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I Ain’t Going Nowhere | Marcia Dixon
Episode 3330th August 2023 • Scars to Stars™ Podcast • Deana Brown Mitchell
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Marcia’s story will be in the upcoming Scars to Stars Vol 3 Book! We dive into her journey as a cancer survivor and how her faith has carried her through.

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About the Guest: 

Daughter of the Most High God,

Disciple of Jesus and Kingdom Builder

“Blessed be the Lord, Because He has heard the voice of my supplications! The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him.”

—Psalm 28:6-7

As a cancer overcomer, total health coach, spiritual ambassador, and entrepreneur, MARCIA D. DIXON is always ready to empower, edify, educate, encourage, and guide individuals into Total Wholeness. “Do you want to be made whole?” —John 5:6

Marcia has been happily married to her husband for 34 years and has five phenomenal children. Her third child is dealing with several special needs and requires around the clock supervision. Despite the demands of raising a disabled child, she and her husband give all five children lots of love, direction, spiritual guidance, and all they need to flourish! 

Marcia holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing and Management, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology. She is the Founder and Spiritual Ambassador of Rise And Be Healed Ministries. She also assists her brother, Senior Pastor of The Victory Zone Christian Fellowship International, as Associate Pastor.

Currently Marcia works as President of Sales and Affiliate Programs for Ijascode Handsoff Marketing System. She’s also the founder and Total Health Coach of One Life International, an extension of Rise And Be Healed Ministries, with the mission of coaching and consulting individuals ready to go from OK to Excellent in spirit, mind, and body. She believes God wants us all to live abundantly and to detox and rebuild, so we can rise and be healed—spirit, mind, and body!

If you are ready to grow to the next level spiritually, mentally, and physically, contact Marcia at:

About Deana:

Deana Brown Mitchell is a driven, optimistic, and compassionate leader in all areas of her life.

As a bestselling author, speaker and award-winning entrepreneur, Deana vulnerably shares her experiences for the benefit of others. As a consultant/coach, she has a unique perspective on customizing a path forward for any situation. 

Currently President of Genius & Sanity, and known as “The Shower Genius”, she teaches her proprietary framework created from her own experiences of burnout and always putting herself last...  for entrepreneurs and leaders who want to continue or expand their business while taking better care of themselves and achieving the life of their dreams.

In 2022 Deana released the book, The Shower Genius, How Self-Care, Creativity & Sanity will Change Your Life Personally & Professionally.

Also, Deana is the Founder & Executive Director of The Realize Foundation. She is a suicide survivor herself, and vulnerably uses her own mental health journey to let others know there is hope. The Realize Foundation produces events and publishes books that let people know there are not alone.

“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds” Jeremiah 30:17

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Deana Brown Mitchell:

Hi there, it's Deana with The Realized Foundation. And I am here today with Marsha Dixon, who's one of our scars to stars, volume three authors. So welcome Marsha. And I would love you to say anything else you want to say about yourself. And then tell us a little bit about your chapter.

Marcia Dixon:

Well, thank you, Deana, I'm so so privileged to be here, especially with you. When I first met you. I'm like, wow, I think I want to do this project. Because, you know, Linda Housden invited me. And I kept saying no, because I was busy. But then in the back of my spirits, like, you know, God wants you to write a book, well, I don't know how to write a book, I don't know what to do. So I said, let me just get on this, you know, this is a, and then I saw you and I heard you, and I saw your heart. And then I met DME. And I said, wow, they do all this, for this donation. And that's it. And they help like this. And the community is great. Wow, I think I want to become a part of this. And so I'm just very excited to be here. And I'm a spiritual ambassador and founder of rise and be healed ministries. God gave me that assignment years ago, but you never know when it's going to play out. Now, a time such as this. Now, it's time for me to be here, because I'm also a cancer overcomer. And I want everyone to know if they have cancer, or any other disease or problem or symptoms of something coming up. They don't have to be alone. Because guess who's their God, He made you. And he wants to have a relationship with you. And if you go to him, instead of run from Him when something's wrong, or you're scared, he will see you through. And that's what happened with me.

