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She loved weight lifting but felt burnt out until Thyroid Strong w/ Echo Raphael
Episode 12222nd September 2022 • Thyroid Strong • Emily Kiberd
00:00:00 00:28:16

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Episode Summary 

I’m joined by Echo Raphael, a Thyroid Strong and Stay Strong member, to discuss her journey with Hashimoto’s and the enormous shift that she’s experienced in her life after reincorporating weightlifting into her routine. 

Key Takeaways 

Before she started experiencing symptoms of Hashimoto’s, Echo led a very active, healthy life. Once the pain and brain fog started to slow her down, she worked with a functional nutritionist to find solutions that worked for her. She saw one of my Thyroid Strong posts on Instagram and wanted to jump back into lifting heavy weights. Even though she was skeptical, she left every workout feeling more energized and happier. Weight training has also made everyday life and chores easier, and it boosted her Covid recovery. 

Echo Raphael 

Echo Raphael is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Hormone Specialist by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. In 2019 she was also certified in 200 Hour Yoga Instruction with YogaWorks. Her approach addresses root cause issues for long term healing and knows there is no "one size fits all" to health.

Echo’s Hashimoto’s Journey & Life Before Thyroid Strong

Echo thought that she was just hitting it too hard at the gym when she started to experience back and neck pain. When her chronic fatigue started to escalate, her doctors told her that she was overworking herself and needed to rest, but Echo felt like there was something else going on. When she got her lab results back, her TPO antibodies were through the roof and she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. Once she got on the proper dose of medication and implemented certain diet and lifestyle changes, she felt ready to try out Thyroid Strong. 

Getting Back in the Gym with Thyroid Strong 

Pre-Hashi’s, Echo liked to use the Sweat app and was a fan of lifting heavy weights. She likes that Thyroid Strong offers something for everyone, including people who are brand new to weightlifting. The 20-30 minute workouts are effective and leave her sore in all the right ways. Other aspects of her life, like unloading heavy grocery bags or going for longer walks, have become easier as a result of training with Thyroid Strong. 

In This Episode 

Echo details how she discovered she had Hashimoto’s [ 1:44 ]

Emily asks Echo how she found out about Thyroid Strong. [ 10:27 ]

Echo talks about what she likes and what she would do differently with Thyroid Strong. [ 12:13 ]

Emily and Echo talk about getting back into exercise after having Covid. [ 17:51 ]

Echo talks about her program, The Butterfly Effect. [ 22:22 ]

Echo shares her message for anyone who is hesitant of signing up for Thyroid Strong. [ 25:26 ]


If I could do anything to get back into the gym and lift weights without feeling fatigued, I would do it. [11:38]

Every single time I worked out, I felt worse. But with this program, I would leave a workout with more energy, I'd feel better, and I'd feel happier. [12:44] 

I think with Hashimoto’s, we kind of have to unlearn some things that we've learned before. [16:05]

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Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or on your favorite podcast platform. 

Topics Covered:

  • How Thyroid Strong helped Echo navigate her Hashimoto’s diagnosis 
  • Tips for getting back into a movement routine after being sick 
  • What it’s like to rediscover your strength 
  • The mental and emotional benefits that Echo gets from being part of Thyroid Strong 
  • The one product that helps Echo when she has Hashi’s flare ups 

Guest Info: 

Follow Dr Emily Kiberd:

If you want more information on the 5 day Hashi Consistency Workout Challenge starting Monday September 29th, join for free here.

If you’re looking to lose weight with Hashimoto’s:

If you’re looking to beat the Hashimoto’s fatigue:

If you want to learn more about 3 things NOT TO DO in your workout if you have Hashimoto’s and WHAT TO DO instead:

If you want to dive right into Thyroid Strong online workout program:


Echo Raphael:

because I'm like, I've tried everything at this point, and going into the gym and being able to lift heavy and leave, and just feel better, like I felt better. And it was weird because every single time I worked out, I felt worse. But with this program, I would leave a workout with more energy, I'd feel better, I'd feel happier. And just the fact that I can get in the gym, and I've even tried like before, lifting lighter weights and thinking that that was the answer, and it just wasn't the answer. And there's just something about lifting a heavy weight that just makes me so happy. So everything about this program was so great.

Emily Kiberd:

What's up lovely ladies, Dr. Emily hybird. Here with thyroid strong podcast. I am a chiropractor, a mama to Elvis and Brooklyn and I have Hashimotos. But it's currently in remission. On this podcast, I share simple, actionable steps. With a little bit of tough love on how to lose that stubborn weight, get your energy and your life back. And finally learn how to work out without burning out living with Hashimotos. Echo, welcome to thyroid strong podcast. So excited to have you on.

Echo Raphael:

I'm so excited to be here. This is my first podcast ever. So I'm like really excited. And yeah.

Emily Kiberd:

Also, everyone who listens in is either suspecting they have Hashimotos or has been diagnosed with Hashimotos. And I'd love for you to share your journey into finding out that you

Echo Raphael:

had Hashimotos Yeah, wow. It's a crazy story. I feel like I feel like everybody that gets diagnosed with Hashimotos has a different journey. And for me personally, I was somebody that always really took care of my health. And it came as a big shock. Because I felt like I was doing all the quote unquote, right things. I fell in love with food. And I fell in love with weightlifting before my diagnosis. And I had my quote unquote, like perfect physique, I was so happy. I was fueling my body with whole foods. And I became a holistic health coach, because I just fell in love with health. And right before COVID, I had actually taken a yoga teacher training as well. And when I completed this yoga teacher training, I kind of started noticing that I was a little bit tired, because I think that I was doing my yoga training and then also doing weight training at the same time. And my yoga training was a little bit intensive, where we would do like two hours of yoga on the weekends. And then, on top of my already weightlifting routine, I think it was just a little bit too much on my body. So as my yoga training ended, and I went back into the gym, I started noticing like I was getting a lower back pain. And this was so weird to me, because I felt like I was always somebody who really focus on their form. And yeah, it just was super weird. And every single time I went to the gym, I would get this like muscle spasm in my back. And I went to the doctor and they couldn't find anything wrong. So I'm like, What the heck is going on? I can't wait lift anymore. And that was the first thing that was kind of hard for me to navigate. And I was gonna go to a physical therapist, but then COVID hit. And so I couldn't go to the gym anymore. And I tried to do the at home workouts and I kind of was like, this is not the same.

Echo Raphael:

I just want to be back into a gym. And then that's when I started noticing some symptoms. The first thing I noticed other than my back weird thing was my main symptom was a pressure in my neck and this pressure in my neck would just not go away. And I remember being in a relationship with my ex boyfriend at the time and just going over his house and complaining. Like why does my neck hurt? This is so weird. And then on top of the like, I started feeling fatigued more and more after the over exercising and it seemed as I would try and do my at home workouts and every time I would I would just be more tired. And I spent a lot of time just feeling tired all the time. And eventually, the pain in my neck just grew more and more and the fatigue just grew more and more. I was like no something is actually wrong. I was in and out of doctors offices, trying to figure out what was wrong. Everyone just told me. Oh, don't you have a history with anxiety? That's what I see here. And I'm like, Yeah, this is true, but this is not the same. There is something going on here that's deeper than just anxiety. So I took my health into my own hands because I realized that in my personal Journey, I wasn't going to get the answers that I was searching for doing the same thing that I was doing. So I worked with a functional nutritionist online. And while she can't personally diagnose me, we ran labs. And it was apparent that I had Hashimotos, as my TPO antibodies were through the roof. Mine were personally at 300. And in my highest, they've been at 550. So they've been pretty up there. And for me personally, once I found out, I mean, I went through all of the emotions, I went through all of the emotions of how could this happen to me, how did this happen to me, and everything like that. So once I got out of that mode, I was like, I'm ready to do whatever it takes to find the root cause of this and heal from it. And since then, that was about a year ago, July of 2021, is when I was diagnosed. And even since then, like, I've done so much healing in just one year, it's kind of crazy. And I'm just gonna continue being on this journey and just share everything that I've learned over the past year, and just as my journey as a holistic health coach. And yeah, I feel like that's kind of just like, my purpose here, is to have gone through it. And for me, personally, when I first got diagnosed, I really tried to heal completely holistically, which I don't entirely recommend if you need medication, because yeah, I tried that. And I was just kind of making myself suffer. And then once I got on the proper dose of medication, and implemented the diet and lifestyle changes, I really feel like that's what's helped me be where I am today.

