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Best Lessons of 2022: What We're Bringing With Us In The New Year
Episode 12427th December 2022 • Am I Doing This Right? • Corinne Foxx and Natalie McMillan
00:00:00 00:54:42

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Corinne Foxx - @corinnefoxx

Natalie McMillan - @nataliemcm and @shopnataliemcmillan 

What we're drinking: Organic Sparkling Ginger + Lemon Apple Cider Vinegar Beverage 


To close out 2022, we’re sharing some of the top takeaways from this year’s episodes, what we learned in our personal lives, and what we’re going to continue working on next year. We reflect the positive changes we’ve made in our careers, relationships, finances, health, and personal development. If you missed any of our favorite episodes, check them out below! 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Finding more flow and exploration in our careers 
  • Reducing anxiety around making friends as an adult 
  • What we’ve noticed about our lives after incorporating more rest into our routines 
  • Developing a deeper connection and respect for your body 
  • Becoming more financially savvy and setting yourself up for more stability in the future 








Corinne and Natalie introduce Hottie of the Year: Florence Pugh


Organic Sparkling Ginger + Lemon Apple Cider Vinegar Beverage  = 9.5 / Florence 


To wrap up the episode, we play the BFF Question Game. We talk about hidden talents, what we find funny, what we wish we had more time for, and our favorite things to do solo. 

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Corinne Foxx:

Hey welcome back to another episode and the last episode of 2022 of Am I doing this right? I'm Corinne Foxx.

Natalie McMillan:

and I'm Natalie McMillan

Corinne Foxx:

and we are best friends confidants millennials and the hosts of am I doing this right? A life how to podcast from the perspective of non experts.

Natalie McMillan:

And each week we cover a new topic. And since a few months ago, you're just drinking

Corinne Foxx:

fun recipes. It could be anything could be how alcohol could be.

Natalie McMillan:

Yeah, and we're gonna use we're going to take this into the next year as well, I believe I love

Corinne Foxx:

that. Yeah. And this week, we are talking the best lessons of 2022 what me and Matt are bringing with us into the new year, we're going to be going over our favorite lessons from this year's episodes what we learned this year in our own personal lives, highlights from some of our favorite guests this year and then at the end of the episode, we're playing the Bumble BFF question game. I don't know if it's like how well do you know me or if it's like questions we want to know more. We have AB we don't

Natalie McMillan:

know why I was gifted the I went to like an event and they handed it to me and I literally just took the plastic off so we are we're going to learn with us what this what this even as

Corinne Foxx:

you guys know that you can always write into the show with episode requests that am I doing this right? Or you can DM us at at am I doing this right? Port? And Natalie? What is What are they drinking the last drink of the year?

Natalie McMillan:

Oh man, I wish it was more. No, no,

Corinne Foxx:

no, no, whatever it is. It's gonna be perfect this year. Honestly, it wasn't. I'm savvy. So I love it. I already know what it is. I've already had it and I love it. It's one of my favorite things. Nope, nope, nope, nope. Nope.

Natalie McMillan:

I wrote out this and I was right out. This seems really fucking weird.

Corinne Foxx:

Oh my god. So the best flavor of this is the Strawberry Strawberry flavor. But I also love the ginger lemon. So

Natalie McMillan:

the ginger lemon would tell them what it is. Oh, okay. It's from Trader hos. It's the organic sparkling ginger and lemon apple cider vinegar

Corinne Foxx:

beverage one of my all time all time favorite drinks, if not my favorite drink. Really hands down.

Natalie McMillan:

This is brand new information. You

Corinne Foxx:

hit it 10 out of 10 Well, I

Natalie McMillan:

guess this is good for the end of the year because this seems like something you drink when you're hungover.

Corinne Foxx:

The ginger one is a great one. It's ginger apple cider lemon. It's gonna get that you know, I love anything. That's anti nausea.

Natalie McMillan:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like this feels like a hangover beverage.

Corinne Foxx:

Yes, yes. But I love it and the strawberry flavor of this.

Natalie McMillan:

Oh, I've never I don't know if we're gonna like it's very tort. Okay. And I'm a I'm a sweet,

Corinne Foxx:

you're sweet gout, and this is kind of it's kind of like kind of tangy. Oh, you're not gonna like it.

Natalie McMillan:

You have got to try the strawberry flavor. We're gonna circle back on it with the hottie of the year. Oh God, the

Corinne Foxx:

hottie of the official hottie of the year, last year

Natalie McMillan:

was our baby daddy to Moti Charlemagne. Oh, yes. Yeah,

Corinne Foxx:

well deserved. He did not even disappoint in

Natalie McMillan:

this. You know, he got even harder this year. Although balloons in awe. I don't know if y'all saw it, but Jesus Christ,

Corinne Foxx:

Greg. Natalie told me I probably should not have told me the entire plot. I told her the whole plot, which is I really appreciate and I really think that's true friendship.

Natalie McMillan:

Yeah, well, and you know, and you hate spoilers, so I would never tell you anything if you didn't want to know I hate spoilers. Yeah, but she was like, just tell me. That's my pet peeve I've never thought about like, really? No, that is 1,000% your ultimate pet? You hate that?

Corinne Foxx:

Yeah, the nevermind. I guess I'll just say it. The biggest fight I've ever gotten to with my sister, which is also just like, bucked up if she told me what my mom got me for Christmas. By the way we have a 14 year age gap since she's probably about four years old and I was probably about 18 I was like you're such a I just screamed my head I'd really apologize to her she was very scared which is fair right but yeah,

Natalie McMillan:

I thought I thought you were gonna say when Connor kept ruining the setlist?

Corinne Foxx:

Oh yeah. The first time we met I met one of our closest friends was that a Taylor Swift concert and he had looked at the setlist ahead of time and guys, and next song is going to be fearless. Every song I said, Dude, I'm trying to enjoy the moment. And I told our friend Ron I was like, I don't know who the fuck this kid and I was one of our closest friends today miss you Pooky

Natalie McMillan:

Yeah, but yeah, he really was did this boilers on that one. We were in a concert the other day and you're like, I don't want to look up the setlist but I think this is the last song.