Deana Brown Mitchell:

That's awesome. I know, you're, I love, I loved reading your story. And I'm super excited about the fact that you gave us two pictures, so people could see the transition that you went through in your in our book, and at the end of your chapter. And so I'm just excited to share your story and this conversation, because even when you got on here today, if you're, you're showing people that are scared to get on camera, that is okay, and that it's going to be okay, it's going to be fine. And so I feel like everything we do is showing someone else that they can do the same thing, whether it's healing, or whether it's faith, or whether it's getting on video.

Marcia Dixon:

And that was a big one for me, Dina, but you know, you know what helped me out, I finally took my eyes off of self. And I said, I'm here to impact and help others. I'm here to bless others. So stop looking at how you feel. And I just say I decrease and God increases. And I'm here to help others because that's what I'm here for. And so when he gave me was rise and be healed, and the theme he gave me was detox and rebuild. So you can rise and be healed and be restored. So me journey journey along with people who are ready to go from okay to excellence in spirit, mind and body. That's what I do. I set up a program to help them and detoxes first, because you got to get the junk out your trunk, right. That's what I say, get the junk out the trunk. So you can climb up the ladder to success. You can't go up the stairs, well, with a lot of junk on your back. And that spirit, mind and body. So we come up with ways to get rid of like strongholds, things in your spirit things in your mind, and especially body. God wants us balanced. And the theme, the theme scripture that goes along with rise and be healed is John five, six, do you want to be made home? Are you ready? Really ready? Then join me. And I will come alongside you and help you to go from okay to excellence and all three of those areas. And we will have fun along the way and get the results that you're looking for.

Deana Brown Mitchell:

That's awesome. It's true, because you talk about balance and you can't you can't have you have to have all three. It's like It's like the three legged stool that they talk about. Even in business. Like you can't have just one thing going well, you have to have all three things going well, to be that whole like happy person.

Marcia Dixon:

Yes, because I know people that are rich, they have a lot of money, but their health is poor. And their mindset. They're kind of bogged down with things from the past and they're kind of like in a negative state, although they're making money. That's not fun. And then there's people that they're positive. They're always talking about positive things, but they're not exercising, not eating right. And they're barely their spiritual life is kind of slacking. Then you have people that are all in the Spirit, you know, they're just walking in the Spirit helping people reading the Bible, they're close to the Lord, but then they don't have any money. And they're kind of like in a poverty mindset. So all that goes together. And when I went through cancer, it was a good time for me. And that sounds weird. A good time. When is there a good time? Because way back when whenever I'd hear someone had the C word, as I called it, oh, my gosh, how can anybody survive that I was so fearful of it. And you know, God says, Don't fear 365 times he says, Do not fear. But back then before I had the Lord, like I do now, and a relationship, I was fearful. But after that relationship, just give yourself totally tune and walk with him. It's like when I got the news, I'm sorry to tell you, Marsha, but you have her to positive breast cancer. And people say, Oh, my gosh, what did you do? What did you say? Did you cry? No. Because at that time, the hands of God just enveloped me, and gave me hope. And so when people would ask me, oh, my gosh, how are you doing? I said, I'm fine. I'm not going anywhere. But I really said, I ain't going anywhere. I have one wonderful husband, five beautiful kids and a ministry. I'm not going anywhere. And so that right, there was a mental state of mindset of, no, I'm not going anywhere, I have something here to live for. It's not my time, I will be here. And so that's what my chapter is talking about your mindset and your heart set and following the Lord and obeying Him and developing a right relationship with them, you will get through. And that's what you want, and never, ever quit.

Deana Brown Mitchell:

That's good advice. I think it's a you know, our mind is such a strong thing. And we can be in fear, like you said, and have these negative thoughts. And that can control us sometimes. Yes. And then sometimes you can, you can have the opposite your mind is what gets you through believing that, you know, for me, and you and a lot of people that God is in control of we are not Yes. And that he has a bigger plan than we can imagine. Yeah. And, you know, just believing that and believing that we can do whatever it is we're trying to get through is really powerful.

Marcia Dixon:

Yes, yes, faith, and then you have faith, but then you have to have works, you know, faith and works. And that's what I decided to do. Because I was very excited about the end result. But one thing I learned is learn to go through and endure and even enjoy the process, because you never know what it's leading you to. And don't get married to the outcome. let God handle the outcome. So you go through the process, and just know that he's right there with you. And that's what I decided to do. That's the other thing he gave me that I that I have in my chapter, decide then do, it's all up to you. Mindset is key if you want to live and walk free. And so when I decided that's what I was going to do, that's what happened. You write the chapter with your own paintbrush, what you say, and your tongue, I always say don't get hung by your tongue speak what you want to happen. And that's what will happen. Because where you're where your focus goes, your energy flows. So let it flow in the direction you want it to go, which is up and in excellence.

Deana Brown Mitchell:

You have so many cool we're gonna have to write those down somewhere, probably haven't written down, but I need to write it down. That is so true. I think it's also just community, for some reason is coming up in my head and the community around people who are struggling with anything, and how that is so important to surround yourself with people who are going to lift you up and be positive and, and show you know, show the way if they've been there and you haven't. And it makes me think about my husband, his his blood type is the positive

Marcia Dixon:

Oh, positive.

Deana Brown Mitchell:

So he's always making jokes about that. When he you know, he is that positive person or me for sure. Especially when I'm having depression, come and go and stuff. He's always that positive force in my life. And so it's good to have the I was saying like that you said, even if it's different for somebody who's listening, but to have those affirmations or those positive things, or those aspirations, even, like on your bathroom mirror or on your wall somewhere where you're constantly seeing those, and reinforcing them in your head, so your brain is is on the right wavelength to get you where you're trying to go.

Marcia Dixon:

Because I also learned that the brain, it doesn't know if it's real or fake. And so your subconscious, if you keep hearing positive things, it's going to start going in that direction, if it keeps hearing negative things that veer toward that way. So that's why it says, you know, speak life and not death.

Deana Brown Mitchell:

Yeah. Do you ever listen to this? TobyMac?

Marcia Dixon:

No, I have not had.

Deana Brown Mitchell:

He's a he's a Christian music artists. And he kind of started out on the rap side of things. But he still talks about Christian things. And he has a hashtag speak life on everything he does. And so he had an album that was called that, and it's, his messages are all about that. It's really cool. That's good. Well, I want to ask you another question, which is about your, you know, when I know when they invited you to join the scars to source project, but I want to ask you about your journey, since you started there about writing your own story and about the community and what your experience has been?

Marcia Dixon:

Well, first off, I want to say thank you, because you made it a pleasurable experience, because I'm telling you, I've been thinking, thinking thinking and talking about talking about doing a book for a long time. And getting me off of that procrastination mode. I'm going to do it, you know, that island called Sunday, I'll you know, but I just kept talking about doing it Do I said, No, I just decided, and then did I said, let me just do this. Then what comes and I discovered I'm not the only one other people kind of go like, well, I don't know if I can do this. I wonder if I'm going to do it. Right? I wanted this and that stop wondering and thinking and just do it. Because when you just start. Things just happen. God opens up doors. And so you know what I did one night, I said, You know what, I'm not going to prolong this. The date, I came in late, because I learned about it. And I came in during your process, I think it was halfway through. But then I said, You know what, I'm gonna do this, if I'm gonna do this, let me just do it. So I pray. And I just sat on my, on my laptop, and I just start going and start typing. And God just helped me through I just kept going and kept going. I actually had fun. And then when I finished a task, I actually I just got excited. Because now I'm doing what God told me to do. It's a collaboration, but it leads to doing your own book. But now it's getting out what my experience was, so I can help people. So when I did that, I was very excited. I said, Wow, I pass, I push past that procrastination, si PPP, push past procrastination. So I did that. And then Demi makes it, you know, she's the, the editor. And it's like, she's very kind and nice to and helpful. And, and you guys are just always there, and you made it simple. And I really appreciate it. Keep saying that. And I'm gonna keep telling people to come and do a book with Miss Dina brown Mitchell and the realize Foundation, because it is awesome. And so on. To get involved. Yes,

Deana Brown Mitchell:

Marcia, you're awesome. I'm so glad that you're that I got to meet you. And, and that we get to do this together. And I know that your story is going to help many people that are maybe just getting a cancer diagnosis, and they don't know how to deal with that. Because it's not easy. No, and I lost a grandparent, like in the 70s to colon cancer. And that was kind of my first introduction to that. But I know now things are very different now than they were then. Back then. And you know, there's a lot of people using alternative things to in different ways. And I'm not gonna go off on that tangent but but there's just so many things available today that there wasn't available 50 years ago.

Marcia Dixon:

And you know what I'm thinking about since you said that people you say you should go speak and what's been in my heart and I haven't made it happen, but I want to go back to the cancer war where I was and just get up there and just say some encouraging words and even go by the person and that's, you know, on the, what he called infusion in the infusion stalls. Just go in there and smile and tell him it's gonna be okay and I am an overcomer and I'm praying For you just something encouraging, because people like, yeah,

Deana Brown Mitchell:

that would be awesome. And now you'll have a book to leave with them.

Marcia Dixon:

Oh, yes, I would. Good. Yes.

Deana Brown Mitchell:

Or no, we've donated a lot of our books to like jails and, and homeless shelters and libraries. But you know, that cancer ward would be a really good place to donate some books to.

Marcia Dixon:

Yes, yes. Very true. Wow, this is exciting.

Deana Brown Mitchell:

I'm excited. So for anyone listening, the volume three book is going to come out on September 22. So we hope you will join us to celebrate this third book, and all the stories and it was incredible stories in this book. I'm from all all walks of life and all kinds of different adversity, so excited to get it out in the world. And yeah, is there anything else you want to say or talk about?

Marcia Dixon:

Hmm. I think we've kind of said it all. But let's see, what I'm working on now just say is a YouTube channel is going to be called nuggets for life. With Marcia de. And some of those, you know, some of those little things, sayings and things that God put in my heart to say to people to help them along and, and just share with people how they can overcome. I also have an overcomer series where I'll be interviewing people that overcame something from all from against all odds and, and different abuse situations, and depression and all kinds of things. And I want to hear their story, be a short little clip of how what happened to them, and how they made it through. And it's to help people. So I have all that coming, coming forth. So I'll give you the information so that you can put it out. So everybody will know how they can contact me, and also my YouTube channel, I'm very excited to get that done. And my family is helping me along with it. Like my daughter, my oldest daughter, because they know about all that technology. And I'm still learning.

Deana Brown Mitchell:

Yeah, well, we'll make sure that the links for whatever that that is your YouTube channel or whatever you're doing that we have that in your at the end of your chapter, if it's not already, we'll put that in before we publish. So anybody who reads the book will have that information, for sure.

Marcia Dixon:

Okay, then I also forgot to mention the other part, my counseling and coaching program, I do some of that with the rise and be healed. But if a person wanted to hire me to be like a personal coach, and help them out with meal planning, and doing everything custom made for them, that's called One Life International. And the theme for that is you only have one life. So one life and national have a website and everything, but everything is being, you know, redone and upgraded. Because I started that way back in 2015, when God put it on my heart to do, but sometimes you start off doing things and life comes in the way and you kind of get off track. But guess what, you're never out of sync. When you're when you put God first. Sometimes you're just going through and learning. And then when it's really time to open up doors and pull things together, and you're off. And I feel that's what he's doing with me. So I stopped getting mad at myself saying I was late or I am too old. And oh my goodness, I can't believe I did all this. Have mercy on yourself. Forgive yourself, because that's one thing. You know, you forgive everyone else. And I always forgot to forgive Marsha, you have to forgive yourself. So I did that finally. And now I'm just allowing God and His perfect will to come in. And my heart is open. So along with his program, and I'm gonna lighten up on Marsha and stop beating up on you feel lighter that way do

Deana Brown Mitchell:

Yeah, it's true. I think we all do that even when we don't realize it. So yes, it's important that we learn how to put ourselves first sometimes and how to, you know, let our brain experience some relief through some kind of self care or something like that. So you can be more productive and present and all of those things.

Marcia Dixon:

Yes, yes, yes.

Deana Brown Mitchell:

Yeah. Well, thank you so much for having this conversation with me. And I can't wait for the book to be done.

Marcia Dixon:

Me too. I'm very excited. And I thank you for having me on. It's your pleasure.

Deana Brown Mitchell:

You're welcome. And I'll say what I always say, you matter, you are enough and you are worthy.



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