Men are more rapidly than ever flocking to men’s work, and we aren’t talking about men working out. They’re going to places where they can feel safe about being vulnerable and able to be open about what they are feeling. But does it work?
Andrew Newman, children’s author, well known for his Conscious Bedtime Stories series, shares candidly the benefits that he has received as an active participant in many different types of men’s work programs. While at times it terrified him, he now knows what it truly means to experience that sense of safety and belonging in the company of men.
About Andrew
Andrew Newman is the award-winning author and founder of Conscious Bedtime Stories, a growing series of bedtime stories purpose-built to support parent-child connection in the last 20 minutes of the day. His professional background includes deep training in therapeutic healing work and mindfulness. He brings a calm yet playful energy to speaking events and workshops, inviting and encouraging the creativity of his audiences, children K-5, parents, and teachers alike.
Andrew has been an opening speaker for Deepak Chopra, a Tedx presenter in Findhorn, Scotland, keynote speaker at Dr. Becky Bailey’s Conscious Discipline Conference and author-in-residence at the Bixby School in Boulder, Colorado. He is a graduate of The Barbara Brennan School of Healing, a Non-Dual Kabbalistic healer and has been actively involved in men’s work through the Mankind Project since 2006. He counsels parents, helping them to return to their center, so they can be more deeply present with their kids.
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