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116. How Cancer Led Me to EVOX & Founding The Accrescent
Episode 1169th December 2022 • The Accrescent: Bioenergetic Healing • Leigh Ann Lindsey
00:00:00 00:27:10

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Leigh Ann: So thinking about this week's episode and what I wanted to come and share with you all, the idea occurred to me to share the origin story of how I discovered EVOX therapy, the situation, the landscape of my life at that time, how impactful it was for me, and ultimately what led to me. Getting certified, purchasing the technology, and creating an entire business around EVOX therapy.

I personally love hearing a practitioner's origin story. I love hearing why are they doing what they're doing today, because there's always a really powerful story behind it 99% of the time. And I think my story feels so, what's the word I'm looking for here? I guess here's the way I explain it sometimes to clients and friends.

For those who don't know. I went to undergrad and I studied public health. I worked as a research assistant all of my life. I was really fascinated with wellness, with emotional wellness, with physical wellness, and I knew I wanted to do so in that space. I knew I wanted to help people and I almost double majored in public health and psychology, but I was also playing college soccer at the time. So it was just too much and I just kept playing around with all of these different ways. What is the final thing I wanna do to help people? And I just couldn't land on anything that I was like, oh, this is it. This is what I meant to do. To support people. Even after graduating with that undergrad in public health, I still was looking for more things.

Do I want to study and become a naturopathic doctor? Do I want to study acupuncture? All these different modalities that had been really impactful for me, but none of them were like, Ooh, yes. This is it. This is what I'm meant to be doing. And so the way that I feel about EVOX is like, this is the tool I was made to use to help the world, to help my natural inherent gifts come through in companionship paired with this technology of EVOX , the two of those together, I feel like just create something that is so healing and magical and wonderful for myself and for clients included, and I really, really do believe this was the tool I was meant to use.

So I discovered EVOX in early:

So I was doing so much extensive testing and treatments and modalities and supplement protocols and detox protocols. Under the guidance of Dr. Connealy at the Cancer Center for Healing, and one of the modalities that she suggests all of her cancer patients try out is Evox therapy because Dr. Connealy Really believes, and I completely agree, that there is always an emotional component to cancer.

es in California, come March,:

But literally within one week, my entire life fell apart. It was the rock bottom of all rock bottoms because on the same day. I remember so vividly, it was a Tuesday. I found out that we were going on lockdown, everything was shutting down. That same day, I got a call from the woman that I was working for, saying that because of COVID , she's going to have to let me go.

So I lost my job and then later that day I went to an appointment with Dr. Connealy , where she was like, look, your RGCC test came back. There are cancer cells. We've gotta take this really seriously. So in one day, three massive things happened. I'm finding out that I've got a really serious breast cancer concern.

I've also just lost my main source of income, and within that same week, me and my partner Omi , whom by the way, now we're married, things are so wonderful, but we had actually decided to separate for that time. At that time we were engaged and the relationship had reached a point where it was like some things really need to change, and both of us really need to do some deep personal work and deep personal healing because we're both bringing some dysfunction to this relationship.

And so I had said, I can't continue this way. We need to take a break, and that was absolutely heart wrenching, heartbreaking. I decided to go stay in an Airbnb for a month, so the world shuts down. There's a potential deadly virus going around. I lose my job, I get a breast cancer diagnosis, and my relationship ends and I'm moving out into an Airbnb with no work coming in, no idea what my finances are gonna be.

So it was an incredibly dysregulating, destabilizing, terrifying, heartbreaking time in my life where I truly just felt like I was crumpled on the ground and literally just trying to put one- I'm tearing up. Obviously, there's still some emotions that need to come out in relation to this. Just feeling like I can't even get on my knees to crawl.

I am laying flat on my stomach and am just. Barely inching forward day by day, getting through this time. And so despite the situation I was in, despite the precarious finances, I knew I had such a conviction that I don't care how much this costs, I can pay this debt off later in relation to my health because I knew I needed to do these treatments.

I knew I needed to take, these supplements. I knew I needed to do these tests to really get to the bottom of this. This cancer concern was not something I was gonna take lightly and play around with. And I tell this to a lot of people. I went into debt to get all of that care, but I'm so grateful I did because I really do believe that.

