Getting your life in sync can open the door to real fulfillment and save you from the hustle-and-grind mindset.
Today, you’ll meet Lisa Morris, a certified success coach dedicated to helping women transform their lives and finances. Her inspiring journey from being a broke single mom to achieving financial freedom and traveling the world will leave you motivated. Now, Lisa is on a mission to empower professional women to live their "yes life" by following their values, passions, and dreams.
Tune in for practical tips and Lisa’s contagious energy, and start living your best life.
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Lisa Morris:
So, everybody, this is Lisa. Her topic is aligned to thrive. Lisa Morris is a success coach on a mission to empower women to revolutionize their finances and lives. From being a broke single mom with over a $1,000,000 in debt, Lisa transformed her life through sheer determination, maybe domination too, in a good way, strategic financial planning, and a shift in money mindset. She now enjoys financial stability while traveling the world and shares her journey with others. Lisa guides dynamic professional women to build sustainable wealth and achieve both financial and time freedom. Her success method helps clients design and live their dream lives, balancing career achievements with personal fulfillment and flexibility. Lisa's mission is to help every woman create the life, freedom, and joy that they envision.
Lisa Morris:
Lisa, without further ado, take us away.
Lisa Morris:
Oh, hello. Hello. So my name's Lisa Morris. I am a success coach. I empower dynamic professional women to design, plan, and live their YES life from conception to all out. Just so you know, I'm sitting in a hallway at a conference and living my all out best life. So ladies, thank you for talking about networking because that's what I've been doing for 2 days now. And we're gonna talk about aligning your life to unlock your potential and success and fulfillment.
Lisa Morris:
So what would your life look like not just surviving in life, but truly living your yes life and thriving in every area, like finances, relationships, money, careers, family, everything. What would that look like to you? Just kind of think about that for a minute. So what is aligning and living your yes life and thriving? So aligning is about living in harmony with your core values, your passion, and your mission. It's when our actions, our decisions and our goals reflect who we truly are and want out of life. So then there's that, okay, what is a yes life? What does living a yes life mean? Living a yes life is very individualized. It's really up to you what that looks like, but it's allowing you the option to choose, align, and decide what is a yes and what is a no. You don't have to say, Yes, I have to go do this today, or, Yes, I have to go to work today. I can choose, and it allows me to have opportunities, relationships, experiences of joy and fulfillment, not that beat down.
Lisa Morris:
So, then there's the aspect of thriving like how do we thrive? Well, that goes beyond just getting by. It's about flourishing in all aspects of your life from your career to your finances to your health to your relationships. And again, go back to relationships and as the ladies were talking about relationships and networking, relationships are so big. It's not just you and your family, but it's like this whole world. There's a whole world of people out there that have a unique story, have a unique need, have a want, and you might be the answer to them thriving in their life. So, we can often get so caught up in our hustle and bustle daily lives, running from here to there, being a busy mom, going from work to the kids' activities and then home to do more work and then back to bed maybe, maybe a couple hours of sleep, and then right back at it the next day. And we kind of feel like we're on a hamster wheel. But when we're aligned with ourselves and our actions and we take charge of our lives and we begin to live that yes life and aligning and thriving, we unlock a power within us that is that makes you shine even when there is storms, even when there is things that are going on.
Lisa Morris:
So making an intentional choice, we can step into life, great success and fulfillment. We're not just surviving. So I tell you all this to go back into my story, and I totally get it. You might be sitting in this space right now. I was a single mom with 2 kids. I was a professional in HR, high level. I also worked many jobs because that high level job was not taking care of all the burdens of my, my debt. I was in a dead end street.
Lisa Morris:
Like, I literally remember sitting in my cubicle and going, is this what life is gonna be? And that's when it all changed. Like, the universe answered my prayer that day and brought me amazing things. But at the time, I was depressed. I was broke. I have dyslexia. It's a downfall. It's a stepping stone. It's something that will never go away.
Lisa Morris:
I was $1,000,000 in debt, probably over $1,000,000 in debt. I had been laid off and heard the word overqualified a million and one times, like, it was very depressing and sad. I really had no friends. I really had no network. I was in my own little box to say. I was open to the success method that ignited my life. I invested $500 and it changed my life. It was a very small coaching, but it led me down a path that gave me all kinds of openings, all kinds of things in my life.
Lisa Morris:
It taught me how to take control of my bank account, how to take control of my time, and how to take control of my health. And those are our 3 main areas in life, and those are the concentrations that I concentrate on. So, today, I sit here and I tell you this, and I travel the world with my forever dad buddy. I have the most amazing relationship with my husband. I have the most amazing relationship with my kids, and it's our unique relationship. Every relationship is not the same, and what my relationship looks like might be different for you. And I I tell you that because people look at other people online today, and they're like, my life's not like that. I have this going on or I have that going on.
Lisa Morris:
to be. So I've coached over a:Lisa Morris:
My husband and I will completely retire. I'll be 47. He'll be 46. So just FYI, it can happen. But the key here that I wanna tell you is that I build and make relationships everywhere I go, which goes back to the networking side of things and the relationship building and then keeping relationships. My success has been because of relationships. It's been because of the relationships that I've made with people. So what is the problem? Why are we not aligned? Why do we feel lost or sitting in our box? So problem is that we were taught to get a good job.
