Introducing the new season of Changing Academic Life.
Reflecting on my recent transitions. And thanks to the HCI group for support.
Welcome to Changing Academic Life.
Geri:I'm Geraldine Fitzpatrick and this is a podcast series where academics and
Geri:others share their stories, provide ideas and provoke discussions about what
Geri:we can do individually and collectively to change academic life for the better.
Geri:Hello, and welcome to this new season of the changing academic life podcast.
Geri:I'm really excited to be able to bring a new set of conversations and
Geri:discussions to you over the coming months.
Geri:As we explore together.
Geri:What we can do to make academic life.
Geri:More sustainable and also more fun.
Geri:And often perversely as a side effect, rather than a primary driver, then
Geri:also more effective and productive.
Geri:And this is because we're doing it from a position of prioritizing
Geri:looking after ourselves.
Geri:Because if we're not in a good space, we're not going
Geri:to be able to do good work.
Geri:Of knowing ourselves better and knowing where we're most energized,
Geri:where we do our best work.
Geri:And that's often when we're able to really use our unique strengths and where we're
Geri:able to line our choices to our values.
Geri:And what's important to us.
Geri:And so that enables us to do work where we know that we can really
Geri:make the biggest difference.
Geri:And so that's aligning our teaching, our research and our professional engagements.
Geri:Towards those things, where we can make the best impact where we're
Geri:bringing our best selves to what we do.
Geri:And we're also able to be more effective and productive.
Geri:Because we're looking out for each other.
Geri:And we're working on how we can create great research cultures together.
Geri:And great research cultures enable us to do great work.
Geri:So to my personal situation.
Geri:You may remember from some previous episode discussions where I've
Geri:talked about various transitions that I've been going through.
Geri:And one of those transitions was end of last September.
Geri:When my permanent full-time professor position came to an end.
Geri:And for the last 12 months now, I've been doing a part-time
Geri:position in a different role.
Geri:That's towards improving a better pension situation.
Geri:And I, again, I also talked in previous episode about the challenges that come
Geri:with mobility within the academic context.
Geri:So that 12 months part-time for me comes to an end at the end of September, 2024.
Geri:And that will bring about yet another transition.
Geri:And I think it's setting up a really interesting period then of exploration
Geri:about how my new life might play out and ways that I can continue to.
Geri:Make a difference and contribute.
Geri:But first.
Geri:At this transition point.
Geri:I'd really liked to take a bit of time right now to acknowledge and
Geri:celebrate and thank all my wonderful colleagues in the human computer
Geri:interaction group at TU Wien.
Geri:Or you may know that better as technical university of Vienna and that's past
Geri:colleagues and present colleagues.
Geri:Because you've made it fun and you've made it great.
Geri:And you really have contributed towards a great research culture there.
Geri:And I've appreciated so much the support and the friendships, the
Geri:intellectual curiosity, and energy.
Geri:Um, and the care that you all bring to your work and to your relationships.
Geri:I also want to thank the hCI group human computer interaction group for their
Geri:willingness to have supported this podcast as well, both in allowing me time to
Geri:put in the work towards the podcast.
Geri:As well as contributing some financial support.
Geri:Because the many different platforms and tools that I need in order to deliver
Geri:the podcast, the costs really add up.
Geri:And I'm grateful that in particular, that they've agreed to continues to support
Geri:this podcast again for the coming year.
Geri:So, thank you.
Geri:Thinking about the transition as well.
Geri:I'm sure I'll be doing some more reflections on this as the time goes on.
Geri:And I do also want to just make clear that one of the things that
Geri:I will be exploring is how I can.
Geri:Put my work time and work efforts.
Geri:Now more towards the things where I think I can make the biggest
Geri:difference, which is around the changing academic life agenda and
Geri:towards developing people and culture.
Geri:So towards this, I'll be prioritizing work efforts on the courses and workshops and
Geri:coaching and speaking and whatever else.
Geri:That that will contribute to this.
