Artwork for podcast Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals
Stop Skipping Workouts! Steal My Proven Plan For Any Schedule
Episode 7012th June 2024 • Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals • Stephen Box
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Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the demands of daily life, to the point that exercise, nutrition, and sleep—the self-care trifecta—are the first things to go?

You're not alone. In our fast-paced world, where job stress, caregiving duties, and personal commitments take center stage, it’s easy to feel like there’s simply no time for fitness. The irony? When stress levels peak and you skip workouts, you actually set yourself up for even more stress, poor health, and a faster decline in physical conditioning.

But what if I told you there’s a solution that can help you fit exercise into the busiest of schedules? By the time you finish listening to this episode, you’ll discover:

  • A Simple, Effective Strategy to Make Exercise a Part of Your Daily Routine
  • The importance of maintaining even minimal physical activity and how it combats stress.
  • How to create a personalized exercise plan that adapts to your busy schedule.

So tune in, because this episode might just be the game changer you’ve been looking for!

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Stephen Box:

Do you find yourself struggling to fit exercise into

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your already busy schedule?

Stephen Box:

If so, you're not alone, and today's episode is going to be the one you

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definitely do not want to miss.

Stephen Box:

Because I'm giving you my number one strategy for fitting in exercise,

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even when you really don't have time.

Stephen Box:

And that's coming up next, right here on Unshakable Habits.


The right habits can help you have it all.


More time, better health, improved relationships, and less stress.


But most people lack the tools to stick with those habits


long enough to see results.


That is about to change.


Welcome to Unshakable Habits with your host, Stephen Box.


It's time to take your habits from unsustainable to unshakable.

Stephen Box:

Welcome back, you are tuned in to episode 70 of Unshakable Habits.

Stephen Box:

I am your host, Stephen Box.

Stephen Box:

Yesterday, we talked about how to say no to people so you can

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buy back some of your time.

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But if you haven't developed that skill yet, there's a good chance that

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you've got a pretty busy schedule.

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And one thing I can tell you is people who have really busy schedules,

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workouts, nutrition, sleep, usually one of the very first things to go.

Stephen Box:

As a matter of fact, let me share a couple of quick numbers with you guys.

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Here's what's next!

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These are from coaching clients entering a coaching program, and these are

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people from various programs, around.

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62 percent of the participants said that they had trouble exercising regularly

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because of the demands of daily life.

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Keep in mind, these are people going into coaching, not people

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who are already coaching.

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87 percent said they find it difficult to deal with stress

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at least some of the time.

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89 percent of those who work deal with moderate to high job stress, and

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88 percent of caregivers deal with moderate to high caregiving stress.

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So in other words, if you're hearing the sound of my voice right now, whether it's

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just work, maybe you're taking care of small children or an aging parent, or

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you just maybe run a business, you have something else going on that's causing

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a lot of stress for you, it's a good chance that at least some of the time

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you're not dealing with it very well.

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And when that happens, exercise, nutrition, sleep.

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are probably the first three things to go.

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That self care trifecta is the first thing that gets abandoned by a lot of people.

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I want to give you a tool today, a strategy, that is going

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to help you be able to still get exercise in consistently.

Stephen Box:

I wish I could give you nutrition and sleep today too, but I only have

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so much time on a single episode.

Stephen Box:

But I want to give you this strategy that's going to help you

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get the exercise in consistently.

Stephen Box:

And just real quick, I want to share with you a personal story.

Stephen Box:

When I was losing my 80 pounds, I was working with a trainer.

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He was a Navy SEAL or former.

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I'm not sure exactly the right way to say that.

Stephen Box:

I don't want to offend any Navy SEALs out there.

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So I'll just leave it at he's a Navy SEAL.

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And he would do these crazy.

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So once I started getting in better shape and I decided to pursue this passion

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of helping people with their health and eventually that turned into habits, but

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I started off as a personal trainer and so me and him became good friends and we

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used to train together and so I would do these crazy two hour workouts with him.

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So 45 minute to 60 minute workouts honestly seem short to me and there

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came a time in my life where I'm working really hard trying to build my business,

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do all these things, and I just didn't have time for hour long workouts.

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But my mentality was, if I can't do the hour, it's not worth it, right?

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And the reality is, I was really putting myself in a bad spot.

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Because when we are stressed, one of the absolute best stress relievers,

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and trust me, I was stressed.

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When we are stressed, one of the best stress relievers is, So if we are taking

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away one of the best stress relievers out the box as soon as stress hits,

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what do you think happens to stress?

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Doesn't get any better, right?

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What's even crazier is, they've actually been able to look at this and note that

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when we are stressed, even if you're in great shape beforehand, if you get

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away from working out for a little while and you are stressed, it actually

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increases the deconditioning process.

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So in other words, if you took a week off and went on vacation, or you took a

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week off because you were super stressed out, You would actually come back more

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deconditioned from the stress state, even though it was the same amount

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of time out of the gym, crazy, right?

Stephen Box:

So that's where I was and I was fortunate.

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I had a really good friend I have a network of other coaches and trainers

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and everybody that I'm friends with And I was talking to one of my friends and he

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went dude, what would you tell a client?

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Would you tell a client just don't worry about it If you don't have 45 minutes

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or would you tell them just get what you can and he was right and I knew better

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And I just I didn't do better, right?

Stephen Box:

So the strategy that I'm about to share with you is what I relied

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on to get me out of that slump.

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And this is a concept I learned actually at Presidio Nutrition.

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I have several certifications through them including my nutrition

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cert, my master health coaching certification, and my sleep stress

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management and recovery certification.

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And a couple of specializations like behavior change, metabolism, different

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dietary approaches, things like that.

Stephen Box:

the concept that they have is that It's called the dial method.

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And I love this concept.

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You can apply this to anything, but I'm really just going to focus on what this

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looks like in terms of movement right now.

Stephen Box:

So here's the idea.

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Think about one of those old school radio dials.

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For those of you close to my age, I'm turning 46 this year.

Stephen Box:

So for those of you close to my age, remember the old school radio dials.

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I don't even know if they have these anymore.

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But you would just turn it in the volume and it had the little

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numbers going all the way around.

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Except for our dial doesn't have an off and that's because

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there is no such thing as off.

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We're always looking to do something.

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The idea is we want to figure out what is 1, what is 10, and then

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what's everything in between.

Stephen Box:

So I'm going to give you some examples here.

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But before I do, I want to walk you through This five step

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process for figuring this out.

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So step one, consider the areas of your life where you'd

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like to change or improve.

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So in our instance, we're going to say exercise.

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So step two, ask what's the absolute most I could do?

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What is your 10?

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Step three, ask what's the absolute least that you could do?

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So I even like to take this a step further and ask my clients.

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If everything around you is total chaos, what could you still actually

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manage to get done recently?

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That's your 1.

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Step 4, use your 10 and then fill in the other points on the dial.

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We're going to do that here in a minute.

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And step 5, refer to your dial whenever life gets busy or slows down.

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You'll see what we mean by that here in just a second.

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let's take exercise as our example.

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maybe A 10 is like intense daily training, right?

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so we're talking like tactical military type training.

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like my boy Rob, that was the trainer I worked with.

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His name was Rob.

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so we're talking like Rob workouts.

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two hours in the gym every day doing different stuff.

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that's what we're talking about.

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That's a 10.

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A one.

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is just parking a little bit further from the office and walking.

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That's a one.

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That's like super easy to do, right?

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no matter what's going on, you're going to work anyway, so you just

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park a little further out, right?

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Even if it's raining, get that umbrella, that's fine.

Stephen Box:

So now we got to start filling in, what are the blanks?

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So two, might be taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

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A three is just doing a 10 minute workout next to the bed in the morning.

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A four is reasonably challenging 30 minute workouts three times a week.

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A five might be three 30 minute workouts a week plus a daily 20 minute walk.

Stephen Box:

So all it is a four plus the daily walks, right?

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Six is three one hour gym workouts a week plus a daily walk.

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A 7 is your gym routine 4 times a week, hiking on the weekends.

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An 8 could be 5 one hour workouts per week plus a daily one hour walk.

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And then a 9 could be challenging 60 to 90 minute workouts 6 days a week.

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So that would be your fitness scale.

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And now, if you didn't get to all the details of that, you can

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go back and listen to this over and over again if you want to.

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Or, you can just not really worry about it and just make up your own

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scale because it doesn't really matter.

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The examples I gave aren't relevant to anything.

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They're not set for some specific goal or anything.

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They're just examples.

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don't feel bad if you didn't get those.

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You can just come up with your own.

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But feel free to listen back just to get an idea of the way

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that they build upon one another.

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And that's the idea.

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Now, here's what I tell clients.

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When things are bad, go between 3.

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When things are great, go from 8 to 10.

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And what will happen is that most days you'll find yourself

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somewhere between a 4 and a 7.

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And if you can consistently stay between a 4 and a 7, you're

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going to see fantastic results.

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Stephen Box:

So that is the dial method and I'm telling you if you apply it,

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it is an absolute game changer.

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It helped me get out of my workout funk, helped me start getting more

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consistent with that and has made exercise a part of my life ever since.

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No matter what is going on because I can always turn the dial down to one.

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I can always crank it up to 10.

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if you found that helpful, please do me a favor and share this with someone else

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that you know could benefit from it.

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And if you need help creating your dial, or you want to see what this could

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look like for other areas of your life, like nutrition, or sleep, or stress

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management, or any other area of life that you might want to do this with.

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Go to unshakablehabits.

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com and click on the book a roadmap button and schedule yourself a free

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call And I will be happy to talk with you about it and share with you how

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I can actually help you to do that Tomorrow we're gonna have a episode

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specifically for the guys out there ladies you welcome to listen to because

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you know You might want to know what is causing most men to feel overwhelmed.

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And that's what I'm going to go over is the top three reasons that I have

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found, with the clients that I've worked with, why most men end up being

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overwhelmed and what to do about it.

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So that is going to be coming out tomorrow.

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But until then, I remind you, as always, that while none of us are born

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unshakable, we can all become unshakable.



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