathan Stewart:

or you don't want it or...

Jonathan Stewart:

You've heard it all before.

Jonathan Stewart:

Now, although I kind of get what this person is trying to say, and

Jonathan Stewart:

sometimes it might be true for the vast majority of people who are listening

Jonathan Stewart:

to this podcast, it never really fits.

Jonathan Stewart:

In reality, I've had a lot of things I needed to do and even wanted to do.

Jonathan Stewart:

And yet I still couldn't and no amount of sheer willpower will get me to do

Jonathan Stewart:

the things that I'm procrastinating on!

Jonathan Stewart:

If I could, well I wouldn't be making this episode and we'd all

Jonathan Stewart:

be hyper-productive machines.

Jonathan Stewart:

Oh, how exciting!!!

Jonathan Stewart:

Now all of the work I do with my clients and in my programs and courses

Jonathan Stewart:

is based around starting from you.

Jonathan Stewart:

The individual, because we all work slightly differently and it's

Jonathan Stewart:

important to trust ourselves when it comes to things about ourselves.

Jonathan Stewart:

And in this particular case, whenever I am noticing procrastination and

Jonathan Stewart:

I don't notice it all the time, I tend to ask the question why!

Jonathan Stewart:

You see, I don't view procrastination as a quote unquote failure on

Jonathan Stewart:

my part or something that I just need to grow out of or fix with

Jonathan Stewart:

a deliciously complicated system designed by a hyper nerd like myself.

Jonathan Stewart:

Although I have in the past, tried to build one, which guess what

Jonathan Stewart:

was a form of procrastination!

Jonathan Stewart:

No, I treat procrastination like a road sign...

Jonathan Stewart:

it's mundane, boring, sometimes has a bit of graffiti all over it, obscuring

Jonathan Stewart:

the direction, but it is a sign!

Jonathan Stewart:

Procrastination is trying to tell you that something isn't quite working or

Jonathan Stewart:

is stopping you from moving forward?

Jonathan Stewart:

Now for me, it falls into three main camps.

Jonathan Stewart:

One fear of getting it wrong.

Jonathan Stewart:

aka, perfectionism.

Jonathan Stewart:


Jonathan Stewart:

This can be not sure where to even begin or something else entirely or finally.

Jonathan Stewart:

And this is the fun one.

Jonathan Stewart:

It's not drawing my attention.

Jonathan Stewart:

I'm bored!

Jonathan Stewart:

Now a sign isn't a solution it's pointing me somewhere.

Jonathan Stewart:

I can then make a decision from there.

Jonathan Stewart:

And that's what it is.

Jonathan Stewart:

Now, I often know which one of these three it is.

Jonathan Stewart:

I don't often like it, but it is one of those three above.

Jonathan Stewart:

If I'm not sure, which can happen sometimes, I default to overwhelm

Jonathan Stewart:

because if I can't figure out what's wrong, it's because I'm already

Jonathan Stewart:

freaking overwhelmed to think about how my emotions are right now.

Jonathan Stewart:

Thank you very much.

Jonathan Stewart:

Once I have the information from the sign.

Jonathan Stewart:

I thank it, sometimes swear at it and take steps to move forward

Jonathan Stewart:

And sometimes that actually means just stopping and not continuing and putting

Jonathan Stewart:

it somewhere so that when I'm less overwhelmed I'm able to overcome the

Jonathan Stewart:

perfectionism moments that I am having.

Jonathan Stewart:

I can return later!

Jonathan Stewart:

We are bombarded by hundreds and thousands of pieces of productivity

Jonathan Stewart:

and business advice every day.

Jonathan Stewart:

And that often means we take in advice that doesn't really fit us.

Jonathan Stewart:

Similar to the procrastination is bad.

Jonathan Stewart:

Just get on with it.

Jonathan Stewart:

Sometimes things that procrastination or just signs that are designed to

Jonathan Stewart:

actually help and tell us something, not hinder us, no matter how annoying

Jonathan Stewart:

it really can feel sometimes.

Jonathan Stewart:

Instead of starting from common cookie cutter advice that doesn't really take

Jonathan Stewart:

in any of the nuances of how you work.

Jonathan Stewart:

Start from you.

Jonathan Stewart:

I don't want to go it alone.

Jonathan Stewart:

Reach out to me at simplicity.

Jonathan Stewart:





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