The “gods” are Here
Tom Donnan
How important is it that God’s people be armed with the knowledge of the spiritual battle that we are already in the middle of? Even non-believers are beginning to recognize the evil that is going on…
Jonathan Cahn put out a video where he went into detail on how the ancient world was exploited by various gods. He explained as how they worshipped these gods, they were actually worshipping demonic forces. Did you see that video?
Jonathan Cahn Video: The Return of the gods | Rabbi Jonathan Cahn | LW (
We can see the signs of this pagan culture even today, in our society. The evil we are seeing, almost every night on the news, is evidence of demonic influences and even demonic possession. Don’t you agree?
In Jesus day, He and His followers took on these evil forces head-on and demonstrated the “authority of the believer.” That’s why his followers were persecuted to the extent they were because they refused to worship the pagan gods. Do you believe that is what is behind the persecution the Christians are beginning to see happening today?
Jesus told us that when a demon is cast out, in Matthew 12:43-45, “When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, “I’ll return to the house I left.” When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. It then goes and finds seven other demons worse than itself and all of them come and live there. The last state of the man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it WILL ALSO BE with this evil generation.”
Think about it like this… America was settled by Christians seeking a place to worship the Creator of the Universe, and serve as Jesus taught us. All of our laws and foundational documents, etc. were based on Judeo-Christian values. That is why we have been so blessed.
We were able to drive any demonic forces and influences from America. They left, roamed the earth, settled in amongst various people groups…and NOW – they have returned, bringing in even worse demonic forces to reoccupy this land. And, as Jesus said, “That is the way it WILL ALSO BE in this evil generation.”
I believe this is what we are seeing right now… What do you think?
Jonathan Cahn, in his video, described HOW these gods have now returned this nation. He identified a lot of them. Do you think we are actually seeing a “repossession” taking place before our very eyes?
Go through some of the demonic forces Jonathan Cahn identified. I believe the chief force was Baal, correct?
Jonathan Cahn Video: The Return of the gods | Rabbi Jonathan Cahn | LW (
We can identify the beginning of this when God was removed from the public schools back in the 1960’s, including the sexual revolution. And the schools have continued to get worse and worse ever since then…
In the 1970’s, it was abortion.
In the 1980’s, it was pornography.
In the 1990’s, it was acceptance of homosexuality.
In the 2000’s, it was the attack on marriage.
And it just continues to degenerate through today…
This is the demonic forces behind “wokeism” – do you agree?
We have basically become slaves to our technology. This is going to be tool used by the antichrist to control the population as depicted in the Bible, right?
Jonathan Cahn also identified the spirit behind this misgendering confusion going on. Did you see that?
We have parades and pride parades, they stole the rainbow… and they used the word, “tolerance” to get their way… But in fact, they are 100% anti-tolerant towards anyone who does not accept their depravity, right?
I believe Jonathan Cahn actually identified the gods and how they had their own “month” of dedication – and it just happens to align with the “month” the government has chosen to celebrate “gay pride month” and all of that as well. Did you see that part of the video?
We are definitely living in an upside down world.
I believe we are 100% living in the days Jesus said we would see that identifies His soon return is near. Again, He said, “That is the way it WILL ALSO BE in this evil generation.”
Tom, can you pray for actual revival to come to America again?
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Jonathan Cahn Video: The Return of the gods | Rabbi Jonathan Cahn | LW (
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