Artwork for podcast The Enneagram in a Movie
S1E17: Rocky, Rocky Balboa, Creed, and the Inner Triangle of the Enneagram (Part 2)
Episode 1713th May 2021 • The Enneagram in a Movie • Enneagram Arts and Entertainment
00:00:00 01:21:17

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S1E17: “Rocky, Rocky Balboa, Creed, and the Inner Triangle of the Enneagram” (Part 2) This episode takes a deep dive into the Core Qualities and continues with the saga of the underdog boxer from Philadelphia, Rocky Balboa. We skip over all the Rocky movies with a number in the title and meet up with middle-aged Rocky wrestling with personal loss and deep sadness but ultimately finding meaning in service to others being true to himself. We discuss how Rocky’s journey represents the process we all go through as we learn to express the potential of our deepest self.




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