Emily Kiberd:

I feel like sometimes women don't want to do medication because it's not, quote unquote, natural, but it's like, you will feel potentially so much better.

Echo Raphael:

I learned that the hard way. But in a way, like, I'm kind of glad that that was my journey, just because I know how intense and severe that this disease really is. And I feel like I felt it to the max capacity that I could feel it at. So I really know what it feels like without the medication, and how deeply difficult it is to manage. I don't suggest that you do it that way. But I am happy in my personal journey that I went through that because I really do know how difficult it is to live with.

Emily Kiberd:

When you talk about the pain in your neck, was it outside like over your thyroid gland? Or was it on the backside?

Echo Raphael:

it was in the front, it was like my thyroid was swollen all the time, because obviously it's being attacked and attacked and attacked. And without the medication, my body could really feel that like it felt like somebody was squeezing my neck at all times. It was very painful. And I feel like even now, like if I go through a period of stress or something emotional happens in my life, or I over exercise that will be the first thing that I'll notice is my neck will hurt. That's my like main symptom, which I know I've talked with a lot of people and some people have it and some people don't. And I feel like it. It's one of those ones that's kind of like a little fascinating for people.

Emily Kiberd:

Yeah, even fascinating from like a quote unquote stress perspective. Because if you think of like a fullness or pressure or tightness or pain on the phone, your neck, right that if you equate it to like someone with their hands around your neck can put you in that like fight or flight response. I like chronic stress response. If you're feeling that from an inflammation of your thyroid gland, or fullness of your thyroid gland, subconsciously, you're probably like, in a constant fight or flight state.

Echo Raphael:

Yeah, it's actually interesting you say that, because in my own personal journey, something I feel like the root cause for me was stress related 1,000% And because like I said, I was doing all the quote unquote, right things. I've always taken care of my health. But when you really look at my past patterns and relationships with people, those always that haven't been my most healthy choices, and I feel like yeah, I feel like a lot of it is and has been stress related for me. And I actually did get my hormones tested as well using a Dutch test, which I highly recommend doing. And my cortisol levels were through the roof. So it definitely was something for me where I know that a big portion of this developing in me was from being stuck in fight or flight mode for sure.

Emily Kiberd:

I think it's also stressful to be trying to get your diagnosis going through COVID When like there's where a doctor office protocols or doctors aren't seeing patients in person that must have been very challenging.

Echo Raphael:

It was it was a whole other struggle on top of it and I don't blame the doctors offices of course. You know, there's good doctors and not so great doctors and and obviously, it was a stressful time for everybody. But it definitely was something, something where it was very difficult for me to navigate. I was like, Oh, what is going on?

Emily Kiberd:

So you had a history of enjoying lifting weights, which I think for a lot of women is probably not the norm, like a lot of women are like, Oh, wait, scary, it's gonna, it's gonna hurt me. But you had a history of enjoying throwing around heavy weights. How did you come across Thyroid Strong?

Echo Raphael:

I came across thyroid strong, just scrolling through Instagram, I'm pretty sure that you came up on my Instagram feed, just like as a suggested post. And it was a post that you had done. That literally spoke to my soul, because it said something like, talking about if you've been doing yoga, or walks and you're still feeling tired, and for me throughout my Hashimoto journey, that is something that's been really, really difficult for me, personally, coming from a weightlifting background is doing such little movements, such as taking a walk around your neighborhood. I mean, that doesn't require much movement, it's, it's considered like a low impact workout. And I would be left fatigued for days, sometimes even weeks for just going for a simple walk in the neighborhood. So for me, it was heartbreaking, because I loves to throw out around heavy weights. And when I saw that post, I was like, wait, what it's like this is, this is so meet, if I could do anything to get back into the gym and lift weights without me feeling fatigued, I will do it. So when I saw that post, I was so excited. And I immediately was like, I need to join this.

Emily Kiberd:

That's awesome. I gotta go find that post and dig it out. I don't even remember, you know, but it's somewhere in there.

Echo Raphael:

Ya know, it's there. And it spoke to my soul. I was like, that's 100% me.

Emily Kiberd:

Love it. Obviously, you went through the six weeks, and you join the membership, which is stay strong afterwards. What were some of the things that you enjoyed about Thyroid Strong?

Echo Raphael:

of course, just enjoyed to be able to go back in the gym and lift heavy and not feel fatigued after a workout was great. And I was definitely I know, I saw a lot of other people be skeptical at first being like, Am I really going to not feel this way. And I was too, because I'm like, I've tried everything at this point, and going into the gym and being able to lift heavy and leave, and just feel better. Like I felt better. And it was weird. Because every single time I worked out, I felt worse. But with this program, I would leave a workout with more energy, I'd feel better, I'd feel happier. And just the fact that I can get in the gym. And I've even tried like before lifting lighter weights and thinking that that was the answer. And it just wasn't the answer. And there's just something about lifting a heavy weight that just makes me so happy. So everything about this program was so great.

Emily Kiberd:

I love it. What was something maybe you didn't like about it? Because I think that's important to bring up.

Echo Raphael:

The only thing that I personally didn't like about it. And this is such a personal reason. Yeah. Is I since I come from a weightlifting background. I'm somebody that's like I have I used to have an app, I used to use the sweat app. Oh, yeah, I did power with Kelsey wells. And that was like, that was my shit. I don't know if I can say on the mug. But that, oh, I've completed that program like multiple times. And I just loved it. And when you look at like an app, and then it has like the person doing the just like the exercise that you're supposed to be doing on the app, it's just so easy for me to like, look at it and then do it. But thyroid strong, you you kind of have to go back to the basics a little bit and make sure you're doing the right things, which I think is a positive thing for me listening to having to go back and listen to the video when you're kind of like in the zone and want to just like look at the exercise and do it was a little difficult for me. But I think that it's important to have in there for people who are just starting their weightlifting journey. So that was just a very personal thing. That was

Emily Kiberd:

interesting, because it's much easier to create the program and just do like a woman How To video like how to deadlift and then reads the program. It's like, it's an easier structure. But women were like, No, I want to like work out with you. I want you to do the whole workout with me.

Echo Raphael:

Yeah, and I understand that. So I

Emily Kiberd:

like sat down. I was like, sure it was like do the whole workout. Like you're gonna sweat right there with me for the full like 2030 minutes.

Echo Raphael:

It's totally personal preference, because I know that there are some people that love to turn on a TV and like do the whole workout with the person. I'm just not that person. But yeah, I mean it's just very It's just very individual based. I feel like

Emily Kiberd:

totally, even for myself, I don't even like watching videos I like just like reading the program and doing it like in my own time, so I can put my own rest breaks in. Yeah, I was like, you know, people learned different ways. So I should just try to like include all the different ways like read a program, watch single how to videos as well as workout for 30 minutes with me,

Echo Raphael:

for sure I just download the workouts and do it that way. But there are some where I'm like, I don't know what this means. So I have to go back and watch you do it. So for that I'm grateful.

Emily Kiberd:

Oh, awesome. Sometimes, especially for the women who have lifted before when they start thyroids strong, they do 2025 minute workout and they're like, is that it? Should I do this workout twice? Should I do one of these five days a week or six days a week? Did you find that to be true at all? Especially coming from like a probably more high intensity lifting? If you're doing sweat app?

Echo Raphael:

Absolutely. I think that we all want or we our minds are programmed to think a certain way when it comes to exercise. And I think with Hashimotos, we kind of have to unlearn some things that we've learned before. And sometimes you have to learn that the hard way by just going out there and trying it and be like, Oh, my body is not there yet. So I think that it's okay to have those types of thoughts, because we still are learning and navigating what our new life is like living with Hashimotos. But I will say that sometimes with this less really is more and those workouts that are just those 2025 minute workouts are so good, and they're doing so much for you, you're gonna be maybe a little sore, not like so sore that you can't move the next day, but you saw things, some good places, and you'll see that the workouts really are really aren't good workouts, even with being just 20 to 30 minutes,

Emily Kiberd:

a lot of us assume with Hashimotos that our healing journey is linear, right? Like we're gonna eat better workout, try to like it's, but it's really kind of this like one step forward, two steps back two steps forward one step back, especially with kind of these crazy times of getting COVID. And a lot of women asked, you know, if I had a setback, like getting COVID Where do I pick up again? Do I start from the beginning, do I leave or like go back to where I left off, because you had COVID, right? I know for myself when I had COVID. It took me a good three weeks just to be able to like walk around the block without needing a four hour nap. And even getting back into my workout routine. I was so winded, so fatigued, I'd love for you to share your experience with having maybe a hurdle or a setback and getting back into working out and taking care of yourself from all aspects.

Echo Raphael:

I started thyroid strong, I finished thyroid strong. Then I joined stay strong. And I completed the first week. And then I went on vacation. And I got COVID. So the point where I started and stopped was an interesting one because I had just completed the program. So for me, luckily for me, I got it for three and a half days. And then the rest of the time that I was still positive, I didn't really have intense symptoms. And I was lucky for me where when it was finally over. I felt a little fatigue. But it was nothing crazy was nothing like the fatigue, I had even felt a year prior. So I was definitely very grateful for that. However, when I went back into the program, I started at week one. And I could definitely tell that it was a little difficult for me to restart, having had COVID. And having taken all that time off. But I felt like everybody is so different. But I quickly kind of recovered from that and was able to complete all three workouts and by the end of the week felt really good. That's just what happened for me. I don't know, it can be just so different for anyone. But I would say to just kind of pick up where you left off and see how you feel. I know for me and somebody that's come from a weightlifting program or weightlifting background and done programs, like I think we kind of all get in this mode of like, oh, do I need to start back from the beginning or I'm just gonna lose all my progress. And I feel like you can start where you left off and just see how you feel. And if you feel like you need to go back a little bit then you can backtrack and it's gonna be okay.

Emily Kiberd:

It was the kettlebell swings, wasn't it? Like the Yeah, the

Echo Raphael:

kettlebell swings get me

Emily Kiberd:

out I remember after COVID I remember swinging and I was like, like, I felt like I was like sucking wind. I was like I only did five.

Echo Raphael:

I just completed the first week this week of stay strong and it's those those lunges, lunges they get me and it's funny because those are what don't Have any weight that you're picking up, but they are, when you do that many of them in a row. I'm like

Emily Kiberd:

sometimes I look at a program and I'm like, Oh, who programmed all these squats and lunges? I'm like, oh, right, I wrote that program.

Echo Raphael:

Okay. That's hilarious. I'm one of those people that actually like loves squats. And I know you either, like, love them or hate them, but I love them.

Emily Kiberd:

That's awesome. So what would you tell the woman who is maybe hesitant to pick up a weight or is hesitant because they're afraid of injuring themselves?

Echo Raphael:

I would say, go slow, but you're stronger than you think. And you can totally do this. And just do a year if you feel comfortable with at first and over time, you're gonna get stronger and stronger, and things are gonna get easier and easier. And I know that gym anxiety is a total real thing. So if you want to start off at home and work your way up to being more confident in the gym, like go for it. If you want to just go to the gym and stick to yourself and start slow, like do that. Just do what you're comfortable with. But just know that you are strong. Any, you definitely are stronger than you think.

Emily Kiberd:

Totally Have you noticed now doing Thyroid Strong that maybe other aspects in life have gotten easier?

Echo Raphael:

hands down, absolutely no hands down. I feel like now even this many weeks later, like I can now take walks because my legs are stronger. And I'm just stronger. The walk around the neighborhood that was going to fatigue me before is not going to fatigue me now. I've been able to do many, many walks after thyroid strong, which is great, because I love getting outside and walking. And yeah, it just does wonders for my stress levels. So I'm really grateful for that I definitely can tell even just like lifting groceries and things like that, that it's easier on my arms. I feel like I'm getting less like weird pains throughout my body, which is good. I can feel myself getting stronger those pains in my back that I had mentioned in the beginning. They don't happen anymore. Specifically this program, I think, especially being a chiropractor, too. I was like, this is perfect for me. I felt like yeah, all of these exercises are really good on my back and not too strenuous, which I'm definitely grateful for.