Corinne Foxx:

I was yeah, it was Oh yeah. Natalie and I saw the 1975 you guys we did not go another year without saying them. No, but we're doubling up. Oh, we are seeing them very soon again, across the pond. Yeah, we can tell everyone will be in Liverpool. We're going to see them and Liverpool, we had to pick a random city. Yeah. Because that's really where we like to see them that you guys know do our little pilgrimages to go see the 1975

Natalie McMillan:

in random random places saw them

Corinne Foxx:

in LA, which was great. But we driving there like this feels weird. We'd have to be in some like random town, that we don't know where we are at home. Right? That's the best way to see that. Well, that's

Natalie McMillan:

why when we were like, Okay, we're gonna see them in LA. But that means we gotta pick another one. Yeah, we can't just random. So we chose Liverpool. I can't wait. I'm so excited. Thrilled, by the time you're listening this, we're going to be there in like, a couple of weeks,

Corinne Foxx:

couple weeks, couple weeks. Alright, let's get into the episode and our best lessons of 2022 that we've learned on the podcast that we've learned in real life. Let's get into it. Let's

Natalie McMillan:

get into it. We did this last year. So we thought we should do it again. Let's start with career shall we? Category is career things we learned from our podcasts. One of our favorite lessons was episode 104. How to Overcome burnout. That one was highly requested, and one that felt particularly useful after people started going back into the office this this past year. And we learned that the World Health Organization actually categorized burnout as an official syndrome. I think that was crazy

Corinne Foxx:

to me when I learned that I was like, Wow, isn't a real real syndrome.

Natalie McMillan:

Yes, it is a form of exhaustion caused by constantly feeling swamped. It's a result of excessive and prolonged emotional, physical and mental stress. And in many cases, it is related to one's job. Yes, we also learned that there's three types of burnout, overload, burnout, under challenge burnout and neglect burnout. Wow.

Corinne Foxx:

I think in terms of burnout for me this year, I realized that I just as someone who's self employed, I guess, I don't know if I'm not guessing I'm not self employed all the time. Anyway.

Natalie McMillan:

It's, it's a confusing more of a creative, right,

Corinne Foxx:

I can stack my schedule with all of my creative endeavors. So many meetings, I just had a life coach, and she was like pounding me wish it to do at all times of the day. And I just had a realization, I was like, I need more breathing room, in my schedule, do less. And so I just I stopped seeing my life coach, as regularly now is here once a month instead of every week. And I really, like have a lot more breathing room in my day. And I love it.

Natalie McMillan:

Well, you also it's so much. It helps you be more present. Yeah, with like, Okay, I'm not doing the next thing in 30 seconds. Yeah, it was like, I can take my time,

Corinne Foxx:

this is from nine to 10, from 10 to 11, you're gonna do this from from 11 to 12, we're gonna do this, then you're gonna have lunch. And then from the end, I was just like, I have control of my schedule. I know a lot of people don't. So I don't have to do it this way. Right. I can move things to have 30 minutes in between here. Right? And I think

Natalie McMillan:

it's I think it's good in some instances, like, creating a schedule. Yes. I have anxiety cuz it's like, I can control this. But that at a certain point. It's like this is so it's controlling me.

Corinne Foxx:

Yeah, my schedule was controlling me.

Natalie McMillan:

And that's just that's just not fun. I think I had the overload burnout, where I was just doing so much. And not giving my brain again, not giving my brain any space to like think. So then I like rethought my entire career. And so we've kind of switched things up, but I'm, I'm liking the changes I'm making within my, my brand. And my you know, I'm trying to make it easier on me. Yeah. So that it's not so.

Corinne Foxx:

And I'm so proud of you. I've really seen you go through all of the ups and downs of this. And

Natalie McMillan:

it's been it's been, it's been a time. It's been a time to be alive. Yeah, I really have

Corinne Foxx:

really handled it gracefully. Even if you don't feel like you had you have much. Another episode that I feel like was really helpful in terms of career was episode 97, which was peace out peacefully, when and how to quit your job. And 2022 was the year of the great resignation. In fact, the global workforce hopes and fears survey found that globally, one in five workers quit their jobs and 2020 to one in

Natalie McMillan:

five. That is a lot.

Corinne Foxx:

That is a lot.

Natalie McMillan:

Isn't that 21%? Something like that? Yes, a lot of you.

Corinne Foxx:

And in that episode, we actually laid out specific ways to leave your job and we went over the signs and when you should probably leave your job and I just feel like we hear a lot of people. A lot of our friends talk about like quitting their jobs. And so I feel like It was a good episode to kind of like, okay, if you're gonna do it, let's lay it out, yes, let's figure it out.

Natalie McMillan:

And a lot of the time, it's like, go do it. And a lot of times, it's also like, let's take a beat. There was also I

Corinne Foxx:

remember from that episode of really interesting fact was that, like, if you're going to quit your job, and you feel like, at risk of like retaliation to, like, make sure you have somebody there with you, and that you have everything in writing. I remember that. Because like, I think a lot of people are scared, like, their boss is gonna be like, Oh, I'm gonna like, Yeah, let's do yesterday, or I'm gonna do that. Yeah. And so it's like, you gotta have somebody there with you.

Natalie McMillan:

Maybe recorded on your phone. Oh, yeah. But you could never be too

Corinne Foxx:

careful. And so not in terms of our personal we kind of have talked about our personal revelations surrounding our careers. Do you have any takeaways? What's your big takeaway?

Natalie McMillan:

I think my takeaway this year has been to let go of things that were stressful and frustrating that I thought I had to do. And then just sort of like, go with the flow and see where things take me. I think I also get caught up because I started my career as a jewelry designer solely. And then jewelry got so fucked up over the past year and a half, just like metal markets, supply chain, everything got so fucked up. That it was like, I have to start kind of moving away from the way I've been doing my jewelry, which I built my whole career on. So it's like, what am I who am I what my job I don't even know. And so now I'm like, okay, like, I want to do this, I want to try that. And then I just try it and just explore things. Let things nothing's just seeing how things are panning out.

