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Getting More Services Out Of An IEP
Episode 813th October 2020 • The Collaborative IEP • Ashley Barlow
00:00:00 00:34:13

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Do you feel like your child’s IEP lacks services that would benefit your child?  Have you asked for additional services when you get to that time in the IEP meeting, only to be denied?  I’ll let you in on a secret--- the timing of your request may be the problem.  All too often parents ask for services at the wrong time during an IEP meeting.  Let me explain.  

The IEP document should be reviewed in order.  If the Present Levels don’t establish a need for goals--- if the Goals don’t establish a need for specially designed instruction --- if the SDI doesn’t mandate more services --- you guessed it--- the child doesn’t get additional services.  

In today’s episode I’ll walk you through this approach in more detail and provide a few common examples.  We’ll also briefly discuss the opposite strategy, which involves considering less services in order to increase time in the general education environment, a really nuanced argument.  Finally, we’ll discuss some common pitfalls in this strategy, as well as solutions to them. 




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