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112. 5 Podcasts for Elementary Teachers That We Know You'll Love!
15th January 2024 • Teacher Approved • Heidi and Emily, Elementary School Teacher and Resource Designer
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We believe one of the best ways to learn new skills, strategies, and tips is through professional development. And now with so much at our fingertips, you can easily accomplish this by listening to podcasts. So, we thought it would be fun to share our favorite elementary teacher podcasts with you that highlight what makes each show unique and why it deserves a listen.

For all the resources mentioned in this episode, head to the show notes:


Mentioned in this episode:

Do you have a question or concern that could use a teacher-approved solution? We'd love to answer your question on the podcast! Submit your question to and put "podcast question" in your subject line.



Hey there. Thanks for joining us today. In today's episode, we're sharing five podcasts for elementary teachers that we know you will love.


We start our episodes with a morning message just like we used to do a morning meeting in our classrooms. This week's morning message is when you have to miss school, what do you do to make things easier for your sub?


Liza said I give differentiated work if at all possible so my students can do the work.


So smart nothing worse than a kid with questions and a sub who doesn't know how to answer. Rachel said I create a slideshow for them to follow as well as the students.


And Barbara chimed in as a sub, this is amazing. It keeps things consistent and is helpful when getting last minute lessons.


Laurie said everything is review. Show an educational video that pertains to a topic we're studying, lots of centers and partner work.


Deanna said I make instruction videos and post in Canvas.


Valerie said leave some K cups and chocolate, which got a lot of likes on Facebook. And I hadn't thought to do that. But I always like to leave change for the subs to use the vending machines.


Oh yeah, that's nice. Christy said like someone said above, I threw a PowerPoint slideshow with directions for the students and picture examples if needed of what the kids are doing.


And we get some feedback from Lisa who is a sub and she has a list of things she appreciates, like getting plans the night before when possible. She says it's helpful to be notified if any drills are happening, and which teammates are helpful and supportive.


Erica said I leave tickets for the sub to handout for good behavior. The students know they'll be rewarded for them when I return. That helps them control behaviors by recognizing the students who are doing the right thing. If I know I'll be out, I like to leave a note on the whiteboard reminding the kids to follow directions and make me proud. I also tried to talk to the class ahead of time about how the sub is in charge and may do things differently than I do.


Prepping kids for sub can go such a long way. Yeah, April said if I have duty a switch, someone said the sub doesn't have recess duty etcetera, which is very generous. I used to love it when a sub had to do my duty.


Helen said tell them to have fun, but leave the room clean and tidy.


We'd love to have you join the conversation over in our teacher approved Facebook group.


The start of a new year is a great time to kickstart your professional learning and inspiration. Our favorite way to learn and connect is by listening to podcasts. So today we're bringing you five of the best teacher podcasts that we think you will love. We'll share a little about each show why we think you'll like it and give you a recommended episode to check out.


Let's get started with a new podcast The Literacy Lounge from our friend Ciera.


Are you an elementary school teacher on a mission to ignite a love of reading and your students? Are you looking for actionable strategies to supercharge comprehension in your classroom? Well welcome to The Literacy Lounge where you'll accomplish this and so much more. Hi friends, I'm your host, Ciera Harris, a former elementary school teacher turned reading coach and I have spent the last decade and more perfecting my reading instruction to help other teachers do the exact same.


And I know how many moving parts come with teaching literacy and how quickly it can lead to frustration. So the Literacy Lounge is here to take the guesswork out of your planning so you can best serve your students. Each week I will give you the exact resources and motivation that you need to confidently teach literacy skills. We'll cover topics such as building awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and even the science of reading, plus all the up to date research that goes along with it.


Occasionally, I'll also be joined by guest experts who will share their literacy knowledge with you too. As a teacher, I know your time is limited, which is why each episode will be created with you in mind. You'll walk away with actionable strategies to take straight back to the classroom and the confidence to implement them.


If you have a specific topic requests for future episodes, you can always send me a DM on Instagram at @cieraharristeaching. Also show notes and more helpful resources can be found at Friends, I cannot wait to uncover the magic of reading with you. I'll meet you inside the show.


