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Ep. 18 - EMF...why you need to know this
Episode 186th September 2023 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
00:00:00 01:13:04

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I am my own thoughts?

Really? Are you?

This episode can explain more than you know...

EMF influences you in every area of your life. Whether you realize if or not.

The best RED LIGHT THERAPY devices: I make no money off these. But Leanne makes the best you can buy...




Erik: Welcome friends to another episode. And today. It's going to be a little bit more unique. I promise it's going to be interesting. I find this fascinating and I hope you do too.

We're going to get. A little bit scientific, but I think it's going to be fun. Trust me. I'm going to try my best to make this interesting for you. And when you see life. As it is. I think it will help you see your health and everything you interact with a bit differently.

So we're going to get into something that we've talked about a little bit before.

I personally find this a lot of fun.

It's something you deal with every single day. But you never see it. You don't think about it. But yet when you were in school, it was fun to play with.

So let's get into this. [:

EMF. Electromagnetic fields. Are we actually gonna talk about that? Yes, we are. Why are we going to talk about that? You say.

Because if you remember, we talked about this in the light episode.

You produce your own electromagnetic . Fields in your cells.

It's important.

Uh, guess what? You also get electromagnetic fields. From everything around you.

And they will influence you. So, unless you want negative influence.

Then you're going to have to do something about it.

Sometimes there's nothing you can do. You can't really stop all of it. But some of the stuff you can help mitigate. Or use to your advantage?

portantly, this episode is a [:

We are going to cover. What it is. And what it does to you.

We'll go after this and how to get rid of it. Or mitigate it as much as possible. But for right now. You have to have the understanding of what it is. As the foundational situation that. Affects you every day and could be the cause.

Of your illness. Or your disease.

Erik: Your general feeling of being unwell.

You see. It has more impact on your life and you might think. We generally don't think of. EMF fields as. Something to worry about. I mean, you have a cell phone. Get wifi. Radio television cable. Satellite.


to be here? And then how are [:

So let's give a little bit of a primer here. Okay.

I told you sometimes we might, well, this one's going to get a bit geeky, but I'm going to keep it. As easy as possible. .

Don't worry. I'll bring it home for you.

So electromagnetic fields. Are literally. Everything. Around you. You're in. Oh giant EMF field.

It's just like, it sounds electro magnetic. Field. So when. Electricity. And magnetism come together in high frequencies. That's called an electromagnetic field. This field is everything you experience literally. Everything. Not only do you experience it? But you use it every single day. So it starts from zero. Hurts. Uh,

st power. This is in [:

It's easier to understand.

So from zero to 10 to the 21st power. If you know anything about math and you know, that 10 to 21st power is absolutely extraordinary. That means that there are that many wavelengths that we know of. Or can at least postulate.

The massive amount.



To give you an example. Light. That we've talked about. That is super healthy for you. And it's the reason why you're alive actually. Is sitting at the 2.4. Marker. So zero. to ten to the 21st you're at 2.4. Okay.

the spectrum. The earth. Is [:

So light is about half of what the earth is.

So earth.

Is energized by light. In the EMF field at about half. Now of the. Types of EMF, you have ionizing and non. Ionizing. Don't worry. I will bring this all back around to how it affects your health. Trust me, but you. You probably need to have a little bit of a primer on a. EMF fields to know. What they are and how they affect you and how important they are. Ionizing. Those are the kind that are closer to what.

You've heard of. With x-rays gamma rays. Nuclear weapons, this kind of thing.

ructures and. Molecules and. [:

Non-ionizing on the other hand is a lot more subtle. That is where either it's beneficial. Or can be still detrimental to your health.

Things like your microwave, your cell phone.


Magnets that you play with with your kids.

And in my opinion,

The ionized. Frequencies that are bad for you. Start at the x-ray point.

. X-ray up to nuclear bombs. Is bad. Right before x-ray. Is actually UV light. I don't believe that UV light is bad for you. I believe it is good for you.

We will absolutely have an episode in the future.

About UV light. It's incredibly awesome.

The ionizing frequencies of x-rays all the way up to nuclear weapons are the bad ones. Everything under there. Yeah, we can. I kind of work with it.


