Steam locomotion - one of the greatest inventions ever, led to the creation of a new type of ownership and governance structure – the limited liability company structure. Technology came first, then governance.
Where are we with the current financial system? Arguably it's full of great people trying to do the right thing, but the system needs an upgrade. Technology has taken us to a new place where our current structures cannot sustain us in.
Enter blockchain - it's not the magic pill, but it's one of the tools that could be used to build the financial system of tomorrow. You may need to listen to today's episode more than once – actually, you need to. Yes, we go into a bit of detail, but hopefully you can hang in there.
In this episode we discuss and ponder the following:
- Why do companies exist now? And do they need to exist tomorrow?
- When the tech is already there, and it works – what’s the problem? Why aren’t things moving forward?
- In the ‘new world,’ what’s the role of central banks and states?
- Programmable money. Speed is a measurement of distance/time. Velocity introduces another element – direction. What if we could bestow on our currency other characteristics?
- Macro prudential regulation vs micro prudential regulation
Dave Corbett heads up Centrality Fintech. His job is to help the financial services industry ‘be better’ by using blockchain technology. Current, legacy systems, makes innovation and collaboration difficult, so is there a way to efficiently and effectively manage the handshakes with the incumbent players?
As everyday investors, the biggest mistake we can make is to assume the future will be full of ‘more of the same.’ *The future will be fundamentally different/transformed *– the faster you can get you’re head around where we’re going, the better equipped you’ll be to grow wealth in the new world.
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What is Blakeley? Blakeley brings independent, data-driven insights to sophisticated cryptoasset investors. We leverage our community of experienced traders and industry insiders to identify actionable strategies and help readers navigate the rapidly-evolving world of blockchain assets.
Covering everything from macroeconomic analysis of digital assets to the factors that drive successful blockchain ventures and projects, Blakeley’s deep market experience and quantitative tools offer an opportunity to stay ahead of the competition at a critical moment for investors – the emergence of a new global asset class that is based on fundamentals.