The Literacy Lounge is an amazing podcast for all elementary teachers new or more seasoned, shall we say? Yes seasoned like us. Her show is great for you too, because she brings literacy ideas that anyone can apply to their teaching.


If you have listened to our podcast for a while, you know we'd like to get into the nitty gritty details of what works and why. Ciera does the same kind of deep diving on her podcast.


A favorite episode from the Literacy Lounge is her first episode reading consumption versus reading comprehension. We've all had students who can read really well, but their comprehension falls short.


In this episode Ciera explains the difference between reading consumption and reading comprehension. How you can spot if a student is truly comprehending what they read, and five key strategies you can implement to promote that reading comprehension.


The Literacy Lounge is a great new podcast, and be sure to check out her recent, the Fab Five of Literacy series.


Next up is The Resilient Teacher Podcast with Brittany.


Hey, teacher friend, if you are feeling like your teaching career has become this relentless cycle of stress and exhaustion and frustration. If you're struggling to balance the demands of your profession, with your personal well being and if the endless to do's just seem to overshadow the joy of teaching. If you're seeking ways to reignite your passion to feel energized rather than drained by your work and to find effective strategies to sustain your career in teaching while living your best life inside and outside of the classroom, you are in the right place.


Welcome to The Resilient Teacher Podcast. My name is Brittany, I'm your host, a special educator at heart, instructional coach and a mom slash bonus mom of five kids. But more than that, I'm someone who's been where you are right now. I'm super passionate about helping teachers like you break free from the burnout cycle once and for all. In this podcast we'll explore actionable tips, sustainable strategies, digital tools to automate the mundane tasks of teaching, and discuss the hot topics in teacher burnout.


Our goal to transform your experience from chaos to confident. I have been exactly where you are now. And that's why here we believe in uplifting one another to heal the system from the inside out. Join us each week on The Resilient Teacher Podcast as we reshape our teaching experiences and balance our professional passion with personal peace. And let me remind you that you too, are a resilient teacher.


I don't know any teacher who doesn't feel overwhelmed or burned out sometimes.


Sometimes? A lot of the time.


The Resilient Teacher Podcast is a great listen to help teachers break free from the burnout cycle. Brittany shares inspiration and strategies that will help reignite your passion for teaching.


It's so important for teachers to prioritize their mental health. So this teaching job doesn't take over your whole life in negative ways.


A favorite episode from The Resilient Teacher Podcast is episode 42. Teach smarter, not harder. achieving sustainability without sacrificing your life. That sounds so good. That is exactly the sort of thing we're talking about here on teacher approved. Teachers don't need to do it all. You can be an amazing teacher without losing yourself or sacrificing your whole life.


We love anything that helps us work smarter, not harder. So if you ever feel burned out or overwhelmed, you'll want to give the Resilient Teacher Podcast a listen.


Our next must listen podcast is from our friend Kelsey at Wife, Teacher, Mommy the podcast.


Welcome to Wife, Teacher, Mommy the podcast. I'm your host, Kelsey Sorensen, a former teacher, current homeschool mom, and a certified life coach who loves helping other teachers and homeschool parents. I'm also a recovering do it all er, and if you're listening, I have a sense that maybe you are too.


my worst panic attack ever in:


Because let's face it, you wear a lot of different hats every single day and often leaves you feeling like you aren't fully showing up in any of those roles. I believe that you don't have to choose between being a wife, teacher or mom or whatever the equivalent roles are for you. You can do it all with a little support and intentional planning.


This podcast is a way for you to soak up practical tips and strategies on the go. So that you can reduce your overwhelm and begin enjoying life again. Life is meant to be enjoyed. So my guests and I will be here cheering you on, and speaking on topics that will help you uplevel your mindset. Get more in tune with yourself and your needs to feel inspired with creative ideas and inspiration to take on each day with joy and ease.


