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Developer Creates a Side Project Screenshot App and Expands It to Earn $3.8K Monthly
16th May 2024 • Startup Stories • Ankit Chandna
00:00:00 00:05:07

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In this gripping episode of "Startup Stories," we delve into the real-life entrepreneurial journey of Rishi Mohan, the brains behind the innovative SaaS platform Pika. With a monthly recurring revenue nearing his own salary, Rishi's side project has blossomed into a success story that's nothing short of inspiring. From a design engineer to a startup founder, Rishi's tale is a masterclass in balancing a full-time job while bootstrapping a profitable business.

Pika, which began as a simple tool for creating eye-catching screenshots and mockups, has evolved into a robust suite of products loved by designers, creators, and companies alike. Rishi's monologue takes us through the eureka moment that sparked the idea during his hours of meticulous design work and the subsequent validation that came with an overwhelming response on ProductHunt.

Listeners will get an insider's look at the nuts and bolts of building Pika's first version, the strategic soft launch on Twitter, and the pivotal decision to monetize the platform. Rishi's approach to growth—prioritizing product quality over aggressive marketing—has led to a loyal customer base and organic expansion.

Tune in to discover how this tenacious entrepreneur navigated the startup waters, from initial concept to a profitable venture. Learn the lessons Rishi gathered along the way, including the importance of seeking help and why experimenting is key to startup agility.

Whether you're an aspiring founder or a seasoned business owner, this episode of "Startup Stories" will leave you with invaluable insights and the motivation to turn your own ideas into reality. Don't miss this exclusive look into the startup that's automating design one API call at a time. Subscribe, listen, and let the story of Pika inspire your next big move!



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