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The Mystical Rectification of Shovavim
Episode 76th January 2021 • The Rabbi A.D. Karnowsky Show • Rabbi Avrohom Dovid Karnowsky
00:00:00 00:29:16

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Ariza"l reveals that the six weeks where we read from Shemos through Mishpatim are days where one can rectify sins that could not be rectified during the rest of the year. Rav Tzadok Hakohen of Lublin explains that going into exile, forced the Jew to look deep inwards and reach a level of crying out to Hashem from a very real and deep place. Sfas Emes points out that not having a Beis Hamikdash forces a Jew to not get stuck on anything superficial, but, rather to connect to his pure neshama in a very sincere way. Rebbe Nachamn of Breslov writes that one can cry out to Hashem in a very faint voice that no-one ese can hear. Mashiach will blow a shofar gadol which will awaken every Jew, even a Jew that has totally forgotten his Jewish identity. This is the purpose of our long exile and this is how we can merit to bring mashiach. The Jew today has no place to look outward, all one can do is focus deeper and deeper on ones essence and core and unveil Hashem's presence in a way that no previous generation could do.




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