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Podcast# 246 Oregon Matters: or Apparently, it Doesn't. Gov. Kotex Fuck's Oregonians... Again!
Episode 2469th August 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
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Podcast# 246 Oregon Matters: Or Apparently, it Doesn't. Gov Kotex F***s Oregonians... Again!

Hello, dear listeners, this is Earnest Mann, and today I'm going to dive into a topic that's close to my heart and affects us all here in the beautiful state of Oregon.

The Beauty of Oregon and the Loss of a Perk

I've been living in this beautiful state for over 30 years, and one of the things that made Oregon special was the simple pleasure of having someone pump your gas. It's a little bit of heaven that makes you feel just a tad special. But alas, that well has run dry.

Governor Kotex's New Law and Its Impact

Governor Kotex has enacted a law that's going to have deleterious effects on the citizens and the state. This law changes the way we've been living here for around 70 years. The small but significant perk of having someone pump your gas is gone. It's a loss of dignity, a loss of that little bit of pampering that made us feel special.

The False Promise of Savings

They say you'll save money, but do the math. You'll save a mere two to ten cents a gallon, a couple of five dollars for a tank at most. Is it worth giving up that slight bit of dignity? Is it worth losing those five or ten minutes of repose to save a few dollars?

The Real Cost: Loss of Decency and Rise in Crime

This change isn't just about money; it's about decency. It's about taking away the one thing that made our state unique. And believe it or not, this change will lead to higher crime. People are often attacked and robbed at the pumps. This new law only helps the businesses, cutting costs to maximize profit at the expense of our dignity.

A Plea for Reconsideration

Governor Kotex, couldn't you have picked something else to tear apart? Isn't it sad when you can't even have that little tiny respite of five or ten minutes to have someone pump your gas or clean your windshield? This is a loss of dignity, a loss of something that made us feel a little bit special.

Why You Should Listen to the Earnest Man Show

You should listen to my show because I'm not afraid to say what needs to be said. I'm not a corporate shill; I'm here to tell you the truth, to cut through the mass corporate nonsense and deliver the news as it should be.

Conclusion: The Uncontrollable Beast

The uncontrollable beast, Governor Kotex, has struck Oregonians again. But we won't be silent. We'll continue to speak out, to fight for what's right, and to stand up for our dignity.

Thank you for listening, and as always, leave a comment and let me know what you think. Take care, and remember, your greater perception and intelligence are why you should listen to the Earnest Man Show.

Thank you for listening, and as always, leave a comment and let me know what you think. Take care, and remember, your greater perception and intelligence are why you should listen to the Earnest Mann Show.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:01 well hello everyone thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 246 Oregon matters or apparently it doesn't Governor codex [ __ ] oregonians again one of the things that I consider besides being very fortunate to live in such a beautiful state I'm fortunate enough to live in a very beautiful state and frankly for the most part around beautiful intelligent good people and I believe now I could be wrong but I really believe that the fact that I am not a native

01:07 Oregonian is actually a blessing because for those who are and for those you know that this goes back several Generations let's say sometimes there's an effect that you literally forget of what you know a wonderful beautiful place you do live in um it happens all the time living in Paradise and not fully knowing it or appreciating it as they say sometimes you know to get to heaven you got to go through a bit of Hell well I can unabashedly say in my life I have seen a bit of hell so when I came here 30 plus years ago

02:06 it was like heaven and it has never ceased to amaze me and I fully appreciate it and this is before I go any deeper I want to explain just before I uh lay into um ripping uh Governor kotex's ass apart I needed to give you this little bit of information and background you see it's because of that that this latest law that has changed that I feel is going to have once again very deleterious effects on the citizens and the state um is you know been been enacted it's long it's passed you see

03:10 when I first came here in all my then young adult life in all my travels um it was the only place I had ever been uh where they pumped your gas and like anything else when something is new to you it's very novel perhaps strange perhaps you even think it's weird um until you live here and once you become accustomed to it which didn't take long you start looking around and you know of all the places you've been and you know all the people that you've known and you think to yourself wow this is another thing that's

