Most of your revenue will not come from new clients, it’ll come from a small percentage of clients who decide to work with you over and over again.
Have you heard of the Pareto principle? Also known as the 80/20 rule, this magic ratio is actually your secret to customer retention. The Pareto principle is the idea that 80% of outcomes are based on 20% of causes. And while the 80/20 rule has many use cases in business, in episode 2 of our podcast, we’re going to be discussing how 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your clients, along with the ways better systems mean you’re more likely to retain that crucial 20% of loyal customers.
Here’s what I discuss:
- Staying top of mind with your clients by creating follow-up systems
- Delivering consistent, high-quality experiences that give clients the familiarity they crave
- Using systems to get better client results
Links mentioned in this episode: