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Forecast: December 19th - 25th, 2022
Episode 3119th December 2022 • Astrology Hotline • Kyle Pierce
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This forecast covers the astrology for the week of December 19th through December 25th, 2022. This weeks main astrological events include Jupiter's ingress into Aries, the Sun moving into Capricorn as well as a New Moon in Capricorn.

Kyle Pierce: Consultations - Ko-Fi Donations - Instagram

Lofi Hiphop Intro 13 by TaigaSoundProd



Happy Calm Intro 05 by TaigaSoundProd



Disco Club by WinnieTheMoog




Kyle Pierce:

Hello, you're listening to astrology hotline. And this is the forecast for September 19 through December 25 2022. Hope you are all feeling infused with the holiday spirit this week. Our

Kyle Pierce:

time living in the world, you know that it is rife with sometimes infuriating contradictions, which Jupiter in Pisces, especially if you don't have it neatly, can be of some help in sort of coming to

Kyle Pierce:

connect with Jupiter and Pisces, or at least some of that energy and vibe before Jupiter leaves us or departs or the wild less grandiose and transcendental terrain, Aries nonetheless, a bit more

Kyle Pierce:

maybe those just those little fragments or even crumbs are left with the moon and Scorpio you know maybe some of those ships at the bottom a little fragments or you know that rotten kind of thing or

Kyle Pierce:

bag. And where did it get me? And often those moments can be clarifying moments where You decide that, you know, you're not really getting anywhere, feeding this potato chip, lust, you know, this

Kyle Pierce:

morning, we get to a opposition with Uranus, Uranus is particularly adept at breaking patterns, or otherwise disrupt disrupting the ordinary flow of things. This could be a moment of maybe reaching

Kyle Pierce:

in the third decade of Scorpio and the third Deccan of Aquarius, in the near the themes around the third Deccan of Scorpio is that sort of becoming acquainted with the inevitable result of me

Kyle Pierce:

most of that kick to say just be done with it. And maybe instead, you know, get a take a kickboxing class or something. And once the evening the sun ingresses into Capricorn, and starts to approach a

Kyle Pierce:

Reduce the heat to the point where you're no longer resisting gravity, you know, steadily can't just turn it off. You got to get it down gently. And when you get into this space Second of all,

Kyle Pierce:

when you get into this first section of Capricorn, you know your balloon has landed. And you have to acquaint yourself with the earth upon which you've landed. Where are you enough to get a sense of

Kyle Pierce:

already here and how our agenda might be facilitated or not be facilitated by you know what's already established, you know, so you come out of your hot air balloon and your intention is to

Kyle Pierce:

something like an entrepreneurial endeavor to maybe initiate one or to start laying the groundwork is Jupiter certainly can provide an abundance of confidence and perhaps charisma, to maybe sell an

Kyle Pierce:

just coming in to Capricorn, joining Venus and Mercury, as well as Pluto. And we have Saturn in Aquarius, and this is about is Saturn heavy, as things are gonna get for a while, you know, Saturn

Kyle Pierce:

restrictive? What is it about our position within them that needs to change and what is it about those structures that we may feel need to change? And are we in a position to change them? Or are

Kyle Pierce:

constructed, I remember it was a lot of images, and you're required to basically react to them in a very short period of time, and for the vast majority of the class myself included, discovering, you

Kyle Pierce:

that those beliefs and patterns exist, and simply make decisions with that in mind. And these are, these are Saturn things, you know, these are entrenched things that exist, both within society and

Kyle Pierce:

Gemini. And while the sun moving into Capricorn, points to a lot of the conflicts that maybe showed up for for people over the last few weeks, sort of either dying down, or at least becoming a bit

Kyle Pierce:

else? Didn't necessitate a blow up? Or did it? Was it the symptom of a of a deeper problem? Or was it just something that could have been handled by a simple conversation? But maybe it didn't?

Kyle Pierce:

you know, dramatic episodes over the last couple of weeks may have reappear on a smaller scale, possibly, we may just have some opportunities to sort of put those, put those to bed or move on.

Kyle Pierce:

need to experiment a little bit, try a few different things you know, maybe you'll be at the grocery store you'll see kale chips, you never had those before maybe sound gross, but you know, give him a

Kyle Pierce:

somebody a gift for no reason whatsoever. Those are often the best gifts, the ones he just, there's no real reason or prerequisite for now Friday, we get our new Moon in Capricorn. And all most of us

Kyle Pierce:

real a little more tangible. So even if you want to wait until New Year's to follow through with your resolution, I would say the New Moon in Capricorn might be a nice time to declare the

Kyle Pierce:

conjunction with Venus Saturday morning, followed shortly after by conjunction with mercury. And you know Pluto too. But you know, at least as far as I'm concerned when I'm looking at Pluto, you know a

Kyle Pierce:

mutable sign rising, which will make Mercury the ruler of at least two of the angular houses in your chart, or if you're in a perfected year ruled by Mercury, or otherwise, very tied to Mercury, you

Kyle Pierce:

And Christmas morning, we'll actually start off with a nice little moon sextile Jupiter as the moon ingresses into Aquarius, which I can find little to complain about there. And overall, no real deep

Kyle Pierce:

If you have a question you would like to hear answered on astrology hotline. Email us at astrology hotline



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