Lisa Morris:
Well, actually, let's back up. We were taught myself to go to school, college, some type of career field, get a good job, get married, buy a house, have a nice car, have a kids, buy everything they want. But then what did that ultimately believe us feeling? And some of you can probably relate to this. Unfulfilled, disconnected, not our true selves. We were tapped into the cycle of just going around and round and and living groundhog today every day. So I call it sitting in my box. I was sitting actually in a cubicle and didn't know what life had for me. And so when I started to align with myself and what I wanted and where I wanted to go in life, I started thriving.
Lisa Morris:
It was almost like this flower, and I started to bloom and this amazing person came out. And so I would like for you all, if you're not driving, if you're in a safe place where you can close your eyes, And I want you to think back to your childhood when you were a little child and you were thinking about, what do I wanna be when I grow up? What did you dream of? What made you excited? What brought you joy? What brought you passion? What lit your heart up? Did you imagine adventures, love? Maybe you had the Disney fairy tale, like, I'm gonna dance around in the streets. Or maybe you thought, like myself, I thought about being a teacher, and I wanted to be a teacher. So just take a minute and think about that. I'd like you to take a deep breath and just hold that vision in your mind for a minute. And when you're ready, you can open your eyes and come back to where we're at. So you may be asking yourself, how do I get back aligned with that person, that little person, that child that I was? Well, I've got 5 steps to aligning, to getting yourself back in a line and heading back down that direction. So the first step is to reflect on your true desires, which we started doing, but you may wanna deep dive deeper into this.
Lisa Morris:
Like, what are my values? I believe everything starts with your values. You have to personally know what your values are, then what your family values are, and then going from there where your corporation, your business, so on and so forth are. And if things don't align with your values, then you might want to exit them out. You need to know what your passions are and what are your dreams. Believe it or not, I'm an avid scuba diver. Many of you might know that when you've seen the scuba diving, that was actually my wedding picture of my husband and I. We got married underwater. So, if you remember anything about me, I got married underwater.
Lisa Morris:
But as a young child, I strived for water and wanted to be in water. And that is the most I shaped, thinking about being under the water and scuba diving. Like I it's my dream. It's my passion. It's my love. And so, my husband and I now teach people how to scuba dive one of our streams of income. So, your dreams can come true. Your joy and fulfillment can come with that.
Lisa Morris:
So, the first step is to reflect on what you truly want. You got to know where you want to go. So the second step is currently evaluating where your life currently is. So, we got to know where we want to go. But we got to know where we are right now. So, these are just some general questions that you can ask yourself. Where are you spiritually? Are your relationships in your life full of love? Maybe if they're not, maybe they need to leave. Are there areas in your finances or wealth that are stressing you out and concerning you? How can we change that? What steps can we do to modify that? What's your personal growth? Are you growing every day? Are you growing every week? Are you growing every month? Some people don't know what personal growth is.
Lisa Morris:
So, starting little, maybe you need to attend one seminar like this a month or something. What is your career? Are you satisfied? Are you just satisfied? Do you want something else in life? Do you wanna be somewhere else in life? What does your social life look like? What does your health look like from a 1 to 10? Where are you at with your health? How much time do you set aside for fun? I believe that everybody should laugh every day for at least 20 minutes. Like, that will fill your heart like you would not believe. Step number 3 is setting intentional goals. So I use the SMART goal method. There's several different other types of methods. I do believe goals need to be audacious. They need to be hard to obtain, and then you set micro goals to get there.
Lisa Morris:
So goals need to be specific, measurable, achievable, relatable, and time based. Okay? Step number 4, you need to create an action plan. So your action plan can be of several different things, but it really needs to be a step by step plan. Maybe you need to prioritize tasks, maybe you need to time block, make a personal budget. The other thing I would say about this is to take it one step at a time. Don't try to change your whole world in one swoop. Start with one goal, do it for 21 days. It takes 21 days to make a habit, so start with one goal.
Lisa Morris:
I wanna be healthier, so I'm gonna drink gallon of water every day for the next 21 days. Getting in that habit, you can add things to your habits as you get used to them, but take some people need to take it slow. Some people eat the whole elephant at one time. So, decide what your eating habit is there and move forward with it in your action plan. So number 5 is reassessing and adjusting. So I do this on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis, but you need to continue to check-in with yourself. Where am I at? And I have a couple tools here to help you do a weekly review, a monthly review. So the weekly review, you wanna know what your wins are, what are your losses, what do I need to fix, How am I beating my faith and my fear? This I think this is the biggest question.
Lisa Morris:
When you're moving through actions and changing things, fear comes to play a lot. Hence, I had a lot of fear today. So fear comes to play a lot. And so, are we feeding that fear? Are we feeding the faith? We wanna really feed that faith and not that fear because when we feed that fear, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. If we feed the faith, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger, and it overtakes the fear. So am I settling or creating a burning desire for my goals? What does my perfect week look like? Like, what does a perfect week look like for you? Envisioning what that looks like can help you reach your goals. On a monthly review, I like to look at what went well, what worked well, what didn't work well. Did I actively encourage ownership of my life or leadership of my life? Did I own my life or did I lead it? What will I do differently this month to reach my goals? Who should I plug into for direction or coaching? What areas do I need to improve in to get where I wanna go to get to my goals? What are my goals for my next month? So those are some tools that you can use to review and assess.
Lisa Morris:
And finally, I just I've given you a weekly review, a monthly review. You should have gotten the Daily Wealth Navigator to help you get your finances on track because finances usually affect a lot of our life. If you got the VIP, you got the budgeting 101 class. And then if you'd like to connect with me and get some further tools, I'd love to there's a scan code here to be able to connect with you and see where you want to go and see if I can help you or connect you with somebody that can.