So the earth. Sits at 7.8 Hertz frequency.

Why does that matter? What does it mean? It doesn't mean. Much at all other than that's what it sits at. But a human. Sits at. Nine. To 16 Hertz.

Which is an interesting thought.

Why are we slightly above earth?

Slightly meaning.

Only a number, because if you think about it, 7.8. To nine, when you have 10 to the 21st power. Is a lot.

Why do we sit slightly higher than.

I can't answer that. Other than. We're higher life forms. Possibly. Hmm. That's interesting.

You see the earth changes. [:



Seasons. All of these come together and change the earth. It changes. That hurts. A little bit here and there. Up and down a little bit in waves that does actually affect you because all EMF affect you. We're going to get into that. That is the whole point. Of this episode.

But if all the. Activity on the earth can change. It's. Frequency. That frequency will affect you.

Wouldn't you like to know? How that happens. And what it does to you. What. Are those effects. Anyways.

rm coming. That kind of bare [:

You can feel that pressure difference.

You can also feel.

What everybody says is the energy in the air, right. People have said this. Everything's just different at something in the air.

Maybe it's electrons. Maybe it's electromagnetic field. Because. After a storm. You're a grass. Your vegetable garden. Your flowers. They grow fast. Real fast.

So for electrical beings. Putting off electromagnetic fields. Solar plants and everything living. Occluding the earth. All the climate.

We're all working together. Receiving. And putting out.


Are we not in antennas? Can you not feel it?

Hm. We'll get into that a little bit more.


electromagnetic spectrum. We [:

So you create your own. Electromagnetic fields because you eat food, which has light.

Creates. Energy in your body called ATP. That electron transport chain. To create that ATP. Also produces. UV light. And electromagnetic fields. Yeah. Remember we spoke about this.

You are producing your own electromagnetic field up to 15 feet away. It's amazing. How that works. And we're going to get into that and a little bit on how you can know.

actually creates its own EMF [:

I can actually see it on a camera.

So your heart might not actually be a pump.

It could actually be. And electricity producer, a battery. We're going to explore that in the future. Is your heart actually a pump? Because. If you know anything about fluid dynamics. The heart actually might not be a pump. It doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, but it's really cool to think about very interesting.

Here's why this is interesting. If your heart. Creates electricity.

What does your brain run on?


If your heart creates electricity. What does your brain do?

Well, your brains. Made up of a hundred trillion. That's 100 trillion interconnections.

t produces electricity, your [:

If you stretch out all of the neurons. And then dendrite connections. In the brain. Lay them end to end. They would reach 100,000 miles and circle the earth.


Erik: At the equator four times. Seriously. I mean. Think about this.

rical conduction. Is done at [:

Your brain has actually four different types of. All electrical waves. Remember, this is EMF sole electromagnetic waves. You've got alpha.

That's just the one that tells you you're relaxed, but you're aware. And there's beta. And that tells you fully alert. Delta, which is sleeping. And then theta, which is kind of drowsy.

But since you have 46 miles of nervous system, All of that in your brain.

Could that be like an antenna as well? Or could there be other things involved? I'm going to get to that.

Let's think about this for a second. If your nervous system is that large. That conducts electricity.

How much output is that? If you measure.

atter what it is. If it uses [:

It's very difficult to measure things that are not quote turned on. But everything. Has an EMF. Literally everything. Now. If your electromagnetic field can be measured up to 15 feet. What does that mean? That means. That you have an impact on your environment. You see in Karelian photography.

You may have. Also heard of aura. Photography. Carilion's different. Carilion's more. Finite. It's very. Unique and. Extremely precise.

But basically the idea is you can photograph your EMF field. It is recordable.

nd it comes out the top. And [:

EMF fields. From people. Or the environment let's say, when you go into. forest. Why do people like camping so much?

I mean, think about it. But you can. Feel your environment. When you're on the beach. What does that feel like when you are at work, surrounded by computers? In a terrible environment, full of blue light. There's synthetic.

Materials everywhere around you. Does it feel good? Are you happy to be there? Probably not.

th it. Literally everything. [:

Some say. Puts off photons. Some say. They. Just radiate magnetic energy because even though. It's not metal doesn't mean you can't have electromagnetic frequency.

Something like plastic.

Something that was synthetically made, might have an EMF field.

So if everything you deal with. Every single thing, you come in contact with all of your senses.

Every single thing in your environment that you deal with on a daily basis.

You perceive through your five senses, all of those senses, maybe even a sixth sense. This is what I've been talking about. All of those senses are based on. EMF.

requency, but you're tasting [:

I don't know why I picked skunk, just first thing that came to my mind. But you think you get the point?

Site. What you see, every single thing you see is a frequency band. From what we just discussed earlier. Of light being at 2.4. Basically at about 2.4. Hertz.

e you see the red reflecting [:

Hearing. Is the same thing. Every single thing you hear. . Is either a single frequency or a combination of frequencies.

If I ring a bell, you would get a single frequency of that metal. But if that bell was made up of more than one metal , you would get multiple frequencies making that up. But let's just say it was made out of zinc. You would hear it as zincs frequency. Audibly. But if you have.

An orchestra. Playing all of the instruments may not have metal.

You would hear all of these different frequencies combined to make Mozart.

I hope that makes it [:

The world really is. Your life is experiencing all of these frequencies and. All of these different aspects, you are an antenna. You're pulling all of this in.

Your brain is interpreting it in giving you the sense of life.

What about taste? For those of us foodies, you all know who you are. How many. People can call thEMFelves. Uh, touchy. Or. I hear. Nobody really does that. It's a foodie. Right because it's a flavor thing. But flavors.

For those of us who are garlic addicts. Garlic is made up of multiple different frequencies from all the different nutrients. That are in it. All of the EMF that are in it.

ople don't just eat straight [:

But the zinc that's in garlic. You may say that tastes terrible. So because you add all the other things with it. They combine harmoniously. Isn't this amazing. In your brain. Think about that. When you're watching television. And your eyes are picking up. Everything that's going on that screen. And you're like, wow. That is such a beautiful.

Visual. That I'm watching right now. Realize that is. Hundreds of thousands of frequencies of light.

That your eyes are perceiving. Putting it all into your brain and deciphering that and coming up with a visual. That you find beautiful.

ifferent than when you touch [:

Interaction. Hmm. I will tell you it's absolutely true. And the Kirlian photography. By the way that's K I R L I a N. Kirlian photography. He was a Russian.


re the one getting a massage [:

Your white would become blue.

Conversely. If you have two people arguing. They don't become one. It's only when people are on the same.

Pathway. So to speak.

Really really interesting stuff.

Almost as if. You can sense people.

You know what I mean, people around you when there are just, it doesn't have to be what they say sometimes it's just, you just don't have a good vibe. I spoke with that P four, but.

It's a thing that's actually there. That's real.

Because they can measure it.

n see the EMF fields meshing [:

When you touch yourself, it's the same EMF. Which doesn't feel the same. You can feel yourself touching your hand. But you can't, it doesn't feel the same way as if somebody else touches you.

So, what does that mean about things like kissing? Or sex. You see. EMF fields coming together can create a completely different EMF field.

It's amazing. And. I find it amazing because you can actually record it.

Alright. I think I drove that one home. How do we know? . There is such a thing as an EMF field. We can photograph it. Yes, we can feel it. We've got physics. We've got all this stuff. But I'm going to give you.

If you've never seen or heard of this, I'm going to give you something that's going to blow your mind. Okay.


You see water? Is not just H2O. Water has the ability. To be. Uh, communicator.

What. All right, this guy I'm listening to on this reality health he's nuts. He's crazy. He never talks about vitamins and weight loss and dieting.

He's always talking about fringe stuff. He's just, he's got all these. What is he talking about? Well, I'll tell ya. Actually.

You see it's basic physics. There's nothing extraordinary about it. It's just the way it is.

Water. Has memory. It really does. It can do things in your body. .

You would never believe or think of get they're finding it all the time. In research. Outside of the body.

It can be affected by EMF fields.

Do say Erik?

