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Level Up Your Podcast - 8 Editing Tricks for Captivating Episodes
Episode 2320th May 2024 • Podcast Editing and Support - True Media Solutions • Dave Campbell
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Episode 23 - Level Up Your Podcast - 8 Editing Tricks for Captivating Episodes

Here are 8 simple tips for new podcast editors to tighten up their episodes:

Choose the Right Software: Use a digital audio workstation (DAW) like GarageBand or Audacity to edit your podcast. DAWs allow multi-track editing, non-destructive editing, and other useful features.

Organize Files: Create a consistent file naming system and use separate tracks for different audio types (e.g. interviews, voiceovers, music) to make editing easier.1

Make an Outline: Listen to the raw audio and make notes on what to keep or cut. Separate content edits from sound edits.1

Learn the Tools: Familiarize yourself with scrubbing, splitting, trimming, fading, balancing audio, equalizing, and normalizing volume.1

Remove Unnecessary Audio: Cut out dead air, ums, coughs, background noise, etc. to improve the listening experience. But don't over-edit and disrupt the natural flow.1

Add an Attention Grabber: Use intro music, interesting audio clips, or other hooks to captivate listeners from the start.1

Try Sound Design: Enhance storytelling by strategically adding music, sound effects, sweepers, or stingers. But don't overdo it.1

Review Your Edit: Listen to the full edited episode as a listener would and make any final adjustments needed.


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