Artwork for podcast Creative Fuel for Underdogs: Using Creativity to Achieve Success
The Power of the 2 Minute Brainstorm | Creative Brainstorm
8th August 2024 • Creative Fuel for Underdogs: Using Creativity to Achieve Success • Julie Stout
00:00:00 00:26:38

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Tap into solutions and start enjoying synchronicities with the 2-minute brainstorm.  Generate positive momentum as you transform issues into opportunities.   

Episode Highlights: Building Your Life Through Creativity

Welcome to Episode 6!

  • This episode recaps key lessons from the journey so far and focuses on unlocking the power of creativity.
  • Discover how creativity is the ultimate tool for building anything—from a business to a fulfilling life.

Getting Out of Your Head and Into Creative Flow

  • Learn why being stuck in your head can hold you back and how it’s rooted in old programming from upbringing and past generations.
  • Explore how breaking free from that mental programming can help you tap into a better operating system—your true self.

Connecting with Your True Self

  • Understand how creativity connects you with the real “you,” the person you were born to be.
  • Reflect on how beliefs and perspectives shape your life, both now and after.

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Good morning, and welcome to this episode of our show. Quickly, I just want to recap the last two episodes and just kind of talk about what we've learned since the


beginning. And this program is all about unlocking the coolest tool that you have, which is accessing your


creativity. And it's about building something. It could be building a business. It could be building a family. It could be building an ultimate life.


It could be anything that you need to fulfill whatever passions, purpose that you have in your lifetime.


And what we've learned the last two few episodes is that it's really just about understanding that you need to get out of your head,


that being in your head, you have this broken processor that's just been programmed from ancestors, through family, through upbringing.


And you've learned all these sets of rules for how you react, how you respond, how you feel, what triggers you. And it's just really programming of a chemical release of


that creates feelings. And that isn't necessarily the best operating system. And that when you start to learn how to get out of your head, there is a


better operating system where you're connecting with the real you, the you you were born with, the you that will follow you throughout your whole life. It's perfect. And that you die


with. And then my. My philosophy is that, based on your religious beliefs, that's what happens to you afterwards if you don't. If you believe


nothing happens to you. Nothing happens to you after you die. If believe you go to heaven, you go to heaven. If you believe that you've lived many lifetimes, and this is just another one in that journey,


and you're trying to get to Nirvana, that's it. And so, for me, that last one is my reality. And I will, you know, through our episodes, I'll share you


a little bit of how I've come to realize that this is another lifetime for me. And that whole


theory of lifetimes is what this episode is about. And it's one of the theories that I was testing with what I'm going to be telling you today. The other


thing that we looked at these last two episodes is this whole idea of resiliency. So if you're using getting out of your head to be a better athlete,


to be able to play or, you know, perform from intuition, from the strongest part of


you, instead of having that horrible coach in your head saying, I'm not good enough, you're not good enough, you suck, you know, or, you know, let's say everything. I relate to basketball because my daughter was a


basketball player. You know, you'll have these kids and they miss a shot and then they won't make another shot for the rest of the game because they're like, I'm having a bad day. Or


you just get in your head and you've seen it with golfers. They get the yips, you know, and it just is, it's this whole idea that we can


improve this muscle, our resiliency muscle, our ability to put up this Teflon shield and not have our own negative coach or haters or bullies


or people outside of us that say, you shouldn't be doing this, you know, and that comes from their insecurity and not supporting you. And part of your journey may just be surrounding yourself with people


that really support you and support your vision and your passion and what you're supposed to be doing. And they recognize that. So it's this whole idea that the more you get out of your


head, the less impact these people and these thoughts have on you. And then you can put everything in perspective when you start to realize that everything


that's happening to you is not being done to you, it's being done for you. Everything that the terrible things that may have happened in your life are all part of this life that you signed up for. And, you know, this is part


of your journey. There's a why to everything and just asking the question, why, why, why? And you keep going deeper and deeper and deeper and you can start


to unravel why things have happened. And then your passions come from those things that just ignite your soul. They just, they make you feel great,


but at a whole new level of feeling great. This isn't just a good feeling. This is a feeling of like I'm in alignment with what I'm supposed to be doing, where I'm supposed to be. And then if you can


create a life built around that, around passion, about purpose, around what impact you're supposed to have, then it is the most resilient because everything


has no, wait, so bad things happen to you and like, well, that's not part of my life purpose, my journey. And so you're just able to just put everything in perspective very quickly getting out of your


head, reprogramming these intense feelings, emotions that you're having that are negative, instead of just being this normal, buoyant, happy state, you're reprogramming all of that. And then all


of a sudden, these things just don't weigh on you. You can let go of them. You can go to bed and say, I want to feel differently in the morning, I want to see a different perspective. And you'll get the insight


you need, you'll get all the answers you need. You start practicing all the things that I'm talking about, the brainstorming, the making list of ideas every day you're training


that creative muscle to take everything negative that happens and turn it into an opportunity and saying, what are all the ideas that we can do to turn this into an opportunity


to make this better for everybody? And so this idea of always going to problem solving, always trying to fix things, so that's the whole


resiliency. The second thing is the prosperity. So as I develop this just utter


resentment of materialism and this concept here in America of judging people by how much money they have, that that's


their success, you know, it just didn't make sense for me. So the whole new currency that I operate under is happiness and impact and success. And the success


is not. Success is not monetary success. Success is everything I'm talking about here. You're. You are so passionate about what you're


doing. You are just lighting up every room. Everybody you talk to, you are impacting them, because the passion that you're bringing forth, your commitment, you're living in,


this is touching something. And this could be musicians on stage, it could be authors, it could be anybody that's operating from this place. There's something in our


souls that connect with that, and you're beginning to operate from this place, and that's the prosperity. And everything about this is


good. It's kind, it's supportive, it's helpful, and it's beyond you. Your ego, your identity, your


smallness. It's all about the greatness of what you're supposed to do in this lifetime, that everybody around you is impacted by what you're doing. And so it begins to light this up


in them and it starts to change them. And so, you know, as I went through this whole journey, and I'm introducing people to this, and you know what? The foundation of this getting out of your head, which is three


principles, and everybody's like, oh, I already know it. You know, everybody brushed me off. Nobody got it. And everybody said, you just have to live it. When you start living it, when you start living from this place,


it just all, like, it all comes together. It's all miraculous. So, you know, when I came in the studio this morning, I just, I told Nick, nick's over here. He's wonderful. Anyway, I just told him, I said, you


know, you just start getting these synchronicities you just start having these amazing things happen. And it's so funny because I started, it was a really bad week, a really,


really bad week, because one of the things I identify as is a good, helpful, impactful person.


And when someone starts accusing you of not supporting you, them not being helpful immediately, I mean, defensive mode, and that's just the complete opposite. Instead of just trying to


understand more where they're coming from. And so we had that drama this week, and it was big, big, big drama, and it impacted people's jobs. And it was, it was just. It was


ugly. That's the only way to describe it. And it really. It knocked me off my center balance. It knocked me off. And, you know,


and I did my teflon. I said, you know, this really isn't part of who, who I am, where I'm going, what I'm doing, my life purpose. None of this is part of this journey, what


I'm talking to you about today. And so as when you start to get into this alignment, things just happen that you cannot


explain. So it just happened that on my schedule, and I wasn't looking at it, I wasn't prepared for it. But between the last two days after this,


like, seismic event that shook me, the last two days, I just happened to have meetings with my first three guests, and every one of them I said, hey, this is what


I'm doing. You know, I just, you know, you've already committed to being on the podcast. You know, we're getting ready to schedule those. And are you good? And everybody's like, yes. I can't wait to do it. I love it. I'm


really excited for what you're doing. And then my first guest, I'm like, I have to reach out to my first guest. I have to reach out to my first guest. I have to get her, you know, on


my schedule. And I know this is the busiest time of year for her right now. And it just happened that one of my friends, you know, once you get into this world, you get lots of friends that are


very much in alignment with you. So she owns a candy company, and she's passionate about candy and, you know, making everyone's life a little sweeter. I think it's beautiful. So that's her


passion. Anyway, so she was doing a candy bar for this fundraiser, and she actually, in exchange for doing the candy bar for the fundraiser, she got five tickets. And at last


minute, she invited my husband and I. And so we went last night, and guess who was the entertainment? My first guest. And I'm like, miranda. I'm like, hey, you know, my


podcast is going now. Hey. And she's like, I can't wait. And I said, I know this is your busiest time. Can you do it whenever you want to do it? I'm available. And so all my guests, my


first four guests, just as soon as this horrible event happened, came into my life. And, you know, it's a little choked up. You


start to see that everything starts to work, and everything says, yes, yes, yes. You're supposed to be doing this. This is the impact you're supposed to have, and it's really


cool. So the prosperity is the alignment with this. The prosperity is the impact. But


there are monetary things that. That weigh on us, and we have to do whatever we can do to keep our peace of mind is the most


important thing that we need to protect, to be able to be in a creative space, to be able to be using this. And so there is this fiscal


responsibility to balance your budget, to not spend more money than you have to use this program, use the brainstorming, use the


ideas to, how can I get more money? How can I earn more money? Maybe you love your job. Okay? And this is one of my


favorite analogies, is if you started doing. And so part of the program is you have to learn to train your creative muscle.