04:07 actually quite cool um I wonder why the hell the rest of the union doesn't do this and this is something that's been in Oregon for around 70 years now and as they say it's my opinion that you don't appreciate the well to the Water Runs Dry well as far as this relatively what you might think innocuous or small detail it has run dry and I'm here to predict The Fallout from this because before I go into just the hard numbers what we're talking about here is a small but little significant perk of living in this state

05:08 just that alone is just a little tiny simple pleasure of having someone pump your gas makes you feel just just a little bit significant you know a little important and for the uh narcissist out there well for them it's what just normally should be done because after all they're God and but for us normal folk you know it's it's like a restrained feeling that you're you're pampered you know it's a feeling that you're just a little bit special not arrogant Not Over the Top you're not trying to be a narcissistic

05:59 [ __ ] but hey you know I'm special I I live in Oregon and the rest of you Schmucks you don't get this treatment but we do but not anymore because only took the stroke and the idea of these people who are so you know actually Pro business in a bad way to once again unabashedly just pull the carpet out [ __ ] it and take that away from us and so you think it's such a big deal and of course the first thing they start blithering about and that's all the [ __ ] it is is blithering is um you know well gosh darn You're

07:00 Gonna Save look at all the money You're Gonna Save You're Gonna Save You're Gonna Save You're Gonna Save two cents five cents even 10 cents a gallon for your full tank folks do the simple math you know it's what a depending it's a couple five dollars for a tank at most that's if you have a big ass tank you know most cars have anywhere nowadays anywhere from you know around 10 gallons to maybe 15.

07:41 except for big trucks and such so you're sitting there again with your your your very mouse-like and you have to because you you are so definitely afraid they got everybody this has to be a [ __ ] bean counter okay calculate oh yeah look at me oh gee gosh Whitakers look I I I saved two dollars and 18 cents on the tank boom I hope you consider it's worth that now that again you can't have even the slightest bit of [ __ ] dignity you can't even for five or ten minutes whatever it takes for a fill up

08:35 you can't even allow just five or ten minutes of Repro repose to sit in your car maybe make a quick cell phone call to tell someone you're sorry you're late honey I'll be home hold the dinner I miss you love you kiss kiss goodbye nope not now because your ass lies like the rest of the underlings will be out there pumping your own gas No Doubt all the woke women hardware store tool juggling lesbians will be out there rolling up their sleeves portraits of a bearded Rosie the Riveter in their face we can do it

09:34 missing the entire [ __ ] point sometimes just because you can do something doesn't mean you should I personally very much have always enjoyed that privilege and appreciated it being able to sit even if just for a few minutes of relative peace or calm now all that is going to be taken away now I know that initially they're saying well depending on the filling station they can go half and half so it'll be half you know with it with an attendant still there in half without but you know how how long that's going

10:30 to stick around the only people this [ __ ] idiotic law that's changed helps are the businesses because they don't have to have to hire anyone to pump the [ __ ] gas don't cost everything in all of existence is about them cutting costs to maximize more profit and I could go off on a whole different area about that but I won't but think about this this is how your dignity even not being able to sit and enjoy the one thing that made the state unique

11:36 the one little thing that you are even the [ __ ] tiny bit that you're pampered a little bit to have a little Repose in your life no take it away and then for some of you on their side the [ __ ] squirrely account type yeah but anyways that's because they're [ __ ] squirrels and the squirrel doesn't get it that's what makes them squirrels don't get it they never have so for that whopping depending on the size of your vehicle that when you add it up for that whopping anywhere from I don't know

12:36 two to seven dollars on average let's say per tank you have given up that much dignity and besides the dignity tap you here's a reality thing to tap you on the [ __ ] shoulder yeah also those remember all those months and months of cold rainy cold ash [ __ ] weather yeah now your ass can be out there pumping it time to raise up that arm come on woke woke Rosie the Riveter take the famous you know Rosie the Riveter World War II famous uh portrait there except I've seen it now here in Portland they put a beard on her

