In this episode a hummus bean called Hank Holbrook finds himself shrunk and compressed to the size of a ladybug's toe. After being welcomed aboard the Meeporpian spaceship and introduced to the crew, Hank is informed that he is actually on Earth, and is looking for a way to get back to his wife and friends in Sioux City. Shipward reveals he can reprogram Hank's black hole to restore him to his normal size and transport him to Sioux City. Meanwhile, the crew receive a visit from Inspector Ash, who is investigating the fire that destroyed the House of Saws, Drills and Holes. During the questioning, Hank reveals he has a mysterious child's arm growing out of his abdomen. Yuri and Guri then discuss the possibility of an attack from their enemy Gorgon Zola, and plan to come up with a way to fend him off. This summary was written (mostly) by our new intern, AI. I know what you're thinking, but it actually stands for Albert Ignacious the Third.