Corinne Foxx:

I love that FOREO I think for me, it's the same. And I really felt like I had to kind of lean into the unexpected. And especially when it comes to social media, like I really, really, really don't consider myself an influencer. And I really, I feel like had this connotation around it where it's like, that's really low brow, which is so not that's on me. I don't know, I just because I'm an actor. And because I'm in the industry, like, I didn't want to also be that, right. But I had a realization that social media is a huge source of income for me, I've had, I've made a lot of money on social media, I'll just be transparent. And so like, it's okay, if I lean into that, and it's okay, if I prioritize that in my life, and it's not me being vain. And it's not silly or stupid, all of that. So just like leaning into what's already happening. And it's like, this is working. You're making a lot of money this way. Don't just don't be hesitant because of you're afraid of what other people are gonna say. Right,

Natalie McMillan:

right. Well, I also think, yeah, there's this like, preconceived notion of like, quote, unquote, influencer, and I think that it did have this heir to it a few years ago, that was like, Oh, God, corny, so corny. And just like, I don't know. But the more I have a lot of content creator friends. And the ways that I have well, I'm like, This dude is so hard. You like some of them that are full time. They're like, well, I have to do this for this brand. And that for this brand, and this and this. And then I go to this event attended. And I'm like, Oh, my God.

Corinne Foxx:

No, I know, I know, once you're at that level, like it is a full time job. I'm just I don't know, I think I just had well also you to like, yeah, actually care about my social media. I was like, I don't care what my social media is, right? And I was like, Well, I got that brand. Do I got this brand? Do I made a lot of X amount of money this year? I'm like, you know, wow, you're making we're making real money.

Natalie McMillan:

Well, it's also like, it's the way people advertise now. So if you think of it, like you wouldn't be ashamed to be on a commercial.

Corinne Foxx:

I'm not ashamed to be on my commercial.

Natalie McMillan:

No. Intel commercials. Yeah. So let's say, hey, that's how people spend their advertising money now. Yeah, it's like all through tic tock videos. Yeah. So here we are. Tic tock just told me today, they're gonna pay me. It's like, it's like a half cent per view, or whatever. And I'm like, Cool. Yeah. You never know. I'm like, thanks. Thanks for the $3 or whatever ends up being

Corinne Foxx:

my mom called me and she goes, because my mom's hand count. She goes, Hey, you got something from $58 from Facebook. What is that? Am I? Oh, that's my Instagram reels money.

Natalie McMillan:

And she was like, Oh, okay.

Corinne Foxx:

I'll categorize it as that was a box. Watch my rails guy. I

Natalie McMillan:

know. It's like, they're literally like, we're gonna give you a quarter of a penny. Yeah, it's a review. But hey, I'll take it. I'll take it.

Corinne Foxx:

Alright, so let's move into relationships and what we learned through our podcasts and also what we've learned in our own

Natalie McMillan:

lives, yes. Okay, so I really love this episode, Episode 94. How to make friends as an adult with friendship coach, Daniel Jackson, that was highly downloaded. We have both been very lucky to have Long lasting friendships in our lives. But we also know it's not easy for most adults to make friends, especially when a lot of people have to move to new cities or to, you know, for school for work or whatever. And our guests, Danielle, she really gave tangible ways on how to make friends as an adult, and confirmed our suspicion that in order to maintain friendships, you have to put in a real effort. And we're talking like, You got to send a Google Cal invite to hang out with your friend. That's just the truth. That is the god honest truth.

Corinne Foxx:

Yeah. I think for me, like making friends as an adult, like, it's just like, I don't know, scary thing. And I think this year, I've been a lot less worried about asking, it literally feels like I'm asking somebody on a date, right, asking out a new friend than I was in the past. And I used to have a lot of anxiety about reaching out to somebody new. But I feel like I've done it a few times this year, and it's really

Natalie McMillan:

paid off. And you know what, you know who I watched do this to us in real time. And I was like, Maddie, Maddie may feel so

Corinne Foxx:

good about making plans. Oh, my God, it makes sense. Because that's her whole thing is like, going to places and like, seeing things. You know, we

Natalie McMillan:

haven't we've had a lot of people on the on the podcast, or like, we should get a drink sometime, whatever. And we're like, yeah, and then it never really, she was like, what's gonna drink some time? We're like, perfect. She sent an email. 30 minutes later, she's like, how about this day and time to edit it up?

Corinne Foxx:

And then also send a Google Calendar.

Natalie McMillan:

Invite she, oh, my God, we were like, you know, this,

Corinne Foxx:

you also gotta be something with her. We do that that's on us. You can do it quickly. Yes, you know, what do you say, hey, let's get together and then you're like, four months later? No, you have to like she was like, Let's get together next week. Yes. And like this. And like we have this time. Yes. That was a great lesson, but in IRL lesson from IRL

Natalie McMillan:

lesson from one of our our guests, and you can listen to her episode, it was fantastic.

Corinne Foxx:

Another episode about relationships that I found to be really helpful was episode 84. How to get over someone, either an ex partner or a friend or even like an extra job, because not all relationships stand the test of time, many of them unfortunately, and at some point in this episode, which was highly listened to explored breakups, the science of breakups and how to get over someone. And what was really interesting, I think, to me is how intense breakups feel. One of the facts that we had on that episode was that there was research using an MRI machine that found a region of the brain called the anterior cingulate superior cingulate cortex, which is activated when participants experience physical pain, but also when they felt rejected. So basically, if you feel like you're going to die after a breakup, that is a very real pain. That's why Oh, yes. Also, another big takeaway from that episode is that you shouldn't stay friends with your ex, you guys, right? Dr. Lewandowski Jr. adds that staying friends with an ex is in fact linked with quote, more depression, jealousy, heartbreak and quote, even a harder time finding a new romantic partner. So if you needed that little reminder going into the new year yes to delete your exes number this is it guys?

Natalie McMillan:

Well, I think I don't know if it was that episode or a different episode. We're researching these things all the time. But it was like over and over and over again. We were coming across a scientific information saying like, delete them off social media. Yes. And follow them. Follow them. Delete their number. Cut the tie. Yeah. So

Corinne Foxx:

and I think for me, like luckily, obviously, I didn't go through a breakup this year. But I do have to see my ex on a very regular basis. Because we have the same friend group. He's lovely. Like, we're not on bad terms at all, like awkward. No, no, but I think I had put so much pressure on myself to be friends with him. Like be like, Yeah, okay, we're in the same friend group I've seen all the time. Like we have to be friends, right? Like just for the sake of our friend group. And then after an episode I was like, yeah, we can be cordial friendly. respectful. Right. Nice. I can ask him Hey, what's going on? But he doesn't he is not my friend. No, hang out. It was so it was like the chains are have dropped me like he's no,

Natalie McMillan:

no, no, because it was just so much pressure. I was like, I don't want you. Yeah,

Corinne Foxx:

let me try to be buddy buddy with right, you know, and I was like texting him when you know, something. His grandma died. I was like, oh, you know, sending my Kindle. Right? He's not my friend. No, no, he's not my friend. And I don't need to do that.

Natalie McMillan:

No, you don't. It's a lot of pressure. I think for me again, I also did not go through a breakup and I didn't go through any sort of like cutting ties. But I do think I learned a lot this year through our episodes and just like through life, about communicating in interpersonal relationships. And my mom and I had a very open and honest conversation that really like changed my Oh wife to be honest, which also really helped me navigate the relationship between myself and my parents, and all the like weirdness that comes from having divorced parents who, like, don't really get along, you know? And just like, it's always so weird because you're like, Oh, I'm like going to dad's house for Christmas. And then like, you feel bad. And it's, and then you can't really have these like conversations. So I think that was a big relationship takeaway.

Corinne Foxx:

I was so happy when that happened. It was like, I couldn't believe it. I still

Natalie McMillan:

can't. Like holy shit. Okay, we've done relationships, we've done career. Let's get into the self, with our number one most listened to Episode Wow, of all time, how to fall in love with yourself, Episode 78. So the first self love scientific study was conducted in November and December of 2020. And that found that one in two women feel more self doubt than self love. With 60% wishing they had more respect for themselves.

Corinne Foxx:

Yeah, I feel like that is why that episode was so impactful. And probably why it was so downloaded is that there is so much doubt and so much. It is hard to cultivate your own like self love and what that looks like for you. And so I loved that episode, it was really easy to go back to it. It's highly download.

Natalie McMillan:

No, it literally is our number one. Wow, however many hundreds. And we learned in the episode, that self talk is huge when it comes to self love. And talking to yourself kindly is key. So keeping tabs on your thoughts about yourself, in addition to engaging in activities you love and being around people that bring you joy, and don't tear you down. Those are all surefire ways to increase love for yourself. And my therapist, she gets on me about this. She's always like, let's let's check in with the self talk. Because it sounds mean. I'm like, well, it's just that and she's like, would you say that to anyone? That's the thing. If you always think what

Corinne Foxx:

I say this to my friend, yes, you are your own best friend. I love that one.

Natalie McMillan:

And I'm not though. You are. But no, you're my best friend. Oh, I'm with myself all the time, so I can get sick of me. You know, so but then when I get sick of myself, I'm not supposed to be mean to myself, which is like, what I'm working on it. I love that. I

Corinne Foxx:

love it. You're working on trying to Hey, another episode that I loved this year about like yourself and was a really big eye opener for me. And now yeah, that was episode 106. The art of relaxing how to rest. And after we both got COVID this year from our Vegas trip, which because we didn't get anyone else sick. We both realized that we didn't know how to rust. And we loved having COVID. Yes, yeah, we were like, wow, we realize we had a problem. We're like, this is weird. So in that episode, we defined rest for us because we didn't know what it meant. And then we actually found three different definitions, which I thought was really interesting. The first one being that rest is, quote, a bodily state characterized by minimal function and metabolic activities, which yes, you would think the next one was, quote, freedom from activity or labor. But the next one, which was my favorite, was peace of mind or spirit that is really stressed. Yes. And also was really impactful from that rest episode is that there was actually seven types of Ross. So there was like mental, physical, social, sensory, emotional, creative, and spiritual rest, and you have to account all of those. And the sensory one. Got me. I did not think I was someone who got overly stimulated by anything. And I realized, Oh, my God, I am like, beyond the threshold of stimulation. Yes. And the lights, the TV being on my phone, blue light, whatever the fuck, like the sounds of helicopters going by Harley, I have construction in my neighborhood. And I was like, Oh, I have to take sensory rest. So now at 9pm I have this sensory kind of deprivation time, or turn the light slow. I have my I read a book. And I and I want to get into the habit. Yeah, a physical born. And I just, I just sit there. And it's so I'm like, oh, I need to like, turn off everything. Yeah. And it's so hard. It's so

Natalie McMillan:

hard to turn everything off. But also I just feel like with the sensory stuff. That's why when I get stressed out and like anxious, it's because I'm overwhelmed. And it's like the last thing that will send me over the edge is texts going off emails, the phone lighting, I'm like, get the fuck out of my Yes, I can't take it anymore. Yeah. Also the other one that was interesting. Is this like spiritual rest? Which, you know, I think a lot because we love spiritual things we love a meditation, all the stuff, but I also think you can get like, too far into it. Yep. Where it's like you're not even you're just like focusing on like how to better yourself so much that you're like not even enjoying.

Corinne Foxx:

Oh yeah, well that's so that's part of my book reading is that I stopped reading self help books. Exactly I was like we I mean we've read I mean I'm gonna go back but I went through a period where it was like what was it was like the toxic self improved yes no truly was like what am I improved? What I improved? It's like we can't just we're gonna keep going until when Yeah, so now I read fiction yes a little this little fiction book? Yes,

Natalie McMillan:

no, I feel the same way. I actually did the exact same thing and I like nonfiction. But not so far. Yeah, cuz I also I think I've read every single one. I've read a lot of you know, so we got to take a break. Okay, another one, episode 115 Oh, this one was kind of for me honestly. It was how to break a bad habit, which were really interesting, super interesting to dive into. We learned about the ways our brains actually form a habit, how they start. And it turns out they are made to solve a problem you're having. But if it's one you want to break, it means you no longer have that problem, or the habit has become more problematic than the original issue. So like, let's say you started smoking because you're under a ton of stress. But now the stress lightened up but you're still in the habit of smoking. So it's like the problem is solved. But your brain, we still do that? Yes, yes. Which I thought was so interesting. And also just to think of like my quote, unquote, don't really have any bad habits, you know, but just to think of like, how did this start and why? And why am I still doing?

Corinne Foxx:

Yeah, yeah, really interesting. I think for me this year, when we were doing the habit episode, I was going on pretty bad. Like, I don't have any that I really want to actively work on. But then I realized I do have one, and I don't do it with you, you probably wouldn't know. I'm a terrible texture. But I think it actually goes back to the sensory thing.

Natalie McMillan:

That's what I'm saying. I do text you back. Nobody else I can I do not have everyone else on read.

Corinne Foxx:

And actually, my stylist texted me this morning, because they had like four on responded text for me. And I said, Hey, like, we just want to make sure like, are you mad at us? And I was like, No, I'm so sorry. I sometimes I open text and forget. And yeah, too much too much to keep track of send me a letter in the mail or something. Truly, but anyways, I do want to get better about that. And what I've been trying to do now is actually send it set eight texts respond time, at the end of the day have people do that. And I just go through my phone and I respond all the texts. Yeah, text people, I can only text you and Joe and my mom, not even my mom used to

Natalie McMillan:

write checks. That's the same with me. Joe back, if I say if I'm being honest, every single person I know. Like during the day on my like work, setting for your phone out, like doesn't let the notifications come in. It's like you and like my brother. And then everyone else I'm like you can fuck off. Okay, it's

Corinne Foxx:

so hard. But that's one of my habits lesson 2023 I would like to get better at.

Natalie McMillan:

Yeah, I'm still very much working on the same habit that I was working on in that episode, which is the habit of working way too late. Yeah, and then eating dinner way too late. But I'm figuring out the root cause of all of it. And it's very, it's helping and I'm getting there. 2023 here I can calm I love that. I love bed by nine.

Corinne Foxx:

So in terms of things outside of the podcast that we learned about ourselves, I had one this year that I was like, I'm so proud of me. I think we both kind of struggle with shopping for ourselves. And this year, I really did start to treat myself more. You know, I realized I work hard and make good money. And I can indulge in the things that I like more often. So I've been like online shopping a little bit more buying the like shoes I wanted to get, and I'm feeling like Alright, why don't we Why don't we make money if I can't like buy the little thing I like right. I'm not like fancy. Oh no, I bought a new necklace. And I was like wow, I was so new necklace. It was cool to see.

Natalie McMillan:

Yeah, I saw that. I love that necklace, like 48 bucks, but I'm like, you know, for me, I was like, Okay, this is kind of crazy. I'll show you what I have open on my tabs. Speaking of this, because this is still I'm still working on this because it's it's hard for me to buy stuff for myself. But I do have this open and it's in my cart. Am I going to buy it? Probably not. The black skins dress because I listened to our episode where you were talking about it and I was like God, just try it. Just try it. But you know, I'm gonna agonize over this for four days. And then I'm just gonna close out of the tab. But

Corinne Foxx:

I'm saying You get about it, give it a shot, you can always return

Natalie McMillan:

it. It's true. It's true. But I'm going to try to work on that also, in 2023, letting myself have something. Yes. You know, I think for me, just in my self development this year, I think I've been braver than I've ever been in very in a lot of different areas. And I think I've really been taking time to reflect upon my life and where I am right now and where I want to be and where I want to go, and how I can accomplish those things. And actually, the journaling episode we did, I forget which number it was, we can put it in the show notes. That really helped me to kick off more of a self reflective journey, Journey journaling journey. I got, I got to Lisa Frank journal. No, you did. I did. I did with tigers on it. And yes, and I've been like journaling I'm I really like

Corinne Foxx:

it. Wow, I love that. Okay, should we move into the next category? Financial Yeah. So this year, we finally did one of the episodes that we wanted to do for so long, Episode 109, which was student loans one on one how to not get screwed, which seemed even more important to do this year, because of all the student loans. And Natalie and I, we are incredibly privileged that we did not have student loans. So we didn't fully understand like, you know, the entanglement that people get into with them. And so I feel like it was really eye opening for me to just learn more about it. I, I firmly believe that just because it doesn't affect you, does not give you permission to not know about right, and not acknowledge it and not really understand it. So we learned the difference between like subsidized and unsubsidized loans, which if you guys don't know, essentially, subsidized loans start accruing after you graduate, while unsubsidized loans begin once you start school. So that's just a little fun fact. And we learned not so fun. Oh, yeah. Well, it's a fact. I'm so sorry. It is a fact. Because we learned ways to start paying off student loan debt, like applying for the federal loan forgiveness program and negotiating student loans assistance when you're starting a new job. When like, that's part of your negotiation. Yeah. Which I thought was really smart.

Natalie McMillan:

To me tell you, we put that episode off for about 109 episodes was just so

Corinne Foxx:

daunting, but like, imagine how daunting just learning about it is yes, yeah. Having to be entrenched. And

Natalie McMillan:

yeah, so a lot. It's a lot. It's a lot,

Corinne Foxx:

I really hope for anyone who has student loans that you guys are feeling some relief. During this

Natalie McMillan:

time, we're even just like more understanding, because even, like we

Corinne Foxx:

just say, I hope you guys got some federal relief. Oh, God, seriously.

Natalie McMillan:

Okay, next, this was another big one for us that we were like, We got to figure this shit. I'm so

Corinne Foxx:

happy we did. So glad we did. I have not acted upon him. But you know,

Natalie McMillan:

but I'm gonna have the we have the information I'm getting there. Episode 92. It was leaving a legacy, how wills trust funds and life insurance works. So we talked about the difference between a will and a trust fund. And while we should probably all have life insurance at this point, I didn't do that. Yeah. I think what was very shocking about this episode is that we thought we were too young to have any of those things really apply to us. But then we realized, we need we need all

Corinne Foxx:

you need all of the above all of the above. If you didn't listen to that episode, because you thought again, this doesn't apply to me. It goes back

Natalie McMillan:

it does. Are you 18 or older? Go back? Yes. And applies to you. Yes. And we learned the difference between the biggest difference between the will and the trust is that A will comes into effect after the creator's death. Whereas a living trust comes immediately into effect after it's created. So when the creator is alive, they control their trust. And then if that person becomes incapacitated, and can no longer make their financial or health care decisions, or they die, then the person nominated by them stepped in to handle their affairs. Yes.

Corinne Foxx:

And that after this you create after that episode, you created a well, I did create

Natalie McMillan:

a will. And so I have like my it was it was fairly simple, obviously. And you don't get it notarized you to have to have two witnesses that sign it and all this stuff. But I have like my Medical Directive.

Corinne Foxx:

I have, because I did that genetic testing and I can't be on anti psychotic drugs. Oh, right. And I'm always afraid like, whatever I have some type of breakdown and they're trying to give me something and I'm not supposed to have it

Natalie McMillan:

right. Yeah, you gotta get that in your medical writing that minds like pull the blog and all caps. Like, immediately, you know, I have my I have how I want my funeral to be. I already know I know. No, but it's in there. Like it's legally in Yeah You're in my will. I'm so excited she's in my well I mean not excited for you right right right but you do get some of my assets

Corinne Foxx:

but verbally we just go at the exact minute

Natalie McMillan:

that would actually be ideal. Yeah. Oh no okay, but if we both go at the same time who burns our journals? Because you are in again it's actually in my will that current has to burn my journals damnit

Corinne Foxx:

this is something we didn't account for.

Natalie McMillan:

Not a cover for at the same time lips

Corinne Foxx:

another episode we did that pertains to Financials was episode 80 to another these are all the ones that we kind of put off this year they were we did it mortgages one on one a basic bitches I can't believe we named it a basic pitches guide to buying a home I don't know why we had a result. It was

Natalie McMillan:

absolutely you but it's also because when we finish that episode, when I tell you, our brains were We were fried fry.

Corinne Foxx:

I think we wanted to make sure that people knew like this was like 101 Which is why we named it a basic bitches guy. That's insane. I'm sorry. I wouldn't never call you guys a basic bitch. That is like so nice. So in that episode, we learned that in very, very, very basic terms, how mortgages work how a down payment and fees come into play and figured out who the bug is. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Natalie McMillan:

Oh my god that out? That took us at least an hour. Yes. We've watched so many YouTube videos

Corinne Foxx:

right? And even if you guys are like not in the market to buy a home because all sorts of crazy right now it's really good Crash Course I'm just like the lingo and like even what it is, and like Natalie and I growing up just that like, Oh, if a house cost $600,000 You took like a, like a backpack full of cash. did not understand that. So no.

Natalie McMillan:

I never understood that people bought home. I'm like, You guys just have cash. A half million dollars. Like way? Yeah. made no sense to me.

Corinne Foxx:

Doesn't Oh, no. And then in terms of like real life lessons in terms of financials, I would say this year, my big step was that I got a financial advisor, finally. Oh, yeah, yeah. And I felt like I was ready to invest in like a big way. And I had, you know, a lot of cash and I didn't know what to do with it. And so I Yes, you know, we love an index fund moment. And like I was doing that, but now I'm like really starting to build my portfolio and really like setting, setting the tone for my future.

Natalie McMillan:

Gotta get in that retirement account. Those IRAs, yes. Okay, so my lesson on financials, this seems really, really minor. But I really asked myself what I wanted to get out of my actual bank accounts. So I closed my B of A account, not my STM tied to my original checking account, but I had a second one for my business, and I was like, fuck this bank. It was doing nothing for me. So I transferred that money into my high yield savings account. And then I started using my credit cards more strategically for the perks of a perk

Corinne Foxx:

to have a credit card. Point

Natalie McMillan:

episode. Yes. Like my B have a my first credit card from BB does nothing. I'm sure it does fucking nothing. So I barely use it. But you know,

Corinne Foxx:

B of A is gonna go down one day for fraud. Like, oh, I think they already have oh, they have Yeah, I know. But like, I really think it's not going to exist in like, 20 years, like something insane is gonna happen,

Natalie McMillan:

hopefully. I mean, I hope nobody needs their money. But like, Bank of America. You know how much we've hated them from literal episode one. Yeah, we have. So yeah, and then, oh, next year, I have plans to get a different card that is more tailored to what I need and the things that I want. And then I'm gonna kill off that Bank of America card. Because it doesn't do shit. Yeah, no, that's fair. So anyways, it just makes me feel like I'm more in control of Yes, I love that finances. I love that.

Corinne Foxx:

Alright, so let's get into our final category of the best lessons of 2022, which is hell, if you've had two really standout episodes in terms of health, the first one being Episode One on One fertility one, a one egg freezing IVF and more with Dr. Serena Chen.

Natalie McMillan:

She might have been my favorite guest of the year. She was amazing. I

Corinne Foxx:

mean, we I loved her. And since we're both approaching her 30s Egg freezing was a topic that we really wanted to cover and felt like we didn't have enough like clear information on and Dr. Serena Chen really brought that information. Oh, she did.

Natalie McMillan:

She brought that h a t in the info. So I

Corinne Foxx:

feel like she did a really great job at laying out the process of IVF. But the most interesting fact that she said was that women shouldn't be the only ones considering preserving their fertility and we've learned that men I feel like we were taught that men can have children until literally they die, but now and that they should consider Her sperm freezing,

Natalie McMillan:

who would have known? That's not all up to women now, because it

Corinne Foxx:

does like your sperm count declines you

Natalie McMillan:

could write or like, it's not like it's impossible for like an 80 year old woman to write, it's not impossible for that to happen to

Corinne Foxx:

the quality of your sperm is out there and the quantity. So you know, I just thought that was wild when she said that.

Natalie McMillan:

She said a lot of things. I was like, oh my god, yeah, like, we should bring her back. She was amazing.

Corinne Foxx:

And after that episode, I was Dr. Chen on the episode advises that I should look into egg freezing because I have endometriosis, which is something I'm going to actually do in 2023. I was supposed to do it actually, the end of this year, but plans have changed, but I am going to it's a lot. It's like a lot to like, plan it out. Like it's cross and all that. But I do want

Natalie McMillan:

to do surgery. Right. I also don't know why I thought it was like a, like, you're just awake. And they're just like, boop, boop. Take it out.