Emily Kiberd:

Awesome. You also have a program for women with Hashimotos. Can you share some information on that?

Echo Raphael:

Yeah, sure. Um, I created a program called the butterfly effect. For those healing their butterfly glands. It's a self paced course with nine different modules all about the different diet and lifestyle changes going into root causes, gut health, metabolism, different lifestyle changes are just so many things that I wish that I had known a year ago when I was diagnosed. And I put everything into just one easy place where you can go start to finish on your own time, and really just learn about what exactly is going on in your body, and how you can make the necessary steps to begin to make your symptoms feel better and go on a path of healing holistically. And there are just so many things that I had wished I knew in the beginning that I want to help everybody learn because I know everyone's on a different journey. But yeah, there are just so many things that I feel like as a holistic health coach, and somebody that is living with this, I just want to put all the information that I know out there and help as many women as possible, what

Emily Kiberd:

What are one or two of the things you wish you had known when you in the beginning?

Echo Raphael:

I feel like for my own personal journey, the lifestyle changes were like the biggest thing. And I used to have really intense flare ups where I would feel really dizzy. And I would just feel them coming on. It was almost like a really heavy feeling throughout my body where I kind of just felt extremely dizzy. And like I could just say on the floor there that used to happen to me a lot. And one of like the biggest things and it's so it's such a small little tool, but seriously changed my entire life was taking Epsom salt baths. And right when I felt like I was going to go into this flare like I would just immediately get in the bath for like soaking in it for like 30 minutes. And it would make me feel so much better. And it would actually stop some of the flares sometimes. So I feel like for me personally in my own personal journey, it's taken a lot of trial and error. But I think that the lifestyle changes were little tools that I wish that I had had then so that's probably my favorite section in the course is just going through all the different detoxing that you could do and just different tools that you can implement into your life to live a happier and more stress free and on your way to working towards symptom free life. Awesome.

Emily Kiberd:

Where can people find you? You,

Echo Raphael:

you can find me on either Instagram or tick tock, my app is going to be at Eco wellness club. And you can find me same at on Tiktok and Instagram. And you could find me there ask me any questions that you'd like. If you want to read more about the butterfly effect, you can just click the link that's on either page, and it'll take you right to there. Awesome.

Emily Kiberd:

And then one last question. What would you tell the woman who's like hesitant to join Thyroid Strong?

Echo Raphael:

Oh, I would say that there's nothing to be hesitant about. Just go for it. This program is going to make you stronger. It's going to help in every aspect of your life. Like, not even just with weightlifting, it's just going to help you feel more energized. It's going to help your mood. It's seriously I cannot rave about this program enough. I've probably told everyone I know. So I would 100% Just say go for it. And I know it's kind of scary, joining something new and it's kind of scary, especially if you don't come from a weightlifting background. It can be intimidating to pick the weight but like everybody starts somewhere every single person that's ever picked up a weight there's been a point in their life where they've never picked up one before and I'm as somebody who has been very strong from weightlifting, I would say it's one of my favorite feelings in the world just to feel your best and feel strong. And that is truly an unmatched feeling. So you can feel that way with Hashimotos

Emily Kiberd:

I love it. Echo thank you so much for sharing your journey and then also for sharing, of course your offering in the world. It was so great to have you on thyroid strong.

Echo Raphael:

I loved this conversation. It was amazing. And I thank you for having me.

Emily Kiberd:

If you enjoyed this episode, or even learned just one new piece of information to help you on your Hashimotos journey. Would you do me a huge favor, rate and review thyroid strong podcast on iTunes, Spotify or whatever platform you used to listen to this podcast and share what you liked. maybe learn something new. And if you didn't like it, well shoot me a DM on Instagram Dr. Emily hybird I read and respond to every single DM I truly believe all feedback is good feedback. Even the ugly comments if you're interested in joining the thyroid strong course a home workout program using kettlebells and weights where I teach you how to work out without the burnout. Go to Dr. Emily forward slash T s waitlist you'll get all the most up to date information on the course launches and goes live special deals and early access bonuses for myself and my functional medicine doctor friends again Dr. Emily forward slash T s weightless hope to see you on the inside ladies





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