How [:

Water is a communicator. And. It can take on what it's being communicated with.

There is a lady. Her name is Veda Austin, V E D a. Austin. Now. You can go researcher or you don't have to. Cause I'm just going to tell you right now. She figured out. That she could imprint. Just about anything on a water. And then freeze it. In the freezing process would make the image of whatever was imprinted into the water.

This imprinting could be everything from. Uh, photograph. Or a thought. Or many other avenues. So I'll give you an example. She would take a Petri dish. This is the famous one she's known for take a Petri dish. She put a little water in there. Set it on top of, let's say.

Uh, photo. Of. A tree.

, depending on how cold your [:

In the state of going from straight water. To freezing. There's a point in there that's known. As easy. Or structured water.

It is said that the structured water is an EMF. Field. Therefore it can see.


Feel thoughts?

Experiences. Emotions. And be in printed in the frozen structure of the crystallization. Of the water.

So if you've ever seen frost, On a window sometimes it's not just, straight frost. Sometimes it's got. dendrils and. And.

Points and tree looking things and leaves and all that kind of stuff. This is what I'm talking about.

So she would take a photo of a tree. Put the Petri dish on it.

put it in the freezer. Eight [:

Now. I I know, I know what everybody's going to say. That's just, woo woo woo. not real well. She's got.

40,000 photos. She has a following of people all around the world that do this. And send in the photos. She teaches people how to do this. She's so prolific. At this technique. And she has a quantum physicist. That is assisting her. Now I'm bringing this information out so that those of us who say that's not real. In actuality. He's going to show you why it's real.

We'll get more into her whole entire. System and why it works and all of that in the water episode coming up.

ing. With EMF fields. Things [:

Crystal's actually have energy [00:29:00] stored in them. So it's not just the lattice structure. That makes up the crystal. Because that's where its power comes from is the way it's built. All right. The way it built itself. In the ground. Through all of the necessary. Electromagnetic fields that created it. And then it stores that energy. If you take a piece of that crystal. Cut it at an angle and strike it at that angle. It will actually produce energy. It shoots out electromagnetic field. Which then as it gets to the end of, let's say a piece of metal with two prongs on the end. We'll spark. So it created electricity right down those two electrodes, by the way, that is how a lighter works. Not a Flint lighter. That's different, but your little clickable, barbecue style lighter. When you pull that safety hit that trigger. That trigger.

side that hits that crystal, [:

Let me just stop. Right here.

And say. That this topic is so huge. It is absolutely impossible to give you all the info on the subject of energy and EMF.

It's. It's such a huge topic that I would have to do multiple episodes. Which would be hours and hours and hours long. And then you have a textbook and then the you still can't. Completely.

ent theories on all of this. [:

I just believe there's more to light than that. It's just particles. And then it has speed. Nobody can, you can't. [00:32:00] Nobody can actually. Measure the speed and it's completely ridiculous. .

Nobody really knows what it is. There are theories and some theories are more provable than others. Um, But, you know, Aquaman's razor says the simplest answer is always the right one and.

Maybe there's an ether. Maybe there's not, who knows. All I can say is whatever it is. If there's an ether.

Electromagnetic fields function in that. And they disturbed that ether, that ether then.

Transmits that energy. To everything. And you're either receiving it as almost an antenna. Or you're in it, like, let's say you're in a pool and a wave hits you. But somewhere in other. That EMF field is getting to you. Or it's in your body already emitting out. We're going to get there too. Hang on. I know it's getting long, but trust me, it's fun.


Affected by them. Even what you were. So, let me give you some examples of this. Okay. So if you wear natural fabrics, They can be better for you. If you wear synthetic fabrics like polyester. And these kinds of things. They can actually. Hurt you. Hm. So what you're saying, Eric is what I wear affects me. Yeah. Just like color would, because color is a frequency of light. All right. I know that's a lot, but let's just break this down really quickly and we'll move on. [00:34:00] In the future. Absolutely. Let me know if you want to know more about this, because I think this is one of the most interesting things I can think of. I mean, think about it. This is what you wear, what you sleep in.

Does it have an impact on your body? . Well, Let's see. So linen, for example, It's made from flax.

It's known to help you fall asleep, faster and deeper. It can improve your mood. It's been proven in surgeries and healing, which is why hospitals use it. And it's resistant to fungus and bacteria. So it's a barrier to disease. It's also one of the few fabrics that can regulate your body temperature. . When it's cold. It can help warm you.

When it's warm, it can help. Cool. You.

Fabrics have frequency. Remember, we said everything is made of frequencies, literally everything.

our human [:

Experiments done by.

Many frequency experts. Say the human bias frequencies can differ from 70 to 100.

If your frequency is less than 62 Hertz. You are not in good shape. You are in poor health. So anything above there is good. Now. Certain fabrics are really high. Like linen. At 5,000 wool is at 5,000. So these are great for you.

Organic cotton. Is 70 to one 10.

It can go up to 400.

. All right, rayon. Not good.[:

Is closer. To the earth magnetic field. But not great. I know it's a natural substance. What it is good at. Is actually filtering water. That's a whole other discussion.

At your lowest point. You would be at a 15.

So these.

Fabrics. I can help you or hurt you even hospitals. Like I just said, they know this. They're not telling you this, but they know this.

Dr. Emoto.

tive to you. That's amazing. [:

And of course it's the.

Favorite plant of environmentalist's.

So here is just a little rundown of hemp.

Cotton is also super good. Just not quite as good as hemp. This is one of those things that hippies have it right. All right. First of all, it has extremely high vibration. That's good for you. It's four times stronger than cotton. It doesn't break down as you wash it. It breeze better than any other fabric. So your.

Body owner is less.

Color doesn't fade. As most other natural fabrics will. It's the strongest thread and also makes the strongest ropes you can use.

u can get too much UV. So if [:

It is super rich in vitamins.

It also is antibacterial.

Can be water resistant. It's also fire resistant. And it can control your body temperature or in your home, Like in a blanket. Or Sheetz this kind of thing. When it's cold, Hempel provide heat. When it's hotter. Hempel cool. You.

The weirdest part of flax clothing, which is linen.

Is, it can act like an antenna. I know that sounds weird. But if you put it on wounds, Hemp. Actually accelerates healing.

There's this guy named Dr. Albert. Abrams. He did studies on vibrational healing of fabrics.

bration. Remember, every EMF [:

Learning about how. Chemical dyes, for example, in your clothing can be damaging or learning about.

Any number of things that are touching you or around you are gonna affect you.

So the best things you can do is cotton. Linen wool and hemp.

They are biocompatible.

These will affect you in a positive or negative way. So why not make it positive?

So let's talk about this crystal. Thing a little bit more. There's what's called piezolectric crystals, P I E Z O. Electric crystals. You use them in your watches? Cell phones, computers, all of that kind of electronic stuff. Anything with electricity. For the most part.

You see.

The crystals that [:

I'm not talking about a nuclear reactor here. I'm talking about a natural substance that you could go find. It vibrates. At 32,768 times per second. Yes. That many times per second. That's pretty fast. And in order to use that in watches, for example, they use it for frequency. Of oscillation. So works like this. Think about a grandfather clock that pendulum moves back and forth. The speed at which that does that. Is then calculated as let's say one second. That's the timing of the oscillation to turn the mechanisms each swing one second. Turns it click one second. Click. That's how it maintains [00:41:00] its. Accuracy. And tells time.

That's pretty cool. Well, The crystals. Do the same thing. They have energy. They can measure their frequency, that energy, they can then take that energy. Coming out of that crystal. And create an oscillation mechanism. To turn the hands of the clock. It doesn't take very much. It's very small amount. So if you have a watch on your hand, With a battery in it, that battery works with the. Crystal. The crystal actually is cut to look like.

A tuning fork. Because that amplifies the frequency.

And those two work together to move the clock. Interesting.

the human body. All right. In:

If you're not sure what the pineal gland is. It's in the center of your brain [00:42:00] produces melatonin. Which works with melanin. Remember the light episode we talked about. Melanin stores energy from the sun. In whatever way this is. Could it be EMF? Sure. Could it be photons? Okay. But basically your pineal gland. Makes melatonin.

