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Clarity Will Set You FREE | Ep.17
Episode 1722nd September 2022 • Diaries of a 6 figure Coach • Theresa Lambert
00:00:00 00:16:35

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Clarity is a superpower if you dare to use it to your advantage but most of us rather avoid gaining clarity, because it means looking at it all. And looking at it all, and getting honest, means making changes, and the thought of making changes alone can bring up resistance. But what gets you here, won’t get you there. Tune in as I riff about the importance of clarity and how it will help you get to your next level in business and life.

Ready to get clear on what you need to do to get to your next level and scale. CLICK HERE to book a FREE Call or connect with me on IG @theresalambertcoaching

About the Host:

Theresa Lambert is a Business Strategist + Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She creates unique success plans and provides strategic guidance to female entrepreneurs so they can SCALE to 6-figures and beyond while having the FREEDOM TO PLAY.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book  Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker, the Podcast host of Diaries of a Six Figure Coach Podcast and co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.

Diaries of a six figure Coach isn’t only a Podcast to help you get strategic and master the precision of Success.  It’s a declaration to share the truth. It’s a commitment to keep going to make it happen, no matter what. It’s an activation and invitation for female Coaches and Entrepreneurs to play a bigger Game. Tune into short, potent and value packed episodes that are fun, raw, real, vulnerable and authentic af on what it takes to build a six figure coaching business online. It’s going to MOVE you. It’s going to ACTIVATE you. It’s going to help you access your audacity, courage and start taking the intentional actions to make your biz dreams come true while living the life you desire and making an impact online.

Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching


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Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but more about success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast, I am your host, Theresa Lambert, and I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

Clarity is the thing that can either propel you forward in your business, or it can be the thing that keeps you stuck. And I'll tell you why. And this is what I want to dive into in today's episode. Because I think so often, when it comes to clarity and awareness, we kind of know we have a feeling about the importance of gaining the clarity around something like why we may be stuck at a certain income level, or why our programs aren't selling as much as we want them to or why clients may not be renewing, or why we keep finding ourselves in a situation where it seems like we're working and working and working. But we just can't get to that next level. So wherever you are in your business, whatever is going on, maybe whatever is going on in your life, I want you to know that clarity is truly the thing that can set us free. It can set us free. But what most of us do is actually go look outside of ourselves for solutions, ideas to add more, right? I think, in a very simple sense. Most entrepreneurs believe that in order to earn more money, they have to get more business or they have to do more in order to do that. Now, while some of that may be true, oftentimes, that might not be the case. And sales doesn't always equal profit. So there's a few complexities that play into that. And I have spoken about this in the episode last week when we were diving into or two weeks ago when we're diving into the business audits. And some of you actually reached out to me and send me the information. And I've been having some incredible conversations around making sure that your business model is compatible with your vision and how you're actually able to reach those 10k months. So for those of you that reached out, and for those of you I've been having conversation with the big thing that's been coming through for all of you is clarity, clarity, and now you can choose what to do with this clarity you can choose to, to do something with the support I provided, you can choose to join me as a client, you can choose to implement the changes and start making more money, whatever it is, there's a choice that you can now make from this clarity.

Theresa Lambert:

And the same thing goes in life. Okay. But when we go past that first hurdle, and start to accept that the answer is likely aren't outside of us are found in more information, more tools, more strategies, more, more, more, more, more. While again, sometimes that might be the case, most often it is not. That is the first hurdle or resistance point, if you will to get pups hit the second thing is really starting to look at and gain this clarity. And as I'm here at the lake house, if you're watching this on YouTube, I'm staying at a lake house for a few days. So I'm filming this from the outside this beautiful spot, which is beautiful fuel for you in the background. But I've been beauty thinking a lot about this clarity. I've been thinking a lot about the messages, I received the realizations that have come through the downloads, the breakthroughs that we experienced from this clarity. But as I sort of sat and reflected on clarity, and the importance of clarity, I realized that most of us don't actually want the clarity. And I'll tell you why. Because clarity means taking a really honest look at all events. It means admitting where things may not be working or where you may have been out of integrity, with your word out of integrity, with your values out of integrity with your desires. It means admitting when you have made a mistake, it means seeing it all. Not just what's working. But all the things that aren't and it takes a level of a emotional intelligence and takes a level of audacity and Boller to be able to say, let me look at it. Let me go and let me really figure out what's working, what isn't, right, our ego gets in the way. Because if we build our businesses to a certain place already, we might be like, oh, you know, everything is going great. Like, I don't need to look at my business, I just need to understand how I can get more well, but this is just a thing. This is just a thing. There is either habits, actions, or rituals that you you take that or not take, that don't make it possible for you to be able to reach that next level, maybe it's getting from 10,000 to $20,000 months or more. There might be strategies that have worked for you in the past, but don't anymore, there might be a capacity issue. And unless you deal with the capacity issue, and you deal with the way you've set up your business and make changes, you're actually not able to get to that next level. So clarity, in the sense means looking at it all. And sometimes even the things that have worked for us up until now, in our business won't work for us to get to the next level. I used to host townhall meetings for the entire hotel team that I lead up to 180 people I think at the peak was the most, and we had orientations as well. And as the General Manager I was leading I was the person leading the entire team, the hotel, I made all the executive decisions and then pass and I reported to was the owner. So I was really the person that was giving the direction and vision of where we're heading. And as we were working on scaling the business and improving the processes, we were looking inwards. But one of the things that are always said at the beginning of every single townhall of every single orientation that I led, together with the Human Resources team was that what got us here won't get us there. So whatever got you to today, whatever got you to the place where you are in business now is likely not going to get you to the next place. Some of it might, but not all of it will. So we really have to put our ego aside and start getting really clear on everything, right on everything, what's working and what's not. But that means work.

Theresa Lambert:

So once we have the clarity, that also means work, that means making changes, that means making adjustments. That means making sometimes some gutsy moves, right limb courageous moves. And again, it's very actually scary to make changes to your business or to pivot in your business, when you have already gotten to a certain point when you've already built it to a certain point. So it's one thing to start pivoting and gaining clarity and making changes when maybe you're at the beginning and you're really trying to get your business going. There there's a different energy. But once you build your business to make it six figures, and you want to get to multiple six figures, or even seven figures, this is a place that I am in now, you have to look at all of it again, and you have to start making changes to the way you do things to the way your business model is set up. And as a strategist, this is what I do for clients and the summer. This is something I got really intentional on. And it wasn't easy. It wasn't easy. And I had support. And I had support because a lot of resistance came up for me. A lot of resistance came up for me but I've been really feeling called to simplify my business to to change who I'm serving in my business to stand and my wife around the work that I do to own being a strategist being a CEO, being a creator and being a coach, I have multiple different layers that I do. But business strategy and scaling this is just what I do. It comes naturally to me to spot bottlenecks, it comes naturally to me to see what's no longer working. And I'm a very big picture thinker. So when I put my CEO hat on, whether it's in my business or in your business, I can really see how we can expand and accelerate your growth and get you to that next level. But even though I can see it and I can see it for myself, and I can help you see it, this clarity still comes with resistance does clarity can come with walk, this clarity can come with pivots, for me, simplifying my business model, changing my business model, bringing in done for you work for my clients, which is something that I wasn't doing before, but I actually really enjoyed doing. But there was also a part of me that was like, ah, am I really going to do that? And how am I going to structure it? And then how am I scaling, if I'm actually doing done for you work? And so it became very clear for me that I designed these intimate relationships with my private clients. And I really got Cleon saying you know, what the maximum private clients I will ever have is six. So work with a small small group of clients privately, and then I have my masterminds and then I have group programs and pre recorded trainings that are more scalable for the people that are starting out for the people that need some of the funds Asians in the strategy, and that was such a big way of shift and change in the way I was thinking. So there was a lot of clarity that I gained. And it was scary. It was scary to make those changes. But the clarity is what it started. And now I'm very clear moving forward, that for me, achieving $30,000 months now is actually very crystal clear. And it's feels simple. And it feels like I know my path, I have the clarity, I know how I'm gonna do it.

