Artwork for podcast Lost in the Groove
American Groove - #50 Kart Flicks
6th February 2024 • Lost in the Groove • Dave Lennon
00:00:00 00:57:58

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In this episode, we found ourselves wandering into the world of Nintendo. Starting with Mario Kart, and believe it or not, the intricacies of characters. Like Metal Mario, Princess Peach, and all-time favorite, Yoshi. Video games will always have a special place no matter what.

We end up reminiscing about classic movies like Titanic and Alien. We questioned the choices of characters dialogue. Dissected their lives, and explored the fascinating world of storytelling thru Jame's Cameron. From the terrifying corridors of Alien. To the breathtaking, yet tragic voyage of the Titanic.

The host of American groove is Karissa Andrews. A licensed aesthetician, makeup artist and lover of pugs. The best part is that you can check out her work on Instagram: 

We have a magical link below with all our socials and handle so you can find us on your favorite pod spot 🤟.



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