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New Actions = New Results | Ep.20
Episode 2013th October 2022 • Diaries of a 6 figure Coach • Theresa Lambert
00:00:00 00:16:59

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What Got You Here Won't Get You There. And what got you to this level in your business, won’t get you to the next. Once you reach a certain level and you maintain that level, there's going to be new actions, new choices, new ways of doing required to be able to scale from here.

And that doesn't mean that foundational things are going to be just out of the window. Not at all. They are going to continue to be exactly what they are, but attempting to do something that we haven't done before always feels a little bit scary but as entrepreneurs, as leaders, as visionaries, we've decided to choose a path where we are continuously and constantly moving and embracing unchartered waters. Because we are literally doing things for the first time, all the time.

As you're scaling your business, you will be doing different things to be able to scale, you're gonna start taking new actions, you're gonna start bringing in a team, you're gonna start bringing in systems, or start running ads. Bottom line is you will start doing things differently again, then you have been, in order for you to be able to get to your next level.

We're constantly evolving, we're constantly changing and in order to be able to get to that new next level, we have got to take new actions, we've got to continue to move into these uncharted waters so we see NEW RESULTS. And that takes VALOR.

Tune in as I riff about taking new actions to get new results.

Want to catch the replay of the Valor Masterclass CLICK HERE. It’s available till October 17th.

Or jump both feed in and apply for the incredible FREE Mastermind experience HERE


About the Host:

Theresa Lambert is a Business Strategist + Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She creates unique success plans and provides strategic guidance to female entrepreneurs so they can SCALE to 6-figures and beyond while having the FREEDOM TO PLAY.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book  Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker, the Podcast host of Diaries of a Six Figure Coach Podcast and co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.

Diaries of a six figure Coach isn’t only a Podcast to help you get strategic and master the precision of Success.  It’s a declaration to share the truth. It’s a commitment to keep going to make it happen, no matter what. It’s an activation and invitation for female Coaches and Entrepreneurs to play a bigger Game. Tune into short, potent and value packed episodes that are fun, raw, real, vulnerable and authentic af on what it takes to build a six figure coaching business online. It’s going to MOVE you. It’s going to ACTIVATE you. It’s going to help you access your audacity, courage and start taking the intentional actions to make your biz dreams come true while living the life you desire and making an impact online.

Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching


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Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but more about success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast, I am your host, Theresa Lambert, and I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

Attempting to do something that we haven't done before, always feels a little bit scary, always feels a little bit scary. Attempting to do something that we haven't done before always feels a little bit scary. But as entrepreneurs, as leaders, as visionaries, we're really decided to choose a path where we are continuously and constantly, really moving and embracing unchartered waters. Because we are literally doing things for the first time, all the time. As you're scaling your business, you will be doing different things to be able to scale. So again, you're going to start taking new actions, you're going to stop bringing in a team, you're going to stop bringing in systems, maybe you're going to stop running ads, you're gonna start doing things differently again, then you have been reformed in order for you to be able to get to your next level. We're constantly evolving, we're constantly changing. And in order to be able to get to that next level, we have got to take new actions, we've got to continue to move into these uncharted waters. And that takes valla. And yesterday I had an incredible incredible masterclass, if you missed it and you want to replay there is a link that I'm going to drop below in the show notes as well. So you can still join us and catch the replay of this incredible, incredible training. And I offered a incredible opportunity that I opened up. And applications are now being accepted for a 10 day free mastermind experience with me, which I'm so excited about, which is something that I'm doing that is also unchartered waters, I have done all sorts of different experiences throughout my business, throughout my time coaching, to give people experiences and teases and teach people what it's like to walk with me and help them scale their businesses and feminine flow. But I've never done something like a 10 day mastermind experience for free to have this level of access to have this level of close proximity to me, you generally have to invest at least five figures to be able to do so my strategic mastermind is a way of doing that. Or also, of course, my one to one program and sandwich is incredible. So why am I doing this? Why am I doing this, it comes down to the fact that I am really feeling called right now to create these very intimate experiences for people, I feel called to continuously give, provide add massive value, whether that's through my podcasts for my content online, but also for what I'm offering. So there was the master classes, which I believe I will always be doing master classes. And there's more coming as we're heading throughout the year. But there's also been this calling for me to to offer unique experiences and unique experiences that are longer and that allow me to really be able to come and become a part of your business in a more intimate way, in a more personalized way, in a way that really allows us to build a really deep connection. But for me to really look at your specific business during a time of us working together so that I can see what are some of the bottlenecks. What are some of the things that might be good for you to work on. So you can then go and implement them, of course with my support if you choose to continue or on your own. And

Theresa Lambert:

some people might think doing something like this is crazy. But I really thought about this I thought about this for a while and I said to him myself, what would feel good to me? What would feel good to me right now? In what ways would I want to create intimate settings and opportunities for people to get in sample of my work and experience to work with me, that would allow me to show the facets of all the things that go into scaling and feminine flow, the facets of what it means that business is spiritual, and all the different aspects of what it really takes to get somebody's business from one place to the next place. So whether you're at two to $3,000 a month, right now, and you're looking to get to about $6,000 a month, whether you add six or $7,000 a month, and you're trying to get to 10 to $15,000 months, right, like whatever state you're in off scaling, we're always working towards scaling, we're always working towards that next level. But the truth is, different actions are required at different stages for you to be able to scale to your next level. And as I was thinking about experiences and thinking about being a visionary, and thinking about doing things differently, that feel good for me, I was like, What is something that I could do? What is something that I could offer, that would really allow me to provide an experience a true experience of what it's like to work with me, while at the same time being able to create that intimacy. And that personalized touch that I love to give through my my high end and high ticket offers that I offer. And so this is how this idea was born. And it's uncharted waters, I might do this, and then realize that that was crazy. That was crazy. And I might never do it again. And here's the thing, right? I might, it might not work out, it might be a shitty experience, doubted. Well, you know, you never know. I don't know, these are uncharted waters. For me, I've never done something like this. But to me right now, that feels expansive. To me right now that feels like something that really aligns with where I am at. And it gives me an opportunity over the 10 days to get to know D entrepreneurs that are coming into my well to get to know their businesses to get to know them to get to know the souls behind the business. And to see are these the kind of people that I like to spend time with kind of like, dating, right, like you get to know each other, we get to know each other? Because the truth is, it's a co creation, coaching mentorship, what I do with strategizing, it's a co creation. Yes, in my one to one, I have pieces that I do for people. And again, I have a very different approach now to working with people that I've not seen like this. In the coaching industry. I've not seeing anyone will offers both done for you services and the coaching and mentorship on the mindset and the energetics and the implementation and ongoing support the way I do. So I'm in uncharted waters there. But it really always comes back down to me too. Does it feel good for me? Does it feel good for me? Is it a reflection of how I like to serve how I like to give? Is there a way for me to provide this experience and create co creation opportunities that really potent, so whether the people are in my weld for that 10 days, or they continue to stay on after that and join one of my programs masterminds, one to one to CEO club, you never know.

Theresa Lambert:

Whatever happens, there's something magical that gets to happen during that 10 days, there is an impact that I get to make, there is a way for me to be able to give that allows me to to really feel I can fully show up and fully nurture and fully be in service to these people for this short amount of time. And if they are walking away from this having had an amazing experience and being impacted and having breakthroughs. And having had some results in the 10 days that are really tangible for them that change the trajectory of their business than I have done my job. Then I feel my cup is being filled and I continue to be able to do what I am doing. So this is how I am approaching uncharted waters these days. And this is a different way of me doing things. I have not done this before. But as I said I scaled my business to six figures. And now I'm in this process of scaling it to multi six figures and doing it in a way that leaves time and space in my calendar in a way I have less calls than I had before in a way that allows me to create for people via SEO for people. And again, that feels unusual too. So as we're creating as we're scaling, as we're bringing in people, as we're doing things differently, as we come up with new experiences and ways to build and grow our businesses to give to our communities, to serve in the way we desire to serve, we are more and more going into uncharted waters, we are more and more doing things in our own way in our own lane. And we have to really embrace this piece. And the way I feel safe and secure for that is because it's in integrity, with my values and integrity, with my vision and integrity, with the way I desire to show up. It feels good to me to do things this way. And I have the systems in place to structures in place and the support in place to be able to hold me. So there's all these different kinds of ways. But again, I am an unchartered waters, I am moving in territory I have not been in. And I feel incredible about it. I know. And I trust that the way I'm doing it and what I'm doing and what I'm called to do that intuitive piece, I let that lead me to making this decision of saying, hey, let's create a more unique experience, let's do something really different. Let's do something out of the box, let's do something where people really get to experience what it's truly like to work with me in the spaces that I love to work with people most, which for me are masterminds, and one to one, that is where I love to serve. And then I have a whole bunch of other incredible programs and things where I get to serve in different ways. But right now I really feel called to be serving in this intimate space to be really a part of people's businesses to really walk alongside their journey with them in close proximity is something that I'm feeling really called to. And that requires me to have space and time on my calendar that requires me to think outside of the box to be able to provide some of these experiences to people that are interested. And so this 10 day experience for me is great. Because as I get to know you, you get to know me, again, we can figure out if co creation in this way is actually something that we want to do. Because I'm very much at this point now to where I'm really not looking to work with everyone anymore. I'm not working looking to take on everyone, I'm really looking for the people that are ready to do the work that are ready to scale that are ready to get the support, guidance, mentorship and coaching to embrace unchartered waters, to start to have the value for themselves to start to have the audacity and the courage to make bold moves to play a bigger game to make different choices. And it's scary to do that. So we gotta lean in to that we got to actually be like, I am ready, my ship is going and I'm going out. And I might not always have a map. But I know the direction I'm going in. And that is what it takes. That to me is the essence of entrepreneurship. It's the essence of leadership. It's the essence off of MIDI.

Theresa Lambert:

trusting ourselves so much that we're like, I have trust and faith and my ideas and my vision in my direction. And I am going to take all these different kinds of steps that feel aligned with the vision that I have and move towards that. So embrace the unchartered waters. You are someone who has chosen that if you desire to scale. If you desire to grow, if you desire different results, it's going to require you to take different actions. Are you willing to do that? Are you willing to change your mind? Are you willing to do things differently? Are you willing to fail as you do things differently and take new actions? Are you willing to move into unchartered waters with more certainty and with more trust and with more faith? answer that question for yourself. If you desire them all inspiration to hop into Volvo and if you like gang home and you like to resell dog, but get baller, I want to apply to come into this 10 day experience with you then heck yes, let's do it. There'll be another link in the show notes and you're able to apply and come and November one till 10 We're going to be playing. We're going to be playing together we'll be diving into your business together and I'm really excited to see who is applying for this and there will be Get a maximum of 10 people in this space for the 10 days, possibly less. I haven't decided yet. So get your application in if you're feeling called. But most of all, I want you to sit with this for a little bit and think, am I willing? Am I willing to be in these uncharted waters? Can I own that role as an entrepreneur, a visionary and a leader, to really embrace that uncertainty, and trust that the path that I'm on the vision that I have in the direction that I'm moving in is exactly where I need to go. And I will do what I require. I'm required to do I will do what I need to do to be able to put things in place, whether that's rituals, whether that's systems, processes, a team, all these different things to be able to help me feel supported and held as I'm moving towards that.




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