Not only did those treatments completely change the environment of my body, it completely changed my life from there on out in the best way. And I think I just had such a clear conviction that money I can always make back when the time is right. And I've, I, I'm working again, the economy's back, whatever, whatever I know I can pay this debt off.

My health is not certain. My health is precarious and I don't wanna play a game with that. And I'm so grateful I did that. And so with that said, I was doing absolutely everything that Dr. Connealy was recommending. And again, part of that was these EVOX therapy sessions. Now, what I wanna preface here is my entire life I have been

a very introspective person. I remember at, honestly, probably 10 years old, I'd go sit in the backyard on the swing for hours journaling in my journal about all the different things that happened that week, but very reflective. I remember writing things like, oh, I saw, um, this couple arguing about this topic, and I couldn't decide whether the girl needs to be the one to compromise, or the guy needs to be the one to compromise. How do we know who needs to compromise? Like these are the questions I was asking myself at 10 years old, or I'd look back over the week and I'd be journaling about, oh, this, you know, on Tuesday I was feeling a lot of discomfort inside my heart, but I'm not sure what that discomfort was about.

And I'd sit there for hours trying to figure out what that discomfort was about until I finally got to the root cause of it. Oh, right. This person said that thing that made me feel this way and think this way, et cetera, et cetera. So all that said, I've always been very introspective. I've always wanted to understand why am I doing the things I do?

Why do I feel the things I feel? But talk therapy had never really resonated with me. I had tried some meditation here and there, and at that point in my life, it really wasn't resonating with me. So there was nothing that I felt like, holy shit, this is a tool I wanna come back to. Because it was just so impactful for me other than my journaling really, and just like talking out loud to myself, going on long walks and processing things.

So there was no tool that I had come across that I was like, this is a tool worth coming back to for me when I came across EVOX , my first EVOX session was so eyeopening and groundbreaking for me. The impact was so immediate. That it really was. It was the first time in my life that I was like, holy shit, this is cool.

This is something I could come back to again. Because it really clicked with me. It really resonated with me and damn did it make some immediate shifts in my internal psyche. And so I did a number of sessions there at the center working through a variety of different emotional things and I could just see my internal environment shifting immediately how I felt about certain things, my confidence, my conviction about certain things, more clarity around decisions that I needed to make.

And it absolutely 110% changed my life, the epiphanies that I had, the breakthroughs that I had. But what is so interesting about this is, and maybe it's not so surprising. But initially when I was doing the EVOX , I didn't immediately have this thought of, oh my God, I could do this. I wanna do this.

This is the tool I'm meant to use. I think probably part of that was because I was just in such a dark place myself, my mind couldn't even go anywhere else. It was just in such survival mode. So, and I was doing, again, so many tests and treatments and protocols, it actually makes sense that my mind didn't go there right away.

And so:

se that was probably January,:

How long will it take? What's involved? How do I launch a business around this? And in my mind, I was like, okay, this is probably something that will be birthed into the world in a couple years. I'm just getting my footing again. I'm just getting stabilized again. I had no. inkling in my mind how quickly everything would come together.

ause again, this was January,:

And by this point, Omi and I were back together. We had worked through so many things and he was like, just do it. What are you waiting for? Just do it. And so with his help and his support and his encouragement, we purchased that technology. I went through all of the training and the certification process.

way through June and June of:

But of course, and as anyone knows who follows the podcast, you guys will know that I still use EVOX to this day on myself. And again, it's because it is by far for me the most impactful emotional wellness tool I have ever come across. Now, over the last few years, I've been able to get into some other techniques as well, like some breath work, like emotional freedom technique, the tapping meditations that we've talked about.

d worked through. The year of:

I, first of all would not be here today as an EVOX practitioner working with the clients I get to work with, seeing the way it's changing their lives. But I also know that even post launching The Accrescent and starting to do EVOX , I know that if I hadn't continued doing EVOX on myself, I also would not be where I am today, a year and a half or so later, because launching that business was a scary thing and so many insecurities came up.

ion were so strong throughout:

And I realized, oh my gosh, there are some deep things here, of course that I need to work through. And I used EVOX as that tool to chisel away, to chisel away to chisel away. And really clear so much out so that I can show up and share about EVOX with such consistency, with such conviction, with such confidence rather than.

Because the pattern was, and I think anyone who feels like they're stuck in self-sabotage, you'll be able to resonate with this as soon as things would start going good, as soon as I started getting more and more clients, or I started getting more interest, I would, something would happen. I would like derail myself.

