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076 3 Ways to Future Proof Your Business
13th February 2023 • Property Solopreneur with Rachael Troughton • Rachael Troughton
00:00:00 00:20:06

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It may be difficult to plan ahead where you’re uncertain about how the property market would develop, but If you want property investing to work for you long term, you’ll need to put some extra measures in place to secure your future right from the start. In today’s episode, I’ll be talking about the developments you need to pay attention to right now, and I’ll share the 3 essential ways to future proof your business.


What You’ll Learn:

  • Two definite things that will happen in everybody’s lives and how to live around them

  • What kind of changes will be coming into the property market regularly and how it will impact your work and finances

  • 3 essential tips on how to future proof your property business

  • The importance of a working capital and how it can help your property business long term

  • How to implement strategy days and align your actions with your desires for the future 


The journey to a future where you get to live your dreams is just like every other journey - you need to make preparations beforehand. So pay attention to what goes on in the property market, move with the tides, take notes, do your research and make the necessary changes that will help secure a bright future for you and your property business.



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