In this episode we dive deep into how Collin was able to smooth out the booms and bust of his oil and gas job through real estate.
Guest Biography:
After beginning his journey in real estate investing in 2018, Collin has since invested in 998 units in Texas, Tennessee, and Alabama. He holds a bachelor's degree in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M University and has 10+ years industry experience in various operational and financial roles. Although still actively employed in the oil and gas industry, he was drawn to the stability and cash flow of real estate investments after a decade of cyclical ups and downs in the "boom or bust" oil business. He quickly developed a passion for educating others on the benefits of multifamily investing, helping them achieve their goals of wealth generation and passive income.
Guest Links:
Rigs to Real Estate:
Alpenglow Investments:
Collin's Linkedin: