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Internal Podcasts: Why Brands Should Be Using Podcasts To Engage Employees
Episode 387th July 2021 • The Q'd Up Podcast on Podcasting • Q'd Up Podcasting Agency
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Podcasts have steadily grown in popularity but not every podcast has to be for the general public. More companies are turning to internal podcasts and finding great success.

On this episode of the Q’d Up Podcast on Podcasting, Matthew Stevens and John Luckenbaugh discuss internal podcasts. John and Matt break down why businesses should be considering internal podcasts for things like employee engagement and employee training, as well as what it takes to get started on the right foot. The guys also break down Amazon’s recent acquisition of the podcast hosting platform, Art19 and Signal Hill Insight’s look at why people listen to podcasts.

Show highlights:

Amazon buys out Art19 (1:12)

Amazon is digging more into podcasting as they’ve agreed to terms to buy out podcast hosting company Art19. Though the terms of the deal haven’t been disclosed, Matt and John give their thoughts on the deal and what it likely means for both Amazon and Art19.

Podcast listener makeup (4:50)

We know more people are listening to podcasts than ever before but why? Signal Hill Insights took a closer look at that question and found out why people listen to podcasts, AM/FM radio, music streaming services, and owned music. They also looked into the activities people do for each audio type, giving some valuable insight into what makes people tick.

What is an internal podcast? (13:06)

John breaks down what an internal podcast is at its core, including what separates it from a more typical public podcast.

Why should businesses have an internal podcast? (14:07)

Now that you know what an internal podcast actually is, why would a business want one? John and Matt discuss what benefits internal podcasts can bring to an organization.

What businesses should have an internal podcast? (19:07)

A company with just two employees probably doesn’t need an internal podcast, but what businesses do need one? Matt and John give some examples of types of internal podcasts and how they’ll boost things like employee retention and onboarding.

What’s needed to start an internal podcast (26:58)

John breaks down the key needs for any business creating their own internal podcast -- from content strategy and an engaging host to podcast hosting and the equipment to record it. 

Final tips (31:00)

John and Matt give a few final tips for an organization that’s interested in starting their own podcast and recap some of the lessons learned in this episode.

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Links from the show:

Art19 - Website

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