You have to learn every. Everything that doesn't feel right, everything that's just off, everything that it is being, it's intentional, and it's an


opportunity to solve problems or to come up with solutions. So if you're in a job that you love, but you're not making


enough money, start doing the problem solving with your company. So


start looking at, you know, this is a constant issue for us. This is a constant problem. It's hurting our flow. It's hurting our peace of


mind. So look throughout your business or your department or your own job, these are all the things that disturb my peace of mind. And then


start listing them out as problems and listing them out as priorities. And I always say, so you do the same thing in your own life, too. But you list those things that


are out of alignment. They don't feel right. They upset you. They knock you off your center. They knock other people off your center. It creates discord between departments. You know, you may be,


there may be somebody that's always upset and angry, and it's just ruining everybody's world. And so what you start to do is you start to make. And it's just two minutes a day. Brainstorming is two minutes a


day. You want to get like a little timer like the kids have for the toothbrushes, you know, and I can't, you know, claim this. There's a whole, like, there's a whole,


like, science behind brainstorming. So. But I'll share all of it with you. But you basically take a little toothbrush timer and you write out the problem, and it's better


if you can sleep on the problem, so. Because then you're coming in fully charged with ideas, you know? So you put the problem in your head before you go to bed, say, hey, put it out to whatever you believe


in, you know, put it out. The alien mothership. If you're on my team and you're saying, hey, this is the problem I want to solve today, and it's always good to start


with little problems. If you start with the biggest problem, like ending, you know, all the wars in the world, it's not going to happen. But you start with the little problem because you want to build, not only you want to


build the idea flow channel, you want to build the ability that everything's going to support you and that you start to have confidence to take the steps


from the solutions. So it's not only just coming up with the answers, it's like being able to qualify which is the best solution to present. And then what are the next steps? And then


those are the next problems that you solve. Okay, so I need to do this. How do I solve that? And then the problems become the next set of problems. And you start shifting the whole momentum where you're


taking control of your life when you're becoming a creator. So you have this job you love, and you're not making enough money. So you start to take the small problems that are happening that are disrupting


flow. They're disrupting peace of mind. They're creating drama, they're creating inefficiencies, they're creating waste. Waste is a great one, or they are creating


risk for the business. And you start to then identify all the problems that are happening around you, and then you start to do brainstorming on the solutions. You put the problem


out before you go to bed. You sleep on it. And then you start making a list of solutions. You start to compile this whole document. And then you go to your boss and say, look,


I have been observing all of these things, and I have all of these solutions. All of these solutions will help solve all of these problems. And I


believe that I can save us 20%, and I would like 10% of that, which increases my salary by 30%. But I want to be, I want to


take my ability to solve problems, and I want to take it into every department, and I want to increase the net profit of this business by 15%. Next


year would paying me 30% more and you get 15% on the other end, is that a good


value proposition? And I will still do my job, but all these things will make me so much more efficient that I'm not only doing my job, I'm bringing problem solving, I'm


bringing creative solutions into this company, and I am adding value. And as a boss that's had many employees and as a,


as an owner, as, you know, a leadership team, somebody, this, instead of just complaining about problems, but all they're doing


is coming with solutions all the time, solutions, ideas, instead of being the negative, instead of just every day the team is dragged down by these things.


You've got this one bright light in the company that's saying, hey, this is a problem we can solve. Hey, we can do better. We can get rid of this. This doesn't need to be an


issue we face every day. Hey, we can do this. And then the beautiful thing about brainstorming, the beautiful thing about problem solving and tapping into this tool is when you get


two people doing this and solving the problem, and they start to pivot off each other. And then when you get like, so let's say you take this person that's phenomenal at brainstorming


now, phenomenal creative solutions, and she works with, or he works with three people. So the ideal size for brainstorming is four people. And you don't want more than four


people in the group. You want four people. And it is always good to have somebody with an outside perspective. So somebody that has never seen the problem before is not knee deep


in the problem, and they're asking questions just to fundamentally understand what's going on. And from a place of curiosity, not saying,