Which works with your melanin. So that affects your circadian rhythm, which in turn keeps you in the cycles of all of the EMF of the sun and earth. For the timing of everything. Day night. Seasons all of this. So in order for you to stay in this. This is pretty cool that you have. To crystals to types. On an, in your pineal gland. That work as, as a tuner or a resonator. And they're very sensitive to sound. Actually, they figured out. That sound.

ee how this is coming around [:

They didn't really have the PSO electric effect. Stimulating the gland. They were stimulated more by sound.

Also the are stimulated. With light. So light through your eyes. Another reason not to wear sunglasses. Light through your eyes all day, all the different frequencies.

Even late into the evening, all has an effect on your pineal gland.

And other areas of your brain. So when you reduce that, Frequency band. That is important for producing melatonin, which is the orange and. starting into the red. Frequency. That's going to tell you, go to a bed. Hey, the sun's going down.

Melatonin also affects your heart. So they know they've got lots of research on this. It affects your heart. The health of it.

You see the correlation of [:

There's a lot of talk now that your heart is not a pump. We'll get into that later under heart disease episode, but it might not be a. A pump it's actually all a lot more than a pump. That's going to be really fun to talk about.

rain chemicals that keep you [:

When you are. Consuming supplements.

Every nutrient has its own frequency, its own vibration. Those are both basically the same thing.

That has an impact in your body. It's not just the physical structure. It's also the frequency that it vibrates. So things like homeopathy, which they actually can make. Substances without. The ingredient in there. They use milk lactose. Essentially. Some other things. And then they impart the vibrational frequency from that substance into. That milk lactose.

For example. Let's say bee venom.

They can impart this frequency from the bee venom into the milk lactose.

enom. Then when you take it. [:

Homeopathy is extremely powerful. Medicine's been used for hundreds of years. It's they've tried to.

Downplay it and say it doesn't work. It absolutely works. That's where they got vaccines from. So don't let them tell you that it doesn't work because it does. Matter of fact, in some cases it can be so powerful. You take one dose, you are done. You'd never have to take anything after that.

Minerals. That's a really cool topic, because think about it. We've been talking about minerals and minerals are also metals, and of course you think of minerals as something that could conduct electricity, like zinc and copper. Silver. Gold. Things like that. Well, calcium. Magnesium. All of these minerals in your body, they all have EMF fields and vibrate and a frequency, and it gives you the strength and the power of that substance. Vitamins are the same way.

've vibrated their frequency [:

Their chemical structure.

But the one I find really fascinating would be food or herbs. So food. We know a super powerful in your body and all the things it can do. Also herbs we know are very, very powerful.

If you take. Things that have. A lot of substances in them. Lots of compounds. Put them all together. Let's call it. Ginger, my single favorite herbs. It has so many compounds. They don't even know what to name them anymore. By this point, it's probably well over a thousand, the last that I knew that they, they were over 700.

Let's talk. Beef. How many compounds does it have? Probably more than they can actually name. It's not just a protein source. There's all kinds of chemicals in there. And molecules that the cow produced from the grass.

s own vibrational frequency. [:

Product. It could be good or it might be detrimental. That's where the EMF comes in. Do you would know if you could test it in or on your body before you start taking a lot of it. But the food and the herbs are super, super powerful. And that's why, because there's a whole lot of EMF making up one large EMF. I hope that makes sense.

it's your job. It's part of [:


Just because it looks benign doesn't mean that it's good for you. I can tell you right now, if you have a magnet near you, that is really, really powerful. It's going to hurt you. But you take small magnets with the bright polarity against the skin and you can actually help yourself. It's a crazy. But it works. Everything around you is affecting your EMF field.


That's interesting.

You're never going to be able to get away from EMF fields. Like we talked about earlier, the whole earth. Everything coming at the earth. You you, there's no way around it. But you can mitigate manmade EMF.

started actually. Previous to:

About 1910. It starts ramping up a little bit. And then in 1918, This is one of the events. If you know, at 1918 was. We'll call it an outbreak.

Every subsequent outbreak since then.

Is related to a large amount. Of electrosmog. EMF output.

Every one. All within a very short amount of time. The latest one you may have heard of, you may have gone through it.

It was the largest [:

Enough EMF. To literally change. Humans and every living thing within its area. I'll let you guess. Where that is, it started with the w. What happened after that? Hmm. What are the rest of the world? Do. Just after that one. Did the same thing. But every single event.

In history of, uh, outbreak. Actually has an event associated with it. For electrosmog. I'll let you chew on that one for a while. If you want to know more, we can go into it.

Here's a really cool one for you. Pathogens. You know, we talked about parasites and mold and all that fun stuff. Pathogens. This is a really unique way to think about this. So I'm trying to.

Enlighten you that every single thing has an EMF output. And is affected by EMF outside of it. Okay.

e worn. There is a frequency [:

When you kill these things with a certain frequency. You generally do not kill anything good. That's maybe very closely associated with that frequency. So it's a very safe technique. Does it work? Absolutely. One of those is called the rife technique. You can buy rife machines. R I F E. You can go to doctors. Who do this, who specialize in this? So you don't do it yourself at home. Remember, if you're going to kill pathogens in any way. Whether you're using herbs. Uh, or a rife technique.

do not recommend anybody do. [:

When you kill things like that. They release chemicals, poisons. They don't want to die.

e, anything longer than even [:

Societies around the world that practice fasting and been doing it their whole lives.

They don't have the same response that other people have. How do you know what's going to happen to your body? If you did that?

If you're ever going to do one. On your own, you better do it on vacation. Because you might be out. For 2, 3, 4, 5 days. Wishing you could die.

I'm not a fan of fasting, especially. Uh, water fast. Or. No food fast or even a fast where you add herbs for cleansing. Cause it sounds like a great thing to do. I don't think it's a great thing to do. I know. Most of you are saying, but I've heard so many good things about fasting. I'm supposed to intermittent fast to lose weight and all this kind of thing. There are. Easier ways to be healthy. Then. Taking out sustenance. When you don't need to.

you turn it off because you [:

Try and be as healthy as you can now. Electrosmog is the first thing, right. We want to get rid of, because that's just bombarding you all the time. So maybe. Turn off your wifi in your house. When you go to bed, there's ways to do that. You just turn it off. How about. Not putting yourself phone in your bedroom. When you're sleeping, that's a terrible thing to do. That thing should be out of your bedroom. Completely. The only thing electronic. Technically in your.

re life. Well, of course you [:

You can't tell me that the TV playing in the background is good for your brain. All of that sound. All of the light, that blue, by the way.

gular frequency, like a fan. [:

And of course we all know that part of television is it turns you on a drone. The whole point of it is it flashes at a specific rate to make you stare at it and keep staring at it. All the while it's giving you blue light. So it keeps you up and then puts you into a drone state. So maybe you're feeling the drone street. Uh, enough to relax. You. But trust me, you are not getting the sleep that you think you're getting.

That's the, that's the start [:

Do the other methods that they can check that or just be super healthy and you don't have to worry about them. Don't have to do them.

During the day. Limiting the phone. As a whole, get it away from you. It doesn't need to be near you. You know, the people who don't have cell phones,

ne. And they're always just. [:

That thing. He is a magnet for energy to be pulled in. From EMF, ELDs and right into you. Trust me. Anything you can do to keep that sucker away from you. The better. If you don't need to use it. Why is it even on? Why, why is it even in our lives at this point? To look at social media. Because it used to be, we had cell phones just in case, you know, we've got caught the side of the road with a flat tire or something weird like this. All of a sudden it's turned into this thing where everybody is using it while they're driving their cars. You can't even watch a movie without people on their phone at the movie theater, even, probably in their own home. , so you traded a huge screen in the movie theater for this tiny little one in front of your face. I don't get it. Okay. Enough. You understand what I'm saying? There's a really cool thing you can do.

ut the basic idea is you get [:

Some networks, asphalt really doesn't work. Grassworks dirt works, this kind of thing. You create a circuit and you dump all this negative. EMF electronic. Whatever the stuff is.

Doing that on a regular basis is an absolutely essential way to stay healthy. It absolutely works. They have real research. You can do it yourself. There's clinical trials. You get a meter. You go outside.

is grounding. You're getting [:

That's an energy.


It tries to mimic as close as it can with magnets, the Guass of the earth.

So as you're sleeping. It puts you in a magnetic field. And protects you from EMF. That of the earth. Very cool stuff.

Like I said, magnets. At all, it's all EMF field. So you can use them for you or against you. You got to know how to use those pads, but there's other types of ways you can use magnets, you know, on your life for EMF protection. We won't get into all those in future, maybe.

The water that you consume.

This is a big [:

Spring water. Type of water. Great. . Fantastic. The best. That you can get is still for America. Cause it's better to get stuff closer to you. Would be mountain valley spring it's in the green bottles. That's the best you can get here.

As far as purified water goes. I'm a huge fan of a company called Penta P E N T a. Stands for five, five molecule water. It's the cleanest water you can get. Period.

ther way. Just water itself. [:

Now here's one that we can all do. When you're listening to music.

If you're trying to relax. Then. You want to listen to the best? Music that puts off the best EMF field. Now, what is that? Well, you might need to look that one up. We could go all day. I'm not going to list a bunch of them, but they say. Harp music.


Different frequencies, which is just a straight sound in your headphones, or just playing through speaker or whatever, that kind of thing. Can induce inside you a calming effect or it can get you excited. So just want you to think about that one too. You always have to listen to music. You can sing to that kind of thing. Can you, can you just try playing something that you normally wouldn't and see what happens?

come up with. To meditate on [:

Gratitude has a connotation in your mind because you know what it is, it immediately puts you into a certain state. That meditation on that. One word can change your attitude all day. Even just putting it. On a. Assign or a sticker next to your desk. Can help every time you see it, your brain automatically recognizes that word. You can meditate on a sound. On a photo. That's really beautiful. On a thought. Of a time in your life. It's not something you got to do, like the Tibetans do and get into a yoga posture and all this don't have to do that. You can just literally sit in your chair or stand, go sit outside better yet would be to ground. In the grass. And meditate like that.

re powerful than meditation. [:

With the Kirlian photography. Taking two people. Come together and touch each other. And it changes the way that that EMF field is. So. You're doing the same thing just in yourself by praying or meditating. It's absolutely amazing thing to do. And by the way, you can do it anytime you want. And it's free.

The last one, I'm going to tell you. And that's not the most. Important one, but I think it's probably.

The most.

Profound. You see.

uch. So getting into nature. [:

The insects. All of the life that's in there. There's pretty much nothing really negative to [01:09:00] speak of. In a forest or the woods. I guess you'd call it the woods because who has a forest? I think maybe England, they call them forests. Either way.

You are putting yourself into an environment that is almost protected from the outside. And also you're taking on the frequencies of everything around you. When you do that, it gets rid of your negative EMF. So you take on all of that. It's so much more positive than you can be negative. I don't know of many people that can be. Really that upset in the woods. Especially if you're mindful, when you go in there. Now.

There are things you can't see as well. And those are something called forest bathing.

Those are something that the vegetation and the trees put off to protect themselves. Which are actually beneficial to us. It's called forest bathing.

tect themselves from insects [:

So, those are just some ways that you can. Help mitigate the EMF. I hope this was interesting because I had a lot of fun doing it.

ve to expand on little areas [:

And if you know, what's there now, now I can empower you. To take care of yourself in this way. Now we've covered. Pretty much. Most of all the foundational episodes I can think of. There might be one more. I'm thinking about this other one.

But you can get protected from. EMF toxins, mold parasites.

Ingredients in food. Et cetera.

Hopefully you're empowered. That's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to empower you. After this maybe next. Episode.

episode. We'll start getting [:

How to heal yourself, what to do. How to buy it. How to use it. When to take it. These kinds of areas. I do have to be careful with that. I can't. Prescribe anything. I can only say what I would do. Or what the manufacturers are saying. With maybe a little twist. I don't want to get in trouble.

All right. That's it. Take care of yourself.





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