Corinne Foxx:

I don't know why I thought that too. Because when you think about it doesn't make any sense that that's what it would be. Yeah,

Natalie McMillan:

it's often they're like they knock you out. Yeah. Yeah, I thought it was like it makes it makes way more sense. Yeah, it does. It does. And then another episode we had was how to be more active. That was episode 114. And I really liked that one. Because I think when you think of being active, it's like this misconception of intense physical exercise. And we debunked that on that episode. And we broke down the four types of movements. So there's aerobic strength, flexibility and balance. And what we gained is that we really don't have to do that much to remain physically fit. Truly the biggest tip from that episode and like every scientific journal we could possibly read, said, Walk over walking, just literally walk, go for a walk around the block, and they're like, you will be set. Yeah, like, you really don't have to do really anything. If you just walk. You don't do anything else. You're fine. You're good to go.

Corinne Foxx:

And I think for me this year, what is something I incorporated that was new was stretching? Yes. I always like just kind of did like a few little like twists and turns before I like did my workout. But now like, there's certain days where I only walk and stretch, I walk are cheap, because I have to write and then I put on my stretch video. And that's that's it. And that's

Natalie McMillan:

really all you have to do. You don't even have work. No stretching is really that's part of the flexibility element. Yeah, that

Corinne Foxx:

was one of the flex if that's flexibility, but like,

Natalie McMillan:

truly a walk in a stretch. You're gonna live to be 100.

Corinne Foxx:

I think one instead of going out one night. Oh, this is true. In Austin, Texas. When we went, we just

Natalie McMillan:

stretch the stretch. Because the night before we were, we were out. We were on the dirty six or whatever it was. Yeah. I don't even know what happened. There was a giant snake involved. It was a whole thing. And then the next day, we're like, Let's go early dinner. And then like you want to go to do a stretch video. To me. It was it was fabulous. So fantastic. For me occurrence gonna jump off a cliff, because I talked about Pilates so much. But I discovered it at the end of last year. And I feel like it's given me a respect for my body and an actual connection to it. Because I think in the past I just think like, go as hard as you can. And now I feel more in my body. Yes. And I also feel like I'm in less pain. Yeah, because like my I think my slides are lined up. And yet core strength is really good for your back. Yeah. And I've always had neck problems. So it was just like I feel better. And I also I like that it's not so intense. Yeah, you know, I can do little Pilates a little stretchy, a little walkie. Oh my god. I love that. Perfect.

Corinne Foxx:

Well, you guys, we hope you guys learned as much as we did this year. And actually, we'd love to know what your favorite lesson of 2022 was. If you aren't on the podcast or even just in life. I would love to hear it. You can run to the show. What am I doing this right? Or you can DM us at am I doing this right pod? And now it is time to get into our final bevi rating and our ultimate hottie hottie award. Would you like to? Did we see Don't worry darling together? Yeah, we did. We did. Yeah, we did. The whole time. We were watching it. We were very distracted. Because our hottie of the year. Miss Lawrence POS Florence POS so I could just I just stared at her face the whole time. Because she's beautiful, but she's also just cool. Yeah, I like her vibe. I love everything about her. And he fun to hang out with Yeah, she would be great to hang out with. And so she is the ultimate honey of the year and I feel like really confident that like in next year. She's not going to let us like she's only going to

Natalie McMillan:

Yeah, she was gonna be the Timo Tay of Yeah, yeah, I love that. Also, I like they're both they're kind of like a pair. They've done several movies together,

Corinne Foxx:

haven't they? They've been Oh they did Little Women. Little Women are the same dude. She's in the new she's not to intervene, dude.

Natalie McMillan:

Oh, right. We started doing together. And we loved it. And all of our like my brother and everybody was like, You guys aren't gonna like that. Like, we love that and we were like, that was fucking great. Yeah,

Natalie McMillan:

I'll see doing tonight. I will. Yes, we will see do too. Yeah. No Boys Allowed. Okay, so let's rate the organic Sparklin ginger and lemon apple cider vinegar beverage one to Florence. I don't hate it. I don't. I'm already settled. Not like a 10 for me. Yeah, bad. I don't let me get another step. This I think you would have liked the strawberry flavor better. It's hard to do lemon apple cider vinegar. I mean, it's like, very, but I like it. i For me, it's just like a fun health beverage and right Yannick and it's from Trader Joe's. So you know, it costs like one whole dollar. Yeah. I'll give it an eight and a half. Because I'm giving it a 10. So now,

Natalie McMillan:

I design. I'll give it a nine. And then we can just do nine. Okay, nine and a half out of Florence, which again, for us is like a 15. So it's still great. Yes, it's great.

Corinne Foxx:

All right, this is part of the episode where we play a little wrap up game and this is the last one up to me. I'm so excited for me three. I'm so excited. I am not gonna lie to you sucked.

Natalie McMillan:

Like not it not it was

Corinne Foxx:

not feeling it.

Natalie McMillan:

I was talking to my astrologer friend yesterday. And she was like, I'm not gonna lie. 2022 didn't look great for you. She was like 2023 was pretty good. I was like, after March things are pretty good. Oh, wow. Like fuck yeah. She also told me some really interesting. Well, I guess this you the podcast doesn't need to hear this. But now you have to say, Well, I was just telling her. I don't know how you're talking about it. But how I like shape shift kind of like, What are you talking? Like, if you saw a picture of me from high school? Oh, yeah.

Corinne Foxx:

I've brought like a different like I showed Joe like, me. Natalie went it's gotten he was like, That's Natalie.

Natalie McMillan:

No, like, I look, I've never had plastic surgery. I look like a completely different person. Yeah. And she was like, oh, it's because you're a Gemini rising and something or other in your first house of appearance. Oh, she was like, you're always going to look completely different every like couple years. And that has been true my whole life. Wow, that is really interesting. My aunt looked me dead in the face and had no idea who I was. I do have a very dysfunctional family. But she thought I was somebody's girlfriend.

