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2. How are you designed to build your business?
Episode 225th September 2023 • Unjaded: Human Design for Intentional Entrepreneurs • Vickie Dickson
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Busy managing your household, running your empire, and keeping (or trying to keep) your sanity?

Today on the Unjaded podcast, we’re unpacking how using your unique Human Design is key to not getting lost in the overwhelm of it all.

What You'll Learn:

  • The Power of Human Design: Discover how understanding your unique Human Design can transform your approach to life and business.
  • Type and Strategy Insights: Explore the nuances of Human Design to discover how aligning with your type and strategy will amplify your energy levels and propel you towards your goals without burning you out. 
  • Navigating Business with Human Design: Learn how to recognize your gifts, overcome conditioning, and realize your impact.

Unveil the secrets of unleashing your unique potential and crafting a business and life that aligns with your true self through the wisdom of Human Design.

Links Mentioned in the Episode:

Tune in to the Unjaded Podcast for more episodes on how to integrate Human Design into your life and business journey.


How on earth will you scale your business without burning yourself out? Losing yourself or losing control of the household in the process? Because even though you don't have little kids underfoot anymore, somehow you still end up managing most of what gets done at home and having an incredible business. How are you going to make all that work? That's what we're going to be talking about today on the unjaded podcast. Welcome to unjaded. I'm your host, Vicky Dixon. This is a podcast with a human design spin on building your life, the relationships and the business that you were made for. Let's dive in.

To buy another course, another membership, another program, until you start to take a look at what's under the hood. And what's under the hood is your unique human design. There is a way that you are uniquely designed to show up in your business. And chances are you're not doing that. The easiest place for us to start in the Human Design body graph is your type and strategy. Now I want you to remember when ever you're hearing me speak about human design is that it really is all about the nuances. Not all generators are the same. Not all projectors are the same. There are big variances in every chart. That's where reading or coaching comes in. However, we can do a lot just by aligning with our type and strategy. So we're going to start there today. Okay. So if your human design type is a generator, you're here to respond. You're not here to initiate, you're a builder, you're here to build something of value, you master something, you get really good at it. And then you move on to something else. You have this stair step learning curve, and you're going to hit plateaus, lots of times you feel like you're taking two steps forward, and one step back. But you have to remember that that's still one step forward, right? There's going to be lots of times in your business where you get frustrated, and you're tempted to quit. Now many times that's going to be because you haven't really entered into the agreement, the relationship the opportunity, following your strategy, which is to respond to maybe you've pushed through and tried to initiate and that can be a problem, it can help frustration to build. Another time where frustration is going to build is where you're on a plateau. And you're actually just before the breakthrough, but because you're frustrated, you tend to quit. So the best thing that you can do as a generator is to really lean into your sacral center and know whether this thing is right for you or not. If you're a manifesting generator, like me, you are a generator type. So you're meant to respond rather than initiate. This is really hard for manifesting generators. Rahl used to say that manifesting generators are the most conditioned of all because we have this sacral center where we can work and build and be creative and do all of the things we can make things happen. We also have a motor defined to the throat. And in human design, we're going to talk about this in the manifesting generator episode. But in human design, the name of the game is getting energy to the throat so that things can happen. The throat center is where things happen. And as a manifesting generator, you have both a defined sacral and a defined throat center. So you really are a people who doesn't need people to get things done. And that is your challenge. It can be more frustrating for you for someone to try to help you than it is for you to just do it yourself. Delegating is not your first love if you're a manifesting generator, because you can do the things yourself. So you could spend your whole life creating things never waiting to be in response. And you're fast, you are so fast. Part of the quantum purpose of manifesting generators is to speed up linear time. We are actually here to make things go faster. We need to try lots and lots of things. You're never going to stick to one thing if you're a manifesting generator, and we skip steps, we're going to miss things. We're designed to miss things because we are always trying to find the most efficient way to do things. Always, always always. The biggest challenge for you is to overcome your conditioning and overcome even in the business coaching arena and many of the programs many of the gurus who you're going to follow are going to tell you that you need to stick to one thing and as a manifesting generator, you really can't ever stick to one thing and that is your gift. If you are a projector your strategy is to wait for the invitation and a lot of projectors let this paralyze them. You really want to wait to be invited into the big things like relationships, business ventures, jobs, moving house, this sort of thing. Recognition is what fuels you And what I teach my projector clients is to recognize their own gifts first. If you recognize your gifts and you know what you are good at, and you know what you want to be recognized for, then you have more of an inviting energy about you. You have more of an aura about you that says, Come on in, let me in, invite me in, it's much more welcoming. If you know your gifts and you own them, then it's easier for you to guide and you are here to guide you are wise. Energetically projectors hold the potential of the planet with your undefined sacral you're designed to have cycles of rest on a regular basis. And that doesn't make you lazy, it's part of your makeup. You're actually here to become wise and to know when enough is enough. That's the beauty of the undefined sacral if you're a manifester, your strategy is to initiate you're going to inform people and let them know what you're about to do. This does not mean asking permission. And when I work with manifester, I see this as the biggest part of their conditioning. manifestos are so powerful because they have a motorized throat so they can get things started, they can initiate they don't have a defined sacral. So they don't have to wait for the response like a manifesting generator does, they can go out and they can initiate as long as they follow their authority, which we'll talk about in another episode. But manifester is typically have been conditioned to play small, because powerful people scare us think of any child, if that child is powerful, or willful, we could call it, we're going to as the adults in their life, try to keep them safe, we're going to be afraid for them that they're going to use their power too much or use their power in the wrong way. And we're going to try to keep them in a box. I work with adults, but when they were children manifest errs as children, we're conditioned to continually ask permission, and this is so not how they are meant to live. So things that you could say in your content or with your clients are, here's the thing, here's how it is, this is what's going to happen, here's what we're going to do next. That's the direction that people are looking for from you, you too, have an undefined sacral and you're designed for cycles of rest as well. So you're here to be wise and to understand when enough is enough to give yourself the space to rest and then to come out swinging again, all of your manifester power comes to the party. If you're a reflector, your strategy in my opinion is the toughest of all because you have so much waiting in your design, you're going to wait a full lunar cycle to decide on anything, you have this beautiful sampling aura. And you are the barometer of your community's health. Not all communities, not the world, your specific community, it's imperative that you surround yourself with the right people. You know, for you and your business, the kind of support that you need might look like a mastermind, maybe a high level super intimate mastermind, is going to matter to you who is in the room with you all the time. Because your energy is ever changing, right? You're you have this variability within your design, and you're not conditioned in the same way you have, all of your nine centers are open. If you're a reflector, you're not designed to take on conditioning the way that say someone who has two centers to find in seven centers undefined would be because you're designed to have the sampling aura. Yet at the same time, because you are reflecting back the health of the community, it's important that you be in a healthy community. So that's just the tip of the Human Design iceberg. It's just starting with the five types. Manifesting generators are a type of generator so you will hear people say four types. Tomato tomato doesn't matter to me. As long as you know your type and strategy you're good. But as you know, when unjaded We are going to go a lot deeper than type and strategy. In the next few episodes, we're going to go deeper into each type on its own. And then we're going to start on the seven different human design authorities or as I like to call them decision making superpowers. In the shownotes, you're going to see a link to run your human design chart on my website at Vicki If you haven't done that yet, if you're already familiar with your human design, and you'd like to go a little bit deeper on your own. There is a link on the website for a business clarity guide. It is robust and it will cover so many of the ways to use your human Design in your business.



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