I would self-sabotage as soon as momentum started picking up. And if I hadn't been intentional about using EVOX to process. The deeper emotional root causes to that self-sabotage. 100% I would still be stuck in those patterns today, and I would not be where I was today with the The Accrescent. With this practice, I love it so much because first of all, I mean just how much it helps me, and I said this before, but every new thing I uncover, every new thing I unlock and release through EVOX allows me to step into new levels of peace and joy and alignment that I've never experienced before, and I already am in such a place of peace and joy and alignment.

But each new thing I uncover, it's like giving me that much more peace, that much more joy, that much more alignment in my life and the things I let into my life and the boundaries I set and the people I let in or don't let in, et cetera.

And I love it so much though because I am doing this work right alongside clients and so, I resonate with clients so much as we're going week after week and we're peeling back layer after layer as we are piecing together the puzzle of their lives, the puzzle of the patterns they feel stuck in. I'm puzzling out my own stuff as well.

I'm being the detective for me and the detective for my clients, and so it's so fun because when I see clients getting hung up on things or getting stuck on things, I'll be like, I've been there. I know what this feels like. I know how hard it is to work through some of these things, but I also know the depth of joy and the peace and the alignment that is waiting for you on the other side of this.

And the beauty about EVOX is it's so soothing and regulating to our systems that. A topic that maybe we have had so much trepidation about discussing and processing. Clients have found, and I found this for myself especially. Those dysregulating topics, those scary topics, those painful topics. When we're in EVOX and we're getting that biofeedback, we're getting those balancing frequencies.

It allows us to process those things and still maintain a sense of peace and safety that we maybe wouldn't be able to maintain otherwise. There have been some big topics. Some big early childhood traumas that came up for me this year that I will be sharing in the near future in some podcast episodes.

But I was really in the thick of those things and really one big key topic. I was in the thick of it this year, and what I was saying before, same thing, if I did not have EVOX this year, to get through that, to process that, to release those emotions, to help regulate my nervous system. Again, I would've been in a very, very dark place.

The Accrescent would not be where it's at today. In fact, it might not even exist at all because the trauma that I was working through this year was so incredibly traumatizing. There's not another word for it. It was the biggest trauma of my life, the biggest wound that has ever been inflicted upon me in my life, and it was such a scary thing to work through.

But having that foundation of EVOX to come back to again and again, to help regulate myself, to help release myself 100%. Like I said, without the EVOX , I would not be where I am today. I would not have been able to continue my life without EVOX , and so I am so, so, so grateful for it. And again, because I see how impactful it is, I am just so grateful and overjoyed and fulfilled.

To be able to offer that to others and see how it's impacting them in similar ways. Like I said, I'll be sharing a little bit more about this big trauma that I've been working through this year, because I think it could certainly be really expansive for others to hear the process of healing through this trauma specifically and what it's looked like for me.

The hard parts, the good parts, et cetera. Yeah, but for anyone who's like, I haven't tried EVOX yet, I've heard about it here and there, I wanna look into it a little bit more. Definitely check out the show notes. There will be some links to some other EVOX episodes, some articles on EVOX, what it is. And I also have the episodes called Client Conversations, and these are interviews with actual clients of mine.

Hearing how EVOX has helped them firsthand, and that can make EVOX a little bit more tangible about, okay, how can this actually help me? How might this be able to impact my life? So definitely check out the show notes to learn a little bit more, client testimonials, all the different things. And of course, if there are questions coming up, I would love, love, love.

To answer them, the Accrescent email will be linked below. If you follow me on socials, you can always reach out via dm. Comment on a picture, give me a phone call. Whatever way is best for you. Definitely feel free to reach out with questions. I would love to be able to support you with those. As always, thank you everyone for tuning in.

This is such a joy. I have the biggest smile on my face because I could talk about EVOX all day long and I still pinch myself sometimes that this is my life, that this is what I get to do, and that. The healing, I mean, the incredible amount of healing that has happened. In these last two years is mind boggling to me and I'm just so unbelievably grateful and fulfilled.

So with that, have an amazing weekend everyone. Thank you for tuning in. There is a very special Tuesday episode coming to you guys next week that I cannot wait for you all to be able to listen to. So be sure to tune into that. And until next time.



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