Geri:And you can read more about, or see more about what sorts of topics that I cover
Geri:there in Geraldine,
Geri:And so for that reason, if you asked me to do any reviewing or thesis
Geri:examination or other professional work, that's more on the research side.
Geri:I'm most likely to decline because as I said, where I am going to put
Geri:in work effort, I will be directing it more towards these other areas
Geri:and it's also because in this transition period, I want to
Geri:explore what might be a good mix of work and play and just time out.
Geri:Well, reconnecting to people and hobbies doing travel and so on.
Geri:So I'll be really curious to see how this year, next year unfolds.
Geri:So onto the podcast, which will be part of the work that I, I
Geri:will continue for the next year.
Geri:In the past season of the podcast, I was able to release 23 episodes.
Geri:And these were a mix of some conversations and discussions with people, as well
Geri:as some solo reflections and musings or talking about particular topics.
Geri:And I was particularly excited in the last season to be able to celebrate
Geri:the hundred episodes of the podcast.
Geri:That's really amazing when I think back at the beginning and never imagined
Geri:that it would still be going now.
Geri:So I'm really appreciative of your support that we're still here.
Geri:And the last episode in the last season went out in may 20 24.
Geri:And I had planned or intended to put out more episodes as part of that season.
Geri:But various life circumstances conspired against it, whether it
Geri:was sickness on my part or the other person's part or travel and so on.
Geri:So I'm looking forward to this new season that we'll be starting now and bringing
Geri:a mix of conversations and discussions.
Geri:As well as my own musings and reflections.
Geri:And I anticipate that I will be putting out episodes every fortnight.
Geri:At the beginning of last season, I did have the ambition to
Geri:release an episode every week.
Geri:And that just proved.
Geri:Too much for me alongside everything else that I was trying to do.
Geri:And I've also heard from some people that they also found it a
Geri:little bit harder to keep up with.
Geri:And I appreciate now that there are so many more podcasts and interesting
Geri:content out there to consume that it can be quite overwhelming.
Geri:So I'm incredibly grateful that you are here and still listening to this.
Geri:So, as I said, my ambition for this new season is an episode for every fortnight.
Geri:And I may occasionally put out a short episode in between,
Geri:depending upon topics and relevance.
Geri:And I will also give myself grace to sometimes fall off that schedule a
Geri:bit, if there's too much else going on.
Geri:So that's it by way of a short introduction to this new season.
Geri:There will be the new website going up and then probably later end
Geri:of this month, early next month.
Geri:The URL will always stay the same changing academic will
Geri:always point to the current website.
Geri:And on the new website, you will find playlists on themes and topics.
Geri:If you want to catch up on some of the past episodes.
Geri:And, uh, Also just to say that I have been slower than I had hoped in getting all
Geri:of the audio transcripts up on this new platform for some of the older episodes.
Geri:So that's still a work in progress.
Geri:If there are any episodes where you do need a transcript or what would
Geri:really help you in being able to consume some of the early episodes.
Geri:Just send me an email and I can send you the transcript directly.
Geri:And the intention is to get them all up soon for you.
Geri:As I said, I look forward to sharing new episodes.
Geri:With you, I look forward to hearing back from you.
Geri:And any feedback or suggestions that you have of people to interview or
Geri:topics to talk about and wishing everyone all the best for those of
Geri:us in the Northern hemisphere who are starting a new academic cycle.
Geri:And all the best for people in the Southern hemisphere, in the
Geri:middle of academic cycles, as you see out the rest of the year.
Geri:Take care.
Geri:You can find the summary notes, a transcript and related
Geri:links for this podcast on www.
Geri:You can also subscribe to Changing Academic Life on iTunes,
Geri:Spotify and Google Podcasts.
Geri:And you can follow ChangeAcadLife on Twitter.
Geri:And I'm really hoping that we can widen the conversation about how
Geri:we can do academia differently.
Geri:And you can contribute to this by rating the podcast and also giving feedback.
Geri:And if something connected with you, please consider sharing this
Geri:podcast with your colleagues.
Geri:Together, we can make change happen.