Whether you're at your wit's end and overwhelm and burnout or just need some support in achieving your next goal. I am here to support you living your best teacher life right here on Wife, Teacher Mommy the podcast. Be sure to hit the follow or subscribe button on your favorite podcast app so that you never miss an episode. And if you want even more support, I would love to be your life coach, head on over to to learn more.


Wife Teacher Mommy is another excellent podcast for teachers who feel overwhelmed by the job of being a teacher. Being a teacher can leave you feeling like you can never do enough or be enough to meet your students needs.


And if you're a parent to Kelsey, speak specifically to your challenges as a parent and teacher.


Be sure to check out episode 81 The simple mindset hack to uplevel your life to hear about how we can be aware of our unconscious thoughts and a mindset tool that can be a game changer.


If you're a busy teacher, wife, mommy or any combination of the three, you'll love Wife, Teacher Mommy the podcast.


Next up is The Literacy Dive with Megan.


If you are an upper elementary teacher and teach ELA we are about to become literacy besties. My name is Megan from the Literacy Dive and I am the host of the Literacy Dive podcast. It's true, I basically eat, sleep and breathe all things literacy. Despite my favorite subject being math literacy was the area my students needed the most support. So I shifted my intention focus training and learning to basically become literacy obsessed and begin creating the most valuable experiences for them.


I love supporting teachers and parents by providing actionable tips and step by step strategies to help you grow strong and confident as an educator and close the literacy gaps. In one word, I would describe my approaches as simple as I want you and your students to experience success. Each Monday you will hear as I or my guest share more on relevant hot topics, literacy best practices, or reading and writing strategies that work.


You can expect to leave feeling eager, inspired and feeling better than you came reading and writing are my jam. And whether you're listening on this podcast following me on Instagram, or using resources from my TPT store or my writing membership, the daily writing disguise, I will serve you the best way I know how. If you are ready to nerd out about writing strategies, reading comprehension, genres and more, let's dive in.


The Literacy Dive is a must listen podcast for upper elementary ELA teachers. She will help you deep dive into literacy with step by step examples and engaging strategies. But she does a wonderful job keeping her ideas simple and digestible so that you don't feel overwhelmed.


We love her episode 95 descriptive writing writing leads and conclusions strategies.


Teaching writing is one of those areas that I always wished I was better at. So I love learning from other teachers who really have their writing instruction nailed down. This episode is all about teaching your students how to write attention grabbing leads and jaw dropping conclusions.


I love the really specific examples she gives in this episode four strategies you can use to teach this writing skill to your students.


You will definitely want to add the literacy dive to your Teacher Podcast playlist.


Now we can't put together a list of favorite podcasts without including this podcast Teacher Approved.


Welcome to Teacher Approved. I'm Heidi and I'm Emily. We're two sisters with a passion for helping teachers work smarter not harder. You may know us from our website, Second Story Window. With over two decades of teaching experience under our belt. We know how rewarding yet challenging teaching can be.


We know your to do list is long and sometimes the support you receive falls very short. That's why we're dedicated to designing research based resources and sharing strategies that have been tested and teacher approved.


We're so excited to add this podcast to our library resources that will help teachers like you overcome the overwhelm of teaching. You can count on us to be here each week with tips, strategies, inspiration, and plenty of real talk about teaching.


Be sure to join the teacher approved Facebook group, and connect with us on Instagram at @2ndstorywindow. That's what the two. We'd love to know which topics you'd like to hear about on the podcast.


Don't forget to follow or subscribe so that you never miss an episode. Thanks for being here. We'll see you soon.


We need an air horn.


In case this is your first time listening, or you want a little reminder about what we're about over here, Teacher Approved is a podcast created by two sisters, Heidi.


Hey, that's me.


And Emily, that's me. Our goal here is to help you elevate what matters and simplify the rest. That looks like finding ways to work smarter instead of harder, improving your routines and procedures to reduce classroom issues, building student engagement to maximize your learning time and so much more.


Our favorite episode that we've ever done is episode 35. Five ways to increase student engagement, our secret weapon for teachers. The recipe for a successful classroom includes a mixture of procedures, lesson plans, activities and relationships. But the top secret ingredient is student engagement.