13:28 and uh yeah roll up we can do it at least anything with any semblance of decency or repose relaxation casualness pleasantness nope [ __ ] that can't have that it has to be brutish and roughshod and it is exactly that I remember traveling um this was two or three years ago and there was a a very elderly woman I'm not even going to ask why she was driving but hey that's not my business I suppose I was in another state

14:33 and uh I was behind her and she was she was having a little you know problem with the pump and you know it was fine I didn't mind and I got out and helped her and helped her you know uh get it going get it pumping and she was your quintessential very tiny very old very frail woman and she um you know she laughed and she thanked me and you know and it's the kind of thing that would go on okay and I thought to my remember thinking to myself well at least it's nice where I live that the people there are a bit more

15:21 civilized and enlightened that they wouldn't have their grandmothers having to go through that [ __ ] well guess what apparently um that changed so what this is about make no mistake um is about the money for the merchants nice sweetly little deal so your ass got sold out for bread and butter and politics but you can bet your ass Governor Kotex won't have to pump her own gas

16:26 she will never have to pump her own gas even when she retires even when they get rid of her ass as governor um yup have that pretty much taken care of for part of the perks of the system you might say but as for the rest of us beer peons we have to deal with the legacy of that [ __ ] forever or until someone could turn things around instantaneously hopefully as soon as her ass gets kicked out of office which at the rate comrade Kotex is doing things may not be long because when good old Governor Brown basically wanted needed and desperately

17:34 called for Brown 2.0 she got that and then some but the thing is unbeknownst to her and the people of proverbly had it up to here with her didn't need a 2.0 so if the governator is listening to this and if you have the balls you claim to have you'll uh rescind this um this mockery because it's not just a silly it's not the emotionalism of a uh traditional thing it's just goddamn decency

18:41 and in addition to that this is going to mean believe it or not because they're Associated higher crime that's right it's going to mean higher crime because what happens very frequently is people are attacked now attacked and robbed when they are at the pumps a person typically this happens quite a lot because sooner or later to pay for this you have to pull out your wallet run your card and they are there are people that lie in wait close enough and they'll hit you and take that and bang or and I know you've seen this on the

19:35 videos YouTube crime videos that you you know people some of them some of them are funny and laughable most are not the altercations that people get into at the pump um you know fights arguments sometimes shootings all of this from something that you know you would think is um is should not be that big of a deal should not lead to this kind of thing happening but it does of course it does because uh this is something that I have noticed happening over and over and over again anyway you look at this

20:43 um it's utterly stupid you know couldn't you have picked on something else to tear apart ruin and [ __ ] with Governor Kotex I mean you know you can't leave them alone to pump their own gas or I mean to have their gas pumped for them you couldn't do that isn't it pretty sad when you can't even have that kind of dignity in your in your life that little tiny respite of five or ten minutes to maybe someone do that or you know if it's really you know dirty you could they even will clean your windshield or

ke an old If This Were an old:

22:32 in the background the Menace the uncontrollable Beast Governor Kotex [ __ ] oregonians again tune in next week folks oh God anyway thank you for listening and of course leave a comment and let me know what you think take care why should you listen to the earnest Man Show because instead of hearing such servile cowardly and ball-less Reporting from corporate news sources delivering news such as your show and so now you might be telling an untruth um

23:36 you want to hear what really needs to be said such as Senator [ __ ] is a paid corporate shill and if there is still any real law left in this country and if the judge is in a good mood he should minimally be tarred and feathered with a subsequent 10-year sentence of hard labor with no possibility of parole or stealing taxpayer money this is why you should listen because it clearly demonstrates your ability to see through such Mass corporate [ __ ] due to your greater perception and intelligence that's why you should

24:18 listen to the Earnest Mann Show



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