Theresa Lambert:

But before it was kind of like, ah, you know, I don't know, am I really gonna look at it, I want to get to 30. And then $50,000 months, but you know, I think I have it all figured out. And truthfully, I had some capacity issues, I had some challenges around just not having a team. So not being able to actually manage all the pieces, I was still doing things in my business that it was time for me to give them up. It was scary to do that. Because when we're bringing in teams and when we're scaling and when we're expanding, and when we're setting ourselves up to really take it to the next level. Sometimes that means you end up investing more spending more money on team members on processes on systems and getting some of these things done. So you can actually do it. So there's a short amount of time where your cash flow will change again. And so these are the things to look at. So you can see how with this clarity, also comes some of the things like do I really want this? Do I want to invest this money is this really the right time. And there's all these pieces that are moving. So the clarity is amazing. When we choose to do something with the clarity, we experienced a transformation and ultimately the results that we want. But it's easier sometimes to avoid the clarity or to just look on the outside to try and fix what's broken, or to make it go faster than actually sitting back and gaining the clarity and admitting to ourselves, what's working what's not and what we need to do. So clarity ultimately is a superpower. But it can also make you tremendously uncomfortable. And sometimes you really don't like the answers. You really don't like the answers and that goes in business as well as in life. And what you once you have the answer once you have the clarity. If you then choose not to do something with it, you will be out of integrity with the thing that you desire. If you in fact say this is what I want, and you gain the clarity around why something that you're doing isn't working and what needs to change and then you're not doing it, you'll be out of integrity with that because you're not making new choices, and you're not moving in the way you need to be able to get here, you're out of integrity. And that out of integrity piece will ultimately create more and more resistance more and more frustration more and more confusion, more and more just like dissatisfaction on why is it not working. And again, we go back to what we do we blame other things, we blame other people, we blame the systems, and we try and fix it with more. So what I really want to invite you in is really allowing yourself to be open to gaining clarity, starting to see that clarity is a superpower. And just knowing that no matter what comes up, if you channel you in Audacity, if you are a visionary leader, if you do want to be building and scaling, a multi six figure or seven figure business, if you see big things for yourself, you have got to start to really approach your business from a visionary way. And that often means gaining clarity and reinventing what you're doing it and how you're doing it over and over again, this is not an easy path. This is not an easy path. And sometimes it's a matter of making what you already do better and refining it. But it always means making some changes and pivots constantly evolving. And we get to do that through the clarity we gain. As you grow as a person as your business grows, as your processes grow. As your teaching style grows, as you get more clear on how you desire to serve, what impact you want to make and how you want to do it. Everything shifts as your vision shifts as your vision pivot, how you get that changes, embrace this, but start with the clarity, always come back to this piece. And if you are like, Oh my God, this really lands. But I'm scared to get data, I kind of want to talk it out. Or maybe you're not sure how to even get to the deep clarity reach out to me, reach out to me, I encourage you to set up a call, I'll put a link in here you can apply for a call with me. We can have a conversation. And I can help you get some clarity on what's next for you. But also what are some of the pieces that might not be working. So you know, and if we then choose to work together amazing. And if you choose to go off on your own way and you you do great things and you make a great impact. I get to know that I was able to build a relationship with you and to give you something to put something in your path that will help set you into the direction that you want to go into. For me it's about impact for me, it's about the relationships. And so I invite you to reach out to me, I invite you to book a call. And I invite you also to just share if this message lands. So thanks so much for tuning in again to another episode of diaries of a six figure coach from the lake house. sososo was so cool. I'll be recording another episode while I'm here, I think and then in a week, I'll be on my

Theresa Lambert:

way next Sunday, I'll be on my way to run as IRAs. I'm super excited. And I feel like there's gonna be some rooftop riffs coming up. So I cannot wait. I'm sending you all the love, go gain clarity, have the audacity to figure it out to look into get that clarity and then do something with it to get you to move to that next level. Take care.




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