If you think of student engagement as a scale, the teacher's role is to maintain a balance between structure on one side and novelty on the other. We all understand the need for structure. But by adding novelty to your day, you are shaping a productive engaged class.


One way to add novelty is to introduce surprise and delight. This unexpected addition does two things. It changes behavior and strengthens relationships. In this episode, we share five ways to apply surprise and delight in your classroom to keep that engagement scale balanced.


And if you haven't subscribed yet, be sure to add us to your podcast player.


To recap, our five must listen podcast for elementary teachers are the Literacy Lounge, The Resilient Teacher Podcast, Wife, Teacher, Mommy the podcast, The Literacy Dive podcast and Teacher Approved. We'd love to hear about your favorite teacher podcasts. Come join the conversation in our teacher approved Facebook group.


Now let's talk about this week's teacher approved tip. Each week we leave you with a small actionable tip that you can apply in your classroom today. This week's teacher approved tip is check out overcast for podcast listening. And this is a tip I need too.


Well listen up. There are so many podcast players out there. I know many people listen in Apple podcasts is that where you yesterday, or Spotify. My favorite podcast player is Overcast.


So Overcast has some features that I really love. For starters, you can pin your favorite podcasts, you can find your top shows really quickly. Of course, we think you should pin teacher approved in your player. It has some other great features for playback too. So the first one I like is smart speed, which detects moments of silence or like with music and they either like play it faster or skip over it. And the second one is voice Boost, which makes voices easier to discern when you're listening.


You can customize these features plus your specific listening speed for each individual podcast you listen to, or you can set general settings that apply to everything you listen to. I'm generally a 1.7 speed listener myself, but it does depend on the podcast and how fast the hosts talk. And so I like that I can set a custom speed and settings for each podcast.


And there are a bunch of other little nitpicky features that overcast offers as well. They are fittingly found in the nitpicky details section in the app that's handy. Now, Overcast is free. But one downside is that it is only available for iPhone users. If you Android users have a podcast app you love do let us know what it is.


To wrap up the show we are sharing what we're giving extra credit to this week. Emily what gets your extra credit?


I'm giving extra credit to the much hyped Ninja Creami. So I've actually had ours for like, well over a year. But once it arrived I got intimidated. Recently though, my oldest daughter and I finally busted it out and gave it a try. It was actually so easy to use and the creations were so smooth and delicious. It's like making a blizzard at home and you can make it with lots of healthy ingredients.


The only annoying thing is you have to remember to freeze your base mixture in the freezer for a day before you want to mix it up. But that's really not too bad because you can get extra pints so you can prepare several in advance. Oh, that makes sense. So Adelaide and I gave it two thumbs up I guess for are a thumbs up or thumbs up? What are you giving extra credit to Heidi?


Well, since we are talking podcast in today's episode, I wanted to share two non teacher podcasts that I love. And I fully admit that these are niche. So since I am a hardcore austenite if you can be hardcore about Jane Austen, these are both Austen related podcasts.


The first is called The Thing About Austen. Zan and Diane are the hosts. They're delightful. And each episode, they take a random detail like so random, like leaves or laundry, or for a sermon, just little details from a Jane Austen book. And then they share all of the cultural and historical background about those items, and how they connect to the larger meaning of the novel. It is super nerdy, and I am here for all of it. It's really so engaging, it's really well done.


And the second podcast is called What the Austen and this is a very different kind of vibe. It's more of a thoughtful fan podcast instead of a deep dive on what the Austen is he invites friends and authors on to discuss their Austen inspired novels that they enjoy or deep dive character studies or ask, you know, the hard hitting questions we've been waiting for, like, which Taylor Swift song fits each character. And they went book by book on that one. So I was like, six episodes is very, I love all of it.


And if you were a Jane Austen fan, I think that you would find something to enjoy in both of those podcasts. And if you're not a Jane Austen fan, podcamp you.


That is it for today's episode, check out these five must listen podcasts for elementary teachers, and try Emily's tip today to check out Overcast for podcast listening.





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