well, why does it work that way? And with that implication that you or someone on your team is doing something wrong in just that curiosity, like, help me to understand the


problem, help me to understand all the things that create this and the components of it. And so you bringing this into your business and saying,


look, we can make this such a better place to work if we solve. Do do, do do do. A note from our sponsor, Advan Creative. And our featured client this week who manufactures


and installs these amazing show stopping glass features in homes and commercial buildings. And they produce and install, like, glass, brick


and glass block and walkable glass flooring. And they just completed the most stunning glass block wall at one of the most hippest


restaurants in New York City called Bad Roman. And when you go to their website and you see all the applications, so there's like a glass floor that in a home that then you


can see into the wine cellar below, or there'll be a glass balcony or a glass deck over a pool, they're just amazing. Or a walkable skylight.


Everything can be walked on, and they're just this amazing structural glass. And it really is a way for architects and designers


and interior designers to get super creative with the amazing things you can do with light and glass. So to learn more, they are absolutely the top dog in their field. So there's two


companies that we work. With that do this. It's or that's or


dot. Now, if you come to your boss and say, this place sucks, I hate working here, this is the worst, you know, and, you know, you need to fix


these things or I'm leaving, well, you can understand the response you're going to get. But if you come in and say, I can add this much value, these are all the ideas I've got. These are the


fundamental things that we face in this department. Every day I've come up with this, listen, of solutions. I know that this is just the baseline, these are just baseline ideas


to get everybody else's impact, everybody else's ideas, everybody else to. This is the base that we're all going to grow all the solutions from. And then we're all going to test


the solutions. We're going to evaluate the solutions and we're going to solve all the problems we face and we're going to be, everybody's going to enjoy working here because all the problems that are weighing everybody down


are going to disappear. And everybody has the impact and the ability to make to create this as a wonderful place to work. And


everybody is starting to see their impact. And in our work, in my agency work, it is all about taking, you know, I really, really want to work with just


brands that improve our lives. And it could be anything really tiny from like, an energy drink or it could be, you know, something that, you


know, like a yoga studio or, you know, something that impacts, you know, or a new product or something that just improves our lives, but it has no visibility.


So, you know, and it's the underdog, but it's so good and everybody needs to know about it. And we want to use social media and we want to use search engine optimization where people are googling the problem


and you are the number one solution. And so that's how we work. So we take this underdog and we make them to a champion. We take that brand, we make that brand


universal and turn them into champion. And then there's this give back component. It's what I'm talking about. It's this creator, it's this impact, it's the. It's.


Everybody on the team is buying into the bigger mission, the vision. How are you making this world better? And then you're also giving back? You know, part of all of this is


that we are here to support everybody else. We're here to help everybody else. This is all kindness, it's support. It's not about you, it's about the whole, it's about


everybody. It's about inclusion, it is about everybody's this core, fundamental part of us. No matter what we look like on the outside, it's universal. We


are all the same. No matter what we look like, no matter how we show up in this world, no matter what challenges we faced in our life, no matter what terrible things we've done in our life,


we're all, at our core exactly the same. And it's connecting all of that and it's just bringing that out. And if you have a brand that helps to do that,


if you have a brand that supports that, then that give back component, that where we want to take your brand to superhero, that's what we're all about and that's what we're passionate


about. And we're tiny, we don't take anybody, everybody on. We only take the people that we fit, that we know we can help, but we are looking to grow. So if you are a fabulous


creative and you're attracted, you want this type of impactful work, then reach out to us and we want to talk to you. If you're a potential client, we want


to talk to you and see if there is alignment to see if we can do this for you, because we're really, really good at this. But it's, again, it has to be alignment and it has to


be doing good. Everybody we work with, they've got to be on this journey to improve it, to improve lives, to improve just the whole psyche of the world.


The whole psyche of the world has become corrupt and just kind of like. And it's all like, in their heads, but it's not in their heads. This is. It's just bad programming a bad


operating system. So, so my goal is, you know, with this podcast is to introduce all these ideas, you know. And so this episode, I kind of went on a different


tangent. This episode is about my theory that. And so this is probably going to be two parts. Let me just look away.


We're on the clock. Okay. We're at 24 minutes. So what we're going to do is roll this over to the next episode. But it's my theory that we've all lived past lives and so


and how that impacts intelligence. So it's really interesting and I believe it's real, but


there is no physical evidence to support this. What I need is everybody out there say, hey, this makes sense. This is how it showed up in my world. And so


join me for the next episode where we're actually talking about my past life intelligence theory. Okay, I'll see you on the next episode.




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