Corinne Foxx:

Really good. Your hair is dark. And you give us a blonde. Right? I knew you from whatever. Yeah, but it just seems

Natalie McMillan:

like you would be able to recognize me. Yeah, with a different hair color. And she's looked at we look the same from the same people. And she just staring at me. She's like, Oh my God.

Natalie McMillan:

I you know, what was you? What the fuck? So anyways, that was interesting. That is interesting.

Natalie McMillan:

She said that was really interesting, but I forget what it was. But there was that. Okay. BFF question game. I have no idea what this is. I'm just gonna pull a card off the top. Yeah. Um, if you could have any talent, what would it

Corinne Foxx:

be and why singing? Oh, if I tell you right now, if I could sing, I'd be on to wear. Because I could dance and very performative as a kid I wanted to do, I was always putting on little shows. And if I could sing, I would tell you right now I would be on to her. See, I feel the I would I would leave I can actually sing secretly. Why I secretly sing actually very well. But I would never say in front of anybody. I know. Well, I was like, the rumors shift. Like I was in my chorus. Like, I did not know this. Yeah, I can't believe there's something I didn't know about you. Well, that's because nobody really knows me. Well, and my like prior chorus teachers, I'm like, Oh, my God, and I guess I'll never know. Um, let me know. I mean, right? To hold out that at some point, our friendship you sing for me. I mean, but the thing is, is like I can sing like, oh, I don't like but like, if I really Sing Sing, I can actually say, but I don't want to. But I think just because I know how because when I was in chorus as a young kid, like I learned, like they train your whole diaphragm and everything. Okay, I pulled a card. Okay. What's something you wish you had more time to do? Art? painting, drawing? Yeah. Just any art in general? Like I just Yeah. Every single day of my life. I'm like, oh, I want to paint this. Oh, I want to draw that. Oh, I want to make this sweatshirt. Ooh, I want to do and I never have time. Because I work so goddamn late. And then I eat dinner. Well, we're working on that this new year. I'm sure are okay. Let's do one more question each. Okay. I'm very curious. Just pick one from the middle middle. Go for the middle. Oh, this is interesting. How would you describe your sense of humor? That is okay, I know what it's not so sometimes you got to start there. Okay. I do not like gross so no like fart poop. None of that. Yeah. And I cannot laugh at people getting hurt. Falling tripping. I am so much of an empath. Yeah, that I can't hide. I hate people being embarrassed. Oh god. Oh, Lord, I can't. So I think it's in the same vein of like, if you trip and you fall and I are embarrassed and you're physically hurt, like, Are they okay? I could never laugh at that. No, I don't know what my son that's very like, male. Yes, but you're like jackass. You know, I did love Jackass as a kid. But that's weird.

Natalie McMillan:

was like my brother like, Oh, my brother and his friends. It was like, it was like lighting themselves on fire me like,

Corinne Foxx:

ah, yeah, like, you know, the ridiculousness that show where people are just like falling and like hitting their balls. And yeah, I could just watch with a straight face like, yeah, and not laugh one. No. So that's not my humor. I don't really know what my humor is. I don't know. I mean, I have a sense of humor, right? I wouldn't say I'm like, sarcastic and funny. Like to an extreme. No, no. I just like I like to laugh. But like,

Natalie McMillan:

I wonder what do you find? Like when you're like scrolling on Tik Tok or something? What are the things that you start laughing really hard. I like

Corinne Foxx:

like, meet like relatable things that like, Oh, I didn't know in my life that like other people actually do to? Like I saw ad tech talk about how the see this isn't funny. Now I'm gonna I'm not gonna explain it. Like, I never washed my water bottle. But it was like, Oh, my water bottle like, are you gonna wash me? Anyways, now I don't like so friggin lame. Whatever

Natalie McMillan:

you don't. It's that's a hard question. How did you? I don't know. I don't know how I would describe my sense of humor. I have no idea.

Corinne Foxx:

I don't know what's gonna set you off. But when you laugh, it's like, it's uncontrollable. If I think something's really

Natalie McMillan:

funny, Natalie cannot I can't stop. Like I will be crying and we stopped. I stopped reading. Yeah, I don't know what my sense of humor is,

Corinne Foxx:

though. Okay, here we go. Final question. Okay. What's a place you love going to alone?

Natalie McMillan:

Oh, I love going to alone. Yeah. Um, there's no like place I love going to I'm alone 97% of the time. So when I go somewhere or do something I didn't really like to be with a person. Yes. Like I don't like you know, people really love like, you love going to the movies by yourself. I don't like that. Because I want to like talk

Natalie McMillan:

about it by myself. I like to do Oh, I hate by myself. But I do like, always have literally since I got my driver's license driving around by myself. Oh, so aimlessly, aimlessly driving and just listening to that, like, as loud as it goes. Yes. Yes. That's I love Russia. That's a great pastime.

Natalie McMillan:

Yeah. Or even like if I like the other day, yesterday actually left the movie. And just got in my car and plugged in my phone. Listen to music so loud on my 15 minute drive. And I was just like, so far I could go around the block another couple times.

Corinne Foxx:

Yeah, you know, there is something about being in the car. That's like with the music playing. It's your own little world. Yeah, cuz you can't blast your music at home most of the time, depending on where you like if you're self

Natalie McMillan:

conscious, too, because I'm like, Oh God, my neighbors can hear me. Yeah. I'm listening to the song seven times in a row.

Corinne Foxx:

Exactly. You can easily be your truest self in that moment. Yeah, well, gosh, crushing it. We're the year we'll be back next week another episode but it'll be the first one of 2023 Thank you guys. We're listening all year. We love you guys. We love interacting with you guys. You know you can always email us at am I doing this right? Or you can DM us at am I doing this right pod and request episodes for the new year we guys want to we really really want to know prioritize those what you guys want to learn in the new year like DMS and we will make an episode we got

Natalie McMillan:

a DM today.

Corinne Foxx:

We have why about a recycling so yeah, and guess what? That's gonna fuck and it's gonna be hot on the press. Wait for it. And we'll be back next week and